Amromut it LOOKGREATI DIWAIL MAI Ill tr gmilvrruee nu FINISHING ISLE13 or Inn rnuoio reruns 5th CONSOLIDATED mdni LANDSCAPING humor or ONTARIO CAPING ASSOCIATION Glrden Ind Ipt Mn women Ninthty Indra Heioi by Oonirltt EIt Burie Ind mu Finn 7262979 7260518 iYIl BOBA NURSERY It OtmiRiE Evergreen Im Box Pllnlt PHONE 4872111 ALIVE NO TOP SOIL delivered by the yIrd or laid It Ih ll TELEPHONE 13m OR WAT UM We CARPETCLEANINO eIIn eom mm nunm we it rumi rmumlIn um onessMIKIuo Rnttn It Alter no men Ami magma INSULATION erueol Ieollem Indlion no In Ankh mIRT Aim JACKINO our new Ethelmm nrmum TINM Inert In Mr KITCHENS KINGS FINE CABINETS Kitchen Comer China and Vanities lurlelol term Tim TRIS Elli mm FIREPLACES genemen mums In mite VII omit WW DINOI moreth to nee IIIentree to W71 WLUL ruIlIIrne bill norm Me an aniII IIleetene IRONINO outrun room aim in In in uremia errone ulnllru nonhumn mm on siIUToMOTIvr iARTS ron SALE IIIIIDIIIII Mean Hunt mun or Lounenmo TRUCKS FOR SALE INA HIV IMO III lull Vl II AT NV mo IRIS mint Tm cm is Ion time II More tum In mine until Mxv It Woe nttonnn workmen It rt IlrIll bum In Im end In Nit M11 RT OR SALE +r USED FURNITURE SALE REPRIGERITORS tar TELEVISIONS on All or RADIOS Iiedx orlbr dream rlrrxter IIeIdI high ehxiri mm with lne nliehlnoo blpyrlex Ind Irt it eyelee Ind IOOIIIIROA at other uIed ilenu some in II used nun IeIlllereIle Ind loom rubber Green Ind ehite point ti per un noun oils Moonstone llItAiilAitT lueollee Illa mh SIR la DIM lllllltr the Inlmtllmt III Mil M1 M1 Ml Pill horn mode none IIrnll ml or treat our lIIeIlene iibult III CAIINIYI Md VIMIM Hilde Klml Fine CIinllI nun itltiit my IIonllon mun Mm Nil ilZIA RIPE it IITIIIII Ii Milt Ill VII Blue ltel MIMI or IM Wilt then In lMleitl It mm JY UTILITY INIDA Illlll giro Dllnl it INN Arline eteev me In the Iueo err eeir It eon DI electric Milton TIIIWI TI M1 1A ENIIYIIFIILD Ind WilliNW Mile on no main onmtm or IIIer hunte SPIJSREO MUSIC In In lone Item nul Iylllill AMIFM lldb WWII W1 runner IN Rel HIM new me new one lion llp my II tnle we entry You It t3 NLMY own II on mt may or WV meet the eielmed Fl So In Tim Em Mom IIllIII It Your SM we Mil lll int It IOPIIII II by rimolivine if moor anHut ultoswnlo PRINIINO SHARPES rnornnosenvrcn WIIOOLLKI INEVITICDIISIABARRIE 726899l TIMAim REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REPRIOERAITON SERVICE Street ruortnnm HAILIT RIDINO INSTRUCTION WAIIIIIM NewIlluminati Aint ROOFING NOVIAA MIIMI null NTIIIITI m3 qu meet III SMALL ENOINES REIDS SMALL ENGINES Authorlled Servlee DeIIer DRIGGS AND STMINN TECUMSEH AND DALC ANNE Sr new lIwrnro Liven Ind mien HTML dilin em SIIeI Ind Senlee WE REPAIR ALL SMALL ENGINE BAYSIDE Smxli Engine Centre mute ALT Il Melee It um um Plny Intel AWN Im II bituminmlt Mytt TV RADIO REPAIRS am In In eh Emmi math Nit rnee REMOVAL Tenant In tell od win lelouelldmlomafee um new ARTS FOR SALE IInIoour Intro red It Mimi mu whim In ooiiee AM mu an am on Am rlr lmiud Myli MIDI MiAdIll H1 Atw Mil SLALIT NEEDLE l1 tel lav till Ovlllelleed UlldIIlMl mom Sleeel mm Mm Mm BEDROOM IulIe lb W1 Uldtllld IIWI It 11 Ill ITO eeenr My New II llnolea eouimnl Till Eight TAM Elli sneer Md Stilt WI Dunn SI In LTI thith IIre IL on MIII lul one to III on paternity MOI BID All exullenl bttdiilrli marl FRUITS Ir VEGETABLES IVIAVIIIIIV PLAN but tell MIMI lull Med IL DIV Mmd Ham