Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1972, p. 16

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slmrnins hereon Irons property VLA out tmy oewtlos rsnn rm um Vseaot bolldu Wm InlasmUoo amnion Innis NtAlt am out yum an wait Gary TIMING inane borne on OUAIJPIE VLA Ilenry 8L Very large lot 11mg If MA soon IhdIltoben and pc he and dinina room bed room no basement use II laebcdnnle lot too Inn Id lr pad we you trons use bob Laces Complete General insurance Service gnu AUto CASUALTY liAiiIlIIY Call 199 Dirracolo 7260567 or 7284401 so RS E3 MILLER mime mar III madam with trontage on mentions clone to RIrric large brlcir hue hero pole barn silo Milk contract Ast OZDRJNGTON STREET ilorne placed on large lot lac tnc vale priceless panor arrtc cw oi the tale Modern bungalow with charm oi older tome den fireplaces lamiiy lumbarrem Speoccrtse room etc Aalrlng from cm mm In cm 7W exonmvz non lovely bedroom home with ilrrplaca and IN the modern movementIa on It as garage to se evaporator IooI Mower Trout Itrtant near the those Must be seertn be appreciated Price I50 ACRE FARM bedroom brick iconic iarga barn metal that scenic view to west acre term miles smith oi Darcie Ashltu Isoooo per acre Cali Fad Grcen no not No In OFFICE and WARmOUSE Newmsvhct large biocir butid ing 15 ceiling alllrsa antnirI apartment cscdientrnainrtrect button unlimited potential 10000 Tom and Dorothy Plile to Put ACRE heretical investment il Icr does to Drurcblil 13 on two roIdI ear lot Tom and Dorothy ltra mins Toronto 3mm lawsuit 66W Mm ltlllan nun mom live Mills IIIIii ALSO more rm Fitnlmmirl WILLSU mam rant tell hum emu Iii mu IPAICC grow cum Men ASTHMA autumn 1U DUNTDP muss TORONTOIWI OODRINOTON ItiDGEAltEAThla beautiiui Cape Cod hora ll lIllilIlcan Iamt 125 it hasth oi the tritium inlchsia titer pm room upa room or gracous eners tstntog builtto dishwasher tiniahed recreation roan melons serecnedin porch aodextrss tar too numerous to mention here Owner have been mlemd For tutther loiomtotlou call Jane Yormg st 1mm No IN BUSINESS ONLYLadin Wear main business area in Barrie iIM sousre teet tloor space Good lcaxa Arming good return Acton prion for business and tooth Mm Call Rita Summit No 758 FIREPLACE inva admin this homes hearth centered living roan asueii as eoioytng the not It lot that pm the eoUst three bedroom dining room and 1211 kitchen Phil basement Dorm Masy lee IALIvtser muse No 761 VDAIRY FARM 1N MEDONTE TOWNSHIP100 acres bed Ioorn brick house Hip roofed barn equipped with steel alanclr ion and new milk home new silo unlb level prodalive soil ICING are Gusto pavedhltwsys UlneII force sale It 700100 To Imitcall Cari Dorm ITOM No Til Myth tunuu Itcri Estate Ltd oranarsors IIEAD ICE RARRIE 09 mm ST Tilm7 25 room so onnua norm WRONTD LINE till til Or IIIIIIII 1mm Milli IFIIWLIM meetsmm IIRIIU lit Ixrtu Iv anrurs Itvcnlsr ROME lOPIDI EVERY EVENING UNTth IIItrot ratmt mltll trusses mm Til1M1 news Union III III tan itsmmaad It to Out In Nleu palmetto 1de camoer 1mm STAN vmentions my It more Roxy view norm 109BAYFIELD ST WII new mom on licCIOCKLlN mam MIN MORTGAGE Jack iteydra NIaIger may Mum MKTIM Mum us In to It up 31 IIT logaan MINI up ms on 7280674 limited iii BAYFIELD 51 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL moons AND mumrm II MAPLE AVE DARIUE Jay Dresrle WNW Lem 1in mtsee EMORY LIMITED Realtor HARVEY WEIR same lilo Ill OUIIILS TAMMY IENNAM RVIFO mu ELOIED CLARKE Modesto will AIM ONIIL saw RDII IURWELL Mid 7282642 72 1881 JOHN COL JAN KLOOJIEAMM RUSS SMITH At AOI KEN MILLER GOID IPENCEI eon FLEWELLtNO 10E GRVIAI MIKE LVIAIILD BARRIE TORONTO M1911 at Booth Barrio 11 