Tltflvlaonxt element orao mum llariu no my no SUITABLE UGIIT RING and nae PERFECT retirement home tmi Ia rrtl bedroom home In beautiful bode lan dellrery tarul um um Noun Ilaualollira pm ulna up Rim Iow mu emu alum new art hahroclnom lmmiu No air NEAT IAliall INCH nuxca Pllaa room room Izonll quarltn lhll attire bout unplare uncut dlnlnr room room IlIIhlroodehIal room lentil irlnr room Ittll 11L kitchen bathroom and atnnye hen lulilt lllh tallltln even my atth Wm ml rnurlter ranre lam bed gm nu mung hormone bedrooms Intercom IIIlIl Home No Ill or TV toner color mung my in War RUILITINGEWIJOEN All hear no mun we NIVERtil lovely Int ulth mealre ram min mi ill at Vtvuurul nun alum Allin moo an rent bedroom lrrme return mm No no lose to Late ARTERIAL mo uoooum um loo urea attain IelI only to Miler to return 014 MI road ll mo Metrk rune Dorothy CAI pun No all role tor chard mule we ridre and deer helm main WW Fags Erelyn Nehru mm on Alanna 11 ginkgo PANOILLIIIC YEW Sta areal Latreaouykejarngndoprmmd an age lnr rim to In rarer dlafmnm nu lately retml ante man man 31 Drum 731 Tu an 75an intro lidm MI nu mu mean v1 rumm my rloae lo Derila Glen SnLL IReaI Estate Ltd LIdyn Melam new IT tau MRSIIR cHoukAN THE OFFICES WILL or General Insurance Service CASUALTY LIABILITY ET APPRAISAL HEAD OFFICE BARRIE BAYPIEID 5T TZHW mun or onnuo mm mourn urui mm trim on Tm nerua Norman mullh arrnot Ian cw man in Wzvland on nun lul lune lucrative anenra aavraeau MES wwwmehymndlymdlni atlHlbaatIIIulAMnunhmwhoaa chambedna IIIITI Iron doorlnclmlaamleatuaru uploaltedlanullv room and den whimtut lam hum Iiiiolaen attached range and mu many enema tall MmMaier Tilda Nn III YOUIA BAY LETS LIVE THERE When you teen this attrac tive two atnreyhrlck and aluminum tour bedroom home in the lIry Del Ilimer mm 1115 No Ill AT TIIE BUS STOP This rule lwn bedroom while vinyl Waiting homo ailuated on lane lot Ni basemtnl nuth rce morn wgluht and drytr Included Terms Call Rila Swatch 7124463 JIIREE BEDROOMS Two storey older home with acme work allll to do leinz room separate dininr moan kitchen Iamily room all on tile lruain liner bedronrnr and larne bathroom upslelra Jl Moderniud Llrze lot oturo 0111 Phil Jupp M15 BARRIE INDUSTRIAL BUILDING Iuat oil IIIyJiwly AW 2150 1001 mete Illnek building with 7u not eeiliny olllota and wash Well mannered Call the lac Mildred II 16 norm huge lenced yard 11m moon to EMORY nrrnrale LIMITED RHIIAP ronouru relmu 61 Dunlo IV Berlin 72 1811 WDOlIRIORN TltIPLEK llere In road solid building rinse to all an excellent relum inr your lnvenlrnenl Cali Ross Ruruoell tor an appointment tanner so new ESSA rownsmr Rollin land virgin timber stream ernsseu property beautiful site lot In estate home To Inspect es and uh IIuil Price $30 rail Ernie Reed WASTE nmlAREAGUR NEXT ADDRESS SHANTY RAY ROAD Very IL storey and hall with aliarhed garage and lonely lot All tr larxe rooms and lireplaee Cali Roan Ounltil comet LOW non storey hrle lmjllrt tilooo Cali Sammy Renham motel SBEDROORI HOIII St PnuIa only mile south n1 Rnrrir rrcd not is touted to sell this ahacloui new hclruc Rrrcdoohl throughout Iireplaer rim doorr lrnm Iamlly room to large sun dork Allarhed nnrhgc Prirl has 11131 been re cd to $16500 For appointment phvne Harvey Weber otilla Gu nor has been ACREAGES LARGE AND SMALL Teierhnre John Cole Tilttlll OII acres Vespra annalulp loon Hwy trnnlaxe 112900 ores nny Touvrueielp Reduced to Hum Vision Township lluy Irnnlaye Terms 