uliAM eemeuivmn or rye nenrul Ilv r1 IiInil ehe Atom iron anLIlnllruwImTnlemw amount NETS BOATS AND MOTORS ROLLAN BOATS LTD Iivlnrude Home $1621 uphill Bargain Bum phone lioonslono Inmo illiiiJi lilyIT title oi him Slime Ie It Dtililu ll YiItl TINT My AIilltIlI bed hi one one center Ivlld III amnion Ind we new mom Rollin rum lllitoturuie mm etoerem Ilor we men too tmxee ti Oleill Iinnlliler Iublnpo Ill Ml order MINI nluor uni Meet mitten Aile Fm Iol IALI ow puny kg lawn nlNrllLrlmruI Nylr be mole toe min twill ova ARIAHILPLN TANinn Ill iii Pt II In Irelth Inn BUY now we nae lulu II bend new bed IIIIA mm rm Iniy mm ti noun on II UNI all rer II lrWuM limt new Cineed warnm mourn Mimi III bl DIAFIIIII MIL HON your need Ieleellnn III Attith to any rm IITIII on Lmnnciiilliii mun eotd eean Am me with In IuIl WIT lm Ia BUY mom Milton ITO to nl mm Null no Inna IrthMilNlIUlnvITW only To my down It oer Imr leetmerremoe mm II In toe In at llmll euenllm INN Tam TWIST no AIlerw elm To New Ylt lone one iiiT Cmtiioer Root CInou Explorer iTIllere See Glider WIter sIlI Highwny No 11 ORiLIIA EST two SPORT HAVEN MARINE nvrnntmn unn nov SIleI Ind Service tr ntnsrnon srnrnooon Iiqu Ind Cluoel nuie eut oi liIrrle on Shorty Rey Road mtto1tlosed WAY ALWP lemon III FOOT HUMIII III III id MIR AIM To me more ll tim Ammonium ill III IAIIIIJMI II II Elroud yltntenemii FEEL GREAT DAINIs SAUNA BATH more mm lien11 UNWANIED HAIR Mimi by WINS writ br 1le experience tin Iiulhniiond 7236548 St lIueIII Tm mountain Tnucnh nmwmm mil IIvoIl Iliumd mole wed hamunrmmn lure an In in new THAT TOWN mill in If Ml Oil Mill Ilium PW martial Ilene uI mell tmelitl IMI MUSICAL INSTRUCTION nonuth Inuth Kr mine um mi WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDG Oorerrunnnt durtered School Iborouxh trlluln In I11 bran cheI oi bell lllm My ILTLIT ARTICLES FOR RENT mull IN Inuit Mt loan etrt ltillllIN IInlIl Ivlllm IIItIINI IthlI CONSTRUCTION EOUI AV ILLAI IM lied mile one when II It mm In 33 LII on noun leak roe Iere IDA Sound lleikt SA eovmoo Ir itllI box it Ietvh MI it FARMERS MRKT NICKS DEAD STOCK DEAD STOCK DeId or cripple cIttlo Ind home Small InImIix removed tree For IuI Ierviee PHONE RARRIE mono iroliretl 2t hour day dun neck or III tor ZENITH elm No CHARGE RR anmeod OntIno Nlek Nontuue Prop Item No more FARMERS this Irclion Ix loeerved hi you wolrnieneo lo osm TRADEor eswnn Uvestoek householdurtl elei turn equipment or services at word ad rates LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PONY IM ytl Did It It howl 60 VIN lime tel mm onetime Miti lt nloe Mm NOIIII tor Nit MAW VIII bid I441th to emit or entirely UM vater met ytlrl old TII ohm HIM em run My Aeot II lie Imly In Trmm rm mm min end rut tor tote mu old when ow ten be Item mum uwmtmi in ROI FOR SALI Ielllnl em to lloek rm Itvnldf IIII lion AeoIloor suntan IeI lum men In toIL cam mm in all PIT SPEND AW III MI in My III Alb Molt FEED SEED DRAIN Pllll NYIIID tell an will FIICBCI II 1mm TIMI Torn oi IIIum II Ivy Ilde Id iliit VWAOYNV MAY Alter Abru lmlllv TN DIIII RUIN Wt WI II Tl Mill FARM MACHINERY CALSA SPRAYERS New Ind tiled iARIS SUPPLILS AND sonvrcn CYRIL SPEHCE LIT151D ALIVI Jrit BROWN AND BELL Farm Dni Eqillpmont DE VA SAL AND SERVICE Colonlele Line at tiIlry IIrm Equipment Ind Supotlr or Benin Holly Hwy il ILWJ II NIAVY DUTV let bun lbw lo Illt MW ltllt tlll ITIA littt Nil