rehash Cloadien Ideas are rotortahsvetosterthere the Month store sultan emeoe mm romemsorallve tree marttouhe nth anniversary oi the ioondina at Womens lnsth madam toqu Ontario it is novel worldwide orpsoisatlen esslroincentto the About toopomm attended ed lstothepeopis oi dtsplayeolcotend editors or one at the sen relu lorden ioots tempted to pick llslysnd hrlru iistphhmei to earn oi the tulips tn the lien mother hersies displeyvrss rie Horticultural Societys dla Geoitrey isrd brought his Ule worry about his invest Ilie and later children to her meal that made him try to rot rte three years and has out and said he has no Mll slnce termed the iialls oi reni pialrsls with the oeirhborhood estate the hard any Loan honestly say tee hove Yesterday the iornlly moved made some very road ivlends on out at the house theyd been this street lruyln et 22 Heath st ensure its says the environment is Whether their rnortmo would diiiesersl with no one else on the be ioreclosed or where theyll so street denial the home no lives torso irorn hero In and he ieetv like on oddball View everythinr tee puttn we came here to our our ll Mr Ward sold Both home privately ll and worth and Iifs mom WY nor Weed solidifies ll Finally in June he talked to We Pttmeot he mode on the someone at city hltvho eur Mitre pipe the small amount he SN Dill Mill hll paid on his mortpare principal house to help him hall at the sit it ear at money my nation and letter was sent clreunni um to their erotic which sent eppralserr move to mm you Mr andencroileiorlrom Toroninto ierd hiemes lseo government dill With illMl cOrtoreiions es vreii as his own was told at the eery herin admitted organism outlook amp they iOliC rouidot moire tor the situation matter or accept any pricold Will letslwrntalito ten beiore he hourht tho tlteo he discovered all the other houses on liealh Street euro Ontario liouslnprenhrear ediolncorne trellis in into he lollnd out about lhl thedeai lotto to the point have hurl to no realior ees boilers Ii he slid hart out 70 louver hnd et lip estcel you rel aioo rured lW well es the next the middle slinlho ltlhhlrd udhlusltitreo seroiear held In Molten Saturday or statutes County hhrertht it so ero on were Egan mam an on TRIED am pleased lire cell is Concession Ihen the mu Mm lo We to Artists lewoshly ll om mm hot that did not pose tomsn moved him mi in Ill they led to sell the ml ll ll house they decided to try to tell ti the aroma tell their drill nutrpul lhthme new mu to answer the rail Ill no snatoar Seiordey III the tint si all planned le Slsns led ct tw In that stare oev lgslulseellecles My title 35 sees it 55 gm and the numerous display presented hy dse museum ihe dLsple oi ilowers lochtd ed lilacs dsliodils tulips rem inserts African violets The museum display was her art on the theme at the seven dil iereot ethni termed the hrrltsre oi hinxoe Cottvsi Scot llah Gervslamnllrsldglanmeod AtroAmerlceo Darin the day sprinr ower erreoresrrents were rlernaostnt Sirrscoetoonlyesom thaopenhorneloseethemany by members oithe Barrie tho themhend cone Vesprs trsemore littlest horticultural societies is as =5 to dei the roost low end ted the stdv the he laced with chat two diiiesent mcepta lhat emphasises Individual somlhornioo tndOb Milli his tot he lhedltyoiltaotln dec as many lelt to Ihl tense res all too often mats mistake lint it is useless to talk ebout reel More In eoeiety where iii 55 erggigs 35 is to beer the heart at iiA ild happened under veromeot over 555 0n isaoeot iorelus owner ship htr Staneld said the tiny report had oothlor an the positive side totalled iorrlm invest ment policy that coolines to takeovers and says nothlor about new investments by Csadians la had lots he ea lie ulddctnmdehooid he mm pate more hilly in the denluornent oi their on economy and wanted that rovsrnrneot should eulrt not lime to import technoi metered maneremeotetilts ere needed so these times re main in Cloadi hands router then held turned to sell asst lie eiso muested the prero meot are the expleulon oi edrseatlooai laciiitlee drained to date helslssrsa and tastes presseuri talent to Ceohds ef LOClll llllD Glilllililll cell stendlor in the centre oiSlmcoaCountyltoadttinAd one oi rlehi at the Simcoe County hirsseum Sunday enr emloer Photo nought OnlyPrivqte oiier ulthout board oi directors spprovst it was lets all he tore hlr Ward received three his lower vrhst he thou eras an alter irom 0H0 ihe