Image teaser renown room 01 Dualop ll Barrio 7261001 mmrnuairmrsemnnoa ornqu with audio ruwmmwmmmmmomn hiringIndonenlquaJnlortoiamw Imm groomIrma mm grocery store with land Ir I010 man lam lot louied 13 miles north at BIrrle Year and GAS BAR RDTAURANI ying punters rlo LII IIIIII hlmwn Elecllrni petrolIII IroIiIgI all Haul Brnde cum NEW TOWEL AliLI bedroom bungalow pc hIth new breed Ilroil More Situaiai an 11 urea Priced to sell ai only 611M Peter Gibbeb norm BUNGAIDW Jud ocleido the city VinylI lot 0912602 miirlogroarnbroadloomod1bodrmaodlpcbath IolbascmaotwiihpandlodiandlyroornandbedroornPrlced to Tel Cal Ernie Reed 7785151 Jul mm mm III III Iloolrcwm um new man Ion name nm oquu mam Ir IoII nIcv roao mm new mun My aawwm rouse ooIo wcncn ILoIIn cum Min awry coo neveruulo Jill VIIIL 10 ORV IO IUIVIILL MI MIKE lVlAlllD MN ME MI IOII IPIW RCIIOLKANICOLTD REALTOR IO Coillar 51 local 7284401 Amsr Soul 7261510 DIIIetToronlollna 3646625 GENERAL lNSURANCE WEE PROPERTY JOYLAND BUCH lour HI loatod in Stroud LAKEIRONT Banding in very good repair large parcel oi land about 00 Fully relied Why not 1le In acrer with too Ieci iIlIa ironi ona Iparlmenl and let the other age River winding lineups pro three pay the mortgagci Cali port and Into lera Sirrlcoe me about It today Dalna Jack sale randy beach We have the can 1181100 Iurvry Call Inn Garrick nlooun PROPERTY tha earth SPACE TO GROW UP 1N 1481 ii Icre at good garden gyonnd liar on your property llim lenccd and In mInIculaleeon riiilon lIIny yam oi careirra living bedroom Icparaie dining and living room garage under irousa hunky and pan indie Ioidii oi Bar 000 Ice at highway reg phone 111 Hamilton HUDT FOR THE WISE BUYER Would you like to own dun miy decorated hornet Ii lea turoa tuiiy Ilnirhad rec room with IirepiIca Ind buillin bar Fenced yard bachinl on to park Largo living room kitch In and dining area large bed rooma Aiuahod garage Ownrr has been transierrod lei mo allow you thin lovely home Joan Garrick 7200145 PRACTICAL MODERN HOME bedroorna modern hall Ex eclient kitchen dining and liv lrIg rooml Icparale Extra clar Igo oil Iitchen Splclcua base ly mcni Ior laundry double tubs and bobbin Paved driveway to attire or garage Coioriul gar dInIDIIIlnoIIoihdxildIn the line ht VlneereCodrlnglon area 117000 will tavnrable rnt borne easy lo but he euro in tha clear look NeIr school and drooping an edge at town Earl 7762710 or 72510 WINIERZED COTTAGE Located one lot Irom lala wllh occur hedroono dug welt corner lracd lot Full price lii loo Plense coil Deity til2101 Icemrnunenr DnIvn immaculate bedroom brick home Rigid acroar lrorn lake and park in one at Barricr most derirnble Irena Ail room Large Spaciour garden Owner will take bark Isl mortgage to your dullwuymenl Bob Wcoi moron mm ooDnnlanIvsr werluhop In basement Excali narrow roe SALE BAIL Attractive Ireundo bedroom bunge modern wwwmmmoxsmm III One Ibodronm Ind two Wm lemu Wm WM 118 piece bIIlc accessible all year Klein Tim pine panelled Iurnlabod or Iand bradi Na an Tarn and wavymy mm or up Dorothy Frlnirnnrlnr dourduu 1mm BAY