Dill titanium rswmumaonnrt JumthltllahaoOerlulMarrspee wxwttr Editor lewrttua may sun in Kmlmnaplng utter Hllld Sections Merit Voice yinAdministrative Changes While it Is quits ripat areas sbotsid be oi prime concern council is not being Rumble ior lair representation at ea in the reglomi loree studies Ibidl are currently receive inltration rrrte Orllila Coiiiogwood Ind tilde land have received due recogxition as Hie growth center with the Mmiblese dildo and larged towns inthacouoiymembersoi the task iorce Conroy in rural rWartieulJoythrldemss county couttii also is rooet able mesa bar and could be ministered rural voice since his borne municipality is Sannidaie towndsip Reeve George Burton oi inoisiii alight ed as another rural voice It though his township has coneidersble territorialareas and enroll comrnunitles oi poles Rem Burton was primarily appointed iothelorce because helsohalr man oi the countys planning committee which has made some worthwhile rm mendatioru toward reorganisation drairoron ol iimnee Reeve Jamea Wales oi Tororooiio also should make valuable contribution to the atudiu sioce hewos drainnaa oi the opal goveramrai Indy land Tl Reeve Welea medallion made the reozymmdndailon was adpeted cou irorntba event 55 on it members startiagwilh snow term in January ills committee also Ienieda rtrssgg ll IDlt ningaraarmwdhbdsptglthsombatdhselmenu beaccept The eorinty plasma and re eeiol Iednceitsnr MW pr task last lorre bendoithe Midnight iooAiiwiti 0i key oouncli to the adrlevod on Sixth Simcoa towns ad Dradlord and Aiiirtoaaahssrilybebhmedlorieel lag utey ion mould be represented but the view appears tire ask ioree becoming too cambeasome rerIative oi the not people lids would mean the larger Orllila lor instance irotsld have at least two representatives There is danger at to have been taken it places like Ssrrie and occurring too cumbersome become stumbling block in the progress it seeks to achieve There is every iustiiicaiion lor the larger areas oi population provide the roost tax money tire great er voice But liaise who have been as ng that the rural point oi view also escrvcs to be board have good case 563 be storing the tutors tax bills involved in the tiratrgoc ReorgsrdIiog the county and omnid pal sdmialetratlon on more sound and modernbasis ls oi such importance to every cornmolly concerned that eat cars has to be taken to ensure ths Ia and all dung rerxilrie way withtuil protcotlon oi the rights oi rsletnyers in keeping with wmwwh not ac to sawter control corAtnueI ate with people who have to money Care should be taken to see that the democratic procesr is fares dned and not weakened in any way smile longsrange progress is to be as are done in practical in action provide tax worth aowuuauoavitur YEARS AGO iN TOWN Sarrle Examiner June it 19 Herrick DDGH lor Geo paid mi whit to Barrie ges Corinthian and Kerr DI et loll owedlssltasoatcierrpievrtthll Broth ntitit er for Ontario whetinstead arm at lrrstlpa or Werner throneids eodor er Drltoberi Guest ottss ley oi Midland Aarocu err Douglas Hedger Allaadale lmperialr his that team in roitbcil II manager moceediog WIiter Is Ro Acerbegsnseason rs who carried them to provincial honors in twoprevious bail seasons Steve tithes Joe Saro Sill Hare Jimmy Johnston Howard Stuart vignedlar manager replacing Tony Saso now retired George Ullrmrr one dieeied president liarrte only iour Dell Telegdr FivePin Rowling league Wellingt eideni Ontario ockey orence Stitchiie teacher Ii Ontario College in burlapaddressed lions ladiea Aaaiiiary at Queens Hotel with anecdotes oi tsrrrous music cost no on Hotel Townoi Barrie by marked coronation oi King George Vi and Queen Elizabeth Thous ands took part in ceremonies with Dnmp Borden personnel involved to parade and Irena program Tree planting by school children was one leature Royal Salute war memorial delight in charge oi Coir anti Gerry Lee cotnmanding ollt eer Cam Borden Evening program at arena was ol musical more voitool pupils directed by and Harold Dempsey vtr inspector or Students oi Serrte Crude nnatlon Dance President bDelaney ol tr II my Student Council headed committee and when he captured American lites Sonia Henie worlds ob ure skater visited iiIrrie lor ones at Queens Hotel on waon see Dionne Quin hapless at Osilaader Coronation DIIOWBITTSQ Acme wssogdsll eve meatbmtmrnmnaonbnarr named acting out istraiedueiilnees Compton Jello Barrio Chiaeaa Band oils nDistIint lod bieVIitle was and redo Sunday return to lisior Lon at banquet experiment trigtawsy store by by rural night concerts during Theatre donated by John llo Tutlord on by Re ire