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IIuanu parttrtpatzd III Actually to the nth nun modlnx IIIIIIIudInu III nous the annual Imk nod eld much Mr llm lulu van In It Illudenl Ind round tlta We who roqu sunny dunno the Inn aludelll puduotlon In that Fancy nmmml In may The dlrtston thanrplou Mn Formuaa one It number ol Wed that damn hollows no mm at turn ulnaV lowed trawl lbhc Illwg III Inn nlll be warm 1PVtrlm5m6ha1ta pay In lull II mum mum In champion were uddgel oumttobe Several nlattmplrodlod am nunqu uhooldnnlnd on lunlar lull Mn thyElie wholmmod to counting lllldaon untnlor Joanna my If patrtck nun hem ltllo hmkrn It thiaqu ma lhourh wulhor cundltlom were someohatlcu IhIn Ideaan lo all omdllj In em Ian IV lullrumnle yV Pappel Captures wppg Indtotonhte how Ill den II kinnfnzmif ulll end Illh III Indiuvnuan In turn IMIIIIN In Ith place In sum mun IonrnnInuly hold tutwk In fast tood luck and mm hm 11ro 5enlor lndlvldunt them hmuwwmmm Mum mm Em on on the our team was Gard vlelelI unclaimed Puppet mV Md Mm mi tn ht hlgh Ichool yeara drtva lo be ood Roller Corn 11 SW mm dla WY up IrIIIIlIIJquI Ah plaan fourth 1n the meet null our luck Inna both rmlshcd lulu compoun lln Inu vtdull rhlmplon on lhla tram on date Mulder Connatulaltonr to both teams Insulin Changes and lo urh Indlrlduot mInIbelV our mam tram hon Ihalr Set For My almo Iralnat Parry Sound Inst Pgrdiy hyI More ol 19 In WhomttSmptnl changes the Ilandnd home lIul Ihlnk ln mm week ownm lnaurence volley that the hint rchoul year nut to will Muchmvoraze and In rm xtootloflhoohhouhlaza mm reumanrerno uo owraexonunnwon mphlcat Irena wtll he Iloplo Ihto to work It aomclhln luc Poop Im mm mulled acma Canada July rallvn for tow months Con MI 0W the Canadlan Underwrllm Iralulallonxr weve made It oydophoy Auoclallon the general lnauo lhmuth another rchool your In Induxlryl prlnrlpal rnto matln body also tnmIIInn hulrlagy Inn Ind Iobnny premiumb an overall alrhl it per cent the Juno In new huslneaa and July tor re Inn CAN IDB SERVE YOU WWW Mk1 hm 0n Thursdn Junoltlh 1972 beenlooremdhytlperaeut Under In current dwelllnI ond on the second Thursday In hthereta Iltcdlldl of each succodlng month rah ellolnp Echo 000r Raprmnlallm illlllbltlhr rupture or us Mr 5101 capa el water from plumth or health Intern and mm wlod or hall The Continental Inn the new herdln broaden III amen IIIIIny II III 35 aluda loam canard hy the Ind them or Inn thlnn with in Ilna diatrtet Ind thrwlhout Canada many th ter eed med ulcycluu mud to men and rm In practically all typea at wa Ek Mm hustoaaaea lnclndlna 00m cm st mourn macnon warm Mm Tong co Am Mucmnm mama and Whotaaala and Men Theda IzogNN hm ohm Mum pass your present hot water heater Vsame lime and all have plenty of hot Developmentmkloltqulmtundwulldtnp deliver all the hot water you need waIerImhmbathsorshowers mm mammmwnmmmmm WW V0 need It It not you should There are no hldden costs You 5935 to 9m Wmgfmdummm convert to Gullslream Natural Gas only lorlhe gas you use plus $195lor ng Io mg WWW Water Heater Then youre sure of all monlhly renlal of the Gultstream water Munnpmnnmympnom the hot waler you need last at the heater Alt lnslallallon maintenance mm 72 IW3lP55ble 005 and 59M comeabsolulelyfree unnummmuh or in advance by wrltlng to WV am who MMVOMMO mm or VV wnh Natural Gas you can do laundry Get Gallons and Gallons HEPPI to an uncut ol evanthlur Ineomatolhe damot tho that lumhy The weather was that want on and enjoyed it and Ihennelm on polo ill MI In lI U10 WW II Alhouah III III In ah mm of the mmhctilan or the ulllc In Irmtle In um an takrlhedny nunrnqulluue wash dlshes prepare meals all at the nesswllh Natural Gael ADAMS Monro hymnmam MMlllm IV Dutop PI moan 250 Unlvurslly Avenue Toronto Unlnrlo mu InII Telephone seems