MT em neevel he moved with In rm end Illol mu ml mu TI or run mr eteellne Ind upon lIihnI ewinen 11 II din borrow It MATH NC heel nation rIter IA the NW ll IIIII Mu let ill It AIOAOUOH Mr that Juli omnur nArnonnnLno SCHOOL normal or men nunn IRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE TWIN 10 HELP WANTED IORS OF INTEREST TO MEN Production Planner $37m Industry klh In or young re rent person In their production control dopIrtmont Experience In met The moon ply malor por lion oi beIlth beniittx Pleue Iddrea IiIIIItl llliulil Id Box In Darrin EJImintr Our employees II Item oi thix voeenry All replies treated eontid IlIliy IIYII mnlmlo not mulle tor mnmun acne in In Im live div ml wontum neutrino SALIWR Itole Ir neldwllv In men dermal Iooiv loot Ioo etoem Iliunionlnt Ile IDOOIIMAIINMthO Itlmulll mo It on MAN Noni Dump lo IMMFMTI own in WWII St VIII 11 Mom Vllly id DVMIYIIMI MT INSULATORS to tr Iurle In new norm reoriented not new loom Tum mini Ant lee mt M1 DENYING YOURSELF thou secret luxuriu Meet wont Illov lien exirI mil II In AVON mute tire ARIN your tree boon In my Ind ton on new or write AVON lip Tin All Per PO Box BID rie Mm HAYllII Dev women no flab SHIT MI ITaIeI the II INtI limit III III mitten mill TF WIle If on LEE new mun re NIL II ID my in name mun Itlt pie III end Your Rot II MTII DRAW Inn Ilttd TI WMIIIMIg een Wk nannymenmunmm IIIL TF III who II on live our net volume Ill telew nu IgrmI Jun umneo mm IEIITAIY that DI rem VIIhm HON or will MI Ion ti ll leytloln It IltIl My IAIVIIII IINM IAN Ewhm Item WI No ell1 bt unbitloue Md MAI In Ionumee mix MI lime WITHIN new In MALI lit IMAM WM UIIMVIITV or to MM WA lull Milt Chm III Tier Im Mi TOES OF TNT ERBST TO SALES HELP AGENTS SALES OPPORTUNITY with mine In mm enrnneny ml allmmlly rule In min AliltILMVlIllllill elIlIoit Mun ribbon II unml than ewvtee uiue em moi It motiel Apply In No at out Errinner Term TELL MORE SELL MORE When you plnre Tour Artirlrn For Sale Id in The Barrie IlI IIuIe it easier tor the prospect to buy Remember the Article tor Sole domination Is the Peoples Nuke PlIce COMMUNICIATION SALES line mutually In telecomunicalionx ior curler minded yeoole REQUIRENEMS University or Cdrruluiliily Fallen zrxdunle with mIrIetlnI option andor Grade 12 grnduate with DRIVER III ee experience SIIIry eonuneosunle with rduution and experience APPLY IN PERSON BELL CANADA Employment Centre 138 Raylield Street HARRIS MONDAY IIAY it AND TUESDAY IIAY It SAM TD Pill JOBS OF INTEREST TO MEN AND WOMEN SALES Amlitlotnt Mil TRAINING ted in exmin In executive income Able to attend 1m evening hoot Neohooe United Trust Oomplnye Ill Grim mm tildeopen corman Ind honor pncIIIe lrorn loundN floured MIR leader In the roll estate Iielrt UNITED TRUST Att1IYbII PAPER ROUTES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Do you live In the em or on one the street Listed below BARRIE BAYFIELD ST TORONTO ST OWEN ST BLAKE ST it you live In or mod the Iinrtmeononod Inupleuottllout the Ipplieltion bIloul end return It to THE HARRIE EXAMINER Nomir Ago Address Telephont nee ONTARIO The Ikproorietime AIL NOTICE OF APPLICATION TOR APPROVAL 10 minimum IAND MINISTRY oi Trmportltion Ind 0mm IN THE MATTER oi In the Iulhortly In writing It In else It neutered owner eemd pe oen releeednniiertthinthtrgv III liter hILIIemd notice or often In In Iervrd by preItlnr IIIhII