is liil ll Wrmrasignstlonuntus permstctsseeesemd he to he perpetuated blayor Gordon ltotlse recently announc ed that at reunion at over soon ao pslled Wrens held in Vancouver Gall was selected as the site to erect sin due as memorial to all the Canadian possum cinch Newspapers Convoy trims rid Street Iarrle Oratorio emee Robb PubiislseoCeneral Manager lmuiluv illMilli Gout May Start Trend To Compulsow Arbitration mowrrer Deadlksdiahor nieputesierhldilii lario vii servants and Crown sge go automstkally to ing Irbl it instead olrestallng in right strikes under bill introduced in the legtlaturs laot week The tradition compulsory arbitration has developed over the years in dell service negotia lions and this bill will iornralire the pro endure in tsldn this action the Ontario gov ernment lislarling trend that could Iliect municipal services something shotdd be done to Certainly ioreetall strike like that oi the garbage workers oi Toronto in recent weeks Toronto has become huge arbsge durop drsw ing rats vermin In the risk oi disease The city at Vancouver has also been hit hy crippling garbage strike Com to gs ge men and to any other servants or city empio ees whose in vital to the public tsory arbitration should lobe olttidsns in the past have been hesitant to deny the to strike to and workers at allies tor conicaverslo1 their motives are understandable gey have ignored the rights oi the pub the proposed provincial legie along drawnout costly strike oowu rmsont mun bras nave as Years and Barrie Examiner May 1917 Twenty live members Camp Borden Police sworn in by ilst Ru Cotter oi hassle ior town it The wear unliorm wltiiwordei whitetaiteringoncap dark gray Aviatien EC in ilesdon coili ston oi Grand Tsuni paasenger and cirti Kjiioertrn btrry are as tssins near Glitcaon chimed Engineer to it Time and Tire oi Aliandsle also Barclay mail alerh Coroners jury iiouadliwomneo conductor and elation agett rredln orders received They were char ed with manslaughter and inseam inFsiiAssizetstBanie biemltets volunteer the brigade threaten demandierutoreJ more than ious hourr duty llev hlcleod DD minister emeritus St ndrewe Plum asumh died at 78 sites briei with pneumonia lsoutirwest corner Bayilcld and We ton Sis ior house construction oonso hisclaeiisn came to Barrie irom Weston to he manages Bank oi Nova fcotis branch Grant ion on ooir audible gun course in to and averted to privatee rank and went to 4W hlcltinnen bought propert at bad no and Albert Simon BCl students and star laiion compulsory arbitration would not rt may new starterl be oneway treat boobeneilt the cm to ere only The cabinet loses the to exclude any matter oi classle lion irom collective bar sitting and pen set will apply to the employer as as the amplies Union men say that strike is its own weapon Certaini it is their strongest weapon but site once call ed hurts both the unployar and the em oyee Strike pay never compensates or regular dseque and liteloss to In em oyee could take years to recon ere Aaould be no interlerence employees of private business or tndus try The start to strike sirotrid be theirs as it has been in the past At the same time it should be noted that labor olitriale in the us have second oomte onibe strike as the nitissrste weapon oi are in ten aileolissg grimy Irhlin tinnitus elnvoked ollceman remenrslimmenrpaalsl workers garbage men even CBC And worlds should be obliged to arbitrate inlhelhaaisnalyiatheywonldhave the protruded oi the law in hbor disputes And arbitration midrt oblatnmorethan Trance ior action in irons lines NursingSisiet Helen Howrah oi lllmvalsrecelved lioysl ea ior bravery at Derdanellas iillh Bat tsiion will make last opposites recruits prior to proceeding overseas Titers are almost 10000 men oi rnlitt age in Simeon Cotrnty who have not en ted oi which apoo admitted in writisgx dtey physical reason Co Pas iunior hockey min labeled in To ronto with art ry ts Athenian in hangars are comp will house training aircrslt by next weelr Asphalt road being built retn inlanlry area to air base Barrie Patriotic Fund has immediate ob ective 020000 Board oilmds oiu sedate re electriesatlws an Paciilc main line like Station protect was shelved in 1014 was Boys KC told Town uncil he was not suoeeasiul in obtatnln muni lions isciory ior Barrie ohn ll Bennett elected president Barrio Gold Club Alter years is mom or William Gallic or Mary St relinqui that duty to be succeeded by tlse bittconr1 Remember ThotDreunt Ci Little Collage With Picket Fence PillllllllliallTllllY pontoon Information Canada Otters New Monitoring Services By WAIT IichIOD unca new edclronlodrlven WWW iiu sis is as cilents with IMi M00 eilp class day there will also be less expen sin at 00000 and intvnlal working doeu meal distributed by plasma tlon Canada to other govern mealdepartments etsllloes the nlormstlen monitoring which will mlmlsmncldsmasmrwhw me ode to optical rhsrsctbrL ing radio lei iiiii it Cd Illi and rIialsd aim The program obviously II as cry iron the slendard new paper clipping services MIT AND DTIIICT Two hours altar publication davelopmt When it was intended two years its an nounced pllns warn iall Cs nsdtsns abort government In rats neathsmalnriories esrri tnihaipsrindihiesit need