lira tile ticking mono songs so toss rel Parts pilot about Around read it lens ocean bulge borne room Orc at was sig was let mutual acclaim later wished Spra ior wile sailed hlr 2000 been ououeti statementsl eemmsadcr tendon aatitia districl was impeding elite eratlheannual nspection haniasawnnailltlsnalitbe Grey nuisances Mists EConcorn Shanon In County iiTBliSli phonon ar censure Forces haee aor daa Col llelnlosh accompan ltd by the rsgtmcnts cem mandln ottlcer ls ital Park walked thread the sash and lent the aside as Teunalshd Warrant Cilia or it hlsclsasc He also pra celva less than they settled certicates to yesnsg RIM soldiersalthsunltwbo se Mliiililmtnmnn cently ntralitiad as ysglds pop tm cent will receive cornmlnlrned etiieern over New Regional Ideas lylti nlreog opposition to resienai fevemmenl cerscxipia continues oprevslllnt outputs el dmwiy despite work abepe and reports at dlltesenl Moe cluster tor are the selector it was indicated by eightywide survey tvat corn oae oi the reasons is cobble ton ever the direction at change the aochsllnild misepeirhtlcstsd ac ow pop smeelin ieuthsi as much as possible public business ehcssid be under direct control at elected representatives at the ecologist sccounnilizliit ler as ng Ix ape lse LV ed listariicular miss were allecled most by higher school tarts alter the everhaub tag at the Mideast annuals lsstihn on countywide basis some ieur years age The sur vs indicated there is also con sl crab misunderstanding hout what ngtnnal government would involve Warden Lloyd Pridhsms es presecd view that the bistro Tor onto concept pt onetler rtg tenal administration would not bs practical tor diverslllrd area like slrncoe Cotmly with its to per cent rural areas also inland strong support Some contend that emphasis dven reiorm seems to bo ior resbninmg in the wrong dine lion This viewpoint contends that there is too ntllthgentrsl lsstlon already and this trend abotsld be reversed to prevent soon bureaucracy dust courusrort That there is still much con tusion about the new concepts was shown by random replies to the question What do you think about regional gevcsnrncntl in your oplnlen would it be to the advantage at slmcee Cousttyl substantialJescentego ol taxpayers repll with counter questions concerning lust what be involved sores explaining they could not make proper evaluation without knowledge at the details oi the policies to be tellewed low partlctslalrrly these in areas which were hit hushed tax raises until the prov ial government so last ed granu appeared an en site that redonaladml lselion might mean more centralisation and higher taxes They seem ed inclined to dispute claim the modern councils would be sser eillclenl ier taxpayers Fear ior local autonomy was reected by taxpayers sh gved local control mode elected representatives more responsive to voters That regional government is highly controversial issue in iescn county municipalities was clearly evident Even some else ted elllclsls showed reluct ance to be otcd one tst or the other lleeva Vll adore llease tred Easter at Ad ysla and hosts George Guer gls oi Essa were among those who relisc ed concern about the Mars at at autonomy Shal coe villags representatives showed uneasiness over whether regional government woul mun less representation les tillset GUIDELlNh REPORT County council spokesmen esiionsd lrequcnlly rslerrcd to sthldcllnce ior Action report prepared by the am special study committee at the Associa tion oi Counties and Regions oi Ontario Reeve llslpb liuntsr eitlhslon past president vas at the members at the cone tie which was headed by revuea srs Cotmclllors towaabl at East Hunboroagb in another report law years ThalownolAIiision was plac which was slrendy select ad with Adlsls and Tpeorontin in the and parts oi Kara and Tecum has yield seth lissdlord was placed with sand parts oi Tecumssth cm nonunion tsulit John csttlrman stseceeds lisrvsy Davina at Totlenham has been TrinableoleigIrs who becomes The town at Colllngvoed was Mum Wm Wm on receiving congratulations oi thahrmediatspastpmldenl agI township and town oi Stay