egggafr go 55 rtftmm IerId Id Polkth Probe uye Im morale he lm ettl Mum tth to emu In the whoteule power rete up to in But leitowtng the IneIIIlIIIoI ol the eootrok decline to the rIletetorneIetIilerttoo Brien Kelly energy Ind ro Iottrcel rotor tor Polio tton Probe IIId the public he not to boot that money an uvcd it Hydro eniorree ti ter potholon Iteodevdv Potitdion Prongad Ithewr It liydroe power merhet Ill merit lulu tint ol IncreIeed enetv en ex tent oi removln Iuiphrr oxidee mm Imeireetec to he rolled not root me rytiyvo men which iorceI Itineetoo omlnuvan tIIrry IieCIII ItIrtdlrIII on river oi error the am In den ro ruttcieh IJInIlnIenm btnItlon Itore Ind IpIrtmeM in the city myth are which tell mother hreo children home Crown Attorney lotto hammer told the My late line dry thet he will thew evidence tlrIt IIvIo youth were paid IbottI ISM by litCIII to net the Itntcture on rte Pubhc Inquiry TOIIOMO tCIl pro II thet public Inquiry be eld Into the Itrtng IIIt ock oI Prtcr owonodtroctnr oi the rIIOIII ontoto Iiueettot world hm to be dirrureed hy the pro virtctet ubinet Grotto Keer told the tegteloture Itoodey ltowrr revpondtnr to pro porIt by Vernon Slnrcr tLto rontoDwvnrvlewt thet rubIIC III xtnntlIl prorllc lntrrent litd tnoulry be held hccnttre ptthllcntohlelintdltod tit Snenn will receive who in reverence pry hir It Ind ttntvrrntttcr woe mildly critIeIl oi IlOtl IIIII mcmhere who he told hurt Irrlnted cer tItnIy In orcrlpitrttng whet hIr hoppcnect Sittings Postponed TORONTO tClI httllnu ni mlhleter nI rollegeh II fttrtchener two new She uld IhI Irtrd Dr cow to exrrolol her iIttopIIo times which Steel dottove told Itet mint hItI been ruptured Itnttnachronisrn aurora CPI Gorilla Pierre ounce Ind Ind re nunlrter hi ydov nouneed the Ohm litter do nureIlIon tioe Ippitnd lo the rate oi petrolorntproducte to tInIdIuIn gt rIvItIvev ptIod JOIIN MUN Ito ProporIIrIIIatIo YIlAWA tClI ow Join tirrortt Illd IdoIIdI no proprIIII the betee mode the indent maunmt to the province tor onetg oi tree dentIt ure procure ti there tr Irry enenetoo oi the urrrentrrrndtul eon pro Irn It Munrouid In In ew he would be man to ellned to more to the me It pmteirm oi tree dlllol me Quebec manner In named during the weekend tree dentel eervteee tor ehlldren Ihoutd be IvellIble by the end at it we Orderte Ind tutel Ihmn Ire Iteo roliIchlly com rnltted to Idlnil eIrI progrem ior children Frtoee lAwlrd to lend provided ouch urvtcer but prtvete dentiete Ire MI in rotted Garderu IIiIIod NIIONIO tCPI The eIxtInt building eu rtntertdent oiliept Levitt teetlty irIIoiGIId minoron Jr to cerrreerr were IIII Inth Iuet noted to get them pIId IIIIIIrd II being tried on IrIud Ind led rItIvree Involv ing Ibotd norooo II tool In Each OIIItltlt ICII Northern Development II III to leIn Chretten In chem oi nellonrt pIrtre Iound hlmeell with root on eldt ride at the Quebeeoo tIrIo border ttortlIy on the nunrtlon hi new perk Im IerI oi title new prop olden he Intd In repty In oueIIIonI by SoclIl Credit lander lieel Cottette Ibout ringle Terrtttcemlnzue pert oc cupying turd In both northweet em Qucbec Ind northeerterrt OntIvlo But It me dltllruit to deter mine exnrtty where the prepotb lion nrtgtnetod IIKI exectly how OttIva Ind the two provIanIl covernmcotr Iret Iboui it Malpractice Suit OTTAWA tCll mIlprIc ce Iutt Itnlnrt Dr Ii Clow or Klnrxtnn end the Illnrrton itotet Dleu hornilol hegon tinn doy In the Onlorio hIrprerno 01an Th rxrrrr the Duluth supreme Court thI beenpoetponed In sloibury be route pi loctt oi tudree ttlie tiertol tNDPSudbttry Euti told the Ontario legtrlItrrro It war brought by Four IoIdtronim III told the Coalition throttle rII Centerence Ind Ixhttitton herethetlherituotiooenutdbw Storey ebottl plInIlorIdIot Cum llrttiv IrIeonilnod to the Iron eII olthe OtinI litter Loader Sought MI05 me it IReoeleb vaque luder nI PutlQuo bpeotr tut btlnllootlpht