3000 Iednnte Township Mutt he BGIII GINO loo urea Tiny Tnunahlp ll mile lrom Georrlan tiny Rolce maple harsh Development land Telma rrei IIuImur Totlnlahlp asyearoid RAAVEV wsaea game aseo rerea nuaneu FEIEV ROAD illMO sarara IENNAIA mum th DELAIXEMMIIIIIJ aura mum mam Inst Illaqu Alum alauau illIII nulls JDNN care we RuonuueaMAN aunt aller at note urn MILLER GGID sweucea aoa FLEWELLINO ICE nauaar Mia turallth ORIEI Home III 728C674 BAYFIELD an nlnhlo COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL INCOME AND RESIDENTIAL Invoot In Put Groeiolyharria view 1000 thlI IIAIIII rialm IIITm illIlla claim IIBIMI elm IIIII MOM hull Italian alnualu cum Norman tvmlt Lao alum east enlol Barrle with paved drive and two car garage Call AIul we nva tall Ilnnatldvk earteat an bedrooms ilulny rnnln dining room large lot norm on quiet utreel Asking prlre mmML WNMENCIAL aanateahoM ell luv DAVID WASS lultlli OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTTLI Steve Davie gt riEEtas Lana am 19 BAmELD ST PHONE 7261405 MORTGAGES Jaek Hnden ltanarer Ni CREW litllli Iilll mlru ll II It rm Tait ionlilo 109 BAYFIELD ST 7264651 non Docent motor RICK memorth mum MOORE 1115 Realtor 7282642 Res 7285187 ltd DUNLOP ST OPPOSITE ARENA laebei Iloolo mull APPRAISAIS Nellea Rruier nema matte DAVID NASH aunt arrair were STEIN REAL ESTATE llMIlE AI CI llODUNLOPEg BARRIE 1I 7263422 INVESTMENT Resilientrel NEW COUNTRY HOME 30 OWEN ST tot1 modem Norm ranch aplit level 7266713 pun raualllyr or hedroolru Your own hnml You unbullrl well deller Roma atthu 11 loweulhruouagrlethat Iflhmnm nio RAY tom li ltren ol woodland aplendnr in mm down ideal Ior prltale hematite oi color cotto with 11m olm maln mild to oil room and and delalla RIII Alto atrrrL lllluir Ihnnl loom Warren nu LIIIGIILOT lulnrudnurl Dr tcuboronnlu Slutty Rhy Rand could he used ttlol mam or vlall your man Tor duplex or VIA loom theater lumber ttltl laelny the late mlnulrr oul aide ol harrle Bold in rr1arnomau and down Srhnntu churches1 and ulmlnr within walklnl nlo lance Thla la tent duplex it ILLS hunters rznlnll will new plnmlllnr and ulrlnnl mum ulllnuheltad EOlIllIOI mot menlnayuuellifmmp PITT 13 ilyll no LOVELY IUIINER RBDIIA eahaurnhllra llVllTr Onprlvaieroadloodrnom and mm Inaulaled coll round dacIi land lot pol hath Ill amp aerllceRlaht it to at irnnl door Southut ar llll ldoail ltaau not or Minor mulll lexael lo tenure It now all llkhayuu rl end wattle lor yonn Boy Dorm bedroom Moral are rooted laundry and work bend all In lovely Mre Prlccdln roll ACREAGES 050 acres Line Orn 05 um Puiaaalli on MRI l1 Bar Point acres ln street om aem river and node near Hale Mabel Narahali Norm Sloddarl lien 1m Greta Zletara Ioulla Campbell lama TRAVEL TRAILERS lan ARENA mm amen Eulathth 33an ironic II REALTOR III DUNMP 7283283 MOBILE HOMES RUSSELL CHURC VI Ilutler moat John mom Moblle Homes Roxer Sheleweli uwtdd Norman somle 15m SALE RENT Perla andSorvlce Northlander1ravelux Genetal Glendale out or Tierrna lap to lo Yeara Burton Ave manna LIMITED TP REAL ESTATE BROKER SOB HAYFIELD 51 noon RARRIE Diek Driper Gerry Counhun Dora Wallace Larry anpey rams eon SALE ealvaea the tom earth It am tool not Nlhhww it list ma luat an ll NT not eaan Illa m9 mum TNiJaIlmTruTRhtlIk PROPERTY MANAGEMENT llaltTlO enmlnluauilru mow rruana want Fllll tala halal FIB DIR My AND CO II GIVEN 51 mm MORTGIGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo Mu Realtor IIMV will Mm WAN CMII III11 