Goot To not Houses Free To Former Owners norm tdrl iii Diana hay mtkehhvilt the price metre iagteoiaruaataapeuibtli an amino Whom Ottawa it cannon 64 mm mm NR comm orrnwa CF noun armunanwt hue adieu new menu member at Parlternud raid numeratorantennae Today that apparition rri WWWW charge it the retro inntar rm Mr and tirtiy aeratin one ran the the allnu oi ten lurora Hum ot the eonnnrn lea not MW mm mm three yuan iamlmhendtuiioiln lor yelling bnatelily on who gave him the llnai rota twadad ea hereidIlahouid he WI it mp led other aa they acre lad hndaiity while Mail area It lhetnioithaiawuto iloae on onenpartaont atria ntlttr coun cm out atom May we Iroteoted tor reinItal tn dlr Kidnap trial it Photo trial um do Ilium three and alga mm TIME Wit mambtr tarrind out in the into at US ior Sault Ste Marie Iai canatntemlnl ndeada LONG LIFE LltGli 10011 can take our country and Prime tilnieigr Blue ethnic vauaiiy lire about the blunt tooth at eprrrn para it with any other Nttif promlacd only tori to yaare name long at it ehae in man titan lmtr lnchta in the arodd harupon ltliniater Damn midwiaoa the thy Migration 01 Birds yearn aerate can hold our trade up his Jemima the pouthiilty oi re hteign Drawang To An nd kaep ayu open during mtg rikhtra and animated ayronu trunnion rattan odratiheiewrra Send rntretltev ta Wtekend ileid tripe were my hon mum ohm ttray are orzikthe part in productive Over the three day seen Ivory year in migration ninth alttnlinnhaa becnioruaed dw n1 apetite were obam they seem in Enter large than on Wulera Meadowlark her roan Minute sauna and when Tafruiiiidormfnarii that dirtiriinrir midi Mr m1 Beach In nut mum or been Itntllr Ivodor It valiant anorroirdr a1 ith otit or mm matinegrgian paling Eat Siatwmnii norIn onetime tywltn two Wt my Bray133535 oi melbmclhngyzm mm ilirWttr2iiiadwhrh renne gt to El get so Ego in no EiE at Ego an it ten lala agrith Item in be coming in For inetance there we atrddao appearance oi armada Whip poor villa and iltaryninghlrda but rraoat Inlemd tree In initua at ahore Hide and aerate mania Nada dill Madmen Diane Cothrene and lobaemd etrht lanai ntittrn at iiay aianh andrlacelknoeoioootharre torda title aptlog teal these vrnuathava arrived recently he lust allure la email Ipaolaa zoiitaroerimanf an rctvrda are more ante er edtiocal aatrettrar Store birds were once game apoclaa bteltttyereeotameend eaauaptetiag that they were eu llyaitotihua were ahot to the point at an notion but item continued protection they learn in be making good tome hath Snipe and oodtotk are atlll ronaldtrrai anortlngh game bird hutartnt to be oldlng inuential throat to the agedaa now no mm on on but another ntannaede aria ta the peetldda war toxic chamiaeie Irlticit have been in tittrattd into the enrironnrrnt through the lood thaiannt tbeyrtada iahirda aataau meantime Oilnenepeclaeotaoorehirda area over the IMy ire ratbtrimm or at treat irregular and rotptrdicleltie with in tho totmty Char comrnontat ahorrhird which ia reheth known by moat people in the ltlildctr anterior oi the Plov er tamly Snipe and Woodcock are are tonnnon breeding tilde here but are aorneehet more rcatriattd to morally areal Practically all the remaining to apttier atat further north an aa WORLD BRIEFS MCI Im IALUTI biADRiD liiruitri Gm Francisco Pranto dpaiae