at an It an Is Its to Ir fciFdrgfe Gets Attention our Itltytno Ill Sggil Mr rvlceoholssaldioharsooca sbedabossstortbeihessPrlnca oi Wales At the Imus he loll an Iron and steal blsrk ed to she vvuurm and and or new new Illrks wltre tbs Hack lull oi Clydesdale hesvi huh moved Vlihth anally to pure wliilsrrrlllckswssiba lssioi lhlismliytoresnslrsirsibahus NIH much attention on visitorstothoabopsndarensed loccgsloosily We use them now ioratrlidllmibg out inn bars For BrddiOrd PIQJBQIIL BllADIOItD Stall Pro tnhold leetival oi rhsnla In gt Potential hrsdlord con bradiord was dropped the Ior skilled instruction bs probable dhnrpliors to people sensitivity trslrdng art crslts and property would to my view creative dssrnrs and male will have been nuacceplfhia In the benelii Irom tssoso cheral residents oi the sresnoied Mr plutonium hummus Ior Roberts nutb rogrsm twss announc rsoyiun Roberts uau dimryymtmg W3 in guns at Nimblm Iho sunr ie medium broil Wild mes pmgrsm Ior area both In turnouts im tiivo Irom II to re years use Insulin mire tnkin numb recreational activities and Irons local estsb agencies regent swim mm In In Yorkeounty as well Is than my up my Mum out it was tarnished mm mm some making announce the Yorkitrncoo Liberal mern MilTRANSIT oer observed was srtgbrslty lit Roberts said he no its ske csi oi the value oi this spposntethat propossi to preset put on lnvutlggthn tund commuter rerclca run lollnd It was llippogd py by studran Irom ihsAurors lsrgs nslnber oi responsible IN WIitumd in ninth people Irom such organlutlons Witt Iho sis Markham Lilo Centre the lot itll Iornnlo board oi education the explain in Pl Inmate publicllbruy hours at Irma It was Iadscsled that ad education oi North York the MilliIlls expenses that not 5pm my harm mu exceed to per rent oi its total lbnrnbiil seconder school MRI or exception 30 landlde and sills run it psor tuteoI tylll nar anspsor Queens university csuseoithocootnioblsinirsgthe Part oItho glosl proposal train on per total the budget PiotriothlMei At Shdntp Bap SIIANIYI BAY Kesngp wield DCLErscl WomenIIMtb tuie ran esarpse re presentatives to the snnual spring mebtlng here today Housing and allernoon ses sions sre planned Tbsprogrsm Includes presentation oi Issslsl al reports election oI now elite estind visit by the area presi deni Mrs Howard Campbell oi nearby Guthrie Mrs Multhaig oi Creighurst will be wellnmlngetbe delegates pr soon so porlIss president lirs Iloy Grey tiawteuno end Mrs Io ItilhWIVJ Pull around are vice residents with Mrs tiny Newton oi llll Barrlo sec retarytrealurer 11in Federations scia tlva isMss Lennon oi till Bay was the district delegate Psrtrldge oi lift alternate Mrs Gordon Ills oi Stroud Is In charge oi resolutions and hire Oril Peterson nI sbsbly hay curator DISTRICT slurs sensors cnor csua neuron sum Boston on ed Iiodgers will hold its hmm on blonds CroswoiL Bond Ht GOLI IOURNAMENT DASE BURDEN tStinl Sate rudsy isms has been chosen Thornton aIosmer district pro ss tbs dsts tor the burden sldents with Mrs Allan Brown ladies gull tournament at And ni till Barrie siIarnsle Mrs srson Park golI rluh starting at Mills trickling eIPIl Shanty lam wen thereiore submitted tield crop chsb which Is head Mayhestthoisrmoic introduce not 215 32 air so tank is lrrt cusvsssti E3 oneEE SF orspars uidihe mod Iiahss duh humid Iwmd hat holst illll Willi wwnel at lot or ocru ei rendition and Isult slated little Llnotsllatloss tanks 52 me proved Ior he lint ear Under general provisions era are to diluent reqsiremenu such was thoroughly discussed by council Contracton will he Invited in stand meelng BUDGET DIWSSIDN llse lo enable the correct to discsrs the bard ct Ior 1m With ussbe in educational sates there is nodouhttbsttaseswillbesm tor the conning year no rim were still to be seen It Acouple at years ago be some work on shall Irom windmlIL said Ids Ilslney rm calling the era when most arms hsd windmills which mm the cr Ior chopping lilting Irons wells Ti erss In Mr ltsin also spokes Inc eywhidr T5 restored Ior specl use by an srea sai dant In year ago has replenished the treasury cnssslderahLv maturer Duncan crcen that oiihe tot lllm so ecirble only Mmiw lionsTbs balance gnu on pen ally hi per cent per month thblncreased assessment hope tbet iha mill rate will not total ionthan lest year is entrees was allocated to aspensss other the mill tor am will rake than salaries The application Iorm also in dicated that In not case the nuns oi blemisttvnivedalu pro thou cell an In The rapid transit protect Included ll stndrn at cost at