Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1972, p. 2

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Wbtl reduction at corporation tax announced by Iedersl nance minister John llrrner hssbeon geoeroily smog ed as move toward stimulating Mooney therols widespread teettng oboe the government did Ihh assistance byword encouradng companies to expand and create more obainltsell waswortlswhile butltmuld ebeenoimuldsgrestervahsslisc companied by otherprsctlcal measures Torinstsnee cutbeek In the 12pm cont tube mmsdzclured goods soy to tritium an would have been an etdecllvo means help to curb thecoostnntiy Inoress ins nary trout II negom government coyiuld be perused esn sccnnvpa so cred pmentlln Itselcun ve ce re sees federal outt to the to at themed ue on uc tionIn prices and taxes would be bound to hove lnf briluence In snak iugridemsnds or we trscroeses more moderate and thus ssdstlbe anti Inlhtlonary trend Redudng the In on manufactured foods wouldbe well received by tho immobileth would cut beck Bakes tort irons motor Tax momma alion not go Its usriune long or at todays essen to serving the lcles to television itc Interest sets not to mentiori oirildrenis toys snd many other neelb Itaesgrlrultural economy would et some muchneeded help by the redhe tion In price at tsrmmaehinsry snd lur lements Business wouldlbefmnm shotbrttseurnbyiowecprlc eso lngaslee III the OntarloIgoverusnsnt elpedlbo trend with the ntggestedIIreduotion In retail sales tax It would Iurtlrer cutback cost oi dying and slant till in the right economic direction The growing reclinelion oI the hood to get back to the sound brain rtncipies oi weiiorganlud economy so Iseen relieoied by demands that tax cutbacks constants themlnlatsymi cousins and tha lumesdal relstlons Iow such as real estate and doortodeor ditto Es FEaz is $25 in if is ii I9 35 to fCIopiOinStickero IYDOhORIAlN IOuns Perl Barrel Oilhastsaslsar branches our division oi Lunar midst us Is the seetbalRuesuckergeie Ipozltl break wing oi govern unending dislalirs on no W533i or enbaprenenn snstons thean lbls dlvlsl to regulate an Iields sensed selling Its main wss tn groioelthspnb against hor erllnslrsud rst now as the ga snore opblstl problems oi the divi sion In turn are snore sophisti calod and Inosw plentliul WALD BANNED Its latest move Ior example Into on one oi pyramid and reisrrsi sales As you have reed there now is le Istlon belles the bones which wossld control these Ilsierrsl sales srs In be banned entire gt hsbmlohabroughlmder IOna eltha mos exotic murmurs casts bonuses they secsuu other purchasers strict controls tic ths whosllrectsmihis dislsloacslays ear government has eel practices which do not tumours nor or our none Inistsnderslars dint oitba average citizen lssst how searchneeme Is cw years eI pyrarnld soles Ilo Whastwoleiemtltuiaimrlds and New England and large personsl entourage he has pro refers cg its or WtMm PUMhssmada nsllllnssslnastoppsd oIAn WWW oldies but Iew tially he deals or dIsIsIIrutm to 35 bhabdenlng paid lunar III doublesnassl Inset aaslAgIa to Bid bombers strike End and It as Aglii Ii it dig comwlltps cursor one norm or iing cards Ior lbeyisytorsoorrpby lion but undoubtedly clothed sonnets reruns phonon PariLSlavism Repeats Concept llhd Bitullldho achievedbyredudn espcndi the gimmicks wheresreduction nass In racial or csrlturll lures and Wt merely ting tho burdens out tax on manuiaotur ers goods would reduce government revenues but lids could be oiIset other moves It certainly would be more tgeneral sasistlme to the economy than questionable policy oi granting Iorglvebio lochoi ioxpsyors moneyto private companies In order to avoid Iusther detldt budg et nancing the governments else cos serve the mobile Internet by making thorough review tax expenditures for services oi on onahlo value to tan payers as svdsole Agencies and bran ches whose services do not measure up genesel good In the pub ebould be phased out Down muons sun Inverters rowel Barrio Eundner May 161931 Dor nstlon oI Geor Vi and Queen both suitab co raiedln Barrie itonion iongsrnn vino enoreIdszinnan lorning co oi organized reeplan by students and marnsnoth hrsde Irom Queens Park through owolown streets and lloysl Salutest eet Oiileetiousro Alternoonwns renioegrogrsm at Barrie Arena whclr lovvn Cossncll Ministerial Ae nsolv gnarled veterans sod militia sddress Mlyor Herb Robertson