this nlsnds itera cotmirybaeu easslnlssn lcorna tislicli report will include the origin at news Item the ire tivitlss and direct tnlonnstlon ouency or on and the tlvs lug listen hands oi government MEETING NOW lainrntstlon Canada oillcials now are meeting iniormstlon oi llcen at government depart ments to axlain the proposed new monitor Iervleoyaed to gather inlonnstiou on the exact needs oi these prospective clients The working document sys obieclle oi Allis is tdmsttcs survey radio and TV ior news content editorial content letters to the editor eclsi columns and ublic stairs programs on pics at national interest or pertaining to any iederal ov ernmenl personality icy program or inaction There seems to be little that the Allis program with its con Robertson lrnm Goderictt Pslnswlck the summarised contents ni sh trai computer system cant do 9mm church property my go most all Canadian dailyvnmv No hours Sonics Big Bay Point papers dealing wills icdersl ernment ail lrs and other opmsnts oi dons interest be on rsslcrniilm Through so laws in sbstsa lotin The pro sole must be davatoped it OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Witle llLICT oALI SITE Gait Evening lle rter unique lecture in the lot when the Womens ltoyai Cans an Nav oi Gait yet Service had their Canadian headquart era in this city during World War Tito posterity men at the iVliCNS who stood beside Itilrhsr their menlollr and served in the hour oi need as iemlnine naval reserve The plans call ior an eightloot bronze etstue oi the iiguse er girl in WilCNS unlionn to be created by wellknown Canadian leminino sctttlpure artist There will be an accompanying plaque bearing historical statistics The cast tip oi Queens Square ire ing across the Grand ltives in the iiossl area where it will not inieriere with the line Gome iouolsln but rather on hance it is the proposed site ior the sts lue This has still to he tinsilred simila transmission complete copy at any item Included in ths summary re lariy supplied to clients will available in 10 rnlnutes lrnm Iny yield monitor ing station Audlo lecslrvtlls ol radio and er newspapers TV and radio stations produce ems they will be in the na tional monitorlst centre in th ram eventually will include all tromacross Canada into the males stories canted coast to OWL limit in on NI 00 if productions at radio and programs the service can also suopi written transcripts hi5 comrneni taped news or other inlormstlaa beta procured says the working ecumrni It will provide in its tint and second stage nl developmenia ssrr arsd siltclmt reassuring coverage at to daily news papers it All radio stations and ti television stations incited tth the national networks it provide unique service that will enable the policymak ers and adrslinlatratore Can adss ledersl government ths better to tune late the breeds al the nation This new rograrn lollows by several men tbedlscloeursol in iritcnlizlnrunemo vritlendby ill seer en director whiiit valid ibsl isew lormaliort Cansda is to hastily sl newspapers along with its toth budget wee lea and seected mags sines Titles day lniormstlon Canada will lusnish clients with an slpthellcsi compilation nl The memo wu wrilisnlo deanbouts Gannon lniosrnatlsn Canada directorgeneral who so cenliy was appointed Canadian envoy to the United Nations TV reports can be rntransmib all sbstrscledllcnu allstaisll Economic doclal Inl Gallursl ted to client by telephone so 0thch covered and sistlstlv Organisation in Paris minutes alter request has been received tbs working document says the automated lniormstion mon itoring service in be known as Allis will earn inn an eiicc live learn oi crossrcountry ob servers with In Ottawabased slsii oi specialists to service members at Parliament and subscribing government depart manta Igsncles commissions and corporations with specials lred tnlesmation in audio yldeo and print tailored to indlvdusl needs This apparently Is the second phase at ininrmslleo Can iliys Corrie Erection id as iieid Street ii Gnllild Telephone Milli Second Class bisit itedatrstion Number WA liaurn portage guaranteed hallythtuds and Statutory lid days excepted Subscription rates daily by carries sou weekly Clio yeah iy single copies toc mail Barrie tilde year lrncoe County new year hslsnce oi Canada M00 yearly All other countries him yesrl bietor throw all 100 year National Advertising Oltlcesl ii Cusen st West Toronto ills till ltd Cdihtlrt St Montreal hlember ol the Canadian Press and Audit hureIu oi Circulw one The Canadian Press is exclua tvcly entitled to the use ior rev PhiliCii prostitusrrcrtou its whit asibelstterlraskes talent lobe more lrirndly but then loaded soos ne icceali ape hauss lip IWIIII hris outside at the cage and not inside Alt Pbolel publication oi ail nous dispatch es in this paper credited to it or Iiia Assoc totsd Press or neuter and also the local news publish ad thereto The Harris Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tls ng and editorial material cse sled by its employees sad so produced in this newspaper Copyright Registration Num bcr Elliott register now moans T0 TAKEOVER POLICY lr Thursdays editorial on the Federal Governments take over policy is replete with the usual collection