llovd Vauehan Play shah Lloyd ll 22 yearn old end reeth In xdele Thlt In lrt year with the Myer Itter xpleyl 1138lorNorthYorlrJrJlortheWheet math senlor tor the mu Smoke nah we tingle hnd tale representative lorPepelSole Well oh en vol WM matron me ht rnlIfNIM my til hem WMm mar uniM ll lnehlr ruthetoolv Vere rgehrtrnuttu wtlh nun werent the ht than lm In Miran Melanin mmnuh em mvlernst Onurwen the Eerrleleluhlund the rdmlnr mum healer Nwtu the couver Cunudu who rm to them were mtol lortut yam Formulae mum luhowrv In the lnlulnl um and Bah Ornnlnmm and Item the men 91ml mph of MIMI obte tn mm hlhltton wllhucellentr had of enoughownertpelh mans lllth tl tdl 04 We oldde mldu ln Berrtel ow luglhe tthyeer with the teem Kort phld Vntoreolleglale at Weller loo tunern uh Junlor emu Waterloo rrgn hu Women to he uoqnehterlt perlornrer tn yem ot Senlor hogteylend her phyedrnore times then my other fregulnr In the league Ken we ed Ind school teacher rt North Colleghte wellnonetenji uz wood Wain heat heatheeluh theltlrtIJhad tth qwuummm my the Ontario Hum Anodi lmuhtmenr nah 31le J7 relneulemenumm the gem eh tr nu Butthe mod ayturned Inuruthelqrrle when ed llktelur manna rumre hum dknllhegtl emmdtnl vtlhtllmontu bl lle tht ur new Mullenth xv tend vrltlu the wWhen Berrle phyemech Derryl went looking 3m en OXWIOHMWQW tohelp his club in thyhllen Ouppllyollr theOrtllh terrlen once lmln hot the marrhe vrrhted htgllhm Polrnlc wee thetnhor of the lerrlm bluellne met through the regular neuron Slywuntrettlnrrn unknown rodttolloneltlrer lle ml Polentc were learnmale uhrlmhzrhnh Starrinnd the wterroo my hohhtwlu olrthe CPllhrPohnh eho phyed pro hockey tn the WI and AHL before nlurnlnl to meteur punSUD top pm prospect Tom wu Slye detenoo partner outing the Allen mp quartF ervtlnel Int temth neu gluing the more An ntntoet unbeatable dhlenntverhelr eetYour than theth me my rrvr rows null IV moot School gt Gerry MaeNamara 0ne the nqu 01 the Ortlllloluh Ge me retakeduphy the loruddedetren ruin helr quart ol the Inn Cup Durlnr muler mean lorry we ehlrl Orlllh catchlng dut the ler wlth loe Keno Ill dolng tlne oh Una rrlouhtedly Mecrle the lender torthle club hut reason he pleyedln atlt rms tn there rchedule Gerry mud 62 ta Ind wet he over the zoomuk end when he to not ending vlerrlen he ls huei vrlth hlelmnnce eompeny Toronto Drutn heftummermonthr P1911 one at the lmtructon It the rlhrn OShlnter hockey