mnoHnI lnerdodwhre they when the VFW 14355315 mu fFyeel Remorseiui purelyiron rlorrl New Huh this II in who OUT TO PENOIID then wet much hIppler in cident doIiol the holtdey weeb end tbouph III were Iiltlny on the mirror enioylny the tut that we were when IIw three won the Field heloy came from the row It new home there and It tint thoutht th were lulny to climb out tidy error to little mind lbIt the outlet All NO TM MW Oil SO up their but then In end one put up Iorne oi the litter that III Ipreed Ill over the plus ll bed blownroot the building titer Iround Ind tor weeitI the hill bu looted II thwrh the Exhibition hes hilt deeed Etch child platted up II he could any Ind then tuned It behind hintlo rentrIi SeverIl more children Ippe Toronto Lady New Director TORONTO CPI Ellrehelh Neville Toronto hII been ointed director oi the Ohio omenI Bureau inhor hllnle garment Guinden Ied hen wIIlIthe IupennIrttet tweet iweI doe It eheir but thonrht IhIt Id the more Ind rIt dr two thluu needed iIt lo ItIeli wII silly have never yet eume pistol the etore with lust the one PM lhlnutl went In tor Im the hind supermarkett here yeurly proilt rheet do then no lIte ior pree tlre III with dellnltely more to Item to the earl InIt ones mid to my Isli lust tblI once iii to throorh the exprm deII Alter it there II no one else will up there Ind it wont tIltI Out on list The girl llreed to tIltI mo Ind we ItIrted ihrourh Then the line up sterl Id behind me All three women with their one or two Iiemr lull II nuteh Flt tor wherevrr they were them It was and iooltlnr It you till tedly II unlooded my to Aeluelly dont really Ithlnhthey were looltlnr dllgur led my guilty uuntelenee inst thosi they were the list turned over the loni fut brud Ind oi course there wII no limit oh it does It the wont ultI itJ IIld hurriedly Dont hold up the line while we tlnd out the Fee the breed III the mlill the button will be responsible tor IdmlniItrItiIn ol the Womens Equal Emple II Opporttnlty Itct II we II neunle llnl prommI tor women she succeeds Dr litelion BetchermIn who reIlpnedfln Ilerch to devote more time to writing Ind history month biiII Neville II II member oi the Personnel Association It Toronto not Ileoprerldent ol the Toronto Bust It and Pro teselonal WumenI club Iron tor ruminr Into the more the tint piece but by new III to covered with centurion gem wanted to get out no IDOAII lintlure Airow ITII community revtorether will it edyIIImdy gym to beheld Iith ElmoIII District tor theorem wa to their school Sunday It too out In the the morelrlrlle pm to honor Ildrrr ilIyItilr III et uuhed II It the blob Iehuol who tdwrrdqwe eutrlde Win It the end oi the tun Itoru rather thI leerd school term itr llIyEliis will tnh behlndme IlIohI reuhin Itthelln hmllholttrllohppreterdr he olepmehurehlo IRorrele and eInI Why not pride whet you Inlinp by need II III Planning lntloeer III tereuuitiie II Imm nutty III III II mt Pente tleu lies it the siege Ig $53 rii our 35 355 In BUDGET IIII norm Ilbdlitottid Aiter Shopping Sp Wide and lb ll tome mum IOd dads em on New an Iit Ind weteh rhlldren very eerily but cant all end weteh mums Ind dedI oot when live on the hill too do very reluctantly porhed llt die the tbourht oi also rat rod resembled down the hill with our Ioo II wIInt eIIy either beeeuse the rod Isnt down yet Ind had to slide down he book oi IoiL wII tlith In short In seconds tlIl III Id lust lied bttbl but Ilrrird to rollcct the rsrbm in episode bou lliid erduIlIy IIm Ind worked our why to erdI the other people motions onourus ronunon tests it very rood meettnr ound out on Iran ed to