Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1972, p. 19

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Tr on wiv onl only Jul bed and 1019 me Jul nlllt mic 0141 Joi Ivor Iul only TF IN ale Jul Mhl JV 10 III lilo All and may Iol II Ir llei no nu Yo mi V01 NI am or JIii WE HAVE SERVICE WEGIVE rmaucruo ARRANGED or mum on our unierst roar VALIANT sum 9471 Incl marina 51175 automttc polerstcerinx lately checked VI speed Salary aboard Um 81M 95 1808 PONTIAC 31005 188pr Faded mm door Imanailc 0111 mill licence 1800 CHEV $1205 Head 818151 60 GIIEV VI TON 1785 lmy anew 1870 MAVERICK 1585 VI InlomIlJe Um 58151 noilrlder radio uceoca N711 1880 DODGE 0785 1810 ACADLAN $1105 door hardop il automatic power Itacan door Intmntic rodin 11mm snarl power brats that 1911 Jul 150 BRADFORD ST 7268230 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR NEW CAR unison THEN LOOKAT SADLON SCOTT CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC 0er 250 CARs IN STOCK Come See For Yourself Extra Allowances and High Trade Prices On Your Car COME SEE COME SAVE WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS sADLON SCOTT 233 BRADFORD ST 7261811 CHEVROLET CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE MOFFATT MERCURY SALES LTD 81 ESSA RD Here Is Your Chance To Boy Better Used Car 1888 LINCOLN lielaiiic IIey door sedan wih 111110001th lor cylnder automatic our radio rear window deioager while we 11m wheel covers One owner lolly equipped Including lac lory Reconditioning Licence 210001 1815 1888 VOLKSWAGEN Red door cylinder Ipecd transnrlrrion radio Low colt roilabia transportation Licence IddddL 1810 CHEV IMPALA 12485 Red door hardtop with block Interior and black vinyl root cylinder automatch Wer Ileerlngi power broker rado whllmll tirer look beauty over betora you buy any car Licence 019011 1285 I885 CIIEV LNPALA iirvwn Idoor hudlop automatic radio 1118 Vehicle is not certiiicd licence 01111 1811 MARK 62888 Red 1er station wa on red interior auto maiJc radio nulls tires wheel covera Ono ownereconomy plus 11101001 at wagon Licence 110080 1871 TOYOTA 11575 Dark green door with black Inicrior cylinder speed standard tranlnisaion radio new tires bucket seats one owner Lihr new in looks and perionnancu licence 207111 1888 ACADLAN 1278 Nine door rinticn wagon cylinder auto mile This vehicle in not ccrliilad Heeoce X00200 1810 MAVERICK 11885 Tan door cocve tIn interior cylinder standard transmission Save doilarI when you buy and while you driva with lhII one licence NAME YOU CAN TRUSTf hammer II Klan 11 uI cylinder automatic power steer SELLABRATION THE MOREFORYOUR MONEY CAR DAISIIN In more wiih Lost oi lStIndIad Women accessoka in Ilialimll IIreI OM Gimme Word DiIaI Oilectric Iterr Window Daimler Oiinlrd lm arm Through mum 081 links THURSDAY JUNE FRIDAY AT 176 BRADFORD 51 BARRiE USED CAR THAT DOESNT LOOK ITS AGE 1866 CHEVROLET IMPALA STATION WAGON Automatic 871 VI engine barrel carburetor oovcr slecr lng power beam radio and power rear window Deaf irrId whitmli 11m and whee clues RICE $08588 Heeoco X06101 1808 VOLKSWAGEN STATION WAGON Fuel laluclioa aulornniic trail er hitch reIr window deiogcr moi Iiieii clgrr lldrtrr eel x1 coco malt and radio Ilalahed In sparkling diamond blue with NIcIvhryi Interior low mileage one owner car Licence KW PRICE $180880 1811 PLYMOUTH CRICKET ivdoer Radial ply ilros radio bucket Ieuh speed lrunsniln rion blue exterior 0101 bincir vinyl ulterior 15000 miles Licence 111m PRICE $108500 1818 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE Automatic rear window dolo gar sped lranmrisolon drop trend tires whllo wilh rcd leIIh crcilo interior Licence 210011 PRICE $188500 1872 KARRIANN GILIA SPORTS CAR 1000 miles Dniance oi new car warranty rear window deiogucr amber with chocolate brown bucket seats Licence 100500 SAVE $58000 10 OTHER QUALITY USED VOLKSWAGENS TUtLY REMNDITIONTD AND GUARANTEED boo Ur or Call Ur at KERV JOHNSTON Motors Lid lilllr locailons To Serve You DOWN Si 21 Essa Rd IIL mun Rh 7266218 Jul BUY AND RELY KENWBELL MOTORS LTD 7263333 84 Tiliin Sr Barrio Career 01 Hllln Si and lnIIiIIIi It rlop lights IchI IroaI Coon bYEAROLD CHEVELLE HALIDU SUPER SPORT You wit be proud to owu thin Darlr ureen door hardto with bloat vinyl top nder automatic power Iieerlng pow er brakes radio runner openl er whitewaii tires wheel eov en bracket reata Urenca 020017 1YEAROLD CUTLASS DOOR HARTTOP No tone blunt cum and cop per ilnlnln wtih vinyl Interior 1971 TBIRD whitened 11m wheel covers 1970 FORD LTD licence 1000117 1969 CHEVELLE NIPL i968 METEOR roan i968 FAIRLANE wheel covers Uecocc WTIN 1968 CHEVROLET brakes radio whileunit tirca 1968 OLDSMOBIL brakes radio nirilcouil tires 1967 PONTIAC Licence 251711 1971 LTD 700 1971 FORD Blue door hardtop nuiolu 0001091 III II DWI ill Ml IM itllil millihd IMO III ARM II Mint 01 000th MIDP via 11001 ml MUIHND do xclillnl million Imam Milled All Wldl lllemm Kerr Dunn 178 181 lei Alr 10 Mid vi Iilvc power Iluria illld Mill A1863 ma rumour III or num 11 your helm power marina noon windows Iceon mm awn warm Inch JH ins power bum radio new witmil tirea 5pm IlrI naver wood wheel coverI One owner rdieage Jl 8mm door hIrdlop cylinder automatic 101 police brakes radio whilewall tires ll eel norm brakes radio whitewaii tires 379 Baylieid SI TIRST BIRTHDAY $2275 SATURDAY Come in and have piece of Billhday Cake and Coffee BIRRELL DATSUN 7288711 MAKE AN OFFER PUSH YOURS IN DRIVE ONE OF THESE OUT Anna door Dueling aihndar Idiomatic lag power brakes power windows alreondiionrd radio Licence 030111 Turquoise door hardtop Iuirnnauc power steering power brakes radio whitewail tires whcci rovers Uccnce Blue door harvilop cylinder airlomairc power aleerlnz power brakes radio whitewnli tires wheel covers Llcunn Brown door hardtop cylinder idilid nlriicacli tires Grey door hardtop automatic power steering power licence 0881 Gold door hardtop Iuiornailc power steering power licence 101701 TlIrduolso door hardtop cylinder IuiquaLic pourr steering power broken India whitenail iirrs wheel ccvcrr Ned door scdnn cylinder automatic power steering er brakes radio whilewall lirrs Ihcrl rovers Uccnco IUG errtrering 8111 covers OPEN MONDAY FRIDAY TO 10 PM In ID In no pmn cubic utata ccndllloa ucuo rlodcd Pach lab at litme die on Miran youi EXCEPTIONAL CAR Illl DARK Olllii ouer stem 7287861 MUIELI car law Hill Pl 410 In wheels hurl My room man 1901 MUIVANO MICAII in Immu MOTORS LTD 120 BRADFORD ST 7281061 i969 CAMARO RALLY SPORT $2175 Nuisanaiclrarppopuilrroodeivhhlowa20ercom tInIsIL wiib black interior cylinder airiornaiic radio berm rents One owner Uccocp NTWI 1970 HONDA MODEL 450 ihlI motorcycle is loaded with utrar radila bags winI Ibkid electric our etc 0011 10 miles I970 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON $2475 Slut your holidays in Ibis clean white station wagon with blue interior cylinder sac mine automatic power ricer Ing radio tart mileage Um 112101 523755 