Niorhielackiidoiokclock loom roereti 34 BEDROOMDETACHED HOMES WITH SINGLE CAR GARAGE MCBTATS from $23995 to $26995 As little as $2350 down to one NHA Mortgage 7dilferent models to choose from all lots with underground wiring jNVD on THE elm roll all ieulrsriri PlOPlKTYMSALI TR HOST RTTR HlSIORY Vrrwllrle double bitch home on NI lot Luililr te ehIl tooitrliol iI erceiieoL Ill Intel Iiibll ei bub door Priced rlphi ll WM TI VILI lie It New men lNYEililZNl PROPERTY eo ecres lrootile ill pmd roedl innuiii lolneblp IS relief 11 HllRllf lo oieiil Tomb Acrlen divided to your choice Very Iconic In romeo oi Vesper ldeeI coup etc JUST NORTH DY IAIlHlE zoo iroollnr Iiirhlly with depth at lie hieiIl eIId mm In used Is lervlre my to to Second buildlnx held I1 thouroom Irid Ilvln queriere terror Iveiiebie Ill ACRES Eiiele Ilil err Rll Sly Poivil lRoed This lot in completely irced in herduood Oidy inrne homer in em Priced to roll yIi HAM LARGE LOT Lorre enouh ior VLA or duplex on Shanty NS Rood Very close in lierrle lIclnr the hire Good view oi hey Pllcld I1 item SIDE 51er inver corner lot In rooi me Close to cveryihlno Ichoolr rhurrhcr chopplnr Ind iron yinrtriinn Douhle drivewly cIr iiori Ind iih bedroom tiniihcd In lowrr level hilh rrc ruorn Irui oillre IreI Thir is priced illiil ll mill Try your own down neyrneoL owner will no older recond Mm IDI VARLIV CINE WATTS TM NORhlAN ins REALTOR DUNwP TLDSLHS roundgour WonlAdstrdIQLicki rnvM DIAL metre roe THE crossrriro barium undo moi rig in tritium RselErleleLtdu womenwinrzlluvrinner run ismrrrrmonuemn 10mm manor ruu INC eeeooee bodreono retinaoi home in routine sedition loeeicd II the lilh Iide roed owe down peyroenl Ind lhemwilhoidehroiroorlelreeill AWNA SLIDIliiceibedrooro tide ill on ertre corner lot Milne Ioe VIA Suit yoime liltile er MllJlliTpll JUST LISTEDSim bedroom bun Ila will III Lichen on homeeiie Slope to beech Mimi Oil SIS HURRY IlAUniUlphoIll level home to edll ol ion Tteiuru poled drive lie deck iiotehed rec roonr inloIoeiIle WOOL Olnil ILM WI Only ISM ACREHouse Iod hero lo Oro Townlhlp hllouiee io leirte metric heeL Iinrnlcuiete thrown Men Movie to Metro 1th will Only cocoon no oiier ANTEI 111115 bedroom borne wilh dotl more In heroine hethe Siiueini on lerxo Ileed lot Terrill IrIliIlbir Allme SEAGI Cornoieiely Anniled mill with coed well loomed upon eyeleni new turneee end only on hloeh iron the belch lerpe bedroom with iem eunpoceb Only liSM owner will hold lint rnorime repeirs olllch etc includee modern bedroom lMDl quertere iocliedon nilin 1horoudiiero liEADOWLLVD IiVE bedroom etdcepiit home Itieched up In broedioorn throumout electric bolt peved driiewly Owner IRWLM mm In oiier DUPLEX Excellent lorllluil Ono beOruom Ind one bedroom Increment nrli beeeineoi mete hydro melon new real end It he Al condition copied clue to hoviill lied downtown price nom illDROOM IiollE mm See tloi inunlculete brick end Ilurninurn reinldeilrhed home with Ice both Iorne benedioocn Ind CWNITY iemd heciiyerti Corr ee ior eiuoo prioclonl Ind lnlercoi Oriel to schools iiioppinl end bill route EXCEUEIT VALUE Rcerrellon room with he Lice lentil room ibuhroome etllciicd ITIII Ire hiei iew the ieeirlrel in tho ivnrneculeie bedroom home