tIl rod Introduce our IeiveI Everyone wII he by to be dolor Iomeihlnr post II II bout the litter end we III know eIch other In very Ilnt way in about haUItl the hill wns rompiciely clear It litter Ind the IhruhI Ind treel were IblI to mod out In Ill the humour oi their new Sprlny leaves It didnt tIhe very ion to pet elenntd up Ireln Ind Im very Lind we both went and helped II III real community It iortInd it tell nod blltr Neville In oliicer with The Inner student Ion II III Ind tire Iitornrd itebttsltte decided this week to to than no tor some new ebthes tor Interlim Ind he hopes hlI nuumo Sim The lid thin he needed was et thet he could were with inert trouurl III went to Simpson Ind browsed lbrourh the IporlI lIehl IIctlon where he eyed lime Ireen plIld teeter itI too wlld tor me he IIid Ii soother Ieepetelllny weIr bright colored elotbee Sore mebe sued brlrhtenlny up bro thIt indet IIIyuIt loo wlId tor me hlnrrr to whet he tell would give himI let oi nllermts risht In iIIhlon now Ind II In mwthlnI he could were with prrctchtly may bind el IlIrltI It would do the trick liner Iootlanel Ieverrl hlIrerI he led brown loIv trot Ind woo one he decided to on It wu IlnuebreIIted mm hit on is runny Oiled whose AIM at Old printedtieetoebootetrnmI doesnt rnttne this your Ihoppee lie but Ilreedy do wonms month Lainors Attitud OIIAWA iCPI An IrticlI eritlrlIlnr the mod ot omn Ired IIbor on the tune oi id tum iii edi tlonldtI Cenoditn lab lit All It needI II to thI the IlteveI Ihortendd hit men Ionv Simone toldhlm iohn decided it In tor hlrn Ont tot lnellidlrtl In Food Prices Down In iiprii WASHINGTON tAPl Food prices dropped lost month and helped hold the rll overIll rirr in the cost ol valnp to two tenIhI of one per rent United SIIlrI Iorernrnent re ported lrldIy OIIoilnI prim Ind mort lnteml rIIeI Ileo do lined the report slid The lecture wu primarily due to hlnher prim ior InenI cloihlnr used cIrI restaurant meIlI and more houreheld Ierr leer held the report by the burIIu oi lIber Itotlttler Despltn the hlyher cost ree tIurInt meulI noeery prim dchnod it sold The April rlIe brought the answer price index up to ms ol its tour hue oi toothls mount it coet tiru lest month tor every Ito worth oi typirnl iIrnlly pureherer live yearn to the threel posed by unomnlzed when on thevrrouods to these undorout the we levels Iehlestd by the unions tor their members rules the Irileie written by 5yle Gelber dine tor oi the womens bureau oi the ledetel depertmeol Yet the unions themIoivu have permitted precisely thete prIetire to tlourlrh by Ineelnr the principle otlower ruleI ior their on women members Why II the threIl to union the men leer iorebodinr when It romeI trons women members It the union thet when It comet irons the unurrIIIred hilu Geibertr Irtlcie repert loy lhemo trorn her recent speeches quertlonr IhI Ilde Inken by lIborI ieItlerI on the equrl rithie lIIuI lt lays that the AmerioIn IoderIt on It lnborConrreu ol induttIIIl Orsnnltntiuns re renlly look mud in opposition em It Isnte PMytertIu mums lhereiertiune eldotltnbyI eoiorediie toIowhhbiIblIIqudoleid Item Involved tnl hire derided tor the In public the dit iereoee ol opinion which hope tuily the Camden body held No Inch voice wII ever nlIed httu Oelber ITIO notes wry diller between men Ind women when in the elutth industryetc Irenspie men IoIehinI operItorI eIrn Mi In hour eornpued with It In hour tor women In tho unu elesslileItion Unions hm also lIllrd to en Inre eouIl rlrhtI tor women Itehlnr promotion or Jenkins lon in pension pilot Irtiele VI llDEVIALI USE The more County heard It tidueetlen