mmmratutioul Mountbattentori communique oi the northernBloated the rim eteIodrirmrIrt Soc meuheathhernlnerlhotol entree Blues Drop openeri lllo Bradford International it the Itne II two at the tired In iron tell wing tordlgoals were Icored when let PIhor Vie Vitielle Ind the Newmarket end Dtllrtzt Blues goalie Steve Thornoeon Inn Aorev rented the End lee lattheiropee umeiarwtethlecreerola It to goon We Inlay hell Ind mined 0M he ml mu my my auteur Saturday It Barrie ederith one oihie own deience gt muhetrirdiorlhehall mmwmamm oth erIa hitt with ma nihilildtiidiit onentihelihleehandled the umhnmmuufmw yeare thempieae hut the were any rIeI areondhaii on Whirl afnmvwm Itolh Belrte eluhe play their Toronto Metros Score Win Toyiietaain In First Place Dr ran manure rarer Toronto no the eon our Mun 33 mew Bugger Teamel Wm Iiin Parr next genes on retardy IAIy r1 ItIrrIe on will beet Brldierd Portugueee while the Blnea will be away in pley the iol ienhem Iletrpure Rorhuter Lantern lied New momma You yahoo 111 tensel eaten OINWGYGBIIICS er It Nigel iieloe hIInkod Montreal Tearm iram the Iterrte hum Olynute 10 In to llor Football Club came up with tdI crowd oi INN Sim loeehtoraeueeree rnnn Belgium olee tram corner ck taken AisVlIigfll3vmTBr European Soccer hid lit If tenant enlienalilanl Willinrru and Jim Itamiiton Jim mi W1 the Win erored trite oi the twin Doug bah added pair at penalty Dehn the Barrie Iirelx peIa Ioocerr momma Melodraalhrhlleniimlrr enlree nil ontovent It Stiouie thee Illrerone mm my wmmm Muir ilaildoored tetra ior the Bar wron In only It 71 01 MW Ni rie teem Darryl mun con tn International maiden The Iencera took the lead It rcrted one at the two trier Ind agelnet ital and earned ltthe Noeheeler It the olghlmtnele added lnopcoelly yeah to round right to la the eernllinel merk when elehlwln mind not the ecorlag in the armr retirement etartlna lime It In Seinler ronnecled with the Next Saturday the llnrrle which they will meet Went tier yard driva New York tied the Pint and Second will meet the may eeore live minutee into the no Nlerieeauge Cnnedcn Plr no wutaumy am no in III and hell on tree kick by mid and Seconde in doublehcedt quarterfinal record In IM iielder slggy Strlel Irom tent or Endoh to Berlin to euellr tor ouielde tho penelty em the taller an the Itaength at In Miami centre lorwnrd Vo lteettintvlratrltnnhtntond lit drilled ht drm do Uni NWliliiliilidi mama sommnl II BACON 0n eueo IIIIh winnere ot the Inaogeneitourne the gill alter taking1 crow meeung Tuesday ment In no heat ragaan on iron out Warren to after eeereleu lint eg Archibald pair at IerIyirnenhome wine An orgInIlelonIl meeting iur the boyr Interwent Ionhell Ieri leI will be held It the Public Utlilllee Corrunlssion eleit MIN hreeday night It pun Needed are teacher menul are and executive pereonnel tori the lee which lnuelvu hays teem em to to re Howard Capture Sunset Feature ringrt reafrm IL Lacrosse Meeting wee onenen our on eIrty Ieled In the raee tingle2n wmgITAyd Set For Tuesday titlettlnfhnlten terarpaek until RueiierPc tthr Do the II wh role DeerIt Illa1 Cuzzllll meeting tor new unrrie erlu put into the pit Illa hill CYL Di Inrroere Aeeoclellon will he held retirement allowed titration mo Duncen eo Welder out It tlehunridelr end at Marie to grab the teed hroornelt re Community Centre Itertlng at end he teed It the rut oi the and lint lie 730 Anyone IntereIlrd In help VII Dotti Wernee at Toronto It ehnrnN eeln in develop the eport in Benin tlniehed George ie not lien Iee MilerolPort Credit third Mums TIIOPIIY DIrhvtel ed at the tool at Bayiield St the win Itowere Into now one No early radii the hebetl non entreeo lenehlp Aware urlee FMTUIIElliG nroorneh In tinder divlelon elm neIinueenunee hlrn mngf Id an early Ivorlle tor the my Mum LAnAlitl cnenrronstnr ag fth Amnes tern noon on mlm mm mm lei Howard at It tndlt tenure outlier my irorn no 11 hrlg um it Me DIVIelS negre Walden lion won Iranian who tiered oile MI III ee Dunlap retiree aromrnee pie thirnlwcr DeDeer end Tom Cuullll George Hillel llttitllll gm hitMID Iiuetlerv era tea the regnla idol moved into Ill eIrIIymlud with two oatrivomonliohineonln the Spokane egrrgge EEE age lien thiew tor goalie Dare con and iron then on took over Don Schen ban The PUC building in toenl we EEE octalltnehonnnryouneeaest atlowest possible cost Does your present hot water healer deliver all the hot water you need When you need it It not you should convert to Gultelream Natural Gas Water Heater Then youre sure of all the hot water you need last at the lowest possible cost With Natural Gas you can do laundry wash dishes prepare meals all at the Acorn water tor hot baths orehowere and service name absolutely tree nose with Natural Gael eumereGae 7266558 orIN DDCSYAAWIIK one WWIIMPJAL same time and still have plenty oi hot There are no hidden costs Youpey only tor the geeyau uee plue $195 tor monthly rental at the Gulletream water heater All installation maintenance Get Gallons and Gallone oi Hoppi