ner with Creemore sills and in the ty oi Woolworth Emphasis was gtvan that onetler system was politely to be adopted or Simeon cont Studies at the tirsl regional gav rnsncnl systems set up in the province were record The guideline report recom mended that the basic system ol local government in Critan be iwoller one with the county or re on Is the second ties and the cty borough loan loan help and village as the lint er ll recommestded provision be made ior exceptions to the basic system so that wbue case can is be made ice the inrrnstlon at oaatler system that iegtsla tiwbrprevidld to allow tar mess eruptions it was recommended that peh ice villages be abolished and ior adrnlnlsirstlvmurpesea become part oi the clpallly In which they are locsisd dlAllT All in storm Cotmly eirelss there has been continual studies at regional concepts and some progresssnade inward chanls alliang criticism has been oi iered some that this has been unnecessarily stars re pori setting up is planning areas which was presented by cosin ly committee last year has been given considerable attention Although it was said not to have been intended as such the suggestion was rare these it areas could become the guide has ior nature municipalities ll ShrwoeGsunl lollowstbe con cept adopt in neighboring hiuskoks Several years age the vin cial treasurer Darcy pelican who was then minister oi mum lrlpsl atlsirs appeared beiora stun Coarsely council where he spoke about regional govern ment rrttnlntum oi I000 pop nlslion lor municipality was one at the guideline suggestion altbnugb it was slated sxibiiiiy would be allowed where circum stsutes warranted Sirocco County has moved long with the trend to reduce its membership with rivals bill autheng redo ion lrnm the mat on to ts mernbess sts ng next ysai ward system oi election with it to in members was proposed yv Essa To Discuss lirelighiingDeal hAXiiiiiSialiiJlasscotslt oil has authorized Essa sire neutron Cunningham oi as Thomton sod Dbtrtct Chis hiernsrd West at Angus to meet with ll it Bobne Base Borden technical services olierto dis cuss roclprorsi tire lighting greement the clerh nrlaa Gsuiey was authorised in Eewiilid sn all or am og or lions Whilesldv and Deputy lisets lino Donald moved the motion which was posted by council heave George liner is presides and cks nervals and hisurlce butter were pros as nuutop rreraoo by commanded mutilate county sd its administration at rlgislry oilice tail and shared control ol ber services Assessment which was tasen ever from mun icileilies in use pas also made vindsl governmc respon nors irrtgttcntiy mentioned rrdghi Isdmlnlslered iron the regional level are discussed he mil dl in pages age spess enure iiou el whether these services could be provided more esileiani It thI regional level than under the lens has with contrary views rvn lisws also have varied on what shotald constitute the roost stitctent regional retsncli lar stances munly on twotier lem with suggestions ran lrnm it to is members up to to it also ml the noted that even thareductonlremlsloat in cotme council mernbesshl not achieved without some live ly opposition Illness also 1bays KI er on to to neighboring municipalities ior sounLv representation The vill age ol Goldwater cotsncil recent iy passed resolution oi protest against such proposal ll PLANNING ABEAh The planning report oi cotan council which set up it areas had the city at Barrie with parts oi Foss lnnlelii Orb and all at lies townships ell oi Oriliia was laced with townspr or ON The townsroi hildlsnd and Psnelanguishena were placed with the villages at Port bile Nlcnii Ind Victoria sing the townships ol Tsy Tiny West Cwiill Lara lnnisnl loan to services which psrteiNoltawassg Wassn Beach placed with Sunnid oantlaIssIgs and pest oi eth eseot municipal en sharp debasd placani slossesnuat irosn some en or near its borders rather lred re ionsl tered tbe strenth ob plrl were reduced to it bi with Clioincarnation lakejssew 185 Dunlop 7285l5l FAMILY DINING CUT NIGHTS Monday ie Thursday Va shorten ORNISH cons HEN wills slea dressing Ogi loom station on my Children