Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1972, p. 4

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rt Published CuudiinNmpipsrs Cotnpsnyidrnltsd l6 BoydM Strut lirrls Onlsrlo Jsmss Robb Publishmil Msnspsr Kwslii lliltor Imirthss station stir it rsrllt Otilario Tobacco Growers tnmslnisndadmwtllsoon Iouosreiuneraltlmlntnotrdg oyugsovemmemnoteeynmttery nroilusvvrrthinkltoontsstotobioro pmAtrsdemtseionindNovembcr msdetheurlnesennsioureuslomorsnnd tlhdugsrgwcrrmirkelingbontdlnnounco mmwlm mlwcnttothelinlted Kingdom inInIeriinrlinxemedinoren Csneds will noteonttnueni 000 sets at titlecured tobneoo iii countslee ei it rice oi oili cents Leprelilively low oompsrweiinto else on iobeoon exported to Kingdom in mo Itle only rcosorl we love Igrced to this low price Is because these people with their Isr mnrkets lute sgreed to accept 80000 pounds is minimum said hir Demoyere lle llr Nowell Starlon Smith of tilt ey Ernest Duckett oi till Ind Iletnie Higgins oi IIil chm tnde Peking tobnooo experts became interested In their product Egia Now seven months later they hive completed dent Next In mind or On tnrlo tobacco growrrs nre markets pen Germany Itin Ind Austria Wedontknowwhni they are putting itsqu too III loam Im Bickmmesusssods sdekwllla ew In sensitivities surmti nun hisyor Lester Cooks lresd mm gpiclnimrinmifiiinviirm pl Ill VIII rsonnel sures lwre hell with Ciliei llolv oresters Aldermen Cheree Wilson dermnn EsrleWIlllsmanrpeotorDsn Iteset nnd Aldermsnlteyilnrsetlus lilboys received Queens Scout oeriiliontes it ceremo lilgil represented Intlsenehlp tn bylto Club9 tntlolis nude Air CommodoroJ li community item Iisrv oi tic Princsrlhill gtnnmsrized ililyesrs in nine yl greeted tn Idolstreil petitions tripled sire oi work to open Commonwealth study Cooler providing jobs ior ooo district res cute Berlleoountry Club hcl enterzed tscllltles four times in mensopenlnp sing Art Powell cerded irom live It rtsrl to to number best score dry conllrmlnp thnt his ucts menu llcport wss chsmplomhigbirophy will be hard to John liin Ilohert Sin trite swny fa Al 18 ii ht behind believe thnt the sustained Arts 77 Were ll limiter Stmp Ind progress oi the Berri it re sonDerry Smith my net honors went continued recognition ol the nut to Bob An eloil Fit eheed oi Bob Ger oi the commurnlty rig ststll to llock ewnners or on lllrdst Irn lion scenerett Jock hirsute or ice ntsnshlue Atkinsylhnleltolmnnn Pledges lt kaofmlon Swnin lrseer Gimp bell llte Ysleslilil llerrlckDnllon idents ofln sshlnxtorr Presidentloleri Item trendy resembled advisers to consider Neshitt ugh DoueetteVe mccetslul Inglis sterntldeoi Communist edvsnces tiny was run by lick hierre ii esp os Doug Hervey oI New tstn retitled by Jimesliorlez olreisu York Ringers was unanimous choleise peril Ind Normnn llinkin at ditll best deioncemsn InrNIIL ior seventh wnrherl Jrck Butler hIWd N1 time grieve years both with lion sIdetli Aseembiyois ry trenl rdlens chJ Ier eiilinsonle empls CHECKING llli Process lirs Itichsrd Nixon hll llesslsii to It ntwtskdultni lirloryw We wii McPherson idinsplnp ldltev insr Ylllotil rnuril nlilt Contest collegtste PrisonI on srrlvsl ber mile to Open Door To China Trade tnthcirclniretlosnowillefresllmsds iii tonepuoueolmlnnw Illli rmtrcdlnru Womens Liberation In Ari Early Stdge sy liverworts versus ls rnprr msnrplscsirin snyrsilrnilo mirror plies tor womenl sl us the littlest at in lddmtlllen to the lions Guboi illmtrvlils the Iissor oi hints suctly yesrs sge lier Worshl wercd Ihs topIcIl questing wulilr these hhiorlcnl words We mens plics In everywhere liill MAY WILL hsvs been the besinnlng oI womens llbsr silos licors incthsr ilrst tor mm genitaaxnaoslheatthinsn Bio msyir lnontirlnthsyi ns Issuillywsllbriarmod son res thnt we my hero soother In the not too dlrlsnt tutors Mimi MAYOR oi till end ll wss till blercirw Wimp vsn hhmt Is no end still very muons lendinr ettisin oiths conirnuntiy Not she Is not thinking oI pinning do Well inyvriy rptiking to one hits lismllton win in ssis dinhrr hushsnd Itsving been one oI tb locsl clubs tern WI QUOTE FROMthil inti psntwssklylournnl lhs liunlslt ville