On OodrinleIn mm Street berhum madem buar LEFROY BUNGAURR $10500 gIlow urge lot immaculate Ibedroom borne with IllIched condition rcpIIces den lam garage on pared road Hot wa lly room Asking 771001 Par Ier heating nice lot No one trather Iniomullon call Ed Iornand Dorothy Tiiulmmlnr Green moral No ma 662020 Min rum mun JIluI labII rm Iahcoctl msou em lam naeMy own new mu ea Wan maul earn Mewa rum AMI beam Illi Mil DIM Minimum 8M Torn Fllulmmlrl 79 BYTIELD sr IIRRIE PHONE 7281485 APPRAISAL uonrnrnns Frank Neiia BroIer Jack linden lIInIger RAKE arm on thiarioubla house room aids ride newly decorated new gas IIonocu private drivewaya Asking 11510 wilh 06000 down All ottera considered Gail Ilusseii Carson 7700101 DIIcuzv pour saloon AREA Dcnralinl bedroom brick inurgoiow in ucelleai condition in good residential area lull base mu private drive Aching oy 035000 Cali Harte Samoan 718 Am HILLS Nearing carmrictloa new homes all with lire plaru ona haI double garage low down payments to ouaiiiled buyen tIii Rlureil Canon midi OtDEii mm 1101 Centrally located large lot with shade trees bedroom llpslllru apartment helps carry the morth only 821580 0111 Illrie Samson 7281511 77er mun 71qu Rural canon IIch Human Tynan 7mm Loo nunaogn minor Manny anl mom Imle unis IIIan Edith IInnonIrI ill1m Oro Mama moilooart miw 01111 IN 7281566 APPRAISALS yiiiirs uIInI I11 Marla 51711100 7161111 Ilvu Ink and EIIII ml and Lynda Hayden Mary Farley VII VIII dllolli lewllm Jml Mull llbllii ii MAPLE AVE MITRE HAY 7167600 DOUG DAKEII 7181171 JAY DECAIIIE 7187511 151 CLAPPEiiiON 6T 7W bcdroom bungalow on exccpllonrily baaIIIInI lot $50247 This home has finished rcc room wilh adjoining bcdroom or aiilce Harry on this one ALLANDALE HEIGHTS ANIA 11an are planning more hclora tall Ihln bedroom aldesplii ls close in Ichooil This home has lonely bshnped living and dinlny area lovely pine oanelicd IImIiy room and one car garage ti vr us call bi OTTAWAY AVE Where else could you got 1000 so It oi cxcvoiiva Iiyia borne tor 8120001 included In largo aunlicn iam Iiy room with Iirepiaca and patio doors Professionally Ilnlrhcd rrc room Iwr bedrooms large separate dinlny room with beau iilnl cIlIndeiIcr Completely broadloomwi lhonr 1or appointment WE ALSO HAVE SEVERAL 1015 FOR CUSTOM BUILT IiOhIES THE hHDiiUilST ANTEN HILLS SNOW VALLEY 1111 AND BA$ LAKE AREAS PHONE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 1mm Irina on 51 TWIN Dlrrndd In bedroom buir Iplii In Imma urlaie rendition hrondloom 01001 DOWN lirrourdrout nicely lIndscnped bedroom inurgaiow an Cod lot Completer lenccd Only nnaon 81 Garage NIca corner yun old with mortIIIe lat Horus in Innnaculate ron Iiannalr Pentland 7700071 ditlarn Den Allan TIT7111 Jul Complete General insurance Service FIRE AUTO CASUALTY LIABILITY MOORE nus Realtor 7282642 Res 7285187 100 DUNWP ST lt OPPOSITE ARENA label 11er 7281111 Ina REALTOR Call Joe Dirrncoio 7260567 or 7284401 Marian IornI Jun Thumd Sieve cnnna Dan Allan me loblnaan cal welenl Dllrrralo Marlon REALTOR OUNUJI Izsma rouonro arrears OPEN UNTIL ihl TIIISAIIRAUTIVEJ BEDROOM RUNtiAIAlW In nicely irred am had ous broadiooincd living room wiih replace and in lanai IImI kitchen TlIrra Ilnilllui room In the Lane mat and II Ilnlliy room with pool lairlo Alinniuvl garage acre 101 garden nlrrudy planted All this ior 1011 0011 ircno 107th mom 187717 NOT T00 BIG AND NUT 1110 SHAL This bedroom iidcsplii ll hot rllil or medium rlro larnily Nice lilelrcn WiliI nInpla eating mi and linlrhod iamily room Ior icluriug Aliaciiod rar pori and paved dIlvo Nicely landscan and indeed yard iar mm R0111 Godd lddliiotl rinse in public and high school For more detailr coil bin Alliinron norIN No In JOHNSONSITIEIIT 80110014 Alli1A Three bedroom brick bunga It or norm 1001 101 LIIII ilen room and dininy room area Call liary Leo iaIllrncr 1068 Na Tia woumv iiilNGAwW 1100 some loot bedroom Liuignlow Ilium on ram 101 been do Hollywood lili ailan Vin oi roiling eaIIstry 11 Hill JUHI Ml No 711 U1 110in tour bedroom brlrir houla barrio and cocoa llea with water Datatoo Cali Gill Doran rad700i ll Draw no can 7280674 112 BAYFIELD ST EARRIL COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL INCOME AND RESIDENTIAL invest in lnii Growing ilarrla 109 BAYFIELD ST iiarrin 7264651 Lirnlied DAVID WAS IIII Irma marw llAViIl WASS 7281051 HICK hicClAiCKLIN 7200158 11111111111111 Real Estate Lid AliilAiSALS HEAD OFFICE UAillllE lid HAYIlEiJl ST 7781001 71 IilONl 91 llRILLlA 31600021 or 1110 lhlild TOIIONTD LINE 01107111 illilN EVERY EVENING UNTIL mlm 1108111 mm 3117111 ill7111 7704017 All 7700 illme liollil llilllll all 110 ill in 1180111 Dennis illgpol lln rrur luvrl on linrnun MAMIIM her all Jim would Ola Illl In some deelnyinn llln lianunnnd It In Only no Arrow Larry chudc boa aoanamonor EXCLUiIV AGKNTI 110 DUNLOP sum or IrAcrIIIIrrInIIrro 7263422 TORONTO LINE 0111101 Armlnoanatnwabov HON DECARIE 7101101 run rsrATr PROPERTY eon sALe IAIIUIHIIALL IOWA omnnmu 30 OWEN ST 7266713 IaI vanter chIrI warn AC new lDUNWPP mm 72118283 GRAMUL MINTRY LIVING 11ml bedroom livina room doing room and Iilchro en eaed vcraodah ItiIlebod gar age all eorrblae II make the period borna tar you ll writing whila boom II 16 rated 10 mlnnlea from BIrrlo and one block lrnrn the late kt liJ tab you Ihrougb ii Norm Sheimii 007M SOUTH OF BARRIE lovely bedroom born with one bedroom apartment up staira llust be seen to be In oredaled MUST BE SOLD Atlraciira bedroom solid brick brrngnicw minutes irnrn dourtown Try your dorm pay nlenL Excrilent nancing avail able Give us call Vendor vrr1 anxioul museum vbraschrna run nzrrr mm yo noun go on walrr 1100 weekOIii Norm 12 mimosa mm or IvIILI malr Inna 59 VI Planer 7100041 do in Iona ma dabu Roa mug 11vqu anon room anon mna Rogershcirwcil 05m llon room no Irina urns aces wire Iot lull mime NormIn Shelrwell mono Elena Darla T191111 mmlim yuan 71w Em ounu Iv HAUL M1 III WILD M1 17 ibd CALMTn III Ilrnnl our the MIAMI mam M01 III vrelll BROOM clone harm nun bola nweoc Ind Ieuonr an M1 nice car he owedallay norm 7mm mum Iolclai om 7700 ll Iclue Idem merry mm MIMI MilIV ll NICILV UIDKAID luv lidlnm mm WAS