school sing tn nursed oholrbom churches and lectures sin evening Ilro bvorks display was set at mteriront ltssFruestEIsongoI0ollierSt hallo eedsgrnrdr elected mm oi ounce es kerln oi outrel Unit Klwanls rtook to erect ies sssd beau lo Errol Paris on gt uth Stmcoe Music frecord sutry list Bredtordnin topturedrnany prises Weldon until shalom adjudicator Mrsi lowestIIhosnton was general drain died by Helen Olase Coobstown jgencvtevo lunieson Thornton Iirs ooro Green liradioni Mrs tire is Necbftt Gillord Mrs IIodgsioin by retired as ski erAesInIhola le told short the great Churchill Mrs Black of Thornton Mrs Gavin Allsn Churchill and Mrs Kelly oi Atlslone Father andson banquet held at Collier Si United Church with lies Harold Vaughan oi Brldionl as speaker Bob Parsons proposed toast to iatlsors re nded to George Mo Conlroy MNorrie Barrie Cream ery presented Ir by to winning juvenllo hockey team wit players introduced by Mom as luck Johnson Whiter 00qu pro ed fragrant Mrs John Bei eskey olooie Ipresident Barrie Womens Institute rule Ryan cltosen pro oldent Barrio Lawn Dovling Club Brrrieltomsn Conservatives honored Mrs Dari liowe and don ter Jean at reception held at borne Mrs Thomas Iowe Dunlle 9t Mrs Thomas Burton was In charge Mens Club oI Collier St United Church addressed by Dept James McOannel oi Port hiclilcoligrecenln oi CPs Iske storm storm at 1013 when to one night msny vessels and more than too seamen were not on the Greet lakes mitt ltev LI Fleming An lienn Dishopoi tire Antler known as Flying Bishop addressed overow audience It lrinlty arurotr Ior at Coronation serviceScouts and Ides paraded to church First Barrio Troop was charge or Itay Livingston 1rlrlrotldes nsnses In priests oltsred li buyer who urn buy the pr In mid sales araIwhera dis bu torahlpsL are sold usually Ior several thousands oi dollars and the buyers are promised BIBLE THOUGHT than slid Jesus ta them gala Pelee be late not as any raters bstk seal ms sees so lead you John sons Nothing has rhlnged Ills grsst commission Ills rmislllog contract his continuing presence Is the sense Everyone who be Doves can have Illbla dsys exv periences assd do Ilrst cenlury rrd exploits In Ills nsrne liberalisation It Ila tieid Street rel no lblepbone noonr Second Class Mall hagtslrstlna Number one Morn postaga guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays Subs normd daily or to en rses curler the weekly tits year Single copies Ito by mall Barrie tint yesrlyr Slnrcoe County tram yearly halsncs oi Canada soot yosrlsr All other eosnstrros piano yesrl Molor timottrsoo ms National Advertising otilcesr as Queen St West Tornaio soaI lilo Calhcart SL Montrell Member oi the Canadian Press and Audit Iiuresu oI areulh ons The Canadian Press In exclusv ivel audited to the use Its so pubhrtahtllon oi alwhdlghlcb es apes or The Assoch Press or Ilenttr and also the local news pnbllsb ed therein Ill barrio Examiner clsims gbtn all original advert grand editorial material cre ated by Its employees and so produced In this newspaper Cop rlsbt licgtslratlon Num her It register oi WW group are not now PsoSlsv rnwlthltsdressnoislsro With It ti an the First World War the Star extremist who nuns dered Austrian Archduka Pssns Ferdinand In June mt tba avert whidr led to th er wu Irvthued with the Ideal in our own tirsses PsnrArsb lirrs upsets the concept oI Pan Sisvlssn its most volubla expo nehla again emotions men the sovolutlonary young colonels who run the govern merrlrlts oI simian Ilbya end Al Among all such movements there Is the bitter enemy pl oneness Psnblavlsms one es were the Germanepeakin monarchs and bureaucracies the Sermon Ind Austrollungsn Ian empires The latter emplra also Included two at Slavic roviucea In rm we would say IlongSlavic wanted them liber ENEMY NEEDED OI rolrrsa tba bltiersnemyol PanArahlsrn in Israel lougb lt ls hard to see in what wsy the Israelis rsn destroy libys It Is haltwsry across the blcdllerra nean Irom Israel whose imme dlsIe sad hostile Arab neighbors surrwnd hel Perhaps the least understood these movements Is Black Solidarity It bu arisen not In the new Airieln sister but wllhlss the block communities oi the MS and the Caribbean these communities srs reacting stroneg to what Black Power advors es rail centuries oi ere pluiillilm Ihls begin with the colnnisl troder who brought the slaves Irom West Airlra then incul caiedllrern