hellretale are that member ot the eluh mitural Society will hold hate om minim print baa II hie pnrtner Iomeoae re laurel new to dupiielte bridle dunner It ihurnrlay nirhtr unite were Mn Elie into and Idrt Olive Ileney tint lire Pep More Ind DIvtd Lew iI ueond WIyne liar and hill cm Purvta third Iitbehoniootltrlnd IIrI Woo oendlea Road lie Hartwell Ia en route north Itter Itiendiar maturation to Tom Io DUPLICATE IRIDGI Iloe nent club tournament tor member oI the Barrie Dupliceta Bridle Club will be called In trodusury Ill lhe tamer step event will be held on June and 21111 IouroIrnent ruler FloWerjShoW Class Firsts Monday night winners were lire Ella Strain and Mn olive lieney tint Wayne tint and mood Ind Ernie rd third EARDLN WEDDING Mr and MrLNeisou Ger rettol Strehane Avenue Ittend ed the attended the anion led dine at their wu Driln to Helen uladye Nitholson The vyrddinp toolt piIee Hamilton The bride to the ill in at Dr and tire Nle lsou Also Itlendint Irom Barrie were htr and hire Jemer Donald Street granderantI at the are demo In lIuIIueu Adminit 2W wrangled knit rlh hoirtcnirinnn socnrr rim pungent wlanm no unm IIoiete Single the med Ipriu Flower bin hltlllll Korowrn Double 71 Wt ti itll Irowmuorrd t1 the Barrie llrI liurnI Koaowon RertIeIltIrIl lleeiety IId held Geranium hire Jenn Gable It the dominate Conrailiii Gable Petlare PIInI IirI him one III who tthru Ire Ill tirst prize ywinnera Wiper Pink Mitt litiII Itelen Smith Yellow who lilien Striltlt Rod Thrill rnen 6ynnottr White Tulip Mrr JeIa GIhII Purple tldlp lira Jean liable Three Sinrie Iulipe in net at hrnilh three Doribla Tultpa Mil Betty Murray Three Parrot mien hire Jeen Gable Three lioitiod Tullpe hire to Igtohride Leither Purple litre iteva Mitt Itauve lire PIutlne clout Irtrnrnu tire mo Gable NIIrIIetn titre Marne Karena Panatn ilrI tlottld Shrub Iirl Jean ahe Cotenet duration hur km IItonII Plant in II tellawei liomlrt ArrIaIenreatI urirht endi SWIM bin nobel Ilehride tire VI Brown White Cape hirI Vi Brown JUNIOR til llaypoie Ann Smith DIIh Garden Ann Smith Itlpa Ann Smith utt DlIh Garden lImmla Per enu ttulipl Tammie Perener PDITER WINNEM Itltlcreat Inn Prtnre at WeleI Schoole IirIi to In and or linear Ilichauti HiltonIt Srhnol Second SuudrI Shaw Iitil erest School Intly liarrtI Prince JUNIOR Nine yearn and under ii ne4alt bridemm emu Street uncle at the tridenoorn Ind like Debbie nun Cyndi and Paula tiar lhe bridegroom domain It the wedding and re ptlon were held at the borne Midee parent no Kalil worth Avenue Smahlianditeu RAKE BALI litemhm ol the Barrie llnrtl sale It the toll ItIrtet Soul on June trorn to Inn to Convener oi the sale II lira Oner Proceed will be used to Inrther the Societye prolch in the city III ANNIVERSARY An Innirmary reiehraltoa will he held on June by mem bere oi Thornton Womens Insit lute to commemorate the Inst tutaI 70h anrdrerrary The event will tale piece It the On Inge IIIII themton Iron tn tpm tire lennox Will be Iii tresa oi Ceremonies ATTED GRADUATION lie and hire levinl Ilohert Ion oi Wellinon Street East ulIandrd convocation at Untrer Ilty at Western Ontario lnodon when their xodaon Cameron ttIrtin IrIier received his hon trailun Clmrrou ie the Inn nI Mr and titre Ootln Ilmr at Winnim Ilaniloha tanner Iter rII residenta White In Barrie Iir From me with the Blair ot Nova dentin WEDDING CInIdlIn Irtreu Elenor It Inme InfTheSt1n Eh FEE in an in 35 ti bend Ian be want ntuettinl into with the 1th here nude twoattempts Ind new Ihoatd keep quiet mm doyouuytttatetedeelt Dear beet Iell that dumbbell but it you witnea In It cruelty mintatntha WWI YO III ulltheSPChtheodolt Den Ala hadrretDo have lNRILSIIf Erhplmm gt II rtphl to III mutton II and lhIrapaIre Iinore tatereatlnr tin 3me illihelll Will lilo ygy Mame arres cheoumo tor him but because Ann ta on my aide plue 4V tntImt Itlons Inch brushed denim tor mm mil IM WW 19 with were in threebanrled stretch knitdeumt mndamnny my Ahmwmm trieindsulastyealr Idtlslgzgtm pulled Into the Idrirane