Forester lwhtrs Iirnco llloet oi ths tllrlsoldsll hegsn hls csretrlr It wss Ill lntr ruin iddrirs by tile iiiyor oI lssrrc Iler spsrkling persone silty rsdlsttd through the dining room it the Empire hotel the oi Bi Ismotlr tor three things the or hock trim ortsrlos worst trsltlo iitnicksndths tidy msyor Women In the gov ernor oi the home where the tlsht he ns tor lresdonr educs tlon Ill things worthwhile in in nitlon where dsmocrsile elplei prsvnll mvon lentilstori contend sd thst womens rises in workIdiy world should else be titled In the tislds nI govern ment end billlnoss the grcitest prnei lender to world todsy Intt th Iron tor ll stems Irons til litre Inuit Bonnier it do Street Ontsrto lelsphons resent second Cliis tistl hegtttrrtlon Number one More pestsge gusrsntced Dnlly buidiys ind discolor lie ldsys sscroled dobstrl ion rsles by by rsrrler weekly til yeio ly dlrgls copies the By ms hurts me ycirly Illmcos County litoo yesrly IIsIsnes oi Csnsdi tidbit yrsrlyx other countries Milo yesrlf liotor throw oil trloo yerr Niiloosl Advertising Olncesl to Queen St West Toronto hdt tllly ltd Ciillcirt It liotttresl llembcr oi the Cspsdlsn Press end Attdll Ittrrenu nt Cirrulst llerlr Ihs Csnsdlrn Press is cscluo ivel entitled to the use tor so pub cillon oI slI news dispr st to this piper credited to it or The Assoc nod Press or notes ind else the loci newspu sdlherein Iosllllsrrn Erma claims yr see rim IdodItorIiIrniterliiero by Its employees sod rw rod in thlr newspsper pyrtghl llcglsrrsillnn Numt er in romrmsnlllss in lrslsnd tch his l0 bllsb crttlrr which she Is interestcd vtircthsr It be home politics or bust nsss lb those who innksthr breslrs so the blinks ind wo mnns hell everywhere We then hold the listener oi power by virtue oi their lslrlnericsl eds vsntnss end by their intltltlvs instinct their clcirslgblednslt end their dwnrlght csprbilliles in every Ileld oi cndesvorr Wo mors tsklng in th pher tbonnstl in the Hngmlrml plllhd liimiltonnsd in conclusion first went to the men end Inked thilr opinion hi my csndldsturs lwis told that the men would it course sup portlnshut thil lconlrinl count on the women becnurs they were lsslotls lot Ind dldnt ml to see one oi their sex get Ihssd too Iir this went tn the women Ind wss told they itshoulid csrlilnly do svsrythlng In thst couldnt count on the msn hscsuss they did not went to scs worrlnn heed their municipillty When election dss be relied srtstnd losnd thst the women wers out to per cent In British Olticals WNDON iCll The Ulster crisis In worsening lhst rosette sion is reported to be novel through the minds ol British Ilctnls who hsd hoped the so srnmcnts lnltiiilvs ght Isissnths bloodshed not per hips rsrtors semi term oi rslr tionshlp between the two oppos Northern tIrsduli thitth is turning into is One oitlciil close to Uli Ilrs Iilnlsisr Wil liim Whilelsw ssyi the hrrdrr he tries the more the Irish proh ltm sums to drly solution Every milor rspprosrh his been explored suspension oi tits etormont psrtlsmsni Ind dlsmsntling oi Its sdmlnlstrr tlon clshnet rsletrs oi Iloniin Cells extremists from Intern ment hugs economic nld to re rluce unemployment AM ldlo ncss irtd numerous speeches nnd vlrlls by Whilelnw Irgulns thil tbs milorlly oi illstrrvrten winipescs ll KILLING CONTINUE Yet the Itiieks nnd killings by the two Irish llepuhllcrn All Army lictlons go on Soms oi ths sssrssinntlons show signs oi lncrsssod brulilli llli lollyv log or schnolchll en with gun lire the killing at Cslhollo oulh becsuie bs belonged to British Arm to tlerrslrny milesdlng tips lnrresss ru uiItles In Isrtnry bomb plrnis lhs Csthollc std Protrstsni remnillntilrs ire Is lsr spsrt II ever Winn Whilsliw soccpts polnilnsol lwo mini sgo pursusd rocsllcd It policy which somtol his described er use mint ol the lIlA lint telsvl lnslstsd thil lhs rhetorin oi lllstslrrsn wintod pence sod ly thst the milorl Colloich wouldrrtspord to eympsthy em ettsntioop thereby sepnriilng them Irom IilA dieherds Indeed ior Islinrt period It sppsrrsd thil Whlldllwlwil on power to elect me but an end is rssldt wis elected by mslortt cl triers then three to one ornsn hiss