DISTRIBUTORS LTD if noon all Realtor DUNLOP ST OPPOSITE ARENA Isabel Moore mun room Anne ncer mu Now ms outrun idi neuron to TROUT IiUILDING 1m in prime rccmrtionai Iron lot ibtxthd basement Ind Iuhtioor already there Aching only thou bistro In otter Coil iohn lion mum of mam ESTATE SALE Must be sold Price has been re duced by H000 Vcry attractive beder culture at licona Reach Call Vt Fisher at no bhii or John Roe return INVISIATENT PROPERTY Tl acres at prime subdivision land on the edge ot the city Get in on the land boom Ven dor in take back mortgage to your down payment CIU John Iloc 733M or TEDATM SERVICE COMMERCIAL Corner at Little Avenue and Fairview Rd 110w square Icei Cali Nomi sheisveit norm or John Itoc at moot SUMMER ts OOMINtI And the place to be Is Vasagn beach Lovely bedroom brirtr bungalow Only years old or let iixtoo stones throw irons the water Coil V1 Fisher moon or John itoe mam llyts V1 Fisher moors John Roe 71am Roger Shcistveii donor Norma Shrisucli Irvsear Stevs Davie 1mm tanner Clifford GOODHEAD 7285092 Resitnr Bil COLLIER ST QUEENS PARIS AREA The owner hates to partwith this tiles two bedroom brick hung on excellent location close to hospital and ahopuing quality constnrction throughout with an extra pa washroom and shower In thebascment Ill mortgage curtlcsior NIL monthChil us we have ey LARGE AMILY It you require brvlruunu tomlly rlra iritchrn iargc iiv lng room and nice garden with garage this is the Roma Iur you On quiet street in Alton dais Priced It tilbttd with goal tioanclnr hiIRO KLEIN surncev STEINtIoII arrtors currcoooneso tztsttt PRIVATE last 41ml am hvlrl with surest Am beam rnstten mm and tire downslliv It thorium start II MIDI lhi 7268366 Res 7283187 INDUSTRIAL MWMNERCIAL iNVFSIMENT RESIDENTIAL so owau or1 7265713 ADI VAILEV ERNEII WAIIS bits RcIltor Appraisala 72341134 WFTP Buying Selling Renting PilONE Eric Dewsn ap hii Rd OVIEN ST Tillib MORTGAGE MO AVAILABLE NEY Photo ML iteIltor Sand CIUNI COW TORPEY LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKER sot NW 51 haunts Dick Draper Gerry Cowgirlin Don IVIliIco Lany Torpey mil W599 11947715 M99 io onsnreand buy is and 1nd Inortglpcs Mabel trsnmu Norm Stoddsrt Non trow Greta Ziciara Louise Campbell nsioii$on unapolth or sulTaroo 7201130 rotuotato tattoo ltvlrs atoloyvoom tlon loom vad arm Ime weed IO silt met hotel 61 Till 726th 15311 meats mam ITOTIM noon Milo II Mm mI WM human dlnmm le Idswcmva Itr tom TRITRINoC nu IMtld use The MUniclpaiI trst FOR SALE OR RENT auteurm seam owe me or 11 Mus Imr trim LOTS FOR SALE tor tor uh net at to sum MIMI lam AM III undivided om It meets you snarl IIII me ta Is In musteusmmuwym butt race mum vww IRRIth Imrh errwmf rm cwbrcl Ion III promo eIIIR serum IN In Amaranqu Indlnlvllotr RNA was Ill IsmlIIm more new lumwm ham Allie Is For soo am Petvote eels BUS OPPORTUNITIES EARN MONEY IN SPARE TIME Men or Womcn Io restock and collect money trorn New Tm him quality colnoperated penurs In your am No celi ing To duality must have car retireoccs trout to woo Leah Seven to twelve hours weetly can not excellent Income More lull time We estabiuh your route For perronxi interview write including phone number DWL tit iewhurh Road East WINDSOR ro Ontario Myti NICI LITTLI Mime F011 limo tt lacuna Iotenilli FLT trimaran smut sites uh IVE NEED YOU TO Wkhagat asstuner you awn Isl tour RAMA tummy Mi Its Iii Witt IRWIN Au lNVlSiMENl OPPORTUNITY Cltildilll Insanth eomoa Run Its own NM or Mat ausIIIy Ivbaiaedla mom IIIHwanwIWIewsmstn Ita tileth Interest tltl vilith trees yearn alas cardiminp Investment laid that hoe Its wlmiied Dailie ill Till IIth Ind QIuihM MIMI IO