one gigE oi ii ii FREE no ii ii or saoi if on 633 55 FEE 53 in swig in in nigh on 35 an in REE f5 21a Egg gr Eeegz Pi $3 =5 or REE ltElt 53 er limit Pevtng lrohi leit Ihtel Dell 25 E5 59e Egg ii under Controversial Plexiglas Root IIieetureOlOiympicStadium wheehetihe tlyie nrtretoohilh riele ill tool It iiI not out Ibove the deep rlnI pool linet heverlene oItl Prol tlunterhehnleohroonccoitn mirecle otherr mm iieyrnrenyI liret mlmmumlm GImwelnoeAdoitllliierero hmummmm lhe Idrentnroue ntructtne ed hyetotd eieel hIw ewere horn lh leeeiog laonr up with can or over the Modem Newnierlet Ind Diehid and dlrleint emieeti olered Aiitetoe hetuxdeybb lhe Benie completely ooettloh VLLgt liarrieiirstr Down Phoro iniiuggor rune nunIAU winner in the club end ieemroi the Immune nupended irorn with thoherrietrlyermed In herrte tether Noel AmetI end oi Irene Etern onuntel uey oi terrelitn het lion llI wee reeledrln mock Iner Photo urdey during pends onor iele oeuon eorr win over Peter Into oieoed It tetr But the In um 3mm TOP my Honor Borne Flyers hchowrii Sen rrenduojor hi1 Well lhIie Imueil Itdon olthethott eker Dr Wood mm the 0riltlI lenlere who antelope tool thanked thI Hyere on be ioinod the herrle lQIlIII tn the lenr tor pro rtdinl onlertelnrnent throuyh the to win the Alion 01o lrrinerr Needy Letty Ind Ted reuon look lorwerd to men We ll MM Ninth hunt the club meneter Pleyercouh Derryt sly ore hit ii iii neI err will tete the responrtSitity it we dontwinltthiryeer he turn moon picturoteting Ielrinn dinner henceInd pro re their oouenee in th ATIII into lien 01 eInu rom or It he Mid it been Hockey Anecletion lhtltidlnl my thet wa throurh the el Onlero lilinor ltoctrey Aeeocie torte at your Firm Next you lion AA clumoion Mo Mld win or loeo youll elwlyr hIrI Iii lttrbbet Worker the rerpoctot on Note the CANADIAN new Eig 1353 $1133 2235 12 in LA Wetem lion ltnnehetMtIr 5na=a=sgz= EEBEEE 22 their Molt rm E=s=xsas gggarh lleeoe nee Duncen 0rkiInd ltIII netted II Allen del nrh 30 Derwin Wenuotr id Pitching deotrtruir lieet llth All Mitch De troit mzleeheetoool lln re0eklendottoo OlllliiGEVlLLli RESULTS Tltll 3300 mile oIcI Perk Nacho tttnhin Kiwi hreclon iD rinNner Kiwi heron 110 510 100 it Iioeherl llnte lrtM Stretched GIilInt thirty Ectth intone trot Glen Dee Archdekinl Eerveet lerne tD lilo ldonly lee Frost ill Eeyioel Lil 170 100 IM lirrlo dildl Deity Double yeid ill liilRD limo Tlmrh Dob will hittdlii hhelly ler tllwtnot mile prce toil 870 MD 110 170 NUNlli I100 mile pece Centein Bud timeout hex Stone Nlcklo iiydwin til Crone New 1800 878 400 840 888 104 unleelle Ht ell 88118 HPlIl e180 rnlr peoe Aero Boot iotowmt iohehal iM Armhro Jute tltohlnront lime 2001 dlxill H200 Arrnbdn hlode tltodolol lirenrnnr Sumo thrown stem it ltlelr Stereeel mm more VENT roeo 880 too not mile orce into too I20 eon too too to one one lliohlnrml Northwood Irieh Northrood lrieh til be 110 Add 880 Will 14 gold Me zinrmr the mile hue CIrolo Undoy one one no lloh lion Ern Wool too zoo Galley Dyan Pole Pole Ind Win 5on th Derleer llrne none NIw Trerk lieeordt lliNi 00 title peer Noorelende Tom ll lhunr tirein loeweni ted 250 lid 800110 him no ilolhoretl me one Exeotnr the gold mno modem hotly ntllueie In heck OnIditloIl Feet rnrnne NAMED MVP SilllNiillEID lieu AF Ahhier tentre terry Peterr ni Berton lirever one horned settrrdey II the meet vnluehle layer in tho American llocley guePoterI Ihe rrrlmd II lllllel dullnt the moon due to int aloulldllie eh em one he Itd errie wane Ilth getr Unit BeniImI end Gotten BerrlIlItI etude led the Itlernoon pertdI lilfhtllli IXDWIIVE PROUD downtown liyer teem ceoetein thorny Aderne with the men Flier prertdent Bruce niretow hm thenlrd the club on hehn mwzy the executive You doniknmr oohtin errt we no ol you Wirrgor htika Dobeeu an lei eleo uld thet the Fly in the Wide in herrle Plyer or wait likely be rein to drum onnr from the end ot Wm to noment nerne en ecrene The other memberr