Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jun 1972, p. 1

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no $ESE New no mu iIiI EEE E2 lull IilenrpiI lo hm lbI nuliIr In min debIleI we borran prion Omani chukv In Idling oi In ernnieolboueloxu inmdu Ind Hen wig lo dehIliuordr bill In oppodllon ibI debIle am In IIoloioolidem nioiion by Trustees Mueeum TORONTO iCPl Pelee SWIM dlrooln oilbI MII Oninrlo Iluuuin ior men Inn on yrm by the bond oi Imim Mill Iiier be roieeiod In Illimnbnn rulbebolind euIry in Ilr norm ImodlIiely beenuu hie i5 752 ninn lie71 Lode need III Inlid cInIdI prion vaI MI II nor Fire Dill Drapenu Union iOiiiciIls To Attempt To End Strike MONTREAL CPI bIIyor IIIn Drnmn will meet will unlnn oillelIlI Ind Quebec governmenl enneiilnior lunllbl In In Illornpl lo III Ilrll by lbIellyI niInu worker kurnIn Ior LbI rnIyorI inI IIId Uneoiloelod um III been rolilnz on nurn oI oily Iireell Ind broken ruler InIinI liIVI remained unrepnired since lbI noon vorkm lled on my 11 Ioilowlnl expiry oi III bncllovrorr inyroellon him out by Ilid oily lo Iebrn Iry Iiler niIIor biiuud elourd riiy Ilreelr NolollIllonI rerumed VIiiurI riiiucissnnrn collisionsnoon Prineeu Arno biennium one Who Dem Ii inform III eIrImono in London The war irw dIy ior lliI ilrIl lime linen bin with bolii Ildes nnneoni nilllIl Iboul proxrerr ConoiLIIior Yvon DInIereIu om lllclnh Irom lliI elly Ind llie union Illrr liiI lbeebour IIIh IburIdIy WI will luIl thI be well ior lliI olllelIir who no mole IM iini deeirionn blr DInIereIu II To mnyorr Ipolrerninn Inid liir DrIoeIu would relurn lbII Illernoon Irorn Europe where he he been deliiny WILII mol lerI tonneelrd lo IhI 1m Sum mer Olympia lirlburniyenlrylorine don lo Iionll CIrlo power boIl rm Ibieb mile on lunIkio lbI my newborn isq 3325 IE in Inlan ihlo bodrorIn In her IuburbIn lbronlo borne Pollen IIId ibIinIn Ibo lived in III in line worm but yIrd lured lbI moibrr oi lhree ehlidren in In up IlIirI bedroom in bee home In line prolexi oi Iboninl her bLI blnoculIrn Ihen ripped oil In elo lbinx laid her lo Ilrip Ind boyIn winging In III III LbyIIMld nomIn iv hurl bui her burly IIIIllInl lill blniIeil on line held Iiii ieriny deep nub II he reeled heel momen lIrIiy Ilunned by the Iellln iiieled blow lbI IrornIn bun rlediy roimdod on her children Ind lied lo neinborr borne IndeIilIdpollee loll Io rl Ire so Iilehiol loixil CoL ibl Vleeouni In bilrn end iin Terence Illh Ill AP Phoioi unknownmo nmwumurnmewem In hmnnoni wouler fill lm d1 horn hiedl Preoldeol Abmed llIIIIn II WWIWI an oi min Made Idol IIIICIIU lee lo blot eorr IIIWI IIlliI in mm in nu or maximum uku ol the renown ruin ol lbo ioodoobnlndirno Prim Ioeounlod ior in per oenl iernn 0r oi lbI Middle EIIII oil produce Syrll nIllooIbzed LPO iburI lion The preeldenl IIid Ibo ior rlIy nlnbi In lbeIIbI oi the oier Indorewould be compen ireol Inlon iebInon look no riled Ind blI Iorernmeol III Lebanon Expected soon BEIIIUT co lIrIellirlI Hero III no IiiIclr in moped overuoulh JAbInon oor moronie vum ro one Iy In I4 lion II In lllltkLlrnpfilll ior thrnIIIIero ILIIlAv Lad InlIrnIiloeIl Alrporl in lenel lIIr oi unlbeme rorIIl IllIek IIIIL exlrI Ind Announcer rIIIn Ilmrl humanly Ind manure In Il ieul Ilr lnoornln lo inn IIIrebed diam olilciII no IIidllIltlonI Inniror lbIIbreomInJIp nIII Iulelde nrlulnolold inleIl royIian lhIl Inolbrr III IIIhiInnod lingocroden To former ill WINDSO mind boy