lnesntlvs end recognised rss lily to their homes their commonly not their country IItAt blister Innis like such in Importint speech tro dsesdns ilo hut Indiy ltdoss so the editor emeritus thoumt it should be reported But Dor 1sn dont think this Is tbs opon In csntpilp ponior told as 4W ln lint by visit irnm sir John Prsnklln when on his wsy to the North Pole by the northwest overlsnd routs Ns tended hers am the loot oi llsylleld St This Item er Import corner not irons the sorterr ol unless hut irom sketch oi tho Iown ol hints printed by the old wsskly dinette Ior incltulon in the msntorlsl stone or tbs new post oillcs customs hours ind isdsrsl Inspectors eliicss Iitd by lion nlr Iieetor Lingo Yin 03 KC ldil October Tim mm in Dorlsns Wnrd wu nimsd Iltsr it lithe who wss ill rirlsndenr ot Allindsls Illvlrl drpnd irllnk ilillvlly ilillilo Ulster Crisis Worsening Believe the right trill IIls wives oi bombings ind klllln seemed to subside but art It hopes were shortilvsd Now se tion it Protntsntr he hirdrnin with butter rd It is hood youths pitching its st British troops Ind thrssts or miss so tlen sgitnsi the Cithollcr I116 10 counts Whilslsw rss he is deter mined not to provoked its Intends in toilet courts whieh he believes to be null end will nnt overrsid Proterisnts went him to order Iirlllrh troops to lnvsds the IRA strongholds In the ierdondsrry Gsggsn ind ilogslds iress items oi them In More thil lrs rslurer to spree Awrri ol rlrlns lcmperitures on both sides whliclIts never theless llltsly will dig to hoping thil somehow his policies msy outlive the iltsckr oi the HM lint irnong some ol his new titles there is IceIIng thil there isnt much more he rsn do they smell Ii rrtsy tsks more then tormonths or even iew your in chr down will ol snlrneuiiy thil his with stood centuries oi chsnge BIBLE THOUGHT Lei II mrit smiles in tho is it tied Nehelnisb dtlt Ii your lillh reilly mssns sny thing to you be isle with God he in your sirendsncs sl Ills house Wotrldlhe sllrussillst you ol lsrsd hundiy stIvvd up on lion di when It rinse tints torworkl otinssiklng the Issrnsbitn oi ourselves together but is he hen end so much the nerve is you its the dry sp proechlrlr tllY EXAMINER WANT ADI NONI tllrltlt when he stinds on souls issues it isnt Nedoverni Inuitbe Iris been open sod srtltulits But he wrs discovered lets trons Iiivnpehlre printers Iho longtilno lender bonito northernmost lielns tsil byrhrwiysiduorrnsnywho kissing the set only recently roeomlstd hint is sorlovli drillsnlot ill citih rbrnss intldltih on his indlcil ended to ships his horse more csns oppose thin whet bs seluilly ssys Now in the crvrdilCiltlnrnli Pom mu Kimmy csrnpslgn sentor the in um it It ilvrn Idctlovsrns mm mewlw ehlcl rtvsl his one hand out ihnttIdctlovcrns pro dertiken to mm le Million tlnlielcncohsllocr Efforts in Mm Is ind obi mwuizswimilsg pony lishton rtloverns dinning record The rerelstlsn cones in shock to may new McGovern rhlckul eunPonrnn nv Women With srnistng emblem dlhllrm it to ruin err hive supported McGovernperv utusl llumphrsy style ilculsrly nrnollg blueeoilsr servers suggest he wss workers who could be expected to it by littlovsrnn prlsnnry to hick ilumpnre vs sltcdon victories issuer hrnyvlrsoinlspbl by week tnorsgoo ind itbode mounds hsvs been sd lindllumphrey Isklngi sssiyingrhsyvotod tor min bins tor the mood prImIrIss simply bech be Is week mla me tor Million ovornnlsnl nit ssvsrl sndIdctlovur eonl Ippntll by two roles or delete It you hive hesrlnp problem or trouble with your present herring sId srr Mil ollllrs in llnrrls ihlecomlng iVodnesdsy conducting rsgulrr Herring Aid Clinic cspihlr Ind experienced member at ihs Orlirlo lltirlng Aid Aisoclsllon tlr Gillies will ensure you ch the most in herring sld romlnrt ind ptrtorrn Ill Entons he complete herring ilrl Icrvlcs Issi rsrsnleed repilrservlrs good ring word sgslnrt Ihs mesins Etchlltlllhlilul is not herring nlds need rcputsilon ior comiortrbls mold lnnrtulonr Phone mtttt new tor is sppolnlnteni with Gillies st lislrns Celslopus dsles Otllcs or it cssIry In your own horns

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