Wedneedey IlIht rot ed inlIrur oi Iupportlny re solution lrom the city oi Osb IwI thet cIllI lot In Imend menl totheillnhwe Trellis Act which would nIIhe roentlntory tor pedeetrIIuI to we IldewolkI where there Ire IldeIlks Ihe boIrd voted to tote no nctlon on Ieoond section oi the resol ution which rIlled tor the pro vlnee to prohibit hilehhthinr on my hlrhwry toepreposed Imendmeot to tha Uh constitution to ruIrIntce wocnenr mm the cw Is not mpontlblt tor the politics oi In winter pert Iouth oi the border the Irtlule onI llut It tenet die renthir voice on the principle Brewers GRAINS to Dolry ir Pdei Cuttle REDUCE COSTS lNCREASF VOUR PROFITS WET BREWER OMTNS Omllee hlrb entity eern IllIII II mien It Otteelue to this It the eoIeIIIIItlre nertion at rItIoI onetime the total eoII el lerdiII Intent Ohnrulrh hid level II mteln II very yIlItIhlI torn ITEM lilelIttrIe Trill DIIeIIl Net hum ltlnrllute ruine Iottvlty theI lIIyrIleI Itber IteertIhiilty It the tote stern urrylwr eIpIdly Ii erlIIlwl iIrIreyredIrtnr lend OEUInlnIte the entity ier InIIy ton terrn eIplIIl IIreIloIeItI ier rtln bIrnI Cllcllnr Pheryhurne IIIC iIrIrI oreduetly IId herreItiIl equipment lelei lIetIttIy Illth bin me tin protein III III Conn pier IIIIIIII euntrut tenure the TYPICAL ANALYSIS OP WIT DREW DRAIN Crude Protein hie NIlIlrnlI Therm DELIVERill CAN ill IIADI TITNOUOITOUT llthOI COUNTV PRICE IS ill PIN TON Till lAlIIll AREA MINIMUM ORDEII TONI Northern IeedI on empty thII teed on me mad bIIlr II mum lyewm min irons three brewertre II dilute Deltmtee III InIiI II the dry eneh weeh lost out In write ier turtle lIiIrnItIoI hIlIIeed rIlteII etc NORIHERN urns nu re MIIsttILI JARRII ONTARIO TO TZHTOO NOW as high as Put your money into our guaranteed investment certicates Ieiitorue Stunsde tluru by Indies trotrdwlnton Bame Presbyteriol nus oldBallihominosuuls WW 1111743 tents Bethune the or Womens Itissluuery Society met they see were her ItIr Pre ln the Innetuery It linrnlnt does In Ito Ind Iiow Greet ItiiiIaIquhJoenIeyIdIyot Ihonhrt WVMWW sorrow Inert The tender IIrI IlclntH WWVW drueedlneltoreen ruwntold thinu lint in their lIIIIIDIvo mm lite Used by the Itoreen people in leIn She reminded wl3 Imuulu tht um rennin hynodicnl hldeliyhle were presented by III the delenrles $13 bits Id Butt supply Ieuetrry situated thIt numben meet terry opportunity to Ierve with enthusiasm enilditment Ind rncotnrreenent hire II II bio lion presentiny the report on IirtI wort IIIed Ill preIent not to my weary oi dolor rood bin Berber treuurer Itlnild that every AuIIllIry Impt III IlloeItIon It chub enre thrt they must strive to meet IndividuIl eliorte tn ltt ently needed llrI lien mil rind lldlnns Ierrelery uryed memberI to rush more use It sled tldlnnI IIIsee when prepar lnr mreiiw Ind tor their own persons reedlny BOOK REVIEW llrr Robert Sprlny me two lnlerestlnr boeh mlIwI teiiI In shoot the imminent and turns tor leprosy These buohI meet in their tbereh ion lIin ItIily rm end my others were Ivrlinble trom the iiterIturI display Alier luncheuo served by the host Auxiliary women eouveov ed for the Iitensoen trends Membere oi the DundIlk Austi lIrertthemoedwlthlhelrdee notions this we Itrenrthenod by the rlnilnp ol hllssee Chrik tine Robins Ind Lynn Nowell this duet Irum liorolnr tilllI locomptnled by him lVliI TllV EXAMINER WANT AOS PNONE Tittut AND DISCONTINUED womens BillHiNh SALE IIEOINS AV mutton now paying seven and three quarter per cent interest VG CPURMWGREY COMPANY ounce tons more srcoun HAND srortr s5 humor on stone In loterrsllnl Ieeouot oi In inrilstlun tun rental irom Oeobnown Aurthry