with his culture and lrssgusge It continues wlth the commercial inuences North American big business Dodson on leieslsion ilsrbsdos ssy Black Solidarity advocates Is aborrlhis essrn on oi ri outslds culIursII satlon oi lack Caribbean soci etiee As result they have too gotten or are not allowed to remember their Airlcsn roots black Solidarity and Black Power spokesmen emphasise backIoAirica so Some ssAIs es Is my home ey deny any cultural in lhc Dutrillack Polar denies too because at Its tomes ration by the whites What do the new block tries oi Aisles think oi Solidlrityi Not snitch have been too busy with their own Atrlcsnlsstion Ind ease trons colenlsl rule do Writ their own rlylea oi gov erstqu more the brand is onan nellsed by President lullus some oI lsnsanla Ia racial errusllly We cannot allow the growth oi ilnt Ind seconch cltlI seeship he said In not goes agalbsl all Is oi rating biscks irom whites lbs problems oi natlnnhulld has In AIrlcs srs dlIIasent than those In the Caribbean And there are out dliierencos rw daily and politically between blac Airlesn states In terms on cause In Ilswalll milk but be csuss Ism minority In tbsnortble Mu Ill cosm Bloch Tilt Spiritually Black Power Isl losers In orn hemls ere can go home In AIrlcs in no lice its ths emerging blsc Iti rlcsn countries iberrrsslves who wouldnt know what to do with them when they arrived Pupil Power In Britain IONDON API lbenaga revolutionaries have raised tire banner oi pupil power and In London schools Amnngthelr demand on more conning no snore gy Ing alter school no mos co sosshlp oi school magazines he rrtcrazscbool oerIornIa sod Iree milk every day The School Aetien Union known to have links with ses lng the other dsvthst the eral party bagmea went back to Mrs iound that uslness and Industry code and Wsittnrtllwethrtn ur eldIo lly rrnsrsn neuroses direction seems soon but the mruosiionishoirnuchsodbol Mr gnu sort on teatime Iii tbrlmrgb midr meow up Then there Is the problem or intone some comps hi as they mm to mud mt ma en es In ape runnerl basing hsdmhccoms io it Mur gt modernmacblnery Ibstsna smut is our the an unitbusiness II the New Democrats msks some political at Mr Nrnars me the lives are likely tlnd it much rig budget harder to do so rsnos budget may pg the set one general tone It Is surety lordraise that oi smallc oonsersstlsm was the sort oi budget In one Mr Ilslners coco bat tourmaline ad the strategy should psy ministration snigbt have been oil 1y handsomely and the expected to inlroducoundera party should soon he Iinsociati slmllsr set olchvunutsncen upebia oi waging strong an thus was the nasal speeule eiiectlvselrciion csiarpalgn lion as to whether It was OI course the exposition pss election budget considering llu particularly Newspern it is almost certain in he the ornis nu rail sgllast tbslastbn etprescntsdheinra the budget pointing outsorne ob slecilon called ltmusthaaa vlous wesknrssesr little ornolh election budget despite the ing Ior those Important to absence oI any cuts in personal nemlc groups the fishermen Income taxes and Iarmrrs only tut amnnlb Mr llrner was resilstin more Ior teensinners too this decision Personal Incarna rrtsny concessions to business taxes account Ior rising sndnocutln rsonal Income percentoitotsl stsry its to lighten load entire revenues with the goverrrsnsnt Important nslddle Income spending money In larga and But on belance you have lrooueol chsnsks it needs every ooocluda the budget wss good cent rsi revenue It can II it ooa as budgets go sod his income anywhere ci to Turners star shines even antlcipttd deficit Salary and brighter today Its Is pinning wsge earners will bass to no good desIoI Islthperbspatoo llnuo to provide lot ol this muchon the corporate conew revenue andooa bone that rsiona creating the lots censured porstieos will do sir hit lo uilsirylosr esg Isbcr provide the new labs and In three bis measures will crease the lioetnttiensl prod hsva some good oldest in this uct II Ottawa cynics ede WW moves by the governan iosei losastrsehi lowedA closely by end dither IT superscrisncsnrnn smells erosion Muenstertrousers stvitsouomuuoutltsons oiiunruuw troo ssssssorvssr niteness IWV monolith mos uncommon WWW IIer out grownup leitlst notronv said It the oneday striks In Mildhtl ls suecestlul roun lryulde pupil walloutwlll be ill

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