Gordan twill 711x71 Nlll ltnallna Idol ROLAND JEAN REAL ESTATE BROKER nn NO amount mnemo ORIESBACH Photo 111 Rehltor It DUNIAIP 12MB IIIILI ITIIIT IILM Four bod 13227 II INT MIA llitll Iollll traod la my um Mill ll Allltltn or rnwnahla evliahlc III zenith not Wm lhar Wumalwuin Ina RAII mm mm 90 LOANS Iabaphla with ma allow to no room oar mill etc arm will hole Inc northern ali fnhnulallml Iaal Ml Irma WW 11 10 PROPERTY FOR tau on hater WM 575 2nd Mortgage 11 or rent WM unmm cola lira It we monthly teia mun uslut Mill Home DJ OF CANADA Call Eerie Little LOTB FOR BALI 1262011 aauaia ARIA mu la la am late lorrla an em on oinmTmEMeu IN Ill MN IltllIM vieut tuulleoEI an Llltle uo alarm All PM Alll It My ERIE bullll Ill lee All 121 IE CINE Reasonahtultalal Wm ttnrt urea enoraarv wanriio rou it till fThe MUnicipal First 90 LOANS time rate IAA Iiaat Service me only Corporation under the loan and Trust Corpora tIonaAcl haviol it READ OFFICE In Barrie We also purchase exintlnr Ilrat momenta Contact DOUG CHERRY Run norm Rae mutt THE MUNICIPAL SAVINGS AND LOAN CORPORATION IP lull laaaoaoo anunmeIi ll COMAWDATION lLfItRAitW wnureo an ant AllndlII MI Memo erttotellm bwmutonTltm and amlnullla Fuel and Second IIMIIIO Dillon lloure am pnn by up ointment Member On arlo Mort Irina Autoclattnn II Null lOOlllltl Ill 0111 RTTNNWS roll All lea Do Iumlm tiititll iii hunchednon lira TUE MORTGAGE INSURANCE Nil rel Ina Mil Dateline Monrolone nnnonano III DUNWI IT IUITI hobo ti who or at run momnli Notllagea For emu Service 1mm in MIN anon Georgian Emanuel AVAILAILI WNP renuru pume homo nart hallmln lllI Tl DIMEDIAIE Island 2nd Mortgage inane Anywhere ON ALLHOIIIS FARMS AND mMMERCIAL tenement WI or vanuearoN It Your Need Money To consolidate debt New RIM Am All 19 1M MyIAIM $11 OVG LAKE Nlnlv MIMI In AM he nun Iluln reoauu alum Ila rnontllr Melt downtown roll norm Valeahm 1M and up Pt I1 MDIII Malta arm amt mean Ck ll OI Write or no moon NO Item norm Mort analIan my Luauatoun lea mm Ivallahh CMIUI It Will If alum aria cleim zlhaatt WC IM Rm Illll DIIIIW ulelad lurwrlllon rum elm nausea ROOMS TO LET IACIWI badeltthl llollla IIII Illidlntll lllmll In room linen mull IIIINIENID III HIVIII ERIEIN 9llll TIMI 1m ulll LIAN WM rm ailh Neville mime llll ulnlau rlrpn clnlll FO mlwmlm Mam Hm MORTGAGES ARRANGED Second Mortgages on Primo Properties 103 AND OPEN We huvc numerouaolleetu ulhu elm CONCIITI BLOCK bvltdln More ultth mm wwll ltIOtoul Main amt millulwm OFFICES AND STORES NT liii OFFICE SPACE T0 RENT 11h to no mucu io Collier sorter IN lemon TI aruaecruva memo mil vou own my ahta In all hilla mlnurute clean Ildwtmwm anontuloamimlw 2= zNmsa APARTMENTS TO RENT Twoho COMMERCIAL SPACE MISSISSAUGA TORENT CO to on has AWBEIRQM 1me immortal talaobarnMrvle JOHNSONST BLAKE ST HWY lll Beside Dominion Store SINCOE PLAZA ON room allita Oltxtra area baled Word leetlueea llth trout monomertor Ostoraxa IotluaInarery noun Olqulpped exercise room oonuloor portion with electric more an Into ll In well wont deck mule cloneth an mlnolu auto to mun 21 leach and yacht cluh oaacainoa atttde unmet mammnnnmmnunnon WWNNMMM 7285273 WI oenu aeetdaye It noonl pol HOUSES TO RENT Saturday and Sunday to are in mm IllOMEN mm lFACIOlII Em All Ila ll not WL MONA IR oaonla ultmnta Iar rent MANN Ne ra tabla TM In My am mmu loot lbin on we an nun lOARD IA and ae men ENE will lollill 111 LRmnaihf er Intention r1523 Milli mull ra polo lulu tututau Mill TRY who WANT namlar