well over tinm Ihe lnrga hllde meant that msayother pro ecla would bsse been displac MO In each average tax payer Ior education however It In ant Impaled ihlt the townshl rates will be lower than last year ow ing in loosened assessman HOURLY M158 We hear considerable tell blotsll lg slot Isnapsggermsho Ii 5h mm dollsranhour However in com not meet the gnideimo describ parison to that we would call im attention to the rector or so Uniorquisu solos Md nlsill parish Anglican Orulchea mitt lillml wboso annssal report lists the lliPu Iollowlngcolbl Giursh leniees utiuu lien lulu 11M twhlcb our persons silended sud Nr Roberts who MW in the two amber is wedd mi logs to haplismo Ill hospital will WIa WM visits to consultations srs prlI itislnevitabie in view oi the on muss Mum Will MD meetings sad in parish calls Im mm WK Allow Ior burn dsy Inr the year he must have lie about that many hours en drsvsng time Is added tn the average Grants oi tutu were approv ed tor mobile day inp si Aurora 150 tor commume ecology study In King toooo Ior asdunamer arts workshop st Van TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE TZHIII Harry Callahan He doesnt break murderoeses Hesmashesthem cram PANAVISIONI Wasnss Bros Alimony Oompsssy TECHNICOIOH il DUNLDP SLW WRILVOIIT irliiilt bldlllS FRIDAY It mil County fire Plan mm sum In corn SimmeOountytiraal marmu Ills Btimstedeutlblssumtkr with too per rent sul Ipslioss wss pissed Ii It At special nacetiss presid rd oil by Iteevalfsrgs git much Mulwhmtdm lion rmved Camille llaaa WAGE MI Micky GMIIL Iha iswnsblp will borrow lots at cinnamon in cover wish at this time to Ida the sin Iba costs on brand It lluniri roe Cissme mutual the aid ssh psi ditch no lib Line byisw wsl tens regarding the calm given third sending these Iussds mentoisradinnetwsrklnriba grI rocovmbla Irom thus bene counly oi Simone Ilbng Irons the dsslnsge The clerk Brisn Gantry authorised to notiiy the corn mkwmmm clogs cities In Barrio to to advise the owners at llrland Eul currently snakinl ctr mm Em paratlnns ll construction oi hall at All rnsnplctg their mdg gm Wm second township Ilrs set by the transport desprt nu The other ball Is at There Ios built Inc In winters trial mum and Ior rsirirnn liquid sppiiullon are Egg in mmmwmi Mplscawianerslsstyear received till and senior winner on alrasg wrih trophies Porno ss Spring Ilsecry Jointly spen in the event and Insurer Dar dormer Ema deputy reeve Eug Smith In preacntsng the int Georgian Riders Plan Horse Shows NLDIATER tStziiI Georg Ian Ilay llldcrs Association have arranged series oi three hone shows tor the Goldwater his gristrm the Iirst oi which The other doles are Sunday July to and Sunday September 11 class have been included as well as making and fr it in EE EE was towasbipessancsi will holdalngoisranIad nestsyhlayl1llwss rsdhyheesslsinrlhrsrla ANNOUNCING Commencement of lingo muns was so As see rsa CONTINUE5 EVERY THU AT PM oi Barrie Anno SPECIAL sumo sloo JACKP lacrte ssh llachy mayor Bob Bailey united to be held on Sunday May it arglisb Iulrm and pony meal the township will is oth horse them done Ind deduct the cost letter oi credit nss hie STAltilili ulDll UNION no slnrm sewers Irom this SIAINEN 15ml Annual area are being laid out now snd meetingol the Stayner commun sslII be men to water course Ity credit union wl be held at on ths iii land Avenue and the local re ball on Ibursdsy creek as ghwsy evening lisy It isnh will be up microorganisms wsa received by date at rollrc ssssoono This iiuid add shots srucdcsror uorr TROPHY Jack lbeloar shows brad ty Bay champion oi rest was some trophy which will be up first winner oi the trophy one Ior competition at open tour oi number to be two nsnsent st Simcoosldo goii the Sisncoeside clth club near llawkestone this snslner Photo summer Iack Nayileld Shane NOW PLAYING TILL FRIDAY NATION lillitti Innrlu lldlllidU nouns rhesus Fittiltil II thtmbllll ll ssmoorow nusrotors wanesaws sssowss NIGHTiY TILL snsosv Adult can Irold Entertainment can Milli unrocotos PANAIISIOII rnuu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII srssrs Tomorrows sovoosr otsscrsss ssssso nouns iiiiiilliiiilldliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiillliiiiiliiiiii lililliiiililliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiiliiiiiiliiil mmvnnusvsnnwsssl mummiesIsl melanoma Inllll James Colturon in srs Monsters Tonight Adult Entertainment ENDS FRIDAY routr INIIRIAIIIMINI lilolden gym kits mmdlmlh voodoo Lilli ummwmemmmsmmlmm dlICNWlsmhdtlmwhsnmmWIMI DMhyllltlmtmsvdmllWIN MMImmwmMiw