Silueied lo exeoilenl residen Ull me In South old oi City Priced to roll el NM LOOKING FOR STARTER NOliElCouirler iilir ior all Him hedroome iem Iivlnr room eod kitchen Iii eomoioteiy turnilhed Excellent welt beeulliui lerie ioi SlO DAY POINT45M ceeh ior nod bulldlol lot 171 1W loceied neIr Ooii Chum hut oil pelted roed DUPLEXtillvrr Viewl WAN hill price with iernu bedroom end two bedroom eperinieriir piece belbroorru hot weler beetinr Iyrlern Lem lot 151 it too ill ACRE lAlihiillawey irooilge Excellent Inilii ierrn eloee to herrie Dood borne in eleven your old wIileeLLiI tern hens mechine Ibop Ind lVlll Ihetl Owner III let er EAST END mmillliClAL SITE Beeileni ior InIeh ber TV AYCRESTHOMES me with Iuiiehle done plyrneoi Wt Stn lilillll urn crr on SEDROOII liIAliD OOiiAOELoeeied Ii Ollibid III To yIrdo lrorn lele Itekini price i1lloo iSI ROSE STREETl bedroorn bunpllow Win room LI wilh boil window iiollywnod hiichen not hlph bereminl pile helhroorn with veniiy Covered lroni loop will orneineotei tree worh Alhliil tum hIIDIIUIIhTA bedroom iii eiorey home on well Ienbceped II tho lot Lerre Irdrnoverrire llichen Only llhm not noun mi llnlnrlril buys in lived uni INA emu end lo mile rond irunlnir Iuii price SIREN hroltlooin 110 SOY oven House AJWURUUYHO uIdnr its eiorey lien on hose live laniiernpttl lot luei rouih ol ilIrito on liizhwry ii lilo Yunge er Snicimeo on duty 1m em to pin IVASAGA REACII bedroom bungliov on llll iol moderate price With my tlrrnu Cell Vi ileher or John the Sales Office open ll t09pm daily thoarrie phone 7280655 one Ps 53 iiighwey too to ill Seyiieid iotercbeoie lo will on llocii llrsi iiopiloi It Grow Street Ieh end Iollow Grove Sui Io LlNl gt51 lcrce lreed with well Slim CIil Sirve Dem 447 ocrre 27 lilthwey mike BEDROOM lthiEwilh ItlIclicd IIrIcr Vienle hlneliy Lin IA nil moiety iii miter lo the Beyond other AVE LOOK AT THE REST THEN BUY THE BEST in HOMES oi $24495 ll Detached With Attached Garages $i225 DOWN or not IAiliS ALL UNDERGROUND SERVICES Irotbv SODDEO min NHA rt BEDROOMS SIDESPLliS oicxsruio lsionuv eriiliili mail CHOOSE YOUR TOT AND YOUR NEW HOME IOU OUR YIVE NEW DESIONli SELECT YOUR OWN EXTERIOR AND lNiERlOR DEOORI 1O INSPECT Delve north or tooth oo leyileld ltrrei to lerrir lone not on lerrie Line to model homer Loch ior llllii Cheyenel Home Arrows it Ilorle no DUNLOP BARRIE 7263422 liyil lltsThe Season To Advertise Suliilerr oi iioe homes in Toronto Berrie Treeion Oreolrville Ind Sheihtiroe UNITED TRUST PHONE 1m lRED Toronto uuo intro so Iivrirro or A1 SAYYIELD HALL tibia DOWN 10AM AND MADE to enter very well ireed ierr roed ironieae lo occur to ruler end bedroom petiole It lvoporch lry eo oiier all mine 500 DOWN CITY LIMITS elm noon Io it buriuiow tuti bereriient pee heel lovely ireed lot near tote no hot or bed rooenI new pc huh kitchen with hallo eroe Center lor $155 monthly iexrl hecludrd Peed mm ILLM BEDROOM RUNOALDW ANGUS Utility room largo roorno very eleIn with mm Irin Iioee Ind dryer included Iiieriiiiurn ulntioree Irden tented lot 0qu mo monthly Down piyinent only lliut meteor buy irenh ilooey moon llLilil BEDROOM SUNOALOW him down our Leie Slnoroc My wiltriled rierier home or colon treed lot nilouloe to downtown