RIESBACH Photo lildl lieliar DUNIOP 7288811 TAILSTI 1168881 ii ACRE PIRBLACE bedroom brick atom home Illltiltdl garage radiant heat builtIn Itova and oven 01000 dean Call lira Gricrbach no GLDII storey M0 I11 limo an room and II 100 Mr ll lou Mi IMM baaarnaru ritualoo In ll lat close lo mim Iu alala Illa 1177 III III 110 lumbar In Illinois roman on you old rm beacon NI can harm Iilld IIMIIV MI IIIIM WI am ma or our or large 81 lnleramd irleohma Dem Jul Alyl DOWN 81 1AM M0001 bungalow MIA boa Inlneelnino mm rmlnalloa IilM halo Ill curler IV 1187 Inneloal Imrali and ram can II scan II 17 Demumrl New FERGUSVIIJE largo brldr apartment hour on lllcirwry 17 Contains one Ibed room and two Ibrdroom apart menu IIII hot water leaks and Icptic laniu One all tlchnignrngc and one rcparatc garage On large lot Call 0111 llllllgan 7707051 or moan ST IAULS bedroom bungnlaw on High way 11 on large lot with gar den well and Icptic lanlr Call 71070 or more ORO TOWNSHIP 100 acres at good Iarrn land with no acres at hardwood bush large open barn and cement rllo Clone in parcd road 120 7nl or 1700011 iOR RENT One bedroom lurnlshcd roari rncni In For villa All util iilca paid Cal 72177031 ar 770 88 JIii COUTTS AND co so owun sr 7707115 MORTGAGE HONEY AVAILABLE Photo ML Renllnr IlaIv pom Waller roam saloon cornla Itllln MIIIIII ROLAND JEAN REAL ESTATE BROKER RR NO STROUD ONTI 7854181850 IIIvAvI Eucalle under thh OIIM Iran wild aoooolaom orka recreation room Ion oath Della loan Illlcfa Id Ililrrr Ioorm JIM VIII orm nun re AVVINVIOII I08 Iatola and Anna amrc well ENG o1 C118 OM room been 011 IUI Ind 10 11m MIAMI II DIM 10100 LIMO ed Nielen woe unarwo llnln own Waroomt Dorm Imoa DEMO In 110 RM do It unlimbill 11 MI Iona lIIl aillll ill AWN Call 1110 awnav olmr III Aaaorlaia MU Fm N011 Ill emu llmlled J0 tors ran SALE lAIIiI AIIA til 10 IoII lama or river Rwy 7500 III TIN TIMI Iulidan Lor Ia III at lilindrla new we divllloll iWIiW Dill 1M0 local water AIIln 04100 PM tale 00m 710117 roe hrrlhar interma lion Jul CNDICI Milli 101 1Wlim ill vlmrni Ill and sallloo inls al ll Inlnolu mm the ha and in prion mason weir ls yeloolng and II raacalno RI Ilirrll Law Iowruhln ilm cyan More right rum Irom lb 011 WNW WM wold Ire AlvlduI horn Ailing WM Pot MM lrIermello Ill mam lllh non Ml mm III IF PROPERTY WANTED TO BUY ninow wlsm lo Marlon 1le av Ill Iooml close in Irhooll moi lwl to Mrs White Pine till luvd New N10 IMALL ACRIAOI Ilih bulidanI Item 1181111 mm 1181 WI Mill will ulil WWI it ineolnro Csu or now do yaoII pdill Muir ume lolllor iIHIIi FOR SALE OR RENT All OR Illl bedroom ooegllaw lieu sum new Icnoola MIMI who no pair ma manny all or mono mum Iowa is more IF MOBILE HOMES RUSSELL CHURCH IAII Mobile Homes SALE RENT Paris and Service Norlhirndar Traveiux General Glendale Cash or Terms up to 10 11an 11 Hwy 0urton Ave 770000 MOIIL 8141 lo Illa II It Glendale column Mala ransom 1010 may owm movlno laliom riolm 701 ml 71101871011 GWIlo 10 Mill on we like new Willow can with IINlpewllor rlvye elnl 101 InuI um and brain Tram Al llrloe 7mm 111 IIDIWM mobile MM