Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jun 1972, p. 4

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in Environmentall Amnmvorrwomiw VlltVielIeldllerlreealtue OllMheeeertManeplngldllea rernrv am antareal Riole Important Inf Tourist Trade Work Onoelraauheetoiltveiydebetelbere onla someoooo oi there are In the mmli mule oimdiaelbulienlo US outietr and lndnetrlelpromotlon eliorta on beta oi An enlarged imam termedtha lin the area eatandneoettomprehenaireererputonl Areportirenoonntyooonolllorleon bydeereeoclationeieorrtlloerrydetali reernlnglt nedireda atleotionio edllllltlilolofllmuil totoorleta Miller carried on In the armor alien areileb theroed cooperation with lumber oi Com router and pheer at particular Intered memo and other erprriuttona active In When It wra Ilrrtogtmd the county rlmllar promotion rhould enter lIeIa II tear The rner ellc dealtman Reeve Ronald eerero there war oblettioo on the flaunt lSal 9lrntonoi riltlalownehtutreledlhe Itwouldberduolieatton etiortaol lroleoitheroooly dorouthellumla Iourlet Aaeodatton wt to to coordin ete the eiiorta oi othere the ltellty prowywmrmd tonrleta again venom Prornotion melerln as hoep lit flags badges atemp Indie ma and litter bags will made available llre coundllor alee ironed consider able Interest In Win oi the new 1912 Iourietmap Mild reected the board rcope oi ealvlty and attraction in lino nowvrrrudrvrrrrr twrelnlivaeeveavelloo goveroeraialenliromliltl13ltia olo Eon which recently leit Barrie gave an Jm 17 ll Loyrhle concert at Saint John New nznionori nuwnnn Wait late of WWWBtu nlluwlth Barrie Lediee coll Club on Ooonty heeam nrinleter oi have Road decided to contlnre this year with lira In our mar and Preivylerlan Ohurcle With our Winner president Ila member are lormer elementary echool leach prtce breed in Barrie 20c lor heavily award In our work at Hill to axvrua oily diam 01ml ol more some lm LlKe 1W5 re needeeer Agnew CANOE eCONTENT other like the Chamber ol Commerce Georgian Bay Regional Derelopmen Cornell and to Iorth But ar menl oi thou who oppeeed lhle view arebreniuliy entitled the result edrleh lollowed eed the leared duplication the program led to better coordination end concentration on various eda ol the promotion eliolt Touriet In the were has contin ued to lnoreaae and now pay an even great role In the general economy ol the area than ever 0R MAYBE LETIHG Poef aFFiqe literate IT IMIIGIRMSMLFAmoN 25 35 EE 35 in =5 it level ervrr THOUGHT Icy water ehorelnd1erelth0edaethtelrhal Impealtlle near or mounttoroqu onwwzlhi lhoeechartln lbemaeolaNeveyonevntdtueduomdarithwlhreveryrnd elrrmt happrnalotharn auvpeeedlr odeenlred educr echool yrro and noticed the Ian INTERPRETING THE NEWS E3373 critters crvror lh wind to hoot ndllgei ltrrra liclnilrlllla on has received ereral thou gun mu urd erred new tree to complete training he toodrluiir lineup border tultlretion oi lore to riiein Progrerr helngtrltcdlnllaplllrlnuml and recent tote barrio Greater madeon rPalii ndeonre revere arairech InAngue ood Production Cormniitee organized In lellln direct on Owen lirrrle Ben boardl utilnu Mimi Harv remixm mm My grow ham mmd John teaupporltheprlrrcpal and lel MIllolot committee toe no ma mmle Armrlron oiliradiordNew oh or mm lm hmmm rnd endeavor to rerun town men tor house ot Ignel Chapter Royal Areh with whom th mutt lope Iona dedicated by the trend Prlndprl telly haa atrucl bier nova helplload betweenBarrie and Camp liembera ol Georgea Society pan Mel vvtliiud at the We Sordenlnr hideondtllbnCounty IIrIIdrene she moved to new guerlera aded to Trinity church where aermon inlormer lI nl at In nElAW between the teaching atoll and thelhree lieaawrllaaeverr am It more and noeiromlhelummltlalhlln Irate ndwthierelerenoelo moralorreduealgel Wipe lieeeow mg delivered by mm mm have rvoted them MO PRINCIPALI DEMOIION tionaleyeteroreiurnlelhahook