Colonial Swivel Iii llllWl 688 For the room with the colonial touch This new solonlsl uivsl rocker sun CMII Is buory burtosisd Iiiam Macedon lsbrtc pslshsd kAlso vadIth In primed or nlIinlsbslss finished Fosm psodsd husk Iims Ind Ins ayss NOSIIIOIIIIBL Reels Ind routes In my pn rrIldtI gDAVENPORT AND CHAIR DAVENPORT Featuring hardwood sud plywood Irsmes Sbsped arms and back Doubts spring units covered with sisal Extrahcevy loom seat Ind back and ones 0m inch square chrome plated logs Sizo 02xtiii132 CHAIR Sumo Is shove Noose spring construction Sizo20 at 30 IIIlllItItl in sun Two Space Savers minoridly node splcl ssvm turn Irvineroom Into Ilstlmorn er the lunch at Iirrlll ldesl lor that sirle priest Aysiisbls in VinyloIPnht Glut Gilt This Illlisrk swivel ioclsr turns Iuh trials Ind ieehs Is well Desuhlully covered in IspIndId ynyl eomsstn wry sitissllvs colors Psddsd losses Inns hsrlr Ind Isst over No SIesnrines Dsslpn Ind built toy in st locus ucirrcrrr By the Hocmlul For Home or College WarmthchsrmsedvsnatiliiylsyourswlrhrhlssmsitColonialdavon no Convensyour Ilvlnnooem Into In exits bedroomh nt ht Th deep Irvingtolled construction provides pensrt sittlrIg Inst slssplnp corn oil tailored to an suihsnilc Colonist print scorn IIInItIlstilrrns SelolSmatchIep rsblss Matching Colonist tennis Suitelcr HoundtlieIlcck Comfort Foilset Ior livinproom or den In home or cottons Essulilul to and sit on luv to rest and Ilscp on it boasts design and con struction lsstusss ustrslly tound in more expensive Iuiniluio such as drondoublo spring units itiltt hsevylosm soar sud bucks upholstered In hssvyiduty expended vinyl In assorted colors lions MOIImqu Ls emct7f trillion Covered SUIilIIIIII soon IuItIIItitII Ivrcwijfbb the trial in sscliinh not look MAI Iurl Iun tubules ThlI hssutllul Ivessized symst neksrtuh shes Is Mommas union to any room rsddsd teens Mil bsrk Irsd our over tinSte neutrishramstsesonssreslbssthocts and mirror In my position Plush or too Isntuhrtee Illehtlysm Set cl3 Matching lirhorite Tables NOW 528 lo nonssr horn sIIiItInt MI loomIn LIIIds Inetolu muslin Ind nrstehlnp nonunion mums or his III UW IIIARIIIIAAIIIIAI oppgroaqeeunnhsdoIo4epqiouvutrurisvuievenowovertook0MirvageanyuuyJM