tlvino InIcr loo term not larch lrnra consent wall Ocod ronol llow who turn Islcaham 411 lm any lime allw can Jot TRAILERS Ti 11 WHITE ILLS Iieallor 1281071 Appraisals Lislingn invited JOHN 11 WHITE 77811710 itISTP CORBY Iicalior Apyralscrs 01 iluninp St 711711 We arrange and buy 111 and 2nd IIIorlgngaI hlahcl hiarrllall Noriu Sioddari lion Trev Groin erlarn 7077171 11401 Campbell 7101181 710 00111 4810711 7102537 mm NIIIV COUNTRY HOME 10 basic Iuodals rlorry Iruelr split level and multiplexerI Our bedroom Curlonlire your own borne You can build well drrlumi iron at the Iowrsl pusllirin ccri 101 owncrr rna be 1010 lo Ilsr building II II ilille Ir Icon down Color Male on with loan plain and detail 10110100 ihono George 11 Warren 01 Itingrdonn Dr ilmborauyh liIII 1014076 or visit your neon VFGNIF All lm 01 ll eel cllov IIKIWM may pm IIIIIu Jv 1111 16 PT lrlrle ELI lllval lIIllel III III nnolcla options In 1011M 1V vulw rum Film TIIIIH 111811 POOR 8001100 10117 0011 contained II II prom aoIIIer ramlrd born Iva was lrlrlw Ilol dwOlI 00d ANIY 11 VINO Inert Aaron allw 11 ll NGUII lull 1117 Melon am Item electric rclri Iiw WM Imam More RN lot we W2 otierinnnueiilnzndrewlrd MERLE NORMAN on hidden cool and inirrrri 110115 iIIPROVEIENTS 007 NEW can rm 01000 or More on INORTOAOIS ISTZNDDSRD MORTGAGES ARRANGED second Mortgages onPrIme Properties 1077 AND OPEN Ila bara norneronI client Ibo win mandaqu Call iNGS it GIOIJIAN AND am REALTOR 10001116 Street 11 18EAUTIFUL OPPORTUNITY increase Profits lIeriaNormII console III bullie unit Convert caused your Iliabia beauty boninm or oer among admin cosmetic Ito rnrtrona your old parent cdn pony oilera design layotd II alum and aarilnarm bnrinnr Ill hill IMAM olpltII ointment lIreqnlr NI ior inventor Ind tlrtnrea For IrnmeriIIla intorrnniian write wire or all direct COSMETICS Md Orcnda Road DRAMALEA Ontario 410145141181 IF you NEED FIRST MORTGAGE Try The Municipal First 80677 LOANS OPrime rate 01671 Otasi Service ha only Corporation under the loan and Trust Curmu ilonu Act Davin III HEAD OFFICE in Barr 00o also purchase existing lint rnerigrm Control DOUG CHERRY Bur norm Ila noun THE HUNICIPAL SAVINGS AND UJAN CORPORATION II Dunlap SI Elli PO Dax 111 Barrio mm 90 LOANS RESIDENHAL 871 RURAL 011 VACANT LAND llIo COTTAGES 107s Zlid Amalgam 119 Mr rm an TIIUPNOITTGAGEDYNSHRANCE CO OF CANADA Cali Earia IJtllo 7202011 Jud III DWI Imam Ive new In Aim 70 001W lxli Indra and Inactive 0M Ila IM Ila VIII I0 Ilfh Claim WI 10 mn MIMI WI MIIMMIIMIIMWIMG In Una Indill one irnm limin Ili warn elem TronII HOW4141111 Moment JVT mu Iolillucvrow Minn Im 111 MW MM MY ACT3 1898le Iarrlo elm In realm 2000 my In mrl plus Fall my retried ulna ML II you In Imbilloln into one M1IciLiIvoMIrInooIoi wean my line for mom III 71 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE Isl and 2nd liorignga loans An where ON ALL 1011 PARIIS AND WHIIEHCIAL PROPERTIES ETC our on vnuhmon 11 You Need Honey To conraildals debts OPIy oil eriotlng mortgagor 0r Mortgage coming due Home Irnpravemenia Any worthwhile cause willie or