oiier eras ior moon bout $3000 loss than hlrtVard paid tor the house the year in previousli lie rouniemiierod at lhis time wed accepted the set we were rotor to late loss His lasvyer rot docu ment back lmm OilC with soo th ohd oiler at coarse and Mr Wei ll me was lost matter at claslor the deal so we went ahead and leased soother hetero and rot ready to move NOT AN OFFER month later he discovered the otter irom OHC was not realty an alter end the oerotist liElll FIRE vitreous vIll MIDDLE 0F TRAINING coo County this year The nest will tale piece II harrio ea Jose 11 assets tlreoseltsosrs es la tire departments aiteeded tho daylone Ireiaiar nestles at which they watched three ltlnss and the west three series oi drills The last it srae Ieder ertoai tire coali tienaelehoooeethllllltr lastrrselovs were Paul Plin rrrsid or Tstieohane Kevie lleech oi Mrelaon eat hteAlilstrr et Barrie tale Township on Saturday It on poewes killed when Plr elrttsth atehlcleirl versby there sverdlroyoihase Borden more to Troys vehicle vies estimated at me ery Streel Sunday on hhcshore Drive and inherits Royal Victoria llospl HOLEN PROM CAR oce are lovesilysttox the ol care tape deck and two has speakers valued at tilt tram vehicle med hy hooaid Placedo oi Cook Street Piseedo told police the items were stolen while the csr uer parked at the melt or or comer oi Diets and St Vincent on streets on My InsomniaWmmnrm try and am covers worth totnl monuments learn Three hurls men have been hi to said that Gilbert Desheauoi ltlt Richard as White at Collier Street till Wayne licOslloch it Once Street were charred alter ltyesreid Uri eves picked up by taxi drtter at 1150 am charred with re toll is when sunrisedado earrqu FOR SALE hold everything alter cells Reese atVltinr studio ortie drapes ee inch dotehleweldds Neroo or mason Wk Nit PAST ACIlON CALL EXAMINER WAMADS rzeseie ouseon Block deilyMcsyLose $4000 Investment ed ensoemt had to he approved by the corporations board it was eventually approved in the March and then Mr Ward so ceived pvhat he calls the were mm Central Mortrare and tissue OliCs application tor most rare on the house helper the local mans rer at Celtic said the snort rsre was turned down because price was too high Any units tor lost income ten lites have to be at competitive price there was quite die trepaocy between the unit price the rental units end this oase ihe decision not to provide snort ye rrroosy was made in and has been reviewed and hlr Ward has accepted it as host air minor said an as in the deliberations eotild us to be the question oi who venom iv lite hir Ward mp seems crsoo ChiiiC holisihe ilrlt mortlt aeanthehooseuhlchvres heiore the 0H0 units were conslnvrted Ward hlames Central niortrsre lor pert ol the problem hecsusadhey loaned moneytaahutldcrtopotupthe om hir Trainer explained that lilr Wards house sees built be ion the metals lands were set aside ior 0H0 units and that the one units were there when la trir Ward bought the house Jon the Ward tensity corporatiool turned down um llnarsca the house mortrose paymeon with an increase in second martrsxe sum oi hoist 81000 ld slowed mehlor manure payments in January because was cooiident the sale Ibsehl ro eventually tiovv the sec and mortrsro holder lalyer irons Toronto is tryinr to pro tect th investment The mortrsro holders wont lose according to Mr Ward be cause the house can always he rented end he said the second mortrsre holder has told him it he cant rent it hell board It up until hmets buyer tie he never really con sidered trying to hreek the lease on the rooted house and decided to noose into it while wsitlortnseenhathnp rtswilh the situation on death dlereei lie said the second mortrsre hold er had aiiered him one tor unit sets but he doesnt want tut euphlsiotereeithatess The mortreeee is one trylor to three sale at the house to art out and hir Ward said he has no idea whether he has had any success suppose we could have done that limit tor sucker It tome vvay play vs sold it fouls did it send iereot like htrWardsaidhedstii1belir in lo the horns ll 0H0 had told him trees the alert their otter vres conditional lie said his wyer ever so onawsn It tho 0H0 oilcrs werent horns and some oi the tents Ilalitohemade to Move to the rented horses hrovs everythelrtomtmeot try sdthstthelar toe art as to accept the otter oi second hold er vrho Ill ailian to then fl In tce my wile ATmloliielalrihhaneui