roe rutron em Itde Moder eyrrumnenum Thiemnlneetlmrln the tthrrryhelthetlenleMe tibeIryHlmServionlil pre henteitlmPrevtew There wIIi be no Idtnlrtiu cheretodeilerewetcornethe pcevewtetonntehot IPKIIIMIIIIIDM behind IIII theith IIIInI rI luIl lIiqueCOoHroddorthIllm mIdIIoIIIocIItltIIwith Born hIrdtIr Ibout Immoth rudnmoutrt men IhotimiItlthpIJt IIuiIIdelltowenod to lure hit Iweetheert behind ill habitat iAn Inttnolod ilInI with tote oi humor Poper onihlttroetudyoiuengry ling mun lr tn ptevtd the public with In opportunity to evelueteyillrne which no helnr coneldmd ior on Dim um II deIi chiey tor the public Ind ereiore we let thIt yorr rhootd voice In or onion II to the type elltlroe which will It your diopotet the dime to beIhowo It the preview Ire betne oooeidcettlor groom end your opinion trill ol melt mirtenne to no 61 will be viewed The DrainaoeyProbIem Ato Ito Invertigated Dominic unite ni lonlrlti corn pIIItIod to township Mitt lion de ml the rlevelo relI new vltlon behind rty wblehteondtderoedliheween mneeIIIoo Ind to not pro rtdlor proper drIinIge ior right when it out Ind oi ItII property In hole IiievtIlI the problem but theretrettlioneiootolnter told $13th itll to or riding the datum tor hlI pro perth Ind council decided to In the drolnere Inspector to nurture the problem The public works committee will then report beet to council It the next moctlnr tocrtt outrun hideAMAGE DIthIIc ItIe been ertImIted It noon in rollirton tnvolvtor two trIclortreilere eIrly th mornlol on lilthwey 00 north oI tttphvay bl truck driven by John tIthIrn toronto re ceived HM dIntIgI while tho tnrcir driven by Roy Iiodghtl hiIlton received two dImIge BICYCLE CAB Dennis ulIlve wa Idmllled to Peneteorulehn cue GenerIi tloepltel tut Ilter he wee Involved Ill elon with II he rode hlI bicycle on Cottngy Reed hellmite eoth county ltoId in ilnytownohip Drtvzr oi the cor Involved wu Cecil Oreo loch lildIIni DInrege to the unlock vehicle hII been co rotted Il 0100 LIVESTOCK PRICES TORONTO ICI Prtcu were ninth to Itlrbt rm ot elIthtcr rel tectin Ity Ind nottrrtyeh It the outerlo It IiIE all price wet Ind hoI pricer line In no eIrly uleIno eh IImhI due to the Ipecil IIte holdtodey IIIMI lengthen eItlle Iilt Chet Item nee hood more medium Nd common MIMI cloch better Ithblihih 00d out medhnlt homo common Im yood onwe loll medium oran ennuere rod tort pend hurry holoen run with nice to so eornmen Ind medium rent Replooenmt tlrht Iloclere In eodell 1H0 rood heevy ehortleep leederI eood Itoclr otter ittlwitletmim beilert vee eornmoo mum unclesI Ind Ioedorl entree lIIt Chnlee teelm tom with top choice It poet good tut medium vott com ntnn hm bone m1 III toll tine price tidbit uently It Toronto It run not been me II III IIIrhI Iii Perllneiietd boy who dellvoe newrpe to coldretooled dtylrwdrrl re llkn Ibout Irtltt Cecil who It in one oi oi the more untvuetly rernpuet Alter you thI uen the dime erIluIlinn Iheeu will be dIItrt vcdtbdrtrnphtultthuw MMBHIMIH Pooieend tiIrglklIneI are news j0pen4IIoueoSet For Tonight tnour ointment runner run rm It Purity Six corner Potice Chiet To Discuss Itmusetnent Itrcades Beioe toy Imoeernent