Simcoe held Cor on tig mi presented three was chairman lorllnai ogrsm loh lectured Collier Si Unl ed Olmsnh male quartet oi Horton Knox Victor Knox Bill Lambert and All Shop herd New leaiure was communtt sin log directed by Errde Ryan oi iwans let us meal Club Barrie my brsildlng industry Barrie coil late Cadet Co inspect Capt Oumada oi clIa Canadian light ntarrtry Trainin was carried cart by it Cocabur ti Synnoii and liorrow oi rsliait Douglas Reynolds was oliicar command tap CNR introduced new bus ior et new boat at loot ulcsoter Si needs Pat usirrfg both rail lines and oroph liclirtde elected resident Barrie Tennis Club thiired rarer chosen president hilandale Ten niIOluh Sarinessopeningsnew William Moore shoe merchant meat market by it John Brennan Wmmzrmmmbrseem EIITWCLTISZTRWHM tarsus PARK Price Squeeze Hits Growers By JON OIIEARN ash bursary Esauisser TORONTO Ontarios iruit lands are once more under threat The irult belt largely in the Niagara Peninsula and psriIIlly in Desert Cotintyl has been threaten rrlthm trtctloo in El Oil TIMI Irrlisn growth and industriali sates Some ol the huhgrowing areas have been taken over but the bulk still remain Now however the are prob ably in the roost so our danger everlased lMlOliT COMPETITION This time tha threat that the lands themes cnvstrd buitbat tha tea irtdt Industry they support is tied milled key segment at this to is causing Canned trurdbr than tbehbuthlc cairer enth Inch ruit sorrlst in recent year the camera have beengrt or more and outbid eompoadttlioa llrdtll Tcaos re the ill and OI Fruit The corrrpctllion has been put ilng the ndustry lo price squeeze that has now become critical So critical that aria rnsior canncr laced wltlt irrga mad ernira on costs has said it will have to class down unless there iI dlllltatlcs oi llrm conditions in tire iulurr INVITE lETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Iranian Iavliee eon lribalioaa is its latices to the editor colours as the re itoriai page Win possible letters should be restricted to lot to tilt wards and they should be slgsed Writers may pea same it they do sirv Mill Titers is In answer but it is In extremer tlckilrtr one it is the the trait irrdurtry Irach protection it needs this todry when all the move It away irom protec tion So much so that it Is rslher irowned on to even meal lion higher tasilts But there are exceptional circ cumrtanees in this use and It would seem in be one in which protection should be seriously considered One such circumstance is that the iruii lands and the trait in dustry are unlryue assetthe lands ecologlrril andth indus try or ll ty product oi which we Ive been iustly proud second clrcurnri practically all at ih eompetlv ion is either being subsidised in one way or another or is dump lngoiia product into Canada there Is strong reason to trials In exception and give this industry prolccllon ii title were up to the province it would undoubtedly do so But tsrills are lcdersl mat ter oi course all the province can do is ppori the industrys which it is dolg and hop laws wiilrra the stat stow ready luv you will do mo ill issue to ed routt rtsi lormthebasisloriuiorsmtsrld That reminds me Lwe received orecoll letter while back something Atlantic Battle In 1812 Ins Iowrsau One oi the most dramatic in eldeots la the War oi ill was the sea battle between Hill Banana and US therapists oll Sorters Americas warships had rooted aunber oi victorlrr over iirttlsh rhipv and Captain broke captain ol the Shannon resolved to tale ravae tits lb was in lialiias In the pi ill and he had walllrained crew ii ks unlike merchant ships alwayl distribu ted the prise money amour his melt They would sail with him Inywh live primary obiectlva was iidtt US Coaailiution down However the Constituan escaped to log Broke then learned that another outstand lng US ship Chesapeake was reason voter attracted soon pe is at my pieiodaoileiliinohbadrejnut iii so it Sorts rsgr to its Capisi ll Ch venue meet Shannon with her and try the lortuna oi our respective ilagI Cnoore your larmr brrt lawrence tine retina ac cepted the chalieace led out to meet the Shaun Many people in Dorian learned about the challenge and sailed out is small hosts to watch the light it was all over in is minutes although desdpetske had thv ier guru Sroka mauocuvrcd Shannon alongside Cbesapes keeping his mm below de Then they rtsshed and taehod boarding haoa to the American strip ThI lighting was on tha decks oi the Chess peaks and the Americans were orslckly killed or captured Cap tsin Lawrence was our oi those killed but as ha was dying ha tlthtisrleldsa phrase