the the Ihl IT weddinr It 5t Pliil 1v miterIrina It the nuns cIIIdII mun lnItnlled III uereeotlvuoithelornurehuir normpuns nth STiiiiS These 6cm eveninIIt the beweli Midis than ii an gr In June Iielenhreher uran It iblntty Anglim north it play In no Itedtei It ty mouth on My even Iteyttthrtipmsuewill uslsird by Ihtnlty their end udabeeber stem Both rI won ilrtt plea IerdI It the recent Itlwenir resuin enueut prettnt quII by Its sell oldroyd Ibheihmti Ind IhI GloriI In heelIII treat the thereby idourt him but heeherswllt lIy wort by Becb bloodless and wider oi modern compou Ilium 5s if CInIdIIn eomposer Barrie doheu and Amino lqu wnou Sundry availan immune to tut this iyuxr Ierles ol Abend Itun The while is moot Amour the wloieliy rueItI Itteodiur the rsttmotebh Aorlieen chum lnnlsOl Ruhr at Orwhm the Humourmemes who veyeIrI old Mr Ind lire simtteiieyltiettord mod oi the bridegroom tin ImeIButler stroud the bnder yrndmethen other to re trum 0t Ea Ufllellurd Tur ont Wettunrdrernpton Ilissio hyhGrIwahtmmtawo IeI on hllils Strutld Thornton PIiII Itek Ind sumo mmvrnetnvrtnrr lIIIkiend lrene Brown at Iioily marked their silver wed dintInninrury with tutti Ind lrlends lllrs Browns brotherIntent Iitd IiIii Bil Ind Ado Guilt lend his eldest sister hIrI itIriI brown oi Sutton Ind the eels brInlI IuninltlIw Ind dentit ler hir Ind tire Inrne IIdImI ti tandem The dinner Ind denre party we held In the skyline HotelI loud Room ioiiowed by vlsll lo DlImend IJII where spec let my us run tor the cele brIntI rmin Iuo lrlonds Iiitndilil were hit Ind hire lrut Wurv Ind letl Wurree Ind tin StIn Vince lIunion rm Vince we hridentld It the weddinu hirs Talbot Brown Sutton htr Ind iIrr Den Iiewntn London hir Inst lire Gront Brown Samba hit end iirI borne Adams Iondun iir Ind lire Iuhn Them Iltwood III Ind hits Iii em GnriIl Ind tiesieue Toronto lr Ind iirs Bntce brown and lliey Ind hIrI hicOrIUI ol BIrrIe liter hmungethe mu tendinp the event id It hey are hiotor Hotel some Ivy Wilton tilts hilt Dennlre hose Gord Sher EIVI Deiudine lire Robin LIVE LOISTERS ll tel 925 to PM II II Dill MSW MON III brndierl BL mom murmurI 71 gunmnmumnm gxtidlkm WW Ii not no It Rider minim lo wooom Ibowwiltten lire ltuhy Ilenderson tlrp IAan Kennett line CIveiI MI hllu hinth Fleur bin NIliieDruwn bin Thelm ilrrnlruil Lirn Pet tinrrlr alien waist lire Jae Mi Tin Hobbs list Juu lire Helen Senders Hill No Air Ind lire Om how tin Irrry Perrier It If Wit Illst CIrol bhellrwelt ttrI Helen ItrnI the mist lnelnded the eottpler Ion and de ter hire loyee Jones and Velerle Ind George oi IIme Othere It endlnr were tins CIIIIhWIi his then Bounty III Plint lich lire NWIT Mr Ind NII Aruhll dun ol On unwoundu III III mu oitthouteII Itr Ind tlrI Livian In Smith bin cm UFre belIer hrl Itlrndent It III IweddlnrlrsJLBIrmirl mum 0m bur mother Mrs when Mr pm rm III In nu truism ur shilhnr iIshlons Ior summer Wm Fm NAWIIUIPIITN euetter under the mvenrh wood Med ionvilm Am lNlTATTIAKION bdenabere It be lIrrIe mote our trIvelled to Vletorte tier hour nd the InnuI init IiiItlon dinner rorellnr oi the Ituronlr Quote Orb Those It tendlnr the dinner held It the Poor Sruon biotel were bliss GlennI Downey rst president oi the herrle tin ItlrI Ilelen liollowey Ieeood vieoprevldent Ind Maris Emuint usual can reIpon rerr Iry herrle One Club hemtiite mummy Woman Named To Department OTTAWA iCPi Juhtnne Illchnyyipoeidizlttm hII hatrenn In premiers eer tn the roiieiturrenerIir