tlnrcunmonyatSLAodms all titre hereto tram warmers St Andrews hytertao Guests on Deere Streeet opened Its doorsl Sunday lor the first time in more those year ihe buildlor had been roo dernocd because oi structural 1h tl could mom on no eliord to pure new build in Boyd Robertson hulldlrrl committee chairman said so it spent 110000 and renovated the extrtlofnstnreture tounded orie lnally 1M9 Vlhcn the church was olltcist ly reopened Sunday it eras eons plete with modern nursery lsrg er activities room live entail Sunday School rooms which can double as committee roams re decorated iadlu parlor end choir room new steely and alike and resourm centre sod lihv rery llr Robertson said the rroo vellum lodutlo new plumhin ins lrovn 2o ieet to to set an no henllnr lovrerlol the cell purchasinz piece at land ed lacent to the church ior More portion llrllltlas There are still rrrora renova llou to he made he said which still include new side door Police Charge Balm Beach Man Possessed Still holm Bosch man was to ap pear to court to Midland th morning to lose ehnrrrs oi ii lepnliy poaossloy still assd porrrsslnp unlosrlully srrnnuietV uh 31th is eoodnn oemte Po domortiiia Beech house Friday rrrornlrrr and uncovered the still 1000 ounces oi moonshine and room mm titles oi potato and rain mosh Philippe John Desrochos lam the charges lie is lur roer harteodrr sod RCMP ei ikers said he ppereotly nes Volga stone are less ran lily oi spirits hot on aqulnmati still the olilcrr THREE Of the award vein ners at the Barrie tii Home mating Cioh Achievement Day on Saturday are FROM raiderchain Lin MONDAY HAT 15 m1 Stock Brother Is Recommended The public will committee has stein recom Stork Brothers at 0riliis and travet ways oi Canada as tho rootracw tor tor the city transit service The connect has been reier red hack to the committee tor hrrther study andto session Satnrda moraine the commit tee are recommended the pri vale roalrortor on the condition that suiiahie were escalation pm and huth elulrses can be negotiated hunch reierred the itrm hart last week alter Aid Ger rett oi the puhile Iorts curre mlllee mode plea tor public ownership or the system TRUNK SEWER Also Saturdar theirommittee met with Ainiey and Assoclalet eollrseerinpconsttliaoh to one was the tnsz sanitary sewer service beltst proposed lor ihe Peddison Form in the lttilsh port oi as an Consist busiest cd mono overlhs nest in years to pey lor the services some seem all venom unecoocsrtoshseltylnrid loco spent tor study Ir Usrsrchaood complained city dit rhu near his property are part Ly responsible tor tipodiny at his emsoi one WNTIACI Jess lidhesdy has hero river the contract tor operating the hoot slips at the errors Carley marina The but on th media pr opera city merino this surrsmer eusld holh bpgrltlms will der the same roanci meets Credits llssa Fire Department With Saving llis Angus Home on it assren alsshrlrrdesiruered tee Township hro Department in tirhtlnp tire which on out at their tree Seiurdsynirht prevented what could have been serious situation ihe Ssmoldeie brirede vvee celled shout blue to build lors owned by Bill thoromon on Breoivood Drive Arum mlxup to telephone lines presented the air tire iiphtrrs trons responding but hl Leer Sylvia overuse or oat aton adv honors win vs udy Partridre ol Gow cs provincialhonors vim call and prevented the tire irom sprentior onto the pro perly oi ilury Booth hir Booth said the ma hel tndeesrteedltlstasaahcdcvl loosed apnndlny ashes and em hrrs in the direction at his The hrtdpnde contain the More to small resarerio llmato oi damore less as iliIlial Deletes hheii anti nodal more er in Photo Grerslel WorrsinRecivesi Her 4H LeadgrShspt htrs til Holmes oi Gren vrsa presented Iilh tester ship award which represents in era ol achievement It the tii liornem Club chievement Day at United Oruroh on Satrnday Advanced honors oerlllicetos representloa is all projects over nine yearswere presented to erStreet mm certicates re otter it protects overpair years County honors certies entering all on pro mu may MA WIN m5vivts 0Vrriutd ol Dalston and Anna re corporations mthelhlmbtetqlmhe blames out asst cross the peas milling the situation Ioesetsrniedutth thleo oi Edeoraie son Partrtdye oi Gloves and Denise Bell oi Guthrie were pre provloclsl hcnorr Slrseo Gordon inane mot Slums Northioiiosrcda ieshloo parsdellyllrot Medley rescuer presumin ruholnf any FEF tr rnn Er Yangs 1352