new lamous in Iv Dont vs lha ship OTHER JUNE EVENTS tiltRoberin ieit Stsdrcona Iillliyerbre to explore Segucnsy mussamas Tltc Torrie canton id liaylleid Street Rsrrls Ontario Telephone mesh Second Class ltatl Redstratlon Nuttbcr oiil Return postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory iioildrys excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier tic weekly WM year lg Single copies lie by mail srris om yearly Slmcna County tstno yearly balance oi Canada visor yearly All other countries tosoc yaarlyt Motor tbrvw all men year National Advertlsrrrg nlilces ll Queen St West Toronto set111d dtl Cailitari Sl Montreal Member oi the Canadian Press and Audit Sureau oi Circula ona The Canadian Press is Ixcltir ivei entitled to tha ura ior rev pu icotlorr at all news dispatch es in this aper credited to it or The Assoc tied Press or ileum and also the local news publish ed therein The Barrie Exavvrincr claims Copyright in all original adverv ill or and editorial material cre sidd by its employees and to produced in thlv newspaper Copyright Registration Num ber will register in the steering wheel and dooriotchi Tilt aorta TODAY Many Natio nsMakc Claims On Antarctica Iv JOIIN IiAllRON Tvvclga Ailstrr Analyst Thomson News Service It you think asilooslism is dead tats look at the map oi Antasstlcl blind you it do on whose map because this uninhabited continent ex cept tor the prrrnancnt research as oi hall dorerr nations barbaen claimsd in placer as national territory you look It In Argentina rnap oi Antarctica than is big wedge oi color claimlrr Ar geniine sovereignty ita nked wlih tsoruolvsd Argentine claim lha Falkland lslsadr ii look the Chilean Austri msps other redomlnatc then era are the rape Mm playing it avarelgoly gems in polar ice and arrow aloos with the others The United States Ind Soviet wedges tell you not deal more because within sir terri torial claims are nebstantial re aereb stations sorua at them in the American care going but tothadayroiAdmlr ltyrd Ibo suns muss lint put them sit together on map not emphasising nailonel territorial claims and you hm rainbow oi overlapping colors and claims This kind at thing bIrk home In mono or South America would have led once to males crises even war The big cat Antarctic stakes are In American and British prsbIbly in that order menllnw lists about to military naval bares but they are small with limited and some what oldlashloned technical ia nulls Tor iba USlR tha Aolaro curtail couurur Reader Would ange Present Party System by rsarnaa rrrssrtorou Ottawa lwrean ill The seminar OTTAWA Odellionsily readers oi this eolrurur Ire kind enough to drop ma lira com entlng on something that has been written or altering some interesting observations or Iuggcritoaa oi their own George Harris lormcr mayor at Rapid City blan be lieves that one oi the things wrong with our gavernnrenlal system is that our resents into VI was ar party distant past when the political situation was vastly dillereni than what it is iodryo lie tells that Parliament should be body at rational people representin all the citllt sons and dodlcsl to trying to sole problems by erim unemo tlnnal ressonlng based on expe rience and research lrulend oi Inventing through controversy or its own sala Whats the general weliaral hir lerls ark its the greaiartgood lo the grastcrt number not what will put my arty in power and your party opposition ilow would iamlly school busi ness ilrm or srrtall town like mine get along it It were div idod into government and oppo slilont Not very well ills solution is whet he calla occupational representation whereby iarrnerr would clert so many mass to Parliament doctors choose doctors and law yers rcleci lawyers and In on inr each occupation in addition he would have an equal number oi regional representatich cho son by regional or municipal are gsnlrstlonr Ila points out that there are no arty divisions In the council It Is own town when problems ol new data or new water and sewerage system are dis cussed At the same time he does not test that abortion mar Iiusna the Mackenrie valley highway or oil plrfelltlg or unem ioyrnent and to allow are prob ems to be decided by party pol lllcr but are problems ior roluv lion by the but brains and tai eoi available its an iotarexting theory bill mt res much chance that we our reliable our eat ayrtem tor iongriimo come Alter all the debates between partlaa and the alsciloor avIry tour or live ears oiler snort oi the in cares and excitement nos Par liament would probably be great deal duller than it is II Ipresent under hlr llarria sys em Andhrr