llrrrle Strum melon elm DOWN Wile Alli hiONTll 0on bedroom bungalow lull heierneeii clue to hoepllel ehopplnl Vendor wildecorlte not price lilloo Non Riven melon OVERIDOKINO LAKE SillCOE 134 lroriiepe mm room biliniow will rent with to ion to buy Splcloue NYE Ind dinine room eiiiiiot doors to to Modern kitchen Ilud bed roornr Bottom lrorn entity room to rereze Must be sold thie will or reoiod lnenodiele pollution For Vliiil cell iir Gilliam mourn our or union their iuiilfriee room linin low with Ill conveideneer lot Itoritto ii We ireed with to not now noon union motto eeeeoe ERICK SUNOAIOW NOISE SADN VISW OVER LAKE Milt Lonlied ei eliy linilie hell were ior booting end ulnirriiop hi Ill it DURAN Ice Ire Ive vs II Oeirient end Net hero Enclosed leneed orddoch ldihnnwl mutt SUMO FULL PRICE GARAGE SUSINESS hey lire Close to oiillie with bedroom IpIrlmeoi on peird roid xcelicnt ioceiion on buoy hirhwoy Lorie iroriilye Adernron moo lilDilUlisiI CUSTOM SUlLi Decuiive horneprlveie eelilne on II we double tried ioi circle peved drive proiIIeiopIily terreced till so ii notched oil nieinouili eeotrel tleid ice eohrnced by beerned hedrel csilio weilout rerlpe truly en exduive buy it weroo IrIrui lnIidlc TAU more trill HAY 7281566 APPRAISAL ll MALLLT AYE IINL HAY m1 DOUG SARIR lidSill JAY BECAME IllSW All eonvenlrncer Iersc till TORPEY norlh nl illrric pond trout ItrIIm irccd commerciri pe lcnliel Only $50m Cell Sieve Duvie ll ACRES 1N OIIO SIAM loud sirenni iuIi Sleie Dorie ioicnus minrm lllilliO In pond Coil hteve Devir io ncrcs In Veiore oeved road irontopo hcnuiiiui mom miiee irom Dorrie illsoo Coll Stein Duvlc Mytr Vl Tlellof TZSM John Ron TUNA Roper Shollwril ellitol Nuiinon ll Shliivirii 4114550 Steve Devil mill Hit Tl LARGHYAMILY li0h hldr room bride homo ncnr Lelroy leroo lots llusi be Ircn 1o be lpprecihled Io why not call uicliiy iheit Corrie llllU xce1 Ikinl irisI moot Terrru REDIIOOAI NOAIE In Hell Ewart villa in IIiir piece bathroom Iii electric hcui llllo rnlnum ridinc ilood ilrcd lot Iurniiure Includedl $20m down with terror 1b ACRIS o1 lead our Church iii liurri come leiio your out ihrn build your own home Aeiiirrp $1000 dowo with term or bnllnce SUMMER contort ihie bedroom Iinioot hrInd new Lorre lot cloth to like oil lur niiure Included ior on down CALL CLIFF YOUNG WASH reoreientinp NEIL licDONALD REALTOR liytl COUTTS OWEN 5T TIHIRS llORTillGE NONEY AVAILASLE Photo liLS lteIItor eroooo FULL YRICE Arrhiieiiuleliy dellrned bed room executive home on wood ed revloe lot with In excellent view at the hey Recreelion room with lireplrce deo ploy roorn Ind workroom Yor iuri rr deiliir nil Writer Ccuiii ill Llll or TLMCAT 71 MARSHALL 51 Four bedroom executive home inhny IiireI Inciudinp brood ioom lull bathe yen Iu welliii eiosei end IitrI leue iillciien only lilooo Cell iielrn Nookloe libtilt or ill lli ROSE Sl Sideeplii brlrit bunleiow llvlnl room dirilrir rooin liillioii bedrooms plus recreeiion roono in ereelleniuondilioo peved drive cIroorl IIodeceplni lib oer rent min All it price only mm Weller Cutlile moon or lidlib LLARYIENDY DRIVE Shierplit bedroom hunulow with itiiliheii iendly roomtu11 buenient plied drivewa well lindIpred eiecirieelly heeled Cell