at mis conceptions or doves ghi ielse hoods regarding loreign Invest ment that ehsrulcrires the pos ilion oi the popular press on this issue or course the continued tout ng ol these inaccuracies collects basic attitude toward the whole loans in the case at The Barrie Examiner this Ittltudln nl blas seenu to be one bued on tether shopwosh version at rota century liberalism Specific Yolnil mentioned in your odilarsi that are no long er accepted by even the most conservative such as the Con scrvsliue Government oi this province his Gray hi the Lib eral Federal Government are That Canada is still unable to ilnsnca its own economic growth in rslulsllon el this there is ample evidence that in the very near iuture sur phat oi domestic savings at exist in Canada hut in any event the pro rtlnn oi Import ed hands now lng used in tin Incl loreign investment is oulle small less than per cent iilhst most pelagic do not appreciate it that to major portion oi the growth oi the ter elgn corporation in this country is being paid iorwlih our own money That is we are buyin awn extinction as an lodepen cnl nation The tobrreoling clients at idltigh lsrvutlment ure grossly overr the development at resource industries which has absorbed large amounts at icr sign invrsimrni iunds creates rcailoely iew lobe alter the completion ol the initial con slrucllen stage As well we should avoid the trap that he ceute so many Canadians work ior iorclgn nosed iirms that THE EDITOR loreign tnvestme that created the tabs at the loreign edLskvi ilmss married an Australian om at sne eventually settled in sesachueelis not Foreign Investment today imposes ilnsnclsi burden in perpetuity in the term at divid end sepslrillion royalty pa mania and other service cosii rnrsllliod to tho loreign owner in 1000 thiswss user it billion snl endless ot that blame the loreign sbewand hovmsny wordscatrptl by Grit even the great llarss hudeaul no not THING intro those six little airE as 335 33 that 2515 as air ragga Ernie 35 s7 EEEE 38 starts all within MInd Dinah Gristle Ilngin beer Canada sumo it me when get to that DWI it mi ieel it sure does use Thentbvygetteeller slate ior on Canadian hittl itd ll during interviews with In sum Frost Carson wil wuuasr scar iual arsed lrnm landed and rtnvzn know has some excellent color lead will will not interpret or uniill read the niche and stall toa llaken by Whit oi coursal cottons spoilt ammunition FamedForExploits hr 10 IOWAN In recent years Sir Francis Chicheeler has won acclaim ior sailing around the world alone in sense he loliowsd the vale cl great Canadian seamen Joshua Slocum who was the that man to perlorsn the exploit even though he couldnt ewlml Slocum was born in Annapolis County Nova Smile in tilt and ear sis is Best where eels ior iishcnnen Those were the days when the hisrillnse rovlncse were known as the and at ttvooden ships and hon men who sailed the oceans oi the world steam grew up in lhatirsdillon Altheth he ran away to sea and gradually qual those iobs ware necessarily crea ilied as captain is no on ted by loreign in tmeul Was it ior steam and stayed wins sait shlps lie sailed around the id in seem number at loehua ill wer iinwsver ior him his oi sdvsn use and he decided to rebuild an old hulk into toot cult and sail Iround the iixisliod let lids peas to recoup lcould go on the list is slcn mm in my my How ever he did write book ting Alene which is good written about him lilsmsge began on April lite ended on stay when he crossed the track be had made on the route lie was still vrsrd bound and learned the United States Warspr en that the USA was with Spain Slocum made nal to the Oregen that not appreciated it read us her together ior our praise on Slocum received little lo his achievement and aslied into sly deliberately its end his in as he alone the toionl that had taken him amend world Milli MAY EVENT liloCham lain sailed Canada br nghis young titsDe hoousmonl ior Canada with colonists lllblndlans attached hone nsv NS isleUh iercs evacuated York Toronto siloSouth Airlcs sent pouseis to Ottawa lire victims er made was impossible down alter mum at my my 0y lT Harpoon IN CANADA the tremendous deal that Can adas open door policy gives them it is up to the Canadian peoie hopeiuiiy through the par Imentary system to take hold at the reins at their own economy and culture This latest piece at pep lrnm lhs nudcsn government is not so your ad ilorisl writer sts policy ior the iuture is makes senee The only some it nukes to toe the ieregn investor the ionodlan businessman siwaa games walkable stil an era toe the book For it as whole it is seaseeu policy lllCiiAEL WOLFE Davies Clescenl liarsls BIBLE THOUGHT For our conversation la is htlvent trom whence also we look its the devious the heel Jesus Christ Philippians hill is is sobering thou to know that God lufhhasrs us even knows the thought the latent ol our heart ilsrt the words at my mouth and the meditation ol my heart be so ccptable in thy sight Lord mystrcngth and my redeem cr senatorcm Waterman My weme itcuaoutuoau oacueslootcusus WM DIdCWEIlD Cit moutuawtowteer it TANTsOHiiDAVOIlAIttEDliiB millTWihNiDS WW1 liiilitditR VitAtl Wm WUHMM uriiiuawIMWMmuuwstvmnrammmmvm its tog other books have also