Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 May 1972, p. 16

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Ax5 ImuIII Irma II dcdduuu 1m rhruhs In nIIIIy will It tlme In la MINI rub on ITO you hm III lHInHP III IhnuId be dour Ila the lunru II Ihnul all run open AI IuLpI lhILIII MIL ham nlIuanlhl In gm oIIthemd podrthtIueI Mrm vales IllI hm In ny II III laws It IoIIoI muIIr lplllnl prov my Illmrl tI III mum IndthIthIIIIrIudq III ommmul unhr In the vlrInIIy II II ulnme tIIIculI to wk In thohnma mm In II 1f Email III hlhmm OIIInI Ednallaull amuluunnr Author Dr Mina dlrncwr all murmur Ind XIII ud Illuuulrn1=Hn if mama 1OIIONTO ISMII WEI II will Io Intu Ilull mm mm InIIe mu III IEWIHIIII III In IVIIIIDII II mInuII In Inn on IIII In 10 broIchrI Illlmry II III OIIIrlI WI IIonIl WNW Author II mum one II III French CIIII ml II Imanx IIII ism III III IIIIlIIJIlI III lt lqulnd In In Inl mu Ihmugh can nrodurIlon II llllluh wtmltllum In nmducm IxchIn II yIrcthI Irom IIIIIItl SIIIrI III IIan 1mm Hull In Iublecl In Iron III erIII III In In haw rhtldml plIylnl II nIIIber Inc In South AmerIn named rubber MIII llpn Inn Irvm In mlqu II length lo min II hour Ion yrsdurlloII Dr LenII IIIlIrr prouIrn dIrl odor plan 100 ml prod III you and um wrchm II no Imn olhu twnIrIes Ior ll lrnporIIII In Lhcd authorhy nrumnu Io mntc III we oI produnIlnnI Inl Innhh dIIIrrInI Ilnucn In re the luhlltr CInIdtIn on ex Ind In War II oivevallonxgill pram mldc run more lclllng lllOIIEl II lllLI yur punch Ind prcduru IIIJ Clmzm qund llxhtinx dt mun Ind IcIorI Ire Ind on rnIIIIcI huII Int urn pm erm Iulhorlty hIr dIIldaI pm mmmII IIII Ilve zrnupr tut mm mm hIll Iho umyhnrln till Ild umnl preIchnul xrhwl Ind IIIIhrr IrIlIlnr programs RemInIII Irur IncludI unl vzrrlty III Idull educrtlnn III Prth IIIzuIzo pram Drr IIIIlrr IIyr lbs IIII 0n III IIIHOKD rnrh nmrnm lI hmdml Ihrre Hm ycnv III InItl II dlIIclrnI pcrtorls Ihroushuul an IrpnnJ mvlp null Educational Aulhorihvl Keep ProgramsOnlIile thuIII lhruuih lnun rnt In lh tEllllrll lrII MI II In that buOJIuI Iruil IhII II vldurtd In the ItmpIInI Id IElltmmll IIr dIIrI lnrlI lmr II IlmIII Impouzhle II Irhicve II Ihnru arr any rur Iprnyrul Im cilhrr umImcnII II III tho rynltmic man In mntml nirth Mil IIInrJ the Iinl IpplicILcn rhunll he an hunt and IIrml InvIluIIIn II III In nocrssary In nhnut III mm mun Zulllnlznrnal on him nIuIyr mu II my Iparlnsly Intl mtr on nun Ins Ihun ml Inch In dinmrtr Th Ilr shuuhl ho lehIIy Ihe III II III Iv does no rlrln an run rim Ihz Inqu II III than tvtll Innn he Time In Itan II III xnrucn IoIlII hcnvy qu rnrnylnu ur tlustlru rum Iur hlntlr Ind UnIIrIunaIcly Ihtre Is cllzcr way In runlrrI llII unrur Ilsa nrul II ruan Ito unlltr lIIlI uill gullcr II III In hr tnnllnunrl nl Icndny nr Iwnurrlr lnlcnIlrl Then nre vnvluur mah surv men In cumhnlinn nmi II uhntltu tn Ichmls mdm Inrnnln human II II lhn lmnhIIlIIn II The lrrrxh Chzl ur Onlurin Ir IJlu In rrcnlvu arm In wu hrIIMIII durlnn tI llllmoll IIII ILIth ulll rtiweII II On 1le IhII Iurmncr Ind In lhe Innth IIII Ivln llulcn dlruInr II IUOIIL tIIm our Irqm llM nuIIIhe tutrtIIvl Irozrt IIIII nuth Inn man If mIrd in north Inwlcm On II IcrhnlcllnI ytruurttm Io luv Iunc rnIhrr lhnn ruttslnnl Ipruy Chlru nIInIcul nmnnI th Imll hell or Illlurnr Ind muII cnmurauc lOIHMI the house thry III keep the Inn Idr Inwn lhI hrrhnrcuux bud ur hnrrlrr Ihwhl he lehlly wlllvntwlheln very cIrIIuI III In Ohmic Inn Ir undo may end III II dug up lnrnnsplnwur thtlr ItrIIIII II Int bl In lanlr It In good III In mare roll Ior IIInlcrI In Indwu Ihud II III In lhII hm II ulllc Iain Ilcnly cl pm men In hold marluru rhauld lit and run In or rdIbII II In