ladoil Mitt uuru DICIL Ielt Ind Jerk Webbl riothlrte hut etood there em Plilwwmlm rm rm Wood converter or SiIrre in the Sun me mourn exhthInrlI lIy g3 lhe show more the lone lane in eponsored by The on no went out to the ear Ind patiodrul which willbedrlwn na YI Iieuetlre Ind la the mm to minutes lie rune timber CIaaII Deeealt tor thin eteulnpat the llllll km on luh nnventuraottbiai butanduidDedhaahde didliliilpllillirii all 15 PM little too much to drink he1 um both pitta and boyuiIrks Patch lieu matchinn or nontrIattnp ntenhaiiow traditional aiyltnre1 Plnl mate up In mun Ind the tile winner Ior eomlort Ind style is rtlll notion InlL this ts one rreior indium nldlltblorled tool In eunultoeokghin dream II well ea PiIrlnlIytI one oi the hottest Ieatum Ind mother writ enloy nean thia tendnine little lady took on pitta Watrh tor the pinatore In dellch voile In ty drew rlaht down the to washing hold rail and blues Fevorite pant looks are wide IlIre lope sometimes Iteentuat time the north etltor both out and plains To mate pin ma er Lust rlphi the outiita lIre lrltil ed oil with good look Ihete In nbvlm emphIIlI Beecroit Ind Iltlike Charles Wams Against Dnuxlu Stewart Toronto Iormer Harrie thyrI who were married recently will tote up reeldenre on Glen Edth Drive Iaronto In early autumn 15year IdminittrItlva post It the ban oltlce oi Hart llotno theatre Unirenlty at Toronto thll week Mr Iuatleo Stewart wII Ippoirtted tn the Supreme mm in test and later Ierved II ehalnnan ol the advleory re new boerd thIt InnuIity ex IrnIneI easel ol those rnuilued ill unlit to Item trial iii dr tlIir made hII Ippeer anee law were Il in eer tea at enorv documentariu Cue lor the Court ol ureter IionIt Ietlnx ItIndIrd tire Ste Irt alone with rnalor turn and Inlet over the yearn he been utIIeri tint Ilotlae ed mintstreior It moves the hot air around creataea little bree overExemsmg Doesnt do much else except whlrrr bit To lose Weight WILEGE PARK lid AP the moth eaerclu my male penan letter not thin ner urn Dr Richard Ahrens at tile Untereliy oi IlIrytInd who recently completed tireyelr study at the interaction nt diet Ind phyritai Iivity Ahrenn lllll hie research with rate indicated thIt too vtpnr one exercise prouam lite tool much relaxation could cauea person to plln weight Once exerciIe became so vixoroua thrill we Ictuaily etreaaiul that the Inith did not enter It any more becIuaa It was real chore then they began to put on mnre ta Ah bring in rnesu dehumidiilee emu then First Tracy Bentley Prince oi tVIteI School I5 CriticiZed Second Darlene TIylor Prince EAI iCPt En 0l 0i Weill School tIhIJNIEIhopedie turreou IIye ihlrd TeresI hieil Irmre ol pregnant women Ihnuld not WIIrI School nee Ieatheite In In automobile woundedareal com Emulate In one at en mi eut crl reenmmendn udglnd gamyCuml Plan your vacation toda by cileJourtiI mnunteontercnu rentingatuliy equipped ord Wedpeeday brown critltlsm window van Equipped with automatic transm ssion double beds running water and ice box Aceornrnodatcat adults easily First time ott emt in Barrie by liertz the No Rental Company Into your Ilvrng area to replace the mile lrot art It hat ex Iliad It doea thlr automatically Iilently DallarIordotlnr we elleve It to be the BEST invertment you can make to Improve the lying romiort In your home RCA lightweight Portable Model With easy instahtouut tor adapan to almost an win dow openin Thermostatic tontro maintains orni 1y wmtorta in temperatures No speeds hishbutton controlsInuzingly quiet in operation Moves large volume oi air for Its 5112 Permanent washable litter Squirrel cage tan Stale air exhaust 6000 BiU You on cool It for little at 2Speed Model with 6000 BTU upueity SIMCOE 259 lnnleIil St Irea Pltlnp and Delivery mm II III II Drlvaie location er doeiure who Illd the end he want artdlhere rte particular danrer tor pm ne wnrnen ll theyIra worn emu 169 17995 DISTRICT coor pleneont plnee to deal 72665 on root duet opedioIurecn It telve W1itilrrialllrlent butltieuniitelt