reader Victor Grain gsr ol iituuder Day Ooh is among growing number at ca nIdlIns who are beeornln co eeraed over the high ind enco oi rallwa Incidents lie notes that in May period this spring there were woven derailv inertia washouta Ind brld tires on the CNR line in non western Ontario llr Grslngar is chairman oi the railway committee at the Thunder lin Ciiisens Associa tion which recently passed resolution calling lot lull in vestigsilorr by the Commons transport and communications eornmittee late derailment nea Stadstrum in which two men tori their lives and eight others were injured There have been isr too many wrecks on the Canadian National Railways leaving open the nuesiion ol Improper main tenance oi track and mp ment llr irrlnger cont lie wonders their the compri enco oi iireraway manage ment and wonders it tho Calls dlsn Transport Commission doctnl put the interest at the railway ahead at the needs at the station thank the writers at these letters and extend an invitation to other rcIrierr to write is me at the Parliamentary Press Gai lcxy iiousa oi Common ina whenever you have so comment to make about our ns tloar all STUDY GRANT BRUSSELS llel tum iAl The North Ailsrrie treaty Or llltlldiltils NATO has awarded tson grant to re Iosrchcvr to study Ilalolurohox nssmlrroglycans kind oi pro tcln biologists think may be Illle potlltll in tha study at brain circuitry it its bIa long been orator part at bar condoning civilian and naval research into the volda oceans thrlrreurraats its con ditionr and marine tile Sinca tha laternational Geo hyakal chr illicitii wu asiandrd ehrorrnlo lesiiy be cause experiments not linlrhadtba Rural volvemeni in Antarctica has no eluded speciallybuilt Antarctic cargo vessels as well II to uarcb ships rtrengthcnod tor Ice and permanent observer sir Oiilr The Russians learned good deal about mobility in polar ice and snow conditions irom their uncalled lloIiiog Ice iloe inv lions In the Arctic Ocean There began in rear and were continuedralier the var Sana oi ibair oating its line late iorles drilled riots in CI molarsArctic territorial waters CAND NM THERE We are the only msior power with alar interests witwa lethal to the Antarctic Tbs Danes and Norwegians will pen etrate the southern polar re gone largely to compare their owledgr oi polar saa ooadi lions in Arctic wstarr where they have itching and other in ierartr Paradoxieaily the cold war which lasted politieaily ice tea long between the US and the SR ended many years ago cold regions oi the Ani litiicr Exchange Visits in Auto IMch between the groth number oi US and Soviet IC entitle research teams are now common place So la Inter chrurge oi some al their estate tch isrlnrmaiion Even the placid British are proud oi southern polar re search They should be This lI the world at waste vther the to rrrous explore Ca Ilo Scott lasihlsllelnll weauree the iiriilsh record an current set at their stamps covering their Antarctic research As though the days at amslrn were still here the con ernmcnt Post Oiilcel in London crllcd the series brltisb Antare ich National pride is lot the pcoguinsl Sec great Ird baliava we silos allureaiog Ira is pnpwbdrnlosico say ash Thank yms one and all lor happiness so made in that lies Sincerely liAilOSldITtl Secretary DeavSlr For have road liarrlr land the cover ol local Iatlanal news For this can last pawd Congtliulallohal iIa items that may be oi lerast to other raadersr literals coverage at all blood doasn ciinlca Irr Barrie eoa point never aae is their tips persons who have IrmIny Is to or more tlons tricel these perrooa should be congratulated on their luxmwnce Petr APR to be must timlw balls Inbtogr last or oiled also that it form outside to bark all an door disturb Drqu steepdi work until retort in my opinion men shotild Irer news to read and perhaps they ieel little corrrpasriort iot pia who work whila they sleeping Apparently literate bylaw ocootrolbarklng but there is tor noisy muiller Yours truly llll SMITH Ibiil smi Bibil THOUGHT Spcab yl cmlortably le Isslms and cry sale has he wartarI iI udompiirbvd that her laidttliy Is pasdrnetll lar lb hath received oi borda bard doable inc all IinrI Ililb dtxl The prophet who saw the and the punishment cl people also looked down throu be telescope at time and nested titer pardon Take other look at the old boot gets better as time sows or Gods iraln cl ime ninlglo chcduie Thy word int iT HAPPENED IN RGSSNOUGS vsuwtose We Fl ST POST OFFICE tt xi tum am CANADA Amtan coustaucrurt weaves nematode rtaswstuuura rrwusrrtsruoutur wrtswrotowruo succulent soonerIrma stormsIvan salmonstreets