Phorxlro 730901 eye un ng Thiaiop St Dorrie OIL llcmbcr Ontario llorthgI Droiera Association Jull Reasonable Rates Ell1 Hoglger Pure need tor Cash FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES First and Second Dont rislr your Iuiura incarna 7207180 011ch iloun lnt pm by appointment Member Ontario Homage Brokers Association DO YOU OWN will W0 tct lllh lull mm on you me nope Morinlol Fv Inn neon =I RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT AVAIUILI lmnwdlliel large beam Mimi MIMIIII Ite enlma am MIlIn All IltrI Iunniled No Data dolls more 1000000 HIM 10 1011 emails 191 PROTECT YOUR HOME AND FUTURE DY ROD ROWING P110111 YOUR DARRIE OOIIIHJNIIY CREDIT UNION Perronai loan up in 05000 and mortgaya up to 11500 iii mortgage up to 070000 DARRID COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION II comers ar mun nails on Easy Mortgage Money from Associates Easy to get IIIc amount II lim tied only by the equity you have In your Tome ii oouidbe $5 000 110000 maybe 175000 or more And there are never any DOHIIJH or brokerage Ires to pay Easy in lake Because you may be eligible or Ipcciai rain 01 Interest Euy to pay back We can round the loan over mIny years llhich means lower monthly paymenle It you need earls call us about 11 or 2rd llorlyaga Ioertnwnr were Illrhan ill IADV Hilm omnna rm rune Vlllilm led Heron null IooM lemma aeaeimnl wirnnr walling nor or Town Hlvlla no orivola born eluula mllli IliHllllllo rrorn tillerIA plleII born rearing Ind hydro Inclyma and per month ielaooana 7mm Iller lilo 80 Dill bedroom IWIWHII broadloom 1001 TV Irlvlle Ina III ullilllel pole or we Ml Mill Wivllt IHNIMII par Menlh mam Iilrc darn Two 0le Ioarimnlr with lowIo New raw and weir nlled am we locIlIon Ina IM me nonrMy Iooln Tal rm IIcliII 1718 BROOM Iwimoni RIVI IIW 000 mm lvwlild PIch oer Iowa AVIIlIblI Immdlllll Loan In my moneyi maroon 100111111le one bedroom IauImonI Storm and Irnlwalar WEST IATES REALTY Ilaau III mil JUIAMII81L16171818Ti iNSTANT MONEY Services ANYWHERE iN ONTARIO Consolidate All Your Proaenl 0111 Par IAil 111nn ilaii him You Ara Now Paying IAY OII EXISTING MORTGAGES rnv our RANK AND runner on RIW FVINIIHID 1m 0w narlmanr Iol uni lever rwn wle Mai ulllnu aqua Telephone 1161818 ONI IIIle Immoral Move on ml valor uliconlalnldr unwell loccl Available 7on 11140th 1101171 PUIRISMID room bkllkr nllimlni 107 mil lldy nllltmd Pluu loom 510 Bill BROOM irlllwrliihed mull 111 Ill 18 cIUdII clove ranloeuror hell Illd iIVllGiY llclli roll Joly one liosliv 97 FUINIINID 0M WWII manl close In Ill lagiollel downtown MIMI oeepla only TIllPOoM 110qu ANGUiiurnialled one bedroom perimeol nyova pIe rm nIrllno lIrllliiu Flnl menllll mo In IUvInre aware oulra soul AIM cl la mun lt Monarch mmmrmnim IUlnlanI To me ram my I7 1104 MAIN arovwwmnivv ALUIIINUII srurno First Second and Third Mortgages Just One Call Does it All For icraouli Servira lImlli mm mm more our bath vuym elm Mrl aloe art ilaIver IIIIIIblr Ito null maroon male ietephw mil JV Aa GeorglonFInnnCIai Mm IT 0810 July TM Aisha uniy III II vlnrrnl Iireal Ant