Imuprneol Ie cloud In their cotrncll pteoe in meetwlth chlel oi police to dIItttII the blue The decision no reIeitId hy enuncitlon on tinder liter tier vey Green owner oi the hreeu her Ii tile Bey Potnl all it told corn to hit Ittention thIt It Inf Iain Imunnteotlreedeeh were ptInntng rev iontIirt more errors ronorrro CPI Whotosoie to retell certno ern Inna weighted tee ended depertmenIdoi IUINIIIIIIWII oi blood IIrIe roe Whv plIo We Ire rure thetrtbe ev will proverto bevhoth enterteto Iii Iod tnlormetlvet ltenrem her then II no chute end the children In welcome ll you re tttIIiI Iny IddttlonIi Inlnmtltlnn oleuI touted the herrie Public Llhrtry Film Service It no no Jvri sunny Shes Weather Todeye lower end cloud Ihlee will move out eI thI IIrrle me over night bringing runny otter tor Wedneedey IImoereturen iomomw will be Illth cooler Ilth oi ntheovernldttlmlonl tlr Intended to urge between to end It Imprint dtriurbence ex tending eoutward tronr JInru my more the mint Greet II or to rounding cloud Ind oceuionel eitmn mu ren IrIl Ind Intern Irte It On Ild II the diet Ince moveI IIethrd the Ihowerr will more out It the rovlrce thtr evenlnr eedIy vrItl be ntIInl my to Ill IoctlorrI oi Ont except ior cloudy pr rlode Ind cbInce oi Ihowerr to the northwcu ill terov rIluret iodIy In moel rerlotl will my lrom 10 to it Ind will likely be ten derreee loner WedoeIdIy hllolmum to pen lune lontebt will be our to in the north end our to in most northern Ircu 1hrnoto low Ihowere Ind nhIncI oi thuodIrItnem Cleo IIIGI thin IItIrnooo uWMIvaoirllttblodoy 10 to ton tonint out it Itiylh Wedneedey our 10 lndror toodon like St Clolr LelerErtt Ielk Huron routhorn Georrten It endlo thte runny dry runny ritehI odey our 70 tom ionlrhl to to it tth Wednetdry um it limited Peteroorottgh til weettrn Lehe Ontrt low Ibnwm Ind dance oi thunderoiotvtt cleorlnl lItIr Ihle IItIrnnon Wedneedry Iuoo ItIthtodIy 10 to more rutqu inwetonltht near to Wedneedoy our 10 EulernLIlrI OntIrIo trot Wino ten Ibowere Ind ehInce oi thundentorrn tleertnr title eventne Wedneo dIyIuonthlghrtodIytotetI hm indent it to to run Wedoevdly tour to Northern White Iiiver met In Iro hItl western June on Show st tIthrtnor dlurn 31 ImItl utn torn liar Wholeelle price In Iqu countn Itetlcoe llhre rune quoted by committee oi whnluete elg deIlerI Erin IIIII fl true medlrnn email IIlt nether puree CInIdtIn DIIry conunlroton lenderehlo midI hottr re teen It on roller Wednesday OIItce Forecasts blottiy eunny todIy Wedneedry cloudy period chenee oi Ihow Ire lilghr lodIy our to Lowe tnnlntt to to It Him Wedou on our 10 except our to weytern hIiI oI western JemeI Ml region tporrte Iouthern White River Cochrene rulero hell weelern JIrnes hey leer Ihwerr eodlny this mornlnl thiemeiternaon no yluon gtu todny Ind Wedneedey Iron to town toolrht to to it except river JIhter hey itlrhs todIy rteIr hi how tnolrt peer It ltlgttI WednerdIy Mn 55 North Iin sodium Tenu Itttt northern Oeoreitn but low Ihnwere thlI ntornlne ttelnty runny this Ilteroonn Wednewa runny lilphx tedIy Ind Wodnndxy our to town tool new It Ottew ibdey cloud with rhnwere end riot oI under Ittowor litgh todIy Iround 