Rollo iiohiinr 1mm lliooo bedroom bunuiow in excel lent condition livlny room din on room ind new kitchen 11ec room to hrondloomed Iiio bedroom convicted lo beecnieoi Siiulied iuIi ouiIldI cliy llmiil thll rneIoe low leiirr Celt iodIyi Neieo Nooth mien lin lerfv Cwlll ililll till ilereen NEW COUNTRY IiOllE to beeic rnodeir rtorey rInch Ipiit level end vnuluytcxeeZ or ibrdroonu Culierniie your own home You con build well deli vied homo It the lower oouih roll ioi ownere me he eble to Ileii buildior will ee iier II no down Dolor celelo eullh lloor oiInI Ind deteiiI till Sim Phone Oeorce lL WIrreo ll Xlnudown Dr iliIrborouph Rotors Recline LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKER SM IAYTIILD ST Mil Dich Dieoer vielo Jerry Courlllo illill ioi withiercc dog kennel Overoirl nierler bedroom utility room all iillthrn Only limo RlIDROOAI DUNGATOWIn Si lluil Cllpliln lli Litrhen end iivrnp rnuin This borne to Very cchri end priced IL low pitrcI oi norm ideei retirement home or one the the younl iorni UIVELY REDROOllSiolii nn Roiyin Roed her living room end dininr ereo Lou oi cuphnnrdi In Ipeclnui hi ii which her good sirehrenltiest eree Broedinom In hello min Ian lllilll end during room Roecwood penelicd iomity room wrth stone lirev place his home ll reel beeuty Ind must sell Owner he been trcnyierrrd end he bought lAliii 0110 ill ecrer lo Irret worleble eo Icree oeiiure it com mixed bush yeer old home in oiiccilcni condition iiirouph out into ol ilirubI iiiiwere Ind maple elude lrcci ero pirery chicch huuee cont crib in very load condition been roducrd to 9000 linen Ieeebulieii Ilii ltrrnnieM Iroll OIIII not Arbour Hm Donnie Minot Ore Ti gill Cllil Tllvlli Ora ll lei Novme McMiitIei om de NHN 1de LI ii SDI ll LITNYUIIOMIRIT Ml ill VIM Imunu iolwrs elvelllr NOMII OPEN EVERY EVENINO UN11Ll lilh ncelron limited 7280674 iii SAYYIULD r1 IAiiiiili COMMERCIAL AND iNlthTRlAL iNCUSiE AVD RESIDENTIAL Invest in iesi Llrowinp Dorrie OCATION FOR FRUIT STAND AND NURSERY 0n iiishwny it iniice north oi lIIrrio rim to Shenly Ell Drive In Trniile count over mm per tier locilien Iroooure oi too loot ironteno on hlphwey Price end term In Mole Cell Dell liloriell moon PILWRESQUE SO ACRES nooo loci on ridcroed in the Shortly Sly Goil entree le Wilton Creel ouster thrcuih the ten oi broom iruiy beetlth plml oi ocopeity ior use todey end pull ioveruneoi poleoilli ior inmorrw Price Ind lllml Ire iieiiihie Rented Io oiier Deve hiotidl Mobil ellIii new item tilm iibectl Tllbiil VICTORIA STREET STROUD New lidevpiit on me loi neertor mrieiioii bedroom Ierie Ilvinr room dininl room iircoloee lo iemllo rootn help hered ioonied Sud Glorierlilni mien iNVEhihlENT rilornnrv so me in Stroud oi rich level leiin lend on rood roed eeoo pcr Into Bud LllDllURST EXEWTLVE iroleeelonely decorelrtl lhle borne willie note oi pIUe bore WA Nilhhdmldhmldhmm CO ill room Ind den Dill Oooderhln Milk um nurtu siruirm merinoer Noierpoibedroom tetliowlih llVliilIiiA lbotllV weil mm nillnilined Aekllll MADRID Rey Ne illli Iliitll or vlrlt your ono eel IIIVIi leiinber store ml or Don Welleie ltotiil um norm llrrr TIloIY um older bridle lllAiIlldvbl 1UNITS roiurnoiryeoolieoheymgln in turn her rennet iii 53 iii