Mt Ala hit tuna at It up It BE ll TI aura elm III III The lull Wm cattle Mm mn in no to All lmlllOlO AIM llIuL be uaao lI Ml Rial VII IR Shoat Bin are anlm no MOTORCYCLES GoC xll each puirehaaeolmlnlcyrlenr PARTS ANDARIES newsman no aollpa numu reman TlIIM 11H Cu at Hl Ith lm you room mm altar lrolita WM mill tee ea totem rla Alrln hammaur Mala Allana OataTn TO monotone New In II lla llanttllahoal aloe alt AUDIO RIPAIRS Illatom =E Eli 3311 carom cannula 65x TRUCKS FOR SALE not can tor In re mun meanw rteo trial am DRYWALL AA hold Lili ma 3me mule utter uh ORESSMTKRIG OK Hul alllra on lmll MIN W11 Ml 1P MIC mailed II CIN lI Itll Will SNOWMOBILE EXCAVATING RUPP MINI RGIES COCARTS aw lllrd annvucn 315 It Scrambler $219 51911 Free naa 011a mIIa track with EAVESTROUGHINO NPIIIOI llIIll and NAmu33 duly room will ll FOR BEST RESULTS TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE 12MIII uhhart THIS OFFER FOR LIMITED rum ONLY MOONSTONE BARGAIN BARN III wwalotuc CONSOLIDATED LANDSCAPING team or ONTARIO canola OCIATION one and tamno Darin Manly gardenhmllhatlnlm one room And No TOP SOIL tIIIImad by the lh WWII in MI boait mo goo amen mMPArITl Contract lbunnto Elm 7260518 TYIl yardorunldat TIN 1M Nil 456 Mr um All A5117 JIIS CARDIN lDGTIllIIO lawn In lull IIWIlruevd WWII HINDI no aMlM LATION IIAIEOI amnorav Inalrllllott II In IMM Mu end ml mo lalir III11 Alm JACKING Ill IM ll NW rutWm amt nu KITCHENS KINGS FINE CABINETS Kitchen Corner China and Vanities PHONE 7235121 IIYIT II run marn PLASTIRINO teem we mm Em PAVING MANIERI PAVING look how or pauinr driveway Free estimates Work guaran teed 7260081 ms SIS ammo INSTRUCTION IIOIIIG INSTRUCTION Maul Mn ll Illl Inow nuh urea Ialrll Min lAVIl ROOFING and IA pamal rontrarton new In root nuln Mind and VIIVWWW ITEM III Titt SULIIJ ullilll SIIJING some men nun wmoows Barrie Division at LONDON BUILDING PRODUCTS roth GOODFELLOW Phone 7288942 all Annual II nn in that men lit lnala ATTENTION livestock household arti clu larm equipment or union at word ad rates LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PONY NI Ill um or warm III HAT NM aunt to mull Meet ll tea let Tm LITERJAIIC PONY lad Wt Illl old IMtlanl All In Illrla flute latnoun luau Allr honing ml Gnlgonllalmim me new unit rlumJnu our Myll llAIlAN IM lot II pill all um note luau ialaeenu no MM Illlmllil AAle OUAITII NOISI hall ll ll mutantn tilrrwnue at May he Ian Klymll Fun In Line IMO Ill TII mm MI MT NOAIIB POI BALI llilhh ant tame IIiII llpel IMWW MINI Illi or III ll till lentil auto cerium 01 Inn 11 FARM MAC NI III Dlll IF RLmMURIRWIm TV RADIO REPAIRS llCIllllO Tetra lat EhIM Ilm am Whlla TV Evanlnn ralia le Iarrle TV Illa Strain ML IIS TV rm blkl ltd Garry Vlamlilmi PM Ell Hlltlu Ohm It moan My TREE REMOVAL Tm um Ind dating at and on lubdulalnna and Iain rm unmet HALL IRMA TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mull PHONE 8352110 emsill IILIET DIAPIIII Mi Mi In Mr MM BM alkth