70 tallwmtootchl neIr romwmee runny Iround Io liontreII cloudy pt rlode with locel owere end rlett ni thunder cheater Iliro todIy Ind Wednerdey 70 In it Em law Bin Ted lettlnltled II liourtt loreIt wingitern 0on Sound Ilrretote itemittoo ibiulilo Trenton Kingptoo Peterhorourh 3382583823 North on Eudbury Doriton ttmmlne tiepueberlog 35 hIItII ChIplIIu White ltlvor GerItdtoo Iiontooee a=33333=33333333333333 Weather IIveenIt broughtto youdotly by Mllll errrteetrro nnornr TIMIFOR ACHANGI chInpe up to it Noel PARIIIAIIII IIIIE Mulcetter St norm 23333233333333333383333 run Lennon It the son hell eber fine Nyttm barley dey Iieeve Says OI Norman Perri oi lnrtIsIIl eerie piolned to the in ewncll hIortdIy lhli he hos not been INI to open the window on tho treat tide oi hiehouse Ior two your heceuee oi dust tuned by truche drlvtnI in end out oi Gote Iir Groren uid be deep not mIoI hIeIt hterhet next door lent the modes Ire In the III lino compleloed thIt beet lntereetl oi the township to sometimes trunk Ire lelt ruro rtew oi the tort thIt there It hing beside his property toe on limited ntIo weer policing hour end hell It tine Ind tom Iree hIdIrtd that lttrI municipality Hm WWI to Ienren event Ierlonr cooliderotloo to thnlIlrE 12 Intel oi the locetioo oi there Imder Ind eooetder ltrntttng the tetee oi Imurerrteot eoqu men to three tie Iito Irreger ed in licence lee busioeovrnen he Inlet he were presented with their tro Put option It OrGoTo Court Dusty Problem Reeve George button rItd the munIeIpIiily could not enroll ptbtle lurid to build letter on Mute property Ind thol tree would not keep the dull out Inway unlesr It In eniid concrete will to leet hint llnrwever be void tho the duel eornphlnt wIs IegitlrrrIte one could probohly be Iettled to hurt So either put in with it or go to eourt Item Burton aid However he did men In In with tie Getemu on htr IIulo behlli NDPIIominationMeeltunoZIIttOriIIia thI nondoetlon meeting lot It John Henry one at the end hlr pm mt guy tn the New Democretle Irty eon men who opposed DIvld Into the tomato we mm to dioxin tn the intent ridnr oi It the notion NDP tenderehl rncoe North will tehe ptIee contention June It It pnr htount Sle ootmclt war dinette the mlm K5001 OIIIII with the chtel oi police litdtIrd PIrtrldre Itodent lrorn liIrrIe the only creel Ipuher lor the meeting pounced eerrdtdete to our enrol Night lute hlrhtrrn teegue phteI Seturdry nan Lutr Dno Middle Robin hierttn Ind ItrtI SIrIne About In hill hurtlinn no tooth ooh bthngelIeacb NIIEL BAHISI CHURCH IIVI SI Vincent 5h IInII MONDAY JUNE l2 1911 Hit pm III III II II III mt III III HIM MAI II III Bmhtlt lltl IIIIIIIIII ANTI Mill in lllltttll Montana marine nanni venvvww Jolene URIth we rennetI ill will III IIIIIIIIA 200 GRAVENHIIIISI 400 Seblnr Geneul Store Telephone 43530th an 335 BRACEBRIDGE505 ess VISIT ontonolplooeo TORONTO ROUNDTRIP FARE $485 Special bus service to Ontario Place every 20 minutes Irorn Toronto BusTerminat Boy and Dundos FARE 30 each way or regularTTC tickets PLAN YOUR TRIP NOWI III trIvei vtI licensed eIrrterel liitltltlE nus returner MIpIe It Simone Streeie Telephoto iii55H oma4urn out who