oi Will in In internntlooel tho teem rode in enlorhil Intt hockey tenement eterting next one cIrI upolted Inn norm Den to or Al by member at the Georglen Till MIR Jim Slim told Bey Antique Auto Club limliyere he run extrornell Following the oerede thI lly PM ll mootted with the Ind ruertr nth It the Inter hockey pleyorr tn humideletornmnnitycentreler Cliildl the club held been rec ion Ind dlom lie enid Al dinner lierrle lleyor dluooointod in lil eirn to win tor Cooke thenkoi the club tor the Alien Geo lert mm but reoreeenttng the oily er CInI mtlltltd ill File would VI dlIn ehIrnplonr Ind ennormced the uzohy embierheiio ot hoeke moremuy in the nature thet the teem would he pretent blezerr lrorn the city NI thenirod the tour pieyerr EnglandScoiiantlSharelst In British Soccer Tournament mNDON CPI Eogiend lleh teem meilhe other Ind Sootlend rhered top piece once Englereie mi ioer wee tnthe hrttiehrocrer touroemont to Northern In er the rrruit ol Entlende 10 lendewer to Depend victory over thedeoir in Glen lhe Scotlnridvltnylend genre row helurdny one It thI greet evutte oi rit Northeyn trelIno mm irh tredltlon weI weiehod by third end Welcr ten liohoolenl It iluynw tourteem corn tltlon which WM Willi ill coherencequ IynlghtwlllrI ill to it tron three to draw between the tellendt llllll Nullhem It Wrexhem Weler White Ind Weiee The Scott thlnI beelen vlotory over Welrr would Wt mm wl here at Northern lrelInd even needed out drew with lint lend to te thochemolonrhl tint Enrlnnd rot beclt into lorrn Ind tron net noel by Alen hell TRY EXAlltNEtl WANT All in the 20th minute nZNiiNAl DONRAHOM AlPllALt CONCRETE WDDINO FOR FREE lllllAil 0N DRIVEWAY PARKING I01 PAVlNO AND DEALERS All ANYTIME 7288386 rIid here pemneiiy lntlied lir the ii the yed ro or my yoere end led detlieetloe drilled into Ill inocin WM or itmi one II owner to or to Barrie in mg hm tort try is Iin rune groomed the rre ory Next Ietreier the lierrie PirItI trerel to Toronto nteet th More timer contort when returned to renior lthouohllorould here inn end It wouldnt he thet eerlotle lint we hrd rome thin ere noted to do end we become determined leetlon rnrnI becklte been lentIItJe yeor tor me No the Hockeympleyore lor their no to oooretlon moonlit home tour or live nlrhle wool or 11er concluded their white dry with drew ettended by wooded Minor ieorotno iiogintor Tonight the int mirtretlon Ierrton tor herrle Minor Lemon will he held toniot It the lutqu mill Boy net to it noel rerleter iron to out We it to ll they mil tor tro Ileo ihenked the utter oi min the eeeeon Ilr them to be my trorn ecllcer end renter epproItntetely too It the errt iliDNl mom unrenentrrrurr PROFESSIONAL HAIR STYLISH Imitllrinl tr SHORT mo torn out srrtrs hoe notice with ll yeerr combined heir ttriinl elem in TDNW Europe Ind lerrte end hie Nthly outlined oteli tnvttee you to vlelt hie ehop Their hlrhly Ikiiied etytlrte will Ityle net or trim your htlr to wit you beet Come in todey Ind meet the orolereionetel 10 euros our srtusrs WIST END IAliilil SHOPPING PLAIAV too Wellington St moon Special Rates loan doelgnod excluetvely tor property orI People like you who own or ere reeleotetoAndwhntltmeenolethetthe you hevo Inverted In the reel settle borrowing power As muoh ee $10000 You too with every peymenl or Improvement you metre Ivory Increase In property unlue orty builds up lot the vetuo lty koopo the money In that prop tte houee or vnnnnt lnoreeelng And your ago With an HFG Root EIteto Loon you can To not the lhlnge home tmprovemenle ueoetlonpropertyConeolldntoyourbltloorpey thet equity work tor yo wont now new oer tor oollogotulllon Whetovor your moneyneedo ebout Heel Ertnto Low All our otllcee connected by computoro so we can yourtoen lrnmodletoty end your money reody promptly cheque made out to be used tor whatever you need or went notorietynyon WW IIAiNCOIPOIAiiON IAIIII Dunlep Street IertlIiI hone more Irene Meg Ark alone no new tour rel ihiit yv4