purge the tourmaline the hope the board will recon Have never thaileotedyoin Sovret Union lied on board to ggy nothing or thing eIrel Here you ever in to Ier nip atandlot between two Iermrr riarrlhe Oommrmtrt rem our will no em to the teaching at our er Itrelrlorad romliorden landed children have endeavored to dmmummm Nowme $r Harold ligand may liept km in mummy dehned er oiPrnrerhanraleeleolro vlolencelAndhaveyounotked old wledgnglmeepett to ill IlhaMuItwhnealmxlhie will um mart llrrll will moonlit to allot greot thereby atranrthenlng the hotel alt arelae glnlhtbllld ti To Temptation rust ameliorating the many outra urged parent to mend wtsrttlialolilcrilhe lhenovletaideloimdrryaol Ill lelllmlelurugorlllwltlh muoulxrlhnlh bednnlng oi clearer under atelier Ila Vietnam poeltiota mm mare and that antegonleleand not much nmpaper Pravda print gymmg mow principal lit Pilot more than beghrningIe their tertolttlnone lelrvtaed addreee llawteatona Oat ll mm vl iu Wm in or or not rtin out to it WWI to hilhtlltilhtw on orthonormal wwwmu no no no room linerdlooal olrn Dr Alllelirltou MN CIAuacdlau rtlllllhamoumlr mmumlmm Wordreeel Inaetionoven diction li otlon retired alterio WWI um wovth aeeeIA Ecuador 21 JyMIhbdMlldMginmhvtit whisky Mg live vulgar areer ocnereaoelsllraidenteym otearriedonhyeonflredTTSIlrage rm own to nine win gsmmm vr eree Sutherland oi Cockatoo eiao larira Commission de mure Barrie let Bettie oi Vimy llldiolv Pie goalie Ie tire on Blake 55tgfngmlfwu my third to in ice urre lor plantn end maintenance own Owned I1 entity oil to ell household the remedy lhle laree Vinly Pedometer bone oi no Port on mn on or to brew matron glut on relmoon Ieiroy her live aoneln untiormhirny Etthi oi the nine atudanla lrrilvehlrraechylrreducailonara hm ll The Soviet will be vendor tnenlmsimetountwhdeo 5ng it vortimm on tor Icade agree lvrourededllet this week to reg In root caller ol the deelnlttlon eludent body lrned pet inliriiirillrrv or tummy ill mouthed Ill Wm blight odd rim In In no in um WE are mum Ammo way connected with anyone in new valved In in allunllor which ii roertoei no IVIIIIMO to the user three pellitlont eremed lo mower lure But at Ty relrrrln hill or motl Dear Sir allotted stalea wrote be Imuredhtbe parenla were mm In mused the 1mm itll mm Wm valedroiel lhed lreto teacher lady rinolpnla gleerl Im hm lea apperrlngtnlha Barrie In to Soviet natural gu travelled rlaeel deepi tendve lighting In France Prior to or objections OTHER EDITORS VIEWS 15m ANNIVERSARY The Japan ilmea The Ilret ieaueoi The Japan Tlmel more oil the preea on March 22 till ibat era to year go Mutt ha lranr plred In the eneuing year not only In rpan but aleo in the world and it he heen lire privilege oi lhle newrpeper to =er every phue oi title long hirtory wlth lla upa and down end twlrte end urne When the Japan llmea mrde Ila lirsl eppoaranee ill yeare lied already gone by ainer the openln oi the nation to the eunenta at world laire Yet it war not ed the Iounder lir lloloead Zum oto III liaieelya aubiecte and the iorelgn rerldenta remain to thin day vir turiiy etrangerr to each other Having eleo returned iron lengthy trlp abroad llr Zumolo we eatounded rt Illa lack oi undentanding end know ledge In1 loreign lend their Japan and nee Thlllel the background lor the relate llllt II Ilhhmmt oI the trudgeblirel no 1th age or own an opelllled hmlen nationals II prim elm wee thu to not re bridge not ony between the eraneee and lorelgn er In Ilrle country but alto between it end the reel oi the world announcement on March root In the nowdelunct llll Shlmpo arid In part An Indigenrlent orgrnlulloh it It connettod wI no partlor or Iacllonr it role purpoae being to report eneral morning not only In Japan In er pa oi the Far Pleat andito Ireely were Japaneae viewpoint to Brgltrir are roud that the high rim rot iorth blv launder rilll remain the errdlnr