particiwbie at ath tool ilvat warrants straw eevutdevstton IntsMsws In by WWII out and will DI MO ln Oil ILIIIDOION Jilted It in tevs convenience Elton MINI too strum 1mm PROPERTY WANTED TO BUY tin with SMALL ACII wmm ewe iI DI III III tsTyermLy Millet Limited RIAIIWI HAIL 1P LOOKING POI telwllbiy modern house lvlvsts sate arr IIIom ney lutt nth Vsllil to In no Ilvria sxsmtm Myst TRAVEL TRAILERS MI WINNIIAW Mlu MM tow IeII mitepa Moo Tinted plan eraIn deer umt note com the no cover Prlre Um Lipoaht NW MUM III133s IvI converted to mobile tamper lav leontslrad men III et IIwarmum vane telephch mane Itrrve My MOBILE HOMES unseen CHURCH Mobile Homes II sumuncut Parts and Service NoriblandorTrateiitx GenarsiGlendala Cash or Tcrms up to to Years Rwy Burton Avc FARMS FOR SALE he MAINTAIN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT r3 writeup rumihlltvsilvv prone momn your telephone Mn Mommas Reasonable Rates Existing Mortkagos Iurc MI tor Cash FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Oltice hours tot pm by sppointroent Member Ontario Mortgage ltrolrcrn Astiuhon moments with NI IMI mu we WMIirllnlh 11M teamw emuctuouucrmtav Bus mm liar mats Ill MUNICIPAL aavrrvos arm wort command as Doabp St taut PD tee in barrio 73m ACTIVE MORTGAGE SERVICES ACon1 lete ll theorem IIarrta PHONE 7286334 sewers iST2NDi73RD mamum no nuns up MORTGAGES ARRANGED Secehd Mdrigagos on Prime vProperties tout AND OPEN We have numerous cheats who willny mortgages and ooten Call it JOE Iram CIIOLKAN AND LTD REALTOR 1h Collier Street IMMEDIATE int and 2nd Mortgage loans Awwhh ON ALL om FARMS AND ooununcrat PROPERTIES ETC W7 0F VALUATION You Need Money To conroUdItI debts Pay ott ulstin mortgages Dr mortgage coming due items 1m rovemis Any no whiieveausa Write or Phone PM Mort ltmdin M129 IiuIIiop 5t II Ont tilderhber Nit Irmtgep Brokers Association rtt iNSTANT MONEY Services Invvnrann 1N ONTARIO Consolidate AM Your Present RanFor Less Than list it What You Are Now Perla PAY OF EXISTING MORTGAGES rav ore mun AND rtuauceoo ME rtrrnovuuuum nonunion aroma our NEW can RM To RIM Ir More on Pirst Second and Third Mortgages Jtut One CIII Does it AIL For Personsi Service ttmiit Georgian Financial TF 90 LOANS RESIDENTIAL RURAL VACANT LAND COTTAGES 10 2nd Mortgages 11 Approved Correspondent tor TiiE MORTGAGE iNSURANGE CO OF CANADA Cali Earle Lier 1264011 To iiVeiiz 11 lilyII no you own Nutpeper us the earner teen mm on your not IlDu Will Ill Hill RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT FURNIINIO who mutant ti vent sin monthly avttsats sure tIte sums WIT IIACIOIII REM AvlllTbialit meat modem ewlmthl Wilda convlitidtiral ANN Ililbhom ITI ML Will IIDIWM unmanned apartment his IV lets tension IM hell IMM ILLS Md Adult only 1107i AVAILAILI inlmedilitly Ome sen tnntslnad WW tom and III et Iiul astrsnt IIIIMIII am bbhbttl Hill RNA in IIDROOM bimbnll Iot no hydra cable Ivttln same swtmmtna Not Inclvd Will lalt Shhl tats Ina lidTIM DI MISSISSAUGA mm HNSO ST 67 KESTrt vovsaavshluats no technetium 7285273 OPENI 11me asttndayanl lbaruto pm nylt Oltl IIIIIOOIA WM OD AIDIIIM Mly IRMVM helmets Aalltl My lu MM lrlntmetten My tag Mutant target mute IAISR MM la lth olm mm mac Mm my in ova boom All Imhl Sim NOV LANA sssr romanEuro LIIXUIIWO Mm see IVIIIM Jml tantrum Is Ile ans eaceeumstty term INVID Mil INTI CU WV III III mm mm Adult beam apartments It Willem II mating st Illa Awllllhld aim melon IIu taclitleh ne eIIlIon room netting etc can II era as or stream mmr rd OVERLOOKINGLAKE ttlosty MIRA ltd and b6 mm Ilyla seam IIIeM tllsd WWW Ill IWIWV Ml at mun lull Will MM It nah Ilyli use Ill ta ROOMSTO LET