HONDA AND amla rare and Amino comely AMAIIA MOTORCYCLES Itll nary tall aotd you to mu helmet null and lethal TREE Vaiuo SIB RRIIES SPORT CENTRE Hle MAR AUTOMATIC WM IMIIVIM nul ehln lb tour an it met lime ammonia Aeratorre to or In whole Reta untrue Oran laTNm an an Ln rrllM trel eaon tin rlaua loienlm anroruuaa lua ula IA to all mom mare and mu newt ma Ital Tlllhfam luau STEREO anus FOR saua ours ton saue MUSIC to you lullt huwa player uncall er auaiaruu mom eharqor other new daily in to ram avlnrnarlt tent in walnut we win tag in Oil thll Int only WI no Na My name in our nah Iavmr or new nrmm rhenlrluhm warrantr Ott rm rental mu tor Invite lama are lel KAVIAIAKI momme roottaaulnemaam lnmt kl iaJa Meian Eraaniaprnmm on to atom raaremrta Mill anoun ltllthu alu no mil noun that law an rum no mu vwna use nun In mum 31 COMINM Fla 2920 III DIIIr MIT III telephone new more urth um Molina use new mm On 1M Gillan VIM llla but om All WW M111 ll HIGH Ill an Matt mu TONI II III nullar am mom PrltjM mm III Nil AIM III CONN llll Ill NNIVIDIINA ll Ian WI aIIrt IaEI an mam tar huhlmm met ANIII IPIII II III hI MN mt BIL ARTS FOR SALE Itll uII Miami in mi Mel own rnnuatnew rotr matananterdln am momma locum la IRMA ldllahn NEON II MI OI MEI ch allll META MIAT Fill WIhlmm Wm It IIPIILO MC mllml LIT um euu av Imr alaaua lam 15M anytime an mod altar ma Mule muturira mm III out lite uaauaa will no 1w mmfum DlllllhtllltTtIM All MillI M51 man ma IrahIIIIII maIRmMI mull ua wauh aaaln and AWN ova In re mm or out ammo my 33133 rem Bum ll MT NW nSIRa ielone Monorah Mail mutate II To LIAM notice It unwraqu ml to too Nit IRIIII All Wham RIM MW CI in Im III MRII TITS IlIIPIIIO hm nllnlltl Mylo RIM HIM WNW It SMII or to Aull BUY NOW Ialnd Ml he MMHM brand new Oi avan chair All ll learn II Ind term or MIMI ea mun ill mill II Ind $212M POI IALI Amtrll etae Manta mom lam tlmleteovlr Irtpvalx and an Inn Anuninl ram Ideol tor ham av cotton in meddle III III II thlt lam Hum Muhammad Limited nmntian purl 9M Amati rim um ATRA molar IlDlOOIA NM MM Ill aoars AND morons BIA It M2 Nbll III DIII 21 in OWIIW OD phi IM lull lem my wnIleorldbtatl Mm lihitl Tl NOIIIPOIII MINI MI All Milli no meat altar you ll My mutual nucleation to hell boat WEE Inat brimm Mlll Il OT MIRIAM ethaaarvre it Am MM II IT lllmlawlill MM roll mum Poona MM it ANIADS III we ARTS FOR SALE camlrlo EQUIPMENT FllVATI Gotten II It rover an in tall mar lruea une lnnl one with em toilet net rainwater lomd llr mm elm raw moan alter uarru ARTICLES WANTED rain lrltion lane new ienuuay lrann Illllt elm lnuln in run or alle dill Nay II on mutual Ina hay mm to pan Ina elebia llllNL lumen with emotion IS IT at Htllll ylll lit TIW III325 MI CAII TRACTOR Ill VIM with mutrlal ltan end loader larva anew Bucket yml Mlal men we tom mar ulaartnn uh end WI lamlmlonnntttan nova to euro Mannie ma alll one rim of lllu hm Ill ll ourirn mm lot MM Manly It ria number balmtlreuhltlllml rIItI All in