do rtment IIId In lbIt btlIs lilrtey er new duties ThursdIy May 15 ot the Iiordry Il governs In Itsth roovooellon oi hictIu elude deI wt women II III llnlvrrslty IiImllton LIr mItes dangerous Ierttel ollend ry littliiIm Alpin received his III Iutt drur men very mt Bechelor oi Aril lionorr dI uilenders IndlInI end It EruUIh Ind history hliII Nichey th th unduetr Is the son oi tint room to In hit Ind lire lVllliIm Al ertminoluyy trern thelinlverrlty pin oi iii here St lurk in ol Ibrooto she he worked tor Se tember tarry will uttered the Ortholie PIIIIIIV Service and So oi JournItiIm the OntIrlo beIlth deperlment TROUBLES on art es velnIIIId the nerve system on the bottom oi ieet it can uause mrliunttlun tor the iollo Feel IIredi backache Sore Feet Pslniul Neck peilousest Arthrliic Paint Itlrosmetio Print Poor Cornilstioni Brianne Ind Coerdinrtion Numbness or CrIIn loot Ind leg ALZNER NATIONAL ARCH SUPPORTS could be your Inswer Is they have been ior thousInds Ind thousands oi others In Crmds Ind the United StItce ihey Ire seientilleaily designed to match the conth oi your leet snakes unlk log pleasure Iretn Recommended by doctors that nmousnurtou wntwru euros SHOE STORE IITOI STORE Male St In IIA ClInerhll Ot mites By Iottin too much pressure Please do not rnlII IhlI opportunity FOR YOUR HEALTH SAKEI lheok rewl WINNIE sienna gsez egggg repurde Ilorenee IIIII EieIner lIilior tiers Iret Duel Dorothy Ind Audrey Drehenrretpundiur uoretury 36 ir W1 IAIOATN Dear All Lenders Both my IIIenLI proud Iwa in mm was Ieit with htninesr to run the iInuIy homo Ind two yonnrrt brother to are loznl III In more me AireI tMIeit III dream my MMIJNNINM Ihree rnoutlteeyulrnIrrlrdI drl It tdd her wushi here to spend IeverIt Irenlnn work lnI Ind had the mpnul billty oi my brothers red to Ind ll Sh dldn eorrepieluts hetero we Iot ried but nour Ihee Ilnxtnr dit lerent lune She unto me to sell the business move to the roast Ind let my bid hruthrre mute on their own he tried to mete her under Ilrnd thIt wouldnt ieel rlrht Ibout It She an the II more oI housekeeper than witsIbrt Ihe didnt erpeet Io south iIun dry Iud Io mueh eoohtnr re PSli President Against System MTAVIA ICPI Ihe previ dent oi the Public Service Aili mm goodneltodIym III use my mum to torture the umber et women heldiny penlor poets In the civil Ilrulee Cintnie EderdI told the com eention oi the Supply Ind 51 lees Union ther Iweieorned anMl prommn encourr Ind helpin lvromen WIN Intro hereto tort New this An in WW rdtnl eIreerI In the upside also run he rurprls loLy midlnupmmmry it PM in Iupportlny proyrums oi eorn IlInly Be RN Rummy thIt neture however must 5D ml sound note ol wiretapequal opportunity means earth thI mm it uys It does not men eIth Mam maumm llshlny well Iystem tbet will ensure that rerIrdiesI oi Ibiuty 11$ mm required percentre oi ts MM rule must occupy certain lev Now In In excellent time lor 11 mum no sure that quotI IyI Ilnt assertion at your dlynl ed mud My em oi illilne positions bu on III is unity II unseeeptuhlr iIlrI he on the more during quot mm or runny po thlslnterestlnl dey Ittlune tested on terror or Aquarius Ull hurls ill thnlri uri IhereI ho hum In union with there who here dlsureed with Although you try to make this you Iitbourh their views dont rostlui Sundry you must think than much Try to lessen Iny Iborn money Is there is dlilerences chance oi securing some IdvIn PiIeeI Prh lbhterub ht up ly Inns otxox sumsIv