crowd led iinIl bornIII Ind Irmli Mlin lbIDuII oiwlndeor Prim liinl Ir ldurd lieeib Enron Iisoeneer widonoi ilrllIioI rIdlo broIdInIl Iilnnouri Illn iIler Shlmon Perle IIid lhnl lneremd Incurlly meIsureI liIvn been pul in loreo Ind vriii wolinue IlIlI oi Ilerl III Illll nn Il rho Ilrporl iodny inreeii SkybIIk Ind biirIII leis Ipenl is minulu Iver Ioulhern Inbonon Ind ArIb PaleoliniInI In Beirul my you lie Iron nopenred lrrevi some lIbnnuI however pro dieled llin IIrIelII would Iiii nel iher III In the IourbIeenI oi nuny llmeLI nor Blind ri IIIIII udIy nu beenlrlIzbb and lie Ihly ysiaslile do ISII Monarch Iinliiiblimiiliiyi olVilndIor Cutie rn noillnIIyon row in eIlIlIlouIJcloII lo lbI royII men The Inimifiblllr who be eIIriI lie but Dulo oi WindIar Iller bin Ibdchlion In imbmlll Ind be ion in mi blondIy in ehIidhood Irlend oi Ibo iorrnIr Wirolnp Law Pound Unconslilulional on neuron AP lIdIrI bII doelIred un eonnlllu me Iliolr nn mind lliol In virolI Ilpbll Inn vney oi every In AMI III II lbI eillxen Inigo gt Ir oourlrnIdeibernl In eonnocllon wllh on hymen dIlIndIniI in Iiiegd lib million nioban rm iv Iourbl lo Iupprm Iv ldeoeo IIibIrId by IlIolronle moiiirnco iIuiri In lbIIIIllI youndI Indy Speneenchurlblll Ilood ior lle minulII herlbud bond in ironl oilbo eiiiin duped ullh lbI duIII perIon Mid bl ltd Vibiie blue Ind eold looped by IlIo wreIib oluiiileI lire lrlliulI Iron MI Iiie duelieIn mind in Lon don irom PIrlI II lbe Irowd oi niournerr bend liliny peri Ibo rollin oi her buIbIod who died binder in Pull II 11 blorl lbw1000 Mole iiiod lilo eIlIIIl du lbI libiii Icoo no In mid ailmIleI MIny dloloniIiI Ind InvoyI Commonwenlib ennui were In ile crowd PUBLIC lleAliI JUN LIIZ lanolin Oi blowoutrile udmmrunaoocinwmmwimucquoiom In IIlllnI new mm in IIII oreilel iPC militia mernnieni Ihonld IiIrI lillln diiileiuly operIlLoI lbI new mplny Iince moor oi IPCI lone IrI lrIoiI Bul preouniIb lhI ionln noinlsler wenl lo blowout In III Soviel help in rnIrhlinI the oil in order in eiminwenl ieIIi Minn by IPC DION TREATY In April lrIo Ind lbI Soviel Union concluded iSyeu lrenly ol lrle prov ided Ior rerulIr lovII eon IullIilooe Ind coopenilon on oil Ind olher IllIlrI IImIiI IlreIdy II helping Ian ole llI rirlr Norlli lbunielin oilleld which IrII emrwrhied irorn lPi In Ilbl lIiI ileld hII luol reeenlly come in IlreIrn Soldiers Killed In Border Blast neuron inn hm nuno exploded lodIy on roId II III border Ilih lire iriIIi lio publle billing lilo Brilbb Iol rllere Ind modin Irro olben Lie Irmy uld InokeIInIrr Il Irniy bud quIrlerI In LlIburn neIr Bel Iul aid the dining oi IhI mine on lbI border queeled IIHIII deionnlod irorn lbI uber Ieeond mine lound In lbI umo rielnily Irllh Irlm Ilreirhlny 1000 melre Into the irlnb Republic II Irrny IIld lbb one III demoed 51 inofaldleiin 1bihileld II no pee llio border IrrI neIr lioulrI In Counly PermInIIii Anolber lrooper Iuliered IIeIII lnlurIrI thkl lourlb VII lrIIlId lor no Mode ThroaII Man II llrroolod SAN FRANCISCO IAPlIo lieI IIld Ieyelroid you won Irmlrd ihuredly niibi ior niIIiioI deIib mini mum SenIlorI lluberl Iluninhny Ion GeorIn blIQoirrnleIdln eon lenderI ior Ibo lioniocillie pmldeniiIl nomlnnllon poliro Ipolnrnrnn IIid oper Ilor oi LII IiIII oi lulle ro Ieivod ibreI leirpbone eIiir in inlrly quirk marina lbI ilrIl Ihreolenlny Iboolln Il ibe Oorl Prince Ibo mood IinnIl lbI illI ol ilurnpbroy ibo lbird IIIInel bleGorIrn ioI nun In cuelod