Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 May 1972, p. 12

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tonnerem heiowtnelheolde noel one Mululwilleonueio 1How yeenleo lied nude Mmmw the nut cover ei 11M nieu ml Su Wmumr on mm El ilihdii Earl nm or our uteri mu notedeed my lieevenlliilomeooewlo the meter to hUIooeetioowill Wm All of the loot help determine leaner and mwhnltrhr Wk or ii rnerdy Inpaetlilooe hour We Mm roveriroeooorpeimhivepuJ Indium or Iheiher lie to main oi lcollector orig inch oi coniideoce noectin the yricel Ind IioneITieedl Tithe Ieirm in WWI the result oi noi honing whet the purooee ie in Orion whet lo the point In Itielnlol inlieriei with which in so ele iiy dutroyed Don combine lie berm the duel oi the per ml Inuit RHNLM eier lncrreeloi ur iisenlutioo at our rodolr the Medicine oi Individulle heel become noon corrota end so no lieny lode cry oid with WNW lei To beyor not lo be lilDDfSOllllUUUL the question Whether credit eerie mlerllgdiho mind oio 0einiiier the puny emu new mlupgmu mull rm or on mm Mw rm ulortnee oi lroubier which timber edit to the will oi ldedlil to minor woorem neighbour Who lives chore no my in tie eon mm williv ioiey when IitoIlloo In mama rm ii the role no to deep ieIleep lheree oiLliI ienoiihlllnchoieondeocl tullIIirnliermeietieI uuumu Imhnlhb to mod the roepel Ade minnowmm muGodlSeereelei eelpummel lo lcrrne oi nrernbe orrriooh iny the led tbel nurnbere Ire code oi IndividuIlI Ultlirieiely ii the Indirldull wiih whom we must he ooooero An rehebiilielion promnirie to he eiioctlve irniei he more rnemre be ielioicd to ill the individual needs AI we here teen Ibove God iI concerned with elcll lodliid uel More ibet ihli even theheirI at your heed here III been coirniod Luke 121 NED The pcobierru oi lew ml or der peece lo the world drur Iddlllhofeic ere ell orohlernr lhlch concern individuell Ind ch Lndieidull mull ilnd All we Ioluiion The one solution which to up ehle oi solvioc my end ell probleme ie the one which in veivee God inene ereetor Rbeo burneoity iineiiy eccepir llcltlln roIrerled old NM hie lrleode ereelor rrilrilieid Io much richer thel he will wonder how he could here Need wilhotd God Gone will be the neodio el lrrelrieie hi1 inilliiooe by lil iilclel melon in ilr piece will he the thi only God con wmlliuan Mvriiiliv liiil innit were MORNING ironean illRNiNil neverinn rim TOWARD nonn Chlreh Select All Nlnery ovrnvouo 15 moms OROAN AND CHORAL an in route ouunoiriilo emu no surroev noises SIL ran nine Ell lzlb ll oner Ill nee II ultime In rule on log me III on Celinenlieeei Sieriel WEDNESDAY EVENING Tile lieu molded by Perle Doreiiele llRSI minein IiIeIeIo Iilb erl ieli no MISSIONARY CHURCH on more lireei Ml Lin lenolly Seeder Select 11 In mun MIMI Congenital lllhullii lereioe it Berlin layiee Inneweloee llldeyMeeoiullule loci will CRIMIMLOISDIZIM LI CRIB TiSC uh nonriisnr iiiir CHAPEL oure Peel lie IUNDAY SERVICES DISC Itn Seinernhruce leeriee liill Lin Terrill Slhie line one Schlei rile pol Emile leniee eum My Nmerylsdhiiieeullehilienmf MIICMIIMII WOW nun lrlnvoul WHY Tllliilli AMERICAN CHURCH tiih 9130 iich coMMuNioii 930 ern Church Schools All Deperimenil 00 enn MORNING seovreo reurrcosr mo MI evensoito ll Conlirrnlilon Cendldelel will lllllid NW WM vellum rise pol iiie Rector Mlml In or met In hire Mgkdenilo ouniu TrinHyClsoir mm WWW 1M ThoAiinlieun ChirreholCoiiuilu many St mm