by lewyerl hlmtdly olehl left lodge hero IIld ho would trrtto bench tvIrrInt Ieelnet Mr treteeque II he IIIIod to Ippm inccurttodry tir Juetlre Itenrt Drouln oi QIehec Superior Court IIIdde OILYIIIIIII Fivarotd DIvId IIrb oi It the Mitotic ltlchitetd relin bee hlI toottn eryIthttrylddtJluIt no mowId than the utter ion rrtltu mu oi the border de ed bondl Iollnwtnl In twill tCP Pholnt an Ontario Wetiare OIIiceran Agree On lobe For aIIecipients PBTERBDIIOUGII ICP rhrnge their IppeIrInco even It The tiniIrto Wiillrd oltlcevl porrthe luture employer Ilndr IUon Irreedto notion them repulsive II rtItIng thIt em lobele wItIIrI rectplente Ihou not II we be Iorced In Iccept Ioh thh wtil pIy them IuhrtIn ttIll tete me their prevent wet Ire benentI Ihn IuoctIIinn Iiro decided It meeting IhIt reclplcntr Ihouldnot be required to report rcoornd Iltce two ot It by wetlIre oili cerI nod eentor clvtt remote the rt aid only minor lty at we lerereeiplentr dreu in rrrInorr which woutd prevent them Irom ohirlntop Mt Ienre er bed until court opened to locIte Mr Le moor Ind get him tnthecourt or tho bench werrnot would be tolled 1ne IQ rostrch ntloirter in th ormor Liberxl teIn tonne gorern merit had been Iuhrrocnned by Twentieth Century tithing Co tidy It Ictlon here lie toiled up torproceedln hI0thiBAI CPI Clnodl nor can export continue pI in their own onIIl bllle tor tome time the executive direc tor oi the CIoIdIIrr DcntII hr IoclItinnr liondoy We here no Irtttot ptInI tor Iwrrping mm are on the mere tech Ir mcdleIre rtdtt new Dr tiltillIm tlctniooh told the Irrorletlrmr Innuel ronlcrertce th problem II itodlng den to corn Iyrcomente Icecptebte to the when Inocieiio end to the vrrlouI Erottoceel eIid 1hr Irene linne cunent pteo coverr rhltdreo It oI no end one on wet vhoouetlly tor route Iormx oi eeeIre Time Runs Out IIIIth Que CPI lirrte II runnlnr out on eltorte by the City ot ltutl to love tront till wrrrtrcrn hammer two lycnmplrled blurr ntrnt hulldlhpn lirerruee they were rolny up In to area oi the city loud tor Itnrttetemlly vlwctltngv the Su preme Court nI CInndr lIrt Dre to porn the builder rtx moothvputtlit June iiito III them down Ind rcIlore the the In III torrrtcr rroIIy riote cortrsrort REPAIRS Mortdey III InIrI iIIIt with the excep tion oi onexweetr Illtlnc the Burning Iioctol Itch IIoIiovotI In Minutes eIItn luhetenu IIyouwInleetlIlutayrrlieiIrorn Itobl Itlebme nod Minion pituirtievol berm Ibown to live vIte olhee MInteuetter Improvement wII neted oi Idol III Imnifnwvnunt wmndntem III lye Mimi it It It IttiFhlytl tIvItlI owliioilyn re ointment Ind Iupwtim netted ire Irntlno It and In It myrynnror rice meet IIIor III or IryeteitloI ntno IIbovItor Illi UIIIII euhtIlrtce We on the lop nuetlty mIlIvlelt In our thop Our men Ire the but In the bueloIee Vour eIr II prepelred properly beiore pelnt lhp We do body work Ior III leedtnp Inrur litll Compenter Ill Ipl bee gored eetlI In rtimrdetnrzolvvtoIm Mirrrtrrrn PH Illattdli it WORK tr ouoltiiNTIiD tutu rtrrrtIrrr to men handolornmomn Consider how Important they orn In your tile Conoldorhowwy they are to hurt Yourhnnde troop you In touch with the worldlotto core blthcmWhnn you work work dcieneivoty nltttto thouglrtnttttte corocnn brtnlyou enier through the working day ihoyroyourhonde Defend them Inlet II Solf elonco Ilyoquoh ncedl protective ytovreweIrth IIIndIIrorIIy tohurtdlillcult tumend lrw The motlene were rnntelntd Yourrheoeltcinrier everything you print for them You onn Incite turn your stree are carried out when you bovoyeurwilt drawn up by lowar Irid when you nomeVictotio and Grey Trust Company your executor Competent relinblcI riendly and erpcricnced since 1889 Victoria and Grey matter sure your wishes are carried out nervnior Tntrl Company hwtedutilvty to rental the people n0wrerto VICTORM Ind COMPANY SINCE 1889 Your Workmo compensation Board Ansociotions Ohtorio