III nol nonrandom only IrdrrI lhn IeIrth ior pend he were In repul lIblI vianly bu ill on bl laden bm Ila IpIeiilIll ninlle eiiori lnr In ndochnI elllemeni will be underum In It llll oi lbI bloom nIeeI IbI pruldeei reeelrbd lbI ioiIleIl Ieloomo no In ever The Ireeolinn Iirrn Nixon Ieemid lo derl lhoee be had received in bin previour Iopenh Willi Inres beiorI Congress In pmi 19 WWill drnl durin hi InnuIl Slain ol the loo InoIi power nilan in my Mm no my on nub Nixon all in Iboul ini line on memberI oi belMour leirundown inI SenIlI no hall on or lion ll no lo Ill in mm or in mm villi nlber iinllm In build up IWWMIbIlioun Some Imbm neruiiii our Illalum olionlilerlbelouilierwld Ioe lbI boon oi rIInblnd Ind um DEMOCRAT $94013 lnInprrIl dlilerenm SoniI Ibsenl Inn IrII re bnworerbelrreen lhI piobIbLy poiilienlIince lbero So III In Iurylrlon Irnoru Demo vIlIiIlbIUllm in linnrriber bul III IeILI leil emply by Di IInIlorI Ind eooxrourneo were memoiornl Ildee Ind Ibo public IIItIIdS lino IIld were parlrd moriiy by leIlIII Bul be IIid lbIl ii nould liiIIides Poll Shows McGovern Leads By Wide Margin In Caliiomia SAN FRANCISN AP Innrnnnlloniorihelbllolioiue SIoIlor GIorII McGovern LI ilnmonrey clllld or poll rIizd lhI ninIrrIy lender in ureI nonsense baloney lm Dem bpoinl lend Ii ibis limo minlowlehlbnlllllrlo IorI rrdldnlninnolposelble will omidmllll brimn he no in naimiiiir Ii did lhinb IL on pmiy my mo noullnl oven iIlo lime in Clllle ney prion Tliero II no 3th lead ior Iir lIcGoirrn no Iierybody biriiorern INDENCIIIICIOLII dunno lie brlanry In eiecLlon which line Souih DIlolI bleGniern hlnuoli Inld be led IenIlor IIyI In likely lo deler nol loll lbI margin WI liiIl mine who win lbI Democrer much CAPSULE NEWS New Whool Sale To China Revealed omwn CPiAnolher wheel Inmemenl he been nrndI Ilih min wlur ilio iolIl poIIiblo IIII er lbo eonirnel runniny in nu rniilon bushIII Olin inn announced iodIy Govl To Try Consumer Oiiices OTTAWA CPIThe government In LIblisblnI loo pliri eon IiIIierbe Iloreironl odieee in help rho Ihopper ormomo Iomo bi hi or er Ioee CoIIumer AiiIlrI blinirier lioberl AndrII In bounced IhurIdIy lho olllerI will be oIlIblishid in Comorll Ind lieniru 0nl ior Iix lo elIlilnionlli lriIiprriod li Iuivrulnl bLber bibm would be IIlIbilIbed Forged llciroi Ring Uncovered NEW Tollll APlaLiIillorilleI lth hm rounded pIrL oi highly bierIlivI underworld lrIvel indiuiry lin Illeyrdiy Iuppiird lined or Iiolen Iirline limb in Irennlzed crime barre lor Miner Ind pieuure lrlpe Budgel Cuts May Delay Expansion ST JOHNS Nd WIArr trillion engineerin Khool rl oi sinned eIpInrlon oi hlernorlIl Univerriiy oi euiound nd will be doleyed lor up in our yeIrI beeIuII II redre ilon in rdueIllon IundI coniIinrd in lbI lelllltlli budxol Inlro durrd IblI week Col Peter To Head Space Progroni 0mm nucu MI Peier oi oi lionireIl Ind 0i IIIII bu been prorrioled in in rent oi brisndieelenerd Ind Io poinied oireeioolenerII oi IeroIpIeI Iysleere Il cInIdiIn Force IequuIrlen ErinGen Polar whose prornoiion wu Innouriced by rho deleoee depIrlrnenl iormerly rm direelor oI Ioroopm IyelemI enprieerinl III weeds liIiGen lion Io oi HIrniilon Onl II direiioryenerIi lolie 0i Terrorislo in Training nial if dimduu In at in IquI IrIeI em on rpo old biI irrIeIi lnlerroulon olber lumen lerrorinll uern Ioddndini LBIOIIILM in lobMu onerriilI ii rm IeIiIbly leIrnrdlo

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