III II Imlty which beipe relieve ten Ilene Mora harmony in the unity Ioa hoou um FtH by Jun 30 Ioduhle Ind brlny people to nether IlIhe the rounds in to theee you one anleeted itteln Some at thI you heIr may be very serious newn Cutie Um Ilsloiy nit Do In My Nu Ilr Youll itnd othIrI with In much Io II you have Shere ereItIvI lng with thorn in your turn to out luxether lively My Vim Au Nest mr lion hm lot to distry not toho uttloei oi minor nieeruphneiest meet tenor It only to tree Ionlone Irons ieetinyobiiyeted llkl Wm lit Be my on yourseil with Iorne his end relaxation nd time or veilertlon then when you Iee how well oil you IN Ind eele hrete CANADASATIANTIE iSiANDS FISEACUASTS dove Prom $399 PULLV ESCOIITE IV Alli SEA MOTORCOACN Deoutinn une112Ilul MunroAu lti1lth hh2PlOPSS nut oueeterrr lileltotionetunthenby TOWNI metereoeeh Inn terry new luiuv hotel TPRINDEIDVIAID Hull the ISLAND ieyl IADDIOKI Coeeh toWued leiInd then everlheCInroCIuIewate IlrIluIlelutd eprIplI lieuII deyt OAIOY TRAIL Pull dIy tour Iiidfhbll DPT Ivritll NIndtyII Interlnn Tnurol fort teulIburn then return to ti Sydney to heetd Si Iilnlen loll dly mitt Altwneon IFIMIOOUIII SIII during the Illerneon IoIrdletlnSyany tor illlht homo dry IV ST tillilANl dryt er errors on Artur Iris llOIithAth POI RESIRVATIONSI Oil JOHNSON TRAVEL AGENCY ll Dunlop St 11 $3225 455 In 39 IS ii so SE z3i re BEEEE E5 worked his don postponed heriu iItrtily didk exnlhinl IeholIrthlp She wII III in the bath mi he are her hubend or dlrurre so he run merry temIle Ittorney Ity iriend Iiew brunt to In W45 lire Steven Ilorneuls Ihin NI tune loot lime end wt tannin her merrier It St It Out hit me this rneuIre iohn Divinr Orureh Irrndon women who deoin henrlt mum eduutiuo In her no mummimm band out have one is ind They should bah no to reboot Ind both work DITHFIIIO ll thItIthI only wry they no manure ll lieel Iorr tor my irlend Ind other in er position They thourht It the me thIt their unIrtllshnus Ieneroslty would pay oil In the long run 0h whet tools we mrtIlI be Oh tht tools we mortILI he Sel OhIIrvrr irer III The Idvlee you Me mauled is precisely whet have sold time end time min You however here said it better thnok you lack Homer Pie Holds Tiny Giils Iy ITNPACKEN lack liornrr pie II IlwaI poptrlIr It youny rhlldrrne per tiu Fill lIrre round pm with ImIlI erpprd elite Ier In long piece at Itrtor or ribbon on rIclr one three the pan with brown erpplny peper Cut hole In the centre oi the peper Ind brinr the rib bores up lhrouyh it in each eub CONTINENTAL BOUTIQUE Great Stock IIREDUGTION 20 OFF All STOCK IIIrne SlIeI IN to mi DRESSES hrs VeluI to SIM 81400 PANT TOPS Iteyr Woe to im House outs Hull Price All Woolhor Cools lioli Price cnocnrr VEST Rey mitt Handbags Holt FINAL WEEK SALE ENDS SATI JUNE 3rd CONTINENTWTIIAEUE hells Hull Price 54 MAPLE AVE LONDON Mylrerhoitnndon IndI Lvoilerrleirrrlneb dIucbteroi Ind III IhumIin Barrie childs pin or let eIeI ter choose string and pull out his present Smell WI ouch Is tl bulls helium dolls Ind Inch Ire muesli tor the pin llllnr Nevin Inull lit to Like home pleuer every child The Followith Businesses ore OPEN tNVENlENti rhtwoew rour DINNER SLTS Abe IIIrtIniI It In taunt Ierllee bAltItIE SEAFOOD nrsraunm Itir Clldlilllld Opellihlmdlydbf Fri TI to It noted Mood SHOPPERS DRUG MART PRESCRIPTIONS error Mn to II III error strum ll AM to PM Its wennnon nun FRFDS FLOWERS mthIy It It ltrnol men In to pin HOWE FOB AMI