prinelgle oI The Japan IImcr alter eeven er hell decadee Thle becauee the need tor bridge oi under vtaredlng allll urgent as ever belore or even more to at the modern techno logical development mate the world matter and more elorely ltllll In term ol lime and distance the upport monument um they to drapernlely ne Irom vuplta partner dmlnlrtr end public at lnrae line cagnotblzul wolndcr whhai raaura ehvu Wu ed ard to propel It to the urdorv lunele deeirlonlo demote men mm ingervorIn lo the heat oi hi II well teacher val many yean el experience can hilly eppreclale the incl that teacherr do on occrrlon Iaru ultimatum and that loan alto denta need the rlrap re the only Dear Sir elleclive diedpileenry mrnrure II Toronto adir tern It not he then mettle the at Ill rtolhlaau hl mm perore Irom In dry when the rod oI oelal clencea hlpped and bowed down to by to ihaentlll many el our pieudolnlellaclu healthy we it were In her rle might humbly augrerl that lie roll Iniereelin ream every RAM later at education The en erln in nine wu Invited eoda epeclal meetingloeirr lly hie petition lie reIuaed to mfyd reiae gem douugl In1 aomda rrrtl WK rnlnlalcr lo the choolay In hi on CONSTANT READER IIIUAIION IN ANOUI the inclpal In uoellon it rerdera to an recount oi ll then he re Inly her no lluallon In An lllrca In the educational rye rindlal who we outlet trail lovera the lutliy poaltlon In Anglia lo enloy it in the an oi it policy to our the pen revoke on who really won and who real the llotel re airliner regard on Ferment lenient el upon Pereeurlly would not get rentaa any erlahitlhmerrt that didnt carry Irvorite brand AI In auoelallone land onlthle miller tie ftieth uya gram re the man to whether they carry Iormoaa produola or not right any It to more an prerogative to Introduce lhle new elliltlrllelleloolte Ircr like the beer cane then It their problam Why bould newrplper exponed anyone tiered In the way ot pro ere thorny and coolant the article aneel ett aeeorlnl lhle her would elro hinge conaidered llVl their own patio and eelec Ill love It pile drintiu companion ae opw and cried ed to eaometimaa rowd eon an hooeel and dillonelhet ardet In hole on Mill me mo Orendlee Rd Inveetlgatlon to under lhle hoard hybolhaldea aeI he ilolnly committee on race and medicine and cul two uoerpoaere rp rarenllyaeeting to create an linther pioneer on oracle enna llmllliloo would provide another good elm The treaty aimed In lioeeow come only deienelva weapone but provider nlricale wee oi eooeullallon tor riandlna eomnrllle to new Which neither on would want to on oiluh vim Yet auolhar Iodlerter oi poel Pm lite rerulla would be an early declalorr to convene meeting um Wm oi alllhe Diropean powerr ptna ADRIFT ON VIIINAJd Cent and the Ul to diacuee But neither power wea Ireduttioolntheaemedlm tempted too irr rubleh now earllront rreh elm There war no agrealrleo or progreea any hint at ten in the bile mallow on thel more in the Wmellltll uintimill will eoI led me no rave on an inn war In undordevelo hellonr lleea which the American gldg oer ahetd that root malignant epoareo leltrllartlregnrnrnlt ol eanleraVtetnanr rru ed urnry yum To that extent the eulelmil treat enl ohlel gd meeting uaa direppelnllng to tie ndlhe man mottrer the Americana whore meet lrr elble ior leon recent lore gn vent hope lor IOIM time hu poqu adventurer been In pereuede Mercer to ill hope or drag North Vietnam nte or alone on term the barrio Uliaa llcenmept Vietnam Crisis Brings Protests wave to be unlerehed by the ori lr overlie In Solitheaat Iirl evoeevoe delcrle lime tor tome Diropern believe In Italy tor torturede elem are only now beain to adapt lhemaelvea to the nu Ilon produced by the recent el eetlona which apparently leave that nouriey eeddied with the arm ttndol political uncertain lie here have red Italian prograaa Inreoma lme Jual ea Vietnam will add heel is