an thid chit oi ataia who had icon iii an eight daya look the anluto Monday at military maroitptlat marking the tint an nlveraary oi ltIa victory in tlta Spaniel civil war France had been altering irorn gum iaieatiodl that erred him to call all armed tinting trip and rtguln audianrta DYNA END VitiiCAN CITY AP Pia lrn iienatti died Monday ending myearold dynaaty oi hie anally ea uaiortlena oi the Sistine Chapel the Vatican rhtinermbatllahtd by the im coaa oi atlcbaiangciea Lut Judgmentuiionalli rtlirtrl lo lira lent to aa unttro Email rho lad gun ante lath taatu They llvert in an apartment baiorr the tttlpli and had the rare pririir oi hoiog Vatican cltlxorta lty irth The dynasty ended with Pietro btarritd and notable man who not turn daughttra out no aott TO HEAD mtmlitiii ALBANY MY tAPi George lrinrptr ot Builalo in ytr wan tier mated Monday by tiov liriaoa Illocltlaltar aa chairman oi the tile are Fran tltr State Park ion Trirnoer member at the torn miasion is atrrtng term end log lan Lt ion the port in unaninried rtortooatilrt Dru WKYO AP lioaoorr Radio reported Btnrday the weekend death at Prtaldtut lumenrnngyn Sandra nl Mongolia ILM KILL FOUR iuraatoaul marten Do iieor Returns To Press iioom MOSCOW AP oor in back in the lltoatw auntmll vme room at lite lniouriat llotat iha aupply ran out about air hnrra alter hunrirtda oi lnltrna tlonat iournailaLr dreeoodtd on the mar mat bar Monday But aitar the reporters notlilarl themwrid etxla began to flow age llolal dircctor Mooney Till kin iaaiatad Tuesday that butt had narlr been in ehort luppiy There must laavah been tome tie the tommonlaettrnlptdae in appearance the charatterirtl iiuieliie eong diallngutahra the lantern blade Ityoure NEW iN TOWN wontrm which way to iuIIi editre Creadanco Ciearwater Revival Mardie Graa more and utter Youll nagno you do Bin Bonanza oi countryiriliesiern HitFavuuriie HOMELESS RED 0K BLUE BMW RUMP rouuo LD STEAK ROASTS INPCUT ROUND STEAK HIGHLAND WIENERS mean IMINCED BEEF LEAN BONEtESSSTEW BEEF llrilllRMMli BREAD rt rtnvouna lrcr CREAM charlie Pride Binge Heart Songs includingYouii Still Be tho Ono Flue Albums by Jim Hanvoa and Hank Snow lb 133 Lil rumor ib49cl b69cl oz war Buck Owens Live at 499 the Nugget with tho Bucknrooa and the HaySIatere Alan Albums by Freddy Hart and Mario Haggard Porter Wagoner lit Doll Parton Born on the Midnight Oil Alto Album by Chet Atkina and Elvis Presley Suaan iia vo Gota apgy Heart torturing HaWaa Alan So Jamea lP All prleee etiect until cliratng time thla Saturday iinnHilLRh Terrilic low Price Roberta Flack First Take luaturing The rst Time Ever Saw Your Face The Eaaantinl Hank Williamo torturing My Buckala Gore Holrr in It Fluaitlbuma by Jimmie nger and Roy Clark Tammy Wynotte Bodtimn Story with tom the Anawur Flue Album by Johnny Horton and Ray Price Anne Murray Annin tJoannio iilioy the Girl Moat Likely yienturing iiun Jeannie Run Alan Johnny Cash LP featuring WavaGotTo Got ithAgain Can Malta it and ottonJenny We mean the tighten limiliouantitlee can PAULO BratiHAPl tn rxpioalon anti lire It peiro QUAiWMIAIPlrtowni1DtIRVc thrmiaai plant lunday In aubur Iran or or run in new 42 more STREET Moons8680 noturedaearirtooiclala BARBIE Ag II In IAYIIILD Iii1 term he RI and ill 11 ii array Iaavaoauatttaauaetelltrn rrpotltd huhAhlhhiloheala romnmmn