lienre Iiriniuee lonelian er Gordon nee oinnt llamalee unmet Hopes Cars Unveiled On Time Despite New Emission Rules WASIMGTON APTqu iordl holed dininnnri uld Iilntlmi NotorOo it now eppem ihel eoino oi our pmle withheld meinle nnnee ormeiion lhnl thwid been been wimllted lo Illl ov ernmeni in our epoiieeiione ior prob eiioru oi in model lent rdliciu Poul id uiiiud than ehlel one re many an the nlllriule minimal hilily who ppeneri NW humiliation ii the enon Ford will mm inn some problem oi mnlhorlxed enune bed been dime end In connection with to at in inodelr No it them on him dimmriciul Fold cold the mmpeny ie urp In the miirnnrnenlel Prone ll Mm Homblloioon il returned to Hill Illrd mint he in lo delay Ille Inlnuhlnl oi ill in modeli enlii It releili prototype in gym with EA regain Rates Increase Emil lCle Bell nomad ednudu en ovrMII ilreperoenl lo emie in bull reiu ior hnilnmendreeidm leie phones The increase dieetire Tlidoy In Ontniio Quebec Ind pills oi Lahredor And the Nollhlul Territories renyee mm to in cent monthly ior indllldunl reeldrned linen ii cent in ii eonle ior lildlhldilll hurlneu lineal end Ll line tool on mi denlili enlendou Filed in Political llclivily llllomey Selling lip Practice OTTAWA OP Former eietont Goen Mionieylnnl our ied eerly In my tor no to Nine up no on Wed The undid alyumld law ylli who Iwhd Ill urielotl My entire ior the loot three run WI hel open to on in In elicit to millyeie my demuulenni llill mean inilidhe unis to keep his hill DI llr Dick was tired liny often reeling lilo Conscmiiro nominnllon in hulkRenirew Cerieton in enliclpelion oi it led orll election this year No Tool no lael yell niniriinin hi Thai hover Del OBrien prolinclel treasurer tor the Conrorveitrn petty Prorlneili JustinSweden Allen tunnel uye there in illiteran have clientele in MI mime rmnlr leir tenu orinwn iii ll oilillcn Irmamower HI lulled lhm mom ii The RM mod Him rliiny me and other mm rnliuy mm Nepnnee lnchietrid which him one inntern ti on ior m1 dim limit in miliIIly end iillmi in order In close oi hon Dilirrrnree within the Lib ml party on noremimnt hr by eign oeoenili or eontlnenul MM lo make the winhere worthwhile So it up miller Canadun buyer would be lulled Wotth ilr Gonlm noted em noinii netioneliei be lei in In Amiuli Still he will laid In NH Inrn in INDPilrninnlale cTiiminmo no owned also ohluvlru lllnl ehen Prime itin inla ITndllil Mattel lnsl week lhnl the overnilirnl mid hiry Loco hopper care to weed grin ehlpmenu iii no dull uld they would be built II In place in Quebec Ind in Intuition ELECT LION CIIATRNLIN mimlgiitgr Gilles Om Wodnadnll In elected mir rrun aI lillloie Disirlrl oi the liner Club II the distilrii enmoe mention here The tie trill Mamie Ihonl noon lime Gob member in parts oi Onlnrin end Weber woo billion lhrreereridko loin Iriomuliee in the We Service Aet which in tryin to tenet oot right now Mr Dick we iiredlmder lho not Mr Lemon aye he um he modeled in line with his poliiionl neuviiioe Mr OBrien on tho oihe hand has nol lied hie oiiice to his