Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1972, p. 17

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Jails nit IE in 35 E55 535 noun numerator 3er ANNOUNCIMINTS 3535 Br Wholl Ida Ibawugraa the biggut onMII mvuksl variety series on its perinamer pa rs E53 83 23 33 Talk wIs named beat ll dnmatie stealer Pal Movie CUTIAIHII thI Tamik thorn similar Ari our ears 55 RE Sci ar rial 3E and Er While he isyed sr ioothail coach won up best rtins actor to dream award was accepts by are Tbe Iaroi Btunett new CESwasnsrntdthel 35 winnerwliitllxawlrdsalthc lthmlnatlmiorthalwud gl RE 31 gageice ty NEE Service Executive Reieots Strike Actibn vultomo rm The exec hilt oi mierioa 53W civil servants rsincted strtII action uamsanlat Misti aversion pro lalion that would deny them the right to strike The Civil Service Aasocionn oi Ontario executive met Slittie day yith Ibo representatives oi the general Incnhershi to dis ulutlhd afloat which Presldeo Gear roeil described Gem IS IND him at ielisiatioo The legislation which re eeivsd second results in the Ontario legislature would deny mm at Wiudai government employ are Ice era the right to strike and sets not areas on which they may tbar Its New Iin numeral msrrsherrMp III ia the executira to tan whatever adieu it deems oec mary to one the on muse llhlllllM willith COMINOIVINTI TIIE UCR African Rondo Tea Wednesday day 11 to pan Add pins ATIIII United much Nomehahiag Candy Garden Contra Babysittan ADM1$ION Ric hiydrlsdhll SPRING COFFEE PARTY lVadnaoda lin Begum iabiI Ian tn CHRISTIAN RATED CHURCH 19 Align ces MNInIry Available ADMISSION 35c Myth RALIFAXICPT liichelln Tires unnt is threatened lb tsrlI pensi ties ivom the United States It ioycrr time when it is preparing tor their extension or its two plants in this pmvio Only days atter company Announced iitlrniiiion plan to increase the size at its tactvrics at Gruotonand aridgewstrr to manutsciure Iutomobiia tires in addstion to its present line at truck tires the us treasury department issued notice last week that it Ia Investigating cormtervsttinc duly ordn color by Michelin Xradioi slecilt bated tires because the Cara dian government provldrvl grants to tho company toward the construction at Its plants treasury do nrtmsnt spokesman in ttninngion noted that since last Deccmbcr us imports oi truck tires tram tho company totalled about tilt lTiII BINGO St John Vianoay Nail lion The department is cr pteird to mate iinal ruling witbto two months Nova Scotlos industrial Es tales Ltd has loaned IIchthln TUESDAY MAY it Jsckpot Rot urn MAYTIME COFFEE PARTY Sl OILLS 000K STREET THURSDAY MAY ilil Mb item not hate Table Neediecrest hospices AGW tutors WHICH DAY iS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ITHURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY varilaera hoooentiyuslagthii NORMAN iIIiI wIalI Noncommsnd that start your ad tomorrow and tit when you get results Iiaiiidoliitlill tomorrow is the best day and ever day MI builder Cilsaiilcd lion about no million and Premier Gertid item is reutnr on the ledch government to present convincing case to US eiticiots There is some eonlidcnce in the business community born that with an election scheduled this car in the us and one possi ia in Canada neither comtry wants to damsto trade rein liens Mr Regan says he is puzzled about tho iogt tn the 175 argu meat thus trade barriers are usually imposed on goods reit tag at cheaper priccthnn do mettle products to the cost ol Michelin the tires are more cx pensive He says that It Michelin is being ringled out becouse ot lecieral regional economic ex pansion grants then most other mvoutacturing plants in Canada tall Into the urns category Michelin plsnts in Nova Scan have been thorn in the side at American tiremsirers ior some time and some us government Ictiaama anticipated Only recently an American iirornaiar accused Micthn oi uotslr competition because at governmentaaslatshce ll tsrilis are truposed IIth are not sxpcctol to disturb the compaays phas to undertake the Latest expansion port oi which will he paid tor through an million tsdersi grant The additions to both tents are no peeled to be uctng by the end oi im re gcrnpioymcot levels to that hut tbs current skirmish not have In etteet an Michelins in tention to lnereasa its Iiirs oi the Us the market trom its present live per rent hill Mr Gemell said the Ontario government than there wont tlttis pobUe support tar strike No suggested the legislation wasioiroduccd deliberatch dur ing Torontos garhsII strike to capitalize on aotistrits feeling Don Brown uxoeisllon law yer sad St portura will the bill through to tart it burn down the doors Mr Oemmelt said the usa clstion is will to be Ihied tberlgbt to six but ee roeots must be negotiated not legals AsaiatInt general maoa er hob llrbdon raid the mods Is merely Itching system or arbitration thath war WORLD BRIEFS on which was introduced ilahiiisretisedversioaot last year but never passed lint reading would restrict some areas at harinnlog Inch as car