mood mm mull FEED SEED GRAIN 353 Nl NANmm mam My eoa IALI ma barley mxim on tone will poll in matter tall Iqu tolenbvm eneaalawn new RIO Ill IN veacnea Al lat mm in luy toenail OLD IIAIl Illll IM INT INT dlb TIMI RAY DIN an MI IIINIM lrlvwllttld ltllKIeL llolmly II hlbl AMI Ihl IML CRIM all llmll Ir III on condition on had tub man an etch Illa tantalum 110 III we Md or tea ti HF MDde motor the urinal on In condition and mmahlr art Taiapsllnlla lane aaLaoll ranlt one botilal Natlnlarpaalamorululnurrn wit on not lull retention no we Mm ooos nun ears MM um um MN Mil POOOLI Tetanmln Whom GMMW Ill Ilckvl v0 IaIMry mum Pal math bill telephone mam 01111 UIAIA AFRO Inf IlII ma NC nluh palate am can Aeaiutarna not melon hm lined cool no one DIM ehllaln AM In HM lop Plum Manonm name Mill mall mite our toll minlahlree on aortevt male on utmr emote BC llllllt Pllll ill NM Myll ARTICLES FOR RENT tttflltttwftlhrto run II mall MCI Tm toRI etc Enulmnl lunla lummllertranl armour Dogs CONSTRUCTION EOUIP lottow Tan PLANTS AND BULBS aamlaav anal Lalltlrrl to ear In It Ill lot SA Odn Hall in mm Pinata Illa llli RWLWM Eurmmvmlneoat MTII Ian Mlenwat Ta no Myl == PERSONALS NEED DAY CARE Compare our rater our 1P meet our educationallla liar and our reliability Area weehu yem CITY OF BARRIE NOW PAYS ALL OR PART 01 DAY CARE FEES BARRIE KIDDISKOOL 35 DONALDFI loonolo manor TThl Tl UNWANIID HAIR Removal hy ELECTROLYSIS 51 hr ll tn experience land Mra Mlliito 7250543 BIS PILIAII Nth It at my Inow Telltale norm Ihyilml Mitt anvouua Intrem In rrlllale uncle tun dlll and Nani Jain in mam oara twee Mr aruorum menu INA TOUCH Illinl the Ml Mall 011 Mill Koanuatlr dlltllnllrlllh Illlll III Alllllrl Llihllllr mam A1 II that in comment not willth llllwl MM 11 BllllI in without pvtrarl penal WMNLM th til on Na all llan uttlnar om Ila Al new Mill USICAL INSTRUCTION ll IOPIIIIOIAL mlrutllln In New not nillmtl no IINNTNI and lamb 1m Mlll nonlillcallona ntatiny nualltlcationl put one lam MAID naraaru mm the rnlll dvtlaa ham or am Jralnmhrmlomenam MK II Ill NAT aalarv and EMPLOYMENT WANTIG TRAlN In on Do Melanomatau womenmom BARRIEC BAYFIELDSInTORONTOSTm OWENSTBLAKESI InhIIIUMM attainamnion g2 til El EE El rt BE 55 BEE AD IIIale Mahatma Iall EMIM VI AMI and moor to no oran llImuTaaRu Mm FAII NIL WIN DAMN more IAIVII Mulls WAC M19 II 11 anal RT alarm lmr meta wall In Ilrlel Ill main Ithlll ry an In all JOBS OP INTESTIST TO WOMEN SWITCHBOARD CLERKTYPIST Internaan R111le pdaition lot RARRIE EXAMINER ah guy WANT ADS all acorn some North WP WONDERS PETERBOROUGH OIL enoun mall 11 LEGAL The Liquor Licence Act NOTICE OF APPLICATION All out purunn with neat appaae ance proletany with PBX uwltdlboard experience Man unreo piaaaa Genarooa company beneiiu mammu Any perm who resident In the lit the tattoo end the mm at obtain WWII Mll nlunSTo Mr alone in no Win noolrolumnun taller diml more annu an an 5mm MP homomoonwuaom BOOKKEEPER um Ill III ClerkTypist 12 