party eoimtclionl Our deperlmenl people didnt loollio lie was uiiil lilo GEORGIAN COLLIGE iiiiiinn icnoor or no em TAXIDERMY Poor Siluniey Infinite Jim 10 IT II Ii l3 Ior ihm IIln IlJIl in moire Ihe old oi muting lull inlnuh birde end rh Evenly rrhlahle lo lemurs ilthrrnien n1 nil to lather oi ulnnl Kim Io help then prepare display end teaching ride TNSIRLCTOR JACK IEIGEL Him In rpeeimlnr prolldtd DNMIM IDOIJ nreihhle ior Ihoot so on Summer School the Rite Empire Allele dIl Dnehnih Eiml ITIlrle Olllril Tel milil EIL 20 Please enroll lilo In the Millle rolrrie commend Sammy June Pro at lm in EiltllllNI Miin ADDRBS reuniiosn WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES JANE PARKER JANE PARKIR TIAKY RUST APPLE IUII 3inih IIoi eiir Theot Tooffoniily to Oilulily Bolling TonePill Spanish Bar 319c=x$l00 Crisp Bread IANI IAIXII IAIII Ill SNOWTMKI OI Bran Mullins animosioo Twin Rolls innuendo lull lAlKll Nil ween lANl mile BIuehonyPlo Mun5I Jelly Roll ionhid JANI IAIRII III NIICII NI PAIXIL VANIIM MACAIOON RhubarbApple Pio 24mm 59yl Cup quces Sin win runeth Mltuiowedu lilo uniie inlv romp eke Donnie AperitiislooSweet Rollei Mia ANT PAMtl 5110 NOWIT BREAD ANION PRKTD eh eli aw lo up 2401 Minion on LOW LUSTRI LATIX HOUSE PAINT In lune hud velee Encykhuehing nuic rm 95 hi1 Resiel hliiiannz 3J5 Ill Nonlain color my Ieen hiizhir with Lawremle link lb is lpal liililern Sly elm ll Dlekwlhmiully ndl Meanwhile enothor neslslnnl nili liiol heiinrobohlykrop his town eilomoy in nelyhhoinn hind in pollilcs yerllnpe work Renltvw Minty who worked Lox ior lho iuoetuilii hlr Sly ior Premier wtliiom Doll in when the trderal eimion in his mmoitli Icederehip cnln called MowerAllochmenl Valued whenyouhuyul972 Wiliiiliolnmcrol melon nines rinisre WIVES Forwoodslding 95 11 door it trim Cover mall in MS ill the DH ii in rior hlpli $100 mince in one coat long lasting dunhihty excellenlylossnlenlion LOOK wriAr in Will our TANI IAIN ilIIllI Wind Milli IINlATIII IIAINII INIRIIII AND ORAN Illlll Fiesta Pie nu loin in NI IAIRII NIAVINII OUT AT DOWN TO IAITII Ill Angel Coke III III Realm The IANI IAIIII Peach Pie llipe Sire Cele Iltnlulilwm rtIll iwremird e4 pllm Mm mm NIBWITH Toll mini Tull 3inch iIoz iiie and mom on BONUSno DONT MISS ITI AIP WEOI BIG DOLLAR SillIN all IIIWI WWI ID IIIII IIII II IIOII Tm IIIO 4illlils $00 KIEENEX TISSUE MIX MAM NINA III will IIIAXII CNIEIIN lllWY IIIAI IALL IllliIIl ANS NOT Hill IAIID till ACTION IIIIID STEWS Diimms 3olilssloo INOCOLATI NIP NIP IIII AISOITID lldl ER FREAN Cookies Rosin IRMA MANoiiN 505100 SLB KING SIZE BOX Powder Detergent Pi icoell TAKE THIS COUPON TO PM 728 5566 Fore inlied llnie you an Wough mow WHO Treat mlhlmimmhollfm mlimlfmmmmw 45 Anne St South Rorrio Onrl i105l 1284496 omen Coldwolor Onlnrio liosi 5353372 ovulationme nonru iiiirnmiwnoow Align Ploxo Angles Onloiio mgd Phone 4246800 mm HANDY DOMINION HARDWARE WI Aionn Iiooch Rood 8th Line Strand Phone 4361170 IRVINE DECORATING CENTRE 29 Collier St Barrie 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