Emuscguhc TRINiIY CHURCH lill In their Cenniuiee use In Hell cellion on ilew God thin to Tile oi Mb Since 1hr Itoan oi liie to rUlYITOPilILIIUILDIDRITIM In then phyIleel II III the hmiizumg re wilh our ioreieihen whoer mm In 07 mg Dceih where is your et Deeih where ii eor the pr yoi 1W mu mm Rm The hrlelleo cel iIoe eoei if Mal hoodieiheprobieioeoilllewiih li MM coniidenceeodeertelnhyoivic ihroopb leiur ChrlIi beeonree to mm involved when oienhlnireeiirrtl m5 mi mum he ceooot live on breed Ilooe mm 05 mono reesovrenieN cuuncrt Serial Die thrown ill Sireele IS Cell MI SUNDAY MY letter Ree Derld KIyI my mop rill IIV RSETIIII mm Poorer 11 myng ulreh School Ill Noreen liuitel Ienlty eoioee with ll when there it no problem whohorrre who he II oripiov out Jag when run he lhe once which Al Rd ell ieciu lhe rolleootldence to poe cInnol lire on breed Iiooe liven on every word lhel God utierr ll lzi New Entlllll Further more the oristion in clpebi oi llillCillll the ee valuwgtiglmmtgmify lion in ii iii 1hquw mm mm mm text the Chriltlen ternlly when child to bone II it let Iilllude it I11 mm mm Vilma oeiier ilI Identity In in olrne Irom Ill perenie AI liiI child rrowr lo Idult hood iis ecliildInUiy ii Iormed end lremod within the content oi the humeo iIrnlly until it lime in olreoie in run lil own will Unioriuneielr ior lrilny humln lemlly ie inedeou in the pronelon oi Ieiiidonliy ibue loIii No1 within the child deep rooted union the eileel nl which in tell in th nieniel pro blcrnr in iIlIr ye Even Il hut identity liven hy the human rriliy iI ephemerel ior lLS identity lute only low you in cornoeriroei peecI oi mind which corner Cod lione no live when theiirincr Iotil oi men that eleeiiee which meter or hurnen ie ei peece with God then enemel peece lotion or neturel Ind topicii cooreqo ll net chore which her develooeii will tie edieoi oi the pilot urhen complete oi Truth ii ii eonoeot which lee beck to the time oi the ten commlndnienir end the dietery IIwe oi ihe Jew which orl inlfted wliililodv uu II not iI lust elid iodey er Ii wee neerl two ihoueend yclrr on when wee lint written Strollerly You eheli love your neighbor II your cell il allowed todey would elirrdnlte the belle cluee oi Iii were ureed Thur the olliicei code oi the Old ieIierrlent which wee ouot ed by June in lieti monui other omelet it Vnew development Girieiiniity but In IieprIi pIrl oi it iebric inn en iolrrrei pert ii iii iebric Pelee oi lille iI Iieo invoiv oil in the problem oi identity Ind purpore at tile When one reenter inner pence till one ty ohich to heel dercribed by the word rereo VET For the Chrirllen however be am God pert oi the hu nln lenilly be well II the ex tended Chrleilen lemlly cornpoe ed oi Iii Chririlene to the world Ieiitidentliy LI perniIrreni be cure it Is pert oi III Chriei Bore Look ln For Evening Wear NEW YORK iAPl lleve very much in the Ihori netted erenlnr drur ior roeteur ior Frldey With ihel he brought out one ornlie thrIc itI not true the me lere to tor the youol oeo ie ieid When you ll er you dont lgevzlo rneny honor to your Ic Some deelflldrl here storied ihe cocIitei dren oil in low irey eonierveiive hieci ere tor lollenee iernd ollere lhIre oi blech numbers but he on III the my with heevlt iewriied rireoleu ilreu eel wit rote Iheree lilo brown Billion which ricerly uiireior identity oNill Ilhch niecur Iuiel know the theircrrelor God did not Ilrnply rei the