lbirv dIu Ittrr the first publiution MUM It In the use oi In erroer who it not rerieterod Inner within thirty daye IIIer the tint puhlleetlu oi the notice THE APPROVING AUTHORITY IS Iiintltre oi 1me Ind iornnurniutlooe Pullout Ruttdinu Toronto Dourio mlspoptItlon Ind Command Wide Director milletRey Daryl NOTE in Itione Ad provides It Iiwemmwfikmtdhwbem byInInouIrontteerIppolntedbytheItiniItelolmiee Ind mmwdmerd the 11m rive thplyhmmmmk present erldeme Ind Irrumeol end In exunlne Ind rouenmlne elbows either pereooIIIy or In his tfb net or Irent Ind till my recommend to the eogvvin Iuthonly than theioqulrybeplidl Id Irnorne lothie ottheinouiryootteueeedmlndthelpormll Iultlorily me In III discretiar order the twill Iulhorlty In pI Itch cost Iorihuitil owner Iod Ith owner Ire dened In the Act lol Im owner Inchldee morimee tenurt execution editor pennneruitttdioIlirniiedmrteorInterutinIIndJm nrlltee oi the edelo at morally period perIon Inc oi nunIgIn hLI xItIIro Ind pundit exneutor tutor or tnxotee In whom 1nd LI veIttdi registered boner menu In owner oi land whoee Interest II memkdenedwwhmemlngxlmmnm menttntherelry It or IndlmludeupermeITvnuIterintolilodonthellm revued Imment roll Tile exproprlltin authority eIril owner the netting AI Ip rovtn Intirorlty lhxt he desire hearing in mend oi the Lind Intended to be roprinted Ind my oeuer mind perty by th lnwiryioicear partile tho inquiry Ind rreotintholnndrdoscribtdulolioe In the Towruldp oi Plot In the faulty oi Slime Provlme oi OntIrlo being out oi lot Damion deslanInd II PART on DepIrtment oi IrIxnportItlon Ind Oormnunlcltion nlIn Piillii deooeltzd in the Re istryoiike toe the Registry Division of Siam Plln II v11 Tins NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE mt day oi May rm mmunmmuum l2 TENDERS IIyltI FOR THE SUPPLY OF TRUCKS Sexied tenders will he received by the undereluted up to Tun TuesdIy All 2i 1m tor the punth ol the Ioiioutng ms Pickup Truck TV THE Cub Ind mm IM Wheel drive Irt sooo zoom rd iii no yd nomad louder Speculations Ind tmder envelop my be obulned It the nu Oerte Otilee it Collier Sir Barrie Lowest or my render not mrtly merited TENDERS GARBAGE ELECTION TOWNSHIP OT ESSA SeIied tender elme muted II to eontert will be reeelvtd by the underxlrned until pm hidey Ally It rm ior GATO Ixe Collection tor the Police VIIlIre oi Anzu Ind it run It Strluphln thy Clerk 11y 13 Iuerron SALES AUCTION SALE IVednesdIy tiny 17 It it Im ohm or HR AND HRS JOHN WILDE on the min belch between ttii Ind 10th Ave WIIIrI Reich Sale at Ill culture AtrnIIquI 11 npplilneol bedding disbeI Ir hleelethe mtxueInt ailment picnic labels Itovee were no em on titles type writer Terms rush Rudmr Iold ARCHER OOLTVILL Auctioneer Lime No IMMUNE CHON SALE EA Am es rte Includtu Iorne InllonI pleeee blrdneyemole dreuer roetind ellIr SIC Ian NR5 Wm neon held VICTORIA HOLIDAY roundln IreI Further lniormItion may be oh thned by ohoninr the Tonmhlo Ilunlrlpai oliire lowest or Iny tender not neeesserlly mooted BRIAN GAUTEY Clerk IOWNSIHP OP ESSA PO Box 10 ANGUS Phone Limit Alvis TENDER Trndm will be received until 100 pm Pridly MIy Nth 1m tor eomtrudion oi rmpeclnml eII re one AVILIINO irom HI Pull Io ti Ind Automotive Ind MONDAY IIAY Sim Iny liloem it eomloeneinlhttlimnhn moon WRITING dotlxrei to Ice Iet mum VWtMJ mu WM Term and home told 111 In unmnun WANT to This Phone mm It