mlteacs and mi It also provides no call In agreement contain Ia condition of em mem beflshlp to the unployee ornat on Harold limo tion genersl manager or dete hates to encourage Israels on members to send potlUnns to their members oi the legisla ture mutating their eppoeition to the hill other suggestions called tar pickets at Queens Park and ampalga to enlist support than ons New Yorir Police Smash Narcotics Bittg In Harlem NEW YORK AP PoUce sail SIturdoy they had smashed uamaiics ring whlcb sold more than hi pounds at hereto week over the whim at three Harlem district ocery stores Police csttsnat the annual rated at its million They In rats ttdeeopic Including 0de 1r use sunder rem three small stores and sin gleIdcr oi the drug operation Powel wIs held in 0150000 haiL ARRIVE TOR TALKS EUENOS IIIilBS Neuter Dr Jsrnca Lorna Gray chair man ot Atomic Energy at Caro oIin Ltd arrived Sunday tor In oliicLIl visit aimed at promoting cooperation with the Argentine nsocnus commuter ot nrurmc Eocrgy ALCAN IN BRAll GEORGETOWN Guyana AP The Brartiisn embassy here has roniirtnccl that the Aluminum Company oiCInada limited LI to oust some Ill miUion in bauxite project in Emil The project to Ama ronaa state is designed to pro duca by 1m two nuliion tons oi bauxite ycar molni desttned tor Alcoas plants in holds CITY HALL ADLAZE TIINANARIVE Malagasy Ra public iAit Demonstrators set tire to City itsii Sunday then smashed tlanting bus Iaattut buildingh housing the mayors oliicc to second day at rioting that has tsiren IT lives and injured too The dernoostrIA tors ted by students have been striking tor what the call cItionat more democratic lcm on this island in the in In Ocean all East Airica CRDU MEETS TlltJY TOKYO AP Premier than total and other Chinese leaders met Saturdn in Pricing with Nuan Thuy orth Viet naml chlct oegotLItor It the Paris Peace tells the New China News Agenc reported they arrived in Pa lay Setup day en route home trout Paris TANNEN ROIINED CAPE TOWN Neuter the llberlsn tanker Silvcr Castle holed InIl hardhit by All alter collision at sea 21 days ago was sent to the bottom Saturday by bombs dropped by south rcan Air Fares tighterbomb era The 121mm teeter coi lided in tbtcir tog last month with lrcl bter so miles north at Port Iaheth Nineteen oi the tankers crew were last EMMSSY ATTACKRD vru titeuicr Po shots into the air when gasoline bombs and red paint were thrown near Ute United States embassy here during dcrnoostrotionby more than students demanding withdrawal or US troops lrorn Vietnam 11 DIE IN DU IUSUAP ZEERUST South Africa AP Eleven black school children were tilled and III totured when on open truck in which they were ridio overturned and toppled into ch TO VISIT STEMIA LONDON AP Princess Margaret and the Earl It Snow don will visit Austrliil II Octo ber liensla on Palace In acuoced Sun it will be her lirst obit thera MIAMI iAP At tent to wooden crosses were set shine to widelyaeattsred sections at Florida lets Saturday and My Sunday to wbat police Iourcu said we an Apparent demon stration at strength by the Ru Itqu xtsn It policeman said heard the Klan decided to set the crosses on ilrs just to let people know theyre still around RANGAROO ATTACH MAN ADELAIDE Australia Reu ter lt An uyesroirl man was savagely attached by kanga roo on gtrns preserve about other south at here and was in hospital lnserioua condition Sunday with multiple cuts and bruises The kangaroo was shot immediater alter ths man was loud poUce slid WORK VOLUNTEER SANTIAGO AP President Salvador AUeadI led million Chileaas on Sunday in the see on annual day at vohtntary labor Allende spent his dIy touring Sentiago to watch volun teer laborers working overtime without oy in isctoriea cieIn lug tree and butldlog wooden shelters in rhsol owoa loun dated by recent LhIDlA march NEW DELHI AP This In dian capital bad its hottest day in live years Svralsy when the temperature shot to more than 110 dunes is put at the beat em Iwcepinl some parls oi north and micro indis with It reported deaths in Uttar Pradesb aisle and It in attract to the last tour sys GIRLS UNEMPLOYED TOKYO AP Ten thousand Ermitutes lacs unamyloymaot Otlasvla with the return Monday at the island but to Japan Prostitution is banned under Japanese 1sz Ollnawsr economy has had little to soa taln it except spendiaanim the us governrnmt on its tary bases and by some 6000 serve ieemen stationed there PHONE TZHUI TRY WIN WANT ADI WISTM WEDNESDAY MAINTAIN WHERE rcovonv omnunrrs 7TH 1912 meoypyoomumu Willi IiiS tilMN AtP Special Blend old of 100 bags 15tIor bottle ANN MOI RING Ill SALAD DRESSING m48r Ann Page gouuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuu JEIIIII PORIERHOIISI 0R lbt WING SI AMI ROIISIS Short Riit Roast or Sltoultiev Root out MAPLE LEAF LARD Ivm25r iiisiihiiorrrrunw PEANUIBUllEitil9SIr no rounrorsu 31 tHEESE slurs moo corn rurrsmssr orvtmns saute omurrtutrrmozor IPRICES EFECIIYE UNTIL SATURDAY MAY 10 I972 EXCEPT COUPONS AiPWEO STORE

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