1970 CHEVROLET Cold door hrrdlop cylinder automatic poucr ricer to radio 710a erI kept unit would male an ideal Irruly cor licence urns 1970 FORD $2150 lilac door sedan nratciung interior cylindrr automa tic radio new tires This is very clean well kept unit Licence um 1970 DODGE POIARA $2775 BIII door sedan wiIJI blue interior cylinder auto rustic power steering power belles radIn new tire This low mileage unit nnla iIIe new Indira 00 day wor rInly Test drlIr and you will buy 11 Ucencc INS SEE OUR SELECTION OF PICKUPS VANS AND HEAVY TIIUCNS AND TRACTORS QUALITY USED CARS AND TRUCKS EASY BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED ON THE SPOT AT JACKSON MOTORS 1968 PONTIAC All door Irdnn niindcr automatic radio brood linish matching Interior another one wner gun with only 0000 miles year or 2100 rniic warranty more coon 1969 DODGE CORONET $1429 door sedan blue rndsh and blue interior automatic transmission radio willie and thus only $1000 miles IJcIee 351171 you or 21000 nIiia warranty 1968 PONTIAC Nrduolse door sedan wilh mIlciilnl interior 10 Iuio Inatic radio This is clean one owner and with 41100 original Iniko ycar or 11000 mile warranty Lic ensa 113101 1967 DODGE MONACO $1199 white vinyl roof ed Int Ikd door hardtop Vii11 mo V0 nrdormiia power steering poler brakes radio wall line wheel covers This one owner is all ready to go year or 31000 mile warranty 10m New 1967 DODGE CORONET $1099 do sedan turolnse lavish Y1 automatic radio white wulivtlm One ouncr will only H000 miles and carries ml or 21010 mile warranty 11m 050051 $1189 1967 DODGE MONACO door hardtop Y0 Iulnrnallr cr Iieerin Wei brakes radio white wall lives In rel revere ton linisb inn Interior One owner 12000 miles year or 11000 mile warranty ilcmce limit $7799 1968 DODGE POLARA vr Iuiomaiic 7111 an mepdnnally smart door power steering puurr hralcl radio nluiewaii tires vhcrl covers One ounor ymr or 21000 nriio womanly idceruo 1969 EPIC S775 This In real bargain Green door sccian only 21100 miles iJcencc iWIBN 1966 FORD FAIRLANE 500 83 cngrna Tan door hardtop with matching interior do wheel nov Iutamaiic power snoring burr brakes ra In Another one owner will $0000 miles Licence 81151 1966 FORD CUSTOM $399 This Is really clean rloor sedan automIlic transmls aim radio licence 016870 gt $2993 1967 FORD This in handymans dream As is special Red door chall automatic Licence 310001 1964 BEAUMONT AI LI Ipeciai door Iialion wagon cylinder numatic rude licence Noun 100 Bradford SI 7260288 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH VALIANT CRICKET FARGO TRUCKS $1175 1909811111 LISED CARS 51KB $1399 01 CCMI ill VALIANT Ile Sum hill inli TIM did amule both In GIMII llerrri lute IMI ma potion Inlllvoi Tale TINT JV 1171 MAVIIIC ulln Mom Iic clmmon who lnlal lav ole Ian lo and out mllu 11 leI We room in Inyilm IF 1110 DIVING to Ill cylinder raced mar console note In candiaen PIMI ralannara III MW 100 N110 MINI NT 1117 VDAKIWAGIII VAN Ill iVII Imlleni body Ind Maine or nul or radio wlll ma malwcyco In ill VIEW 71671 101 CRAILINGII IV 7011 Imme viotI rnndllloro only 10000 carelle mlmlud luilu llilw Rm Ivlnyl loo Size 1017 PLYMOUTH III 111 II war Mannie In onullalu diloll mehllllell 11m wililtlll nor MIMI muse IllJ 0711 Iny donn mm udan ll AM rise Iold in Int oilwr rm Rosa ll maria emu In llldlll ll III car 1101 MD Mm In MI powered pool lam ler 08 Ill lie rnaoe line TIN 6m nlIvilr Marlon

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