illiltirre up cloncYNhgnllN Ti Riff to nodueiiy er iey know in thtnrr worh toyetller to cool ior lhoie who love God Ronnie he ll 1r to include perron who mt lndiririuelit ulicooilienee at eteeiwith God lie meteriol Iii the throu livinyeeleiionibl with too the collection It lNoiin Uphill lbprero IV rst ihenchliioo or on The Iirel iiii Rommel be the no om drone ind1 drilling dlhi II Ilililillielt oily olii up the middle i0 too minimum with the lite IpIn oi the not one in the world ISUILUOIILN in v1 onto end the lhcoire Ieid ier dlnlndo Sermi Ii hiI ieli eliovr Sennl tires the ilirniul motelv till Hey Reellu Optl ST ANDREWS PRESSYTSRIAN CHURCH Corner et 0m eel Henley lie llllieler ller Ilel Rerel Orieliiii Cele VII Renteri 11 not Mllllll Neville All God It More Shell Set Will You bill In Enter Chureh Scheel riteo rilli Church School Ml llIrehl With UI emitlee cnooueoeuluoy mm one 1m unmet mhiliiull terror HuntH1 128 St Vincent St IIrriel m1 rmohr elm mm vouru rmoni DON citerru me iMlACT Cl Dill 93 945 AM PAMILY SISLI SCHOOL lIiOO AM FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR PASTOR SAXTEI PREACHING SOLOTST hllSS hi KNAPL 700 PM FAMILY FELLOWSHIP HOUR rmon CRAPILE rnzecnmo SOLOIST MISS Ni nutter SARRISS FRIENDLY CHURCH PRTSBYTERIAN CHURCH IN conooo ESSAROAD PRESDYTERIAN CHURCH tOnIeIle Slrlol Arelul AliIiIlerl Rev Ii 11 Peitisol ISe Junkie Aln hi hi hierlel Aim 00 Int SERVICE OF SIIEET AND GOATS come Schoeie liii lliernocdleie leeler Dcperinoenio iii yeeII Ild II Nureerr ieeliliiel molded lieiioce Welcome lee Ml Ieberieel emcee PAIRDALS MIYIEIIAN CHURCH TORONTO LVNle SllVlt Sim Sierllu Swift 011 THE Ill METHODIST CHURCH WI lee Sell IA ID Ieeier evil ll Anni lender ler Ill In Select ler III III ii on Merllll Selll leoiei now VoUlli CAN NOW OOTYI ILLII CITIMIAN YOUTH CIUSADEIS IONOUI COUNCIL Annie ymIIiel Ull Ibm iNII Im Yer Cull Ielliiee to serve in belie hlul oi Ieyelel liil Ill oil It All ehlioery II III Willlbeliel II will LI eillnllel Ielilll ell ihroln dolequ IeIiiIr BURTON AVE United Church inee Irn Dliillll AND TIIE FUTURE LIFE 44 lt Hill one touch kneel Preeelieiioo Nlrmy Yver Are Illeerellleirenoe CHI iiremmemiounm mom Celoeel Iiel roIlIcted hr the Ii um Tulle iln one meleer me em mum in wILeoeiI SEE the oriuoll theroll Physical iiiiiiii RESURIIECTION oliOheooieinihiehihlicoi oir BAPTISNI SERVICE HEAR senor ll some sine ALSO illWAY CHOIR PLUS Great Congregational Hymn Sing AM SUNDAY SCHOOL ADULT SIRLS CLASSES lerO FAMILY WORSHIP SlRViCI Sermon WE SHALL OVERCONIT ALL WELCOMI YANNI er rte too wwv mm WORSHIP leIeI II iron illPeel to live LI th Preeeli ll Irmilll hep Iee the Future THE NAME OR JESUS CHRIST WE WELCOME YOU TO Control Church Roer end Terolio Street 11 MIL Illlil ME Inn hIeII Sreehiui Sunken DIrid Theorem CHILD CARI ALL SERVICES PHONE 72ISm HIV TUNKS PASTOR reereoosrii CHURCH COLLIER ST Ceelel Collier old PIyIII hiloirierr PROCTOR IA Aenciele hillbirri REV nNLAY DD Deeoeleel ldlee hherol DIIii Air Lloyd luiiord omelet IId Choirrnlrler yearn United arm SL Eeei livelier Seellceri Rerullr MIrIIII 11 not Dpcellt Servlce SPRLNO COAIMUNION SPECIAL TOLN SERVICE Iilel llll Vireoorle Oi WRAPPLNO FOR rnrciooe PACKAGE mmmml Creilrnietiol Solder am am list Church School lillleieri it run eel Ito It her All Item ii yre end older it III on may Yellowehip WORSHIP 111 one SreIdcui Soldly Sernirli

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