Irlzhburhaod on II meIure nIIIr IIrII pod loamy imlcn wIl III peat mm and one purl and II Iumslrd Iur uindnw haxu Ind nInnlrrI Add Ihoul uplul ol mcnl In ml hInIIuI cl hrdrnlul Ihcrp manure per bu morn put InnII Inn rtnnu Ind other roth LI material In Ihn boIInrn olplll Win In Imp Iho drIlnIII hula IIrn III Irm tnnuxh mm II Inc Inn lur vnlrrlnc IIIIII Ior Dahllnr Ihauld II Ihend or IImI Ihr ndrIcI Irnmlhe Utm nIIhzrnumllnan IIIhIIn Soclely to therotttonnlce Irpnratlnu humtu or IIIhIIII IreIIr III In lanlllzrr Mark on tnr plunllni 90th III quId TINTII Ilhnn Fur Iho Glunl and large VIr lrIIrr dIIIIcI nl Ihm IIII wIII nllnw ILXMIL not run Thu nultumr Ind ImIlII cIn he grown II lnthn IpIrI and Inn IICI IIInIIIaIIIII igolJohannu umnwnincm cr orrus TUESDA Allan PrIvaellnIsI PIIIrSchInhmancelllIt John Brwnlmplanlst MIumn FOIIISEOIICOINHNO June IJIII John Mn pIInIsI Junelblll 3450 II 750 430 coon sinus mum STILL AVAILALE writs ITUIS nu In in SFlllLSlIWEUISM Min II lllli ll SinwstntmIlilulwtlu Uitll MO Qw Run nlch SLIU Imullml $11 thI lml le 55 ow and wln Io EUROPE Ono IUbItIleI ltom Selle lle IvanIII rcnceml and on him SovIII Tun Ionnet chIlmtII II Ihe Eduullml IclevIIIon OImxIII III II CIIIIIIn UnImIIIIeI IItd pa MtlanII prunImI Ire nu III III Ichedullnx Inr rmed halting Imus 19 on uchu wfrrumfmulmlrxli WEHiILI In con In Hm Io III mIIIIIn dollnrl III To AU II JOHNSON TRAVEL AGENCY III WedSot cements wIIl be ellgIblI lo wln hound IIIII IIckIlIlo PARIS or AMSTERDAM via Erlll uttttll luv you rtuw tttrt Iutm nnrt tlvtnttx uI Ihr Illll wt Iln IuttuII MM IIIllll um mm It lILullttttlluItI Mun In II an Call In pramm thch III IthIrIty producer range rn 05000 In IIpln II um urlu will In In IItIrIII Id nnd amount In mm In program Inch lil AttlIrdlr Icrln lmed lncallon 1h Iwa llxuru eunI Inst Ior Inch 10 Milk gal production IInndIII In IcmunIInI purpour Vthun In Ich III new pru Ilnn II npprnved and Ihe and Id Ihc prumm II III mod In unll runner who lroII min In rducIIInn uruIIIy Itnrher yrolenor II My Iuhlrcl mnlcrlIl lot the warm IIIIl ll nroductr Ind producllun II In In put III THE unII tape Later IIIIII ulnar IrrIpI wrllcr Ind cnny IIIIrIInI III Inlgnnd II III producer whrn IhI pruran II randy Ior mar For qulII ulmu mnlng loin III In ChIrIII Erowun Cath IIll Lounnl VISIT THE QUEENS HOTEL rnu hm IN run TERRACE ROOM EAST WEST TRIO Mr candllluned NIth IlerLIIImrII VII oun ruIn Awltv LOUNGE ll DIIIw II 1mm FULLY HOENIID IIIan IMO wilNEill Ul WY AND Il II Dine and Dance from In am Enloy Our Luncheon OWN SALAD IO VIrIIIIIII 0R HOT BUFFET WITH ROAST BEEF $200 BROOIIDALE PhRH INN ISO Dunlap VI BarrII ITO TEEIll NIGIIILV wrznrluum 900 PM TO 100 AM urtIovrmopuanmr FRANK GIBBS DUO mounnurm DAILY mu kn Iully lrlIJIlIEIIl NItIuIWld Flnanu Corn wlun ha wII employed In 11 years hrInch men III Ind hIr IIInIIy Ire Ilmn wworh II IIIrrII Ind have nevemmIIedIthrnnvn lure InnI ynn III MI mid be IIIIuI II hm Irom III many IIIondl Ind buIlnm It quilnunces Why not my In III nIuuu your ml We nIIdI May mm all $0ch II IIIIpII 7th ormnptr attained nluIIuI IIntlnulr mm MIIlll fraw lt Thin Wank in our Lounge THE MATTERS APPEARING THIS WEEK unnu utuunns Fully quIrI lIuIIIIIIneII IJIIII GOGO DANCING LIVE EVERY NIGHT Ikmd ttm uu Nighlly III III bust in Folk and Counlry Music WE INOTOH HOTEL hunInn III in IN ou cum KIIIh Bulloy Show Iaaturlng EQHIMI IranIlIY THE REVIVORS run urrctr NIthLv uh IIII Mom HIIII Sal WINDSOR HOUSE IIIIIIII III IV MIIIIII IIIWI pemu IIIIdIrrvIco Cunllrrm llnnrm Milhillr II rlIIIII IlantlIy NIrlday 12m nun Mn pm CIII Iar nIrrvIIIauI mustache 703mm Ir IIBIctIIN 12M 1901W3MwnrulbmlhywuIm

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