TENDERS interestinr hulitlme position tor mature peroon with neat appear IMO and experienced In Ao rmnlta Receivabla and Payunli Reteranceo plenar Gateroua benelLLu Re In WRITI ONLY In Illa Why Glanwncd taunnl chrome LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO NOTICE la hereby given that SEALED TDIDERl plaly halrhld nnlhaouutalde aatocnntentundaddnaaodtnthelmtrdaabo parhnentuwoa0ontralltaardnt0nurtoltoomuouakoahnre 11 Boulevard Put Toronto Guthrie will be recalled hound aimed until MO oclock III the ahanoon Eaatarn DA time on Thunder Turll iltl Ior the comimtlm audit the toolkit nI Governantrll Aorl tor the role at liquor in Or no at Bertie In re the county ol Simeoa aacllraulp lilnlna aaalltulll pi menu mm maul mum in re on ca to Wild tn the amount at mono Thla twill aduponthorahlrnotlhe lanaandapacitiea minnod Mm laaaanelllu maul ulae In mm WM time to the Architect tel two week homthe data on Ill ma dosed MIN PO Flare and lpeciticadnna will ha on Will widen Exchange plhymeh an and aalary oa led nus II GOUGII Accountant Ill ARM uER Rondo harrla Iat aiuahhou WIT ln hania brittle and Toronto To receive cmalderadon tandera must be on the tanhr ELTETIIN 231 An nu earnountntuMdnwnonadaaatanriBankoIOum in The liquor Control Board at Ontario or bid bend on amount with recognized luanntea or Inauram Far ruwlrar aarlielltaru Mame mane Ilholrlulev Mill or no tar aralmrt wanted add not live ear anal ll nu rcllulora wanna Illl Lemmnmlt rearual bmlnher yamI Ire Illa npenlna oi tendera will tote place at the Head Oldea at The melanomam Llouor control Board at Ontario on mono Mann an en mmtoanao lel Outlarlut lletalictodiyg dolom DAmYQm the one day tune tron or their repreeedtattvue are invited to attend thehourlmamalharluhttarrlmannoralitendonanritha Iowoat tender wil not neceaearily be accepted THE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OP ONTARIO GEORGE MITRE11M WM mo Rev April loll lull nulr llll one Irae um mrllllmw gull trudge tlml lento Mvu eulm mom rerun able he an aim mlalllrr My iahla TENDER TOWNSHIP OF ESSA Pin Hail 2a lento laminar wanaaoa ilnmmmlaiuig meteor Sealed lendarn clearly marked an to nonlenla will be waived by me underlined until 1100 noon Friday June Ind 1m MO Inn lat JOBS or tmanetr to tor the commotion at Fire Ital for Toenan pl Luna SALES HILP AGENTS In the V111 p1 Adm numerator um um um simulation and marina may he oblalned from the Municipal Office Baxter Ontario Loweal or any tender not nec eeaarlly accepted BRIAN GALIISY corneaarunr Drwnwem 33 we lam aaatLIotm AMI lutj itiTtheasoh WANT ToArivertI DONT COST THEY notB TENDER nder wirgammagadlumlllv on Ia ion the construction 01 buiidlhl Plane Specificati ella arc available trorra Mr Perla ch and Automa and Hunlvallil Out deporil oi $210 lhrea lire doilaru required for ta aat and la relundablt or plans etc in clltlnn Mnllm tar coauhttal Aaaly III Ill 11 lento Inaunlrlm II M1 N1 MI gonna um INII my ThYmiIiNuRANr