on es la $l20 Comple ntsoilneluds Dessert arid leverage Cirsti Ths villages ol Benton and tbttenhsm were placed with The villageai Chorale was tonu moans Ihl tihlls the topic oi mush dis cussion these recommended planning areas received eta were selected by others in the is city oi Grillls ior example is to there has been talk about lilay tr with the Simon Corn issgersses including townships the coordinator Dan Kent in succeeds bisvls bran oi hib ln neighboring Ontario county dasrgsol arrangements bridge Alta tired iursn intelligible prac tlrsi ap roach was stressed In theoretical concepts assd experimentation central vernment to re lsce at clpal administrr can in slmcoe Count eneoura ii precedence established else where ls tattooed smaller so livnai council wouldnt necesssn liy sava tarps era The mentb on would rccr to substantial in crease in pay over the current per diem no site el cotme councillors it municipalities council lors oi each would abneet cen tsinly receive lncressedboonr ariums argued to be instilled by greater responsibilities it wu is leased other costs would onrurnuortetp er g5 Eli iiir in or 93 Slpe celvelessthanlhay billsnnthutrper troiolhaagenitayesra per month per child liloiiyssraAlter ttwillbabicrntaiaaslor nrsssrrcr new mlmilIXAmNILMONDAYHATleI Cattlemen Elect Tottenham Man adirdttperecnt lriends on his election as nI tiansl president ol the Canadian WWGM Cbasvlala Association Thewslihnnwn amounts New dLocihts inc DISTRICT hillEiS Nymo dskerbheve oi Burnaby ll lAtlnAUstlm hit We Claws oi anguish WAUBAUSliENn istall 01 my mug spay liasoid Thornton oi Cslgssy ml love syrups sndhesltb Ill HM glaregamma makmhhmgggg lttneususutnuurnoucsavtue sbaae hotnens lnetlbata ior ML 60 Pm Wednesday stay 11 Alta and Aiired Tmchzr llAlNilt MINA Crisco Bi more Start blurscg orsru ni Twin nulls semlaasioritrelldaiara Seshst swamwueiecled rss ldent oi the Canadian outh held here on hid iy Cbarclals Association hlurrsy new otavtvu TItL satoav iiiiillilEii Willi lid oblate rayon CIDOLLHHSG on nuoaossmo THRILLEHI Wellnessrs ARMKDVOimliON im outw Emumscourtroom commotion ElllAIlEIli strewn wromav as peas era rumour manure EEEEE iri it it it BEc at Sect GreySimeon EC are services that provide yanan no not turret that they also pay iederal and rindsl sales tax lust re easily the provincial govern mans Increased by ens cent pr won the gasoline they must in order to grt to work Those iortunste rnottgla to be earning moon year have not been hit too hard Dr iiynard noted They halts 900 tax do ductiea which is lot more than that at the man with ans child earning more year who will receive stoma be said addinq the point cues iiur not seem one way orannthes that llglgtesnsasenl to News cissai hill one is lone long way from the psinc lea oi liberalism oi hlackeosls and issuis SL laurent who believed rmlversab lty to be the system at rclorm and lairncas he concluded Wt Supports Farmers NLHNGWOOD iSlIlii Prohlmss oi the lame and bred to bolster the agpimihtnsl economy lam stressed by Dr siliges sayaabdd vetes iasry surgeon irons Creep Strand who has been chosen Promo sire Conservative candidate ior Greydisscne tedersl riding resident at Owen Sound it so years he served ior Li yasrh on Owen Sound board oi Idncr lion and council Alex Olrril oi imvsls is pro aldeni ol the siding which now represented by Percy Noble hil Conservative My Noble sanotmrrd cutter he wnrrld not be candidate tor election crowd ni LOW aitmrd till nomination meeting bars at Cal ilngwood to tea the rsrnpalssa an enthuslss start EVEN Bl CAILl man lStalit Seven iise calls were made by Essa lirh depsgmnltgi Thoinlon Edda us pas men no sin advised Detective Harry Callahan He doesnt break murder cases Ho smashes them vuowt litlitvtil ROXY tr menu it strum PANAVtIlON Warner bros KWle Company ttCrttth0l0 sraars roteonnow FOR DAYS liiE BEST SEiiEli EXPiilDES till THE hiiiEEiii Mcplristo lizsltz rm arlrall Irssrrnl AWWRTN EN oworusue rumour noun ruumolumm 2cm wmmroxmssears Ploy Misty Taking Oil srsars rooooaow Em torrents menacerm ease pontoon Iiltillfillll Pio Misty For Me 741 Hired liond