unproven 1N CANADA urn Ilerrle Itth It Brylleld Street BarreOntario Telephone needle Secondclaeeliad lteglatrallon Nutiber MM IletrgnupoetnaI guararrteed ey me CE E0 Emil ctnrnnnrmeanilmrm Subrrrlption rolca daily by terrier tie weekly euro year lmgurvmim Jy 3m plred Iinrral In the Weaiern mm um Mm world to an extent which he WW not been experienced alter rtee cm it will title it the out not only in my the United Slater but no In bitter throw oil into leer Inllonrl Advcrllalng Dillon rm OJ wan is Queen Bl Weat Toronto 1110 Old Cllhrlll 5L lionlrorl llember ol the Cenadlan Preea and Audit llurcru ol Circuit done lhe Canodian Parr tr earlier lyely entitled to the It In re pub leallon oI all new lllrpnlch er in thte paper credited to it or the Anne nied Prev or Neuter and rlao the local new publlab Ill therein the Barrie Examiner clollne QUEENS PARK Expect More Demands From Municipalities By now onrrnrt cearre fart later oi the laamlner ueuerveot still it notion SO thTIREJULTMll it WW metronome tell not expecting anything doualy tllrt In many care they it ill llrirol lllrim ll lidllrlm IIIOII VII IIIlWIllICOVOtl IP oi ll tour rovelolprovlnclel govarnmenl gvmngthm Thapmulllltlpflllllel oi courae ll ateeeclee mm mm MM llhwimilzlllm And at Ilrel glanre their rate threellyei coolerenoe he Vi Illelmllllrloalllqllllllllmlll twaen the Iederrl and plhvlhclall WM Wm ggiiiiuodlllrghy$autlilhg mm Imltllg rerednrn debate but theta la no mm mm tomorrow It aparent likelihood rilellt 3h New mm llnwevrr lhle theme the tart um bllllllrlrlleendany alrlabeloro if ourishiv loner ran illlldil 03 HF Ill IOI Olll Oil INN cl Ileetltatlrevebaen Vh In men dlrerilonllhet All are or year gt nipraI polliltlrlll molt oi ell It we Al unior level oi Invent from there rebrth llltle ea quotation any concrete re oil out oi the cooleranee On their part the metlng eo 3milall eddeuplorplacrtory re Iowar ler nl govern vale Illu eexll ellll ll dlteuaelng ope gelling were ol reelonrla dleeent over Vietnam elped to produce lour your will demo oi no In tellw mint In nortllean root whlrh reached the plwor ltalirn at cliiee ll rieo llolle oi near revolution In leer iomrhe trouble in from end get oil violent alrert nee dwnonelrollooa In variou clllei more the atudrnt rebel oi oi Waei Germany rate derived much at their too The ride agitation wga largely menlurn irom their tuition mlriltrd to la early atagea to alert Antrrltan Vietnam polh retrellloue Illblltllll Ind otherrlna mernteraollingwngerydtr But In Wart Germany the lion prerenl Vietnam attuellen at In lIuIJllllnrllyaunmdlnlxpprrlltular we yr or error aver nervng er re rout aeaepur ll llllng and vdllorlainrrierlal crev whlth ahould be rare In alreel violence but the lot it rled by It employee and re vlrw oi the rnlIvAmeriren dem potentlrl elleet on the partie produced in lhlr newrprper onalrallorle that have erupted In menlary lm rare over Chancel Cop rlllll Neglrtealioo Num lrantre Medenandolllerprrta Ior Wily randla iilewiehlp hell it regtairrel iroelleewllh Rural red to Mimi gt VIEcoureteltiwil ti mootovtottveuo lvvrrowoirvooe NAM WHOM SUllliAlerllOltl INTERIM llmi Wham WONT MW WMAIIIWS the demlnd tor more autonomy PROVINCE DIRELM What the municipallller want It to get out Irom under the wing at the provincea in the care oi Iome oi the larger centred eueh ea Toronto lh nt ieellng ler lhle car he almoat The munlctpelllae have been wedding meeting to they bourvlarloe Plannlni pollution reed poll clot and great many olber mailer are conceroe at much larger rommuolly than aingle municipaIlly And lnr entity and the gen eral wellare ol the province the Krovlnrlel ghtrilltllttll mutt ave reaperreihility tor tome direction oi there mm Ihry lohk at their huge budg end it hire them new oi Werlrrn Europe the Ieleet ehock lend WWW give them mullet hut eta

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