ttttl llb available in II III mh 1st as us let week armcva sttMa roonII Ivalt role In all you mide late to hoeniiat common sumo Nu uranva acuch soon In iarni ITI Itos 1min mm or PURNISMID room WW III II IMMMIM ll DI soul einr Mumn ltd one tooth East and MM mouse mu Li to lett IM MM whit than Umn tree oavxtno Tetaeem more Int Ittflhwr trdommloo Mill COMMERCIAL SPACE TO RENT COMMIICIAL collate icw rant It TO MIIIO In rude teb PM Gilli aloe toualw IIIT ImIIIea tee tidal Ideal tor stones or my hvliml tntmatset Imam rt Wt Mt IT tlaor seen lull btelltlll Clhlvli Oillrl Rlubttlhi Mil IONA ice Iml WI mm rlbl TIMM MISS signatures new mm II min IA Illnllllhla IMI Ill RI mt autolna on same cent sumo re OFFiCES AND STORES NOW LEASING THE Baymart COMMERCIAL RETAIL AND OFFICE SPACE Dollies Equipment Firms at and Accounting otiices temtlve Paris Distrtbutors OEIcclrieoi and other Wholesalers OSpeclaity Shops OPaiol Shops OttetaU Stores $2 Per Sq Ft Per Year he DAYFIELD ET illVYS 2le BANRJE hills North or new Gail today ior your spaee in thin cieon prestgious complex on the most exciting and tub est growing iII mile commercial strip in Ontario Excius Aaent MORTELL cro REALTOR III haytietd st moors MWiJub OFFICRSPACE TO RENT OFFICE SPACE no ovum EAST 400 sq it to rose sq ii 11 COLLIER tooo so it Ist tioor hi CLAPPERTON bi to so it second floor ll DUNLOP EAST the square teel ANGEIDFF Milli belors pm MVFTF use so Iv on downtown ouTe ID Villt Ill IIII UG 1sz OFPIClgalulthh Olivia Anal on north am about norm on coral otllrl MIMI asthma It Illltl Gall IN IA Intiuas an the Intormatlea IIIIWM lib Myi Mail Cavntehwtth pt Meats Inst Ian Ito ert Its Iso mill WM hated stumped vouwl we when to Ita in Vacuum II we It mom sites Hamlin noon no setup ROOM It Julohm mgr Iw Milt late Aitfi FARM LAND rbcnrur ZR SUMMER RESORTS comers FOR secs II muse MARIN er meme um In bath out III welt tweet IIIIII Verna as ottswsy An lento COTTAGES FOR RENT OIOIOIAI IA Wind AKIN medta hem tasted it In only Inyun tame Iodide rat res aphm Ia HIM1 m7 tIoutlItIIIIIII an on tsts almoa nuwa Totem WM wMyiSt CAMP SPACE TO RENT III LG Nil vrrmmhidim MIw mm or II nun AUTOMOTIVE CAISIPORRAL mv otasmcl does In awnnun ere team MOIt CO Ml Mil coupe Mmlilp IAMMIMI cvan excellent mitten ulm sullen the vets errtumors or out um maul MylL rue MUITAIIO Mach In stardud trsrualssten newer steal luv halo MI WM interior Prom asasdc Myid It VAUXNILL VNI iii DI is Isa Itssse mufn Im mm her vs sumo starlets arches nah will hill II lev wants HT bl My lieu convertible VI all power toe new line In in excellent condition trams OI Al common bl alternator new volt veouletrv Mw anew Ilns We seal TIRWIITHOIT II too ITcIt an my on IIeriail time dadiorekoi OMEN HOMO Hm Ml mt MDOI ORMOII up ILM ml III Ill IMMihl hood trues mot rash Taieotvotw utt IIny ms VDLKIWIOIR not mitel er rnmo landillclt cmnna am or out en humus rssrrn 12va My Ill Till Illa modal mntcstty million Above plutth try mantra rth II ntdm Tl IT AMIATIADOI WI WIWIIIIL name dialling AN mills EIEW Iii WWW II hm PAIN Alf mu any steps me eIIIVI INA IAMILIR American door sunning nvdu prod um new battery As Is no or out otiav Telethon mien um mt PGID Cutiom door WIN eyilndev Iotamstte pool tvIusaovtI i190 Sold ll but all tw tart Itpao It mom to ttlthal tarts tt rats star at um was so let meet It to to It Islapd AUTO REPAIRS MISTER Tran ssion Ltd Automatic Specialists so tiny St realm bltlli rtt novonchss Iii scesustu Mint mt Isoo IIQ IIIIRNM lurid Mytt mt IJA II who am sum so but alter on so Iale lhwlttlll motorist Tuadd Ill MIT sstuatrwrssfm Mm III II

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