SEE of gr are Three DiIierent Experiences Ill 0riIIia Summer School el kneel udder June in Aniline corner on tntn One dinected It thithIIIWIInel IeIh ehop It um River Peri Inuit than who IIhn ndvnntnre It the lelrun lenrnin Ietivttla Ineli nhletttmrn normalthirdly leyearmtnerhehootoilheArtI elmMulethth wutnnns nr Krnnvrrw nowr lawmanpt Cethy heron leye Cloning rnonn urnn lnnet Wlnler hum and $3 Scheby vend lo Nutt mainline Anntemml and am Mm Iltlournewheldneeenttrtlndn none Lem mm rt union the tint nenen wln DtnnnI Caldwell Llnde An Mupmm hm eevln tlinlet Send mun her next ni the Kempviee Tuu drennndDotSnllnhuryJEr Mn nun Hcl tier hlcNutL on motor hdlen tenrun nnriner Photol 31$ in lph urry tntnmttnnnlly Site ti En 92 er 553 rf tnoen expert in the lite muunmnwrnnmn rlheleiereogktohm mltmmlmpumnihlkmtilrdhl tending the inmoun media Itenlntllor ntudentn in oheerve humortrt The New their Iulruteehnlrruu runner to put reIIdenl et in Peel Merle rel Anode Ioc cm Ind phone In relideot out the Netionellbutreol urn tie hen deelnred enten rely in Cenede let the tinned III 0ng Corn with Sorter eetlvei etre Woo tiertxttotae lheetn end lot If the UIInnityoi Guelph he trotted tor the OnledDMlt ml or Agriculture toe Ienen IeInIeItm lifepedtrtunietln lemm eltlneuinoe ernnend ceothncilnxnghleducetlon gmlnthecountiunllllin eel end Nlertn hit mine vent to rnIh lt unnununun me up rtdtn ottlee Ind heir dupe oillte Indhelu pertoitherlrlinretn deetyneted lime to meet not llln chlet Irene oi interest ere problem nuoclnind with Irricuh lure touted merehl nIlurIi rerouted court to nrnnerou lumen computer in mm Itudlnl the Sher llel Pieyetl end The bottom metre onequ 5fimuiiihtnloln heen been tuned in ureter South Atrtee the United Stein Ind Cnnrdn tlrtirinrdtnnlee tutor Ind ruldent dulyner or Yont Univernltye Fromm tn thrnlre Ind lor the Guelph Sprint Feetlvnl he in derltnlnl Royen lludde Islhehilarihhilmericannukcnr Slurrdey Ath medium In interment everylthilnn een nrp euuun or liberated to would net up euntnrtt rnertln oi President AnnIr Sednl 11ml bl tiuemnnlr KndIilvol Llhyn Ittd Prenldent ttouerl Bounnedlenne oi AlIerle OIIERVILLE Ont CF North Amerlennn cduidlr the nulomohlle en the ultimo neore oi ninety on him nhnlt tic In nuthor Ind high prlent at modern commu thin nlcetlnnn phlloeophy And North Americeo Iuto rnnhile mnnuleciurere the responded Inning enrn nultehln tor It purpose tlr tlelnhrn told onedny ton liilimote Sense OI Privacy Jheleterbotumnrmerlbutnev in rent one horn on the iertn hlr rungs eeld peeps Ire op to to or Amerlcnnn in thIt they conni der the eutomoblle phy end eeet privncy it their home lie lino Mid North Ameri cInr will not use public trunn portItlon except with violent proiett nutrient2n urns nurrnw= AP will he held irnnt July it throuph July in student who no tnlemted tn tndlnn culture enn chm in die eunlonn with nrloun resource person in tlelrl oi hittory eullure educntlutt Iocinl devel ment the lndien Act Ind lib dtnn hulls thin cnoeoeui turIl mishap to be held to eunplny eltuetion It the Birch ltlver Pent nenr the Rune In dlen Reserve three mllen mth oi When on llixhvnny ee rlll he run from luirl in July SAILING SCHOOL On June It nl Cemp itnhnm win on into chunhlchinc nnnr Orlllle the lourth Innuet uliInn uhoot end nmlner will rel un derway Swnsorrdb the Ontnrie Sort inn School Geonrlnn Celine the Ichool will he rrrunlnr nIlltny dune In innlnxtnrn neminnr Ind rece ntllclntinn tether Rudolph Wurlltrer malcdthn compnny which to ur ortner nun neure orcnon rnnoe mi With Inn nmeotr pounxer Wur dled Selurdny et htr home in litter worked tor the employ Iuburbnn Kenmore NY His ior It years mine The nellinr nthool operntlnr Cl Petite more Arnhem Serriee mom mmnnnnnno manner up northern eoe me Hunttviiin in end Barrie To new matpnieie hrochun nn thnG In no School oi the Arte intereeted thrnrld content the sure mer School at the Arte Outin uiny Mention Divinloo Gm den Collete eor Duchoeth St 10 EN Turns neuter Purl Gen rnent Annoy Inlned here Set my to elm loen mean in invor tor gnawe tlon oi lte rhortere neteorh Durinth AG Gelnuioie will let in the meet inc oi the MLIIInCene IilIn 1qu lulleeleenpenllee Delhi teem tereute oi ehoul it let Sunny llnd Cool On Tuesday lithhill Eire Department Low Tonight IIear 35 Degrees it Budueleuuesicu the tire department bed to sunny Itlen with coerth cool tent Ituren AIII predict Jon the mic nren tomorrow with tome nhowere overnlthL lempmturen will he ntlchlly hirher tomorrow rcrchlnr Ihout to de reel with the overnirht toy ll lh eondltlone will be ceeerll lee tel the province IIIMII diviurbenee mov tnr eulwnrd Iru npreed rein into extreme nouthnetlern 0n title lhln rnln eren will move entwnrd todny Ind out oi the province eIrty lttetdey lnm pereturee will rennin helovr norrrul throurhout Ontario with nunlmum ternpernturen un lnn lronr ii to to today North tiny Sudbury northern Goortlen Bey Alxome lilith loo TemIIInrl While litter llItnl runny Ind root todey Ind hreedey Niche todny ti to to love learnt to toes rum lueedey It to to except llnilbun ton region hlIhI lodey end Illesdny none to inter tonltht none to Nesta new ileum It an ied today end ttrudey ill todey Ind luendey neu In It tonight to it Otlm llontreel Generelly no rumoured to er low to to to Needey cloudy Novthere nine in the world do theydrnhhe atI tor till Iu or Americenr hnve II erode out to he elone end to to he with people the common we held Ii lnnlntree rIrnr hut eInt oi this community Ihout to mile Iouth ol Woodnloek The con lerence centre in rnted hy the llnrold innln oundntion nl toronto non rellt omn lxItion thIt Iieo dn the tnntr Colleen It the Unlverettynl Monte Dr innit who died budnet request cut 200 the depIrtment hed Inected hlrlnx two more men end not lnI too In line retention oil err but nil on into the mere elrennth lor the comlny yo lolIl buder Approved in till the police hudIet Ipproved nu WM competed to ltd 49121 lent yenr SIlIrlen Ind trlnno henetrte in the depIrt ment mm In lncreese oi Wlt Vii TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mttlt rl lth ehnnee oi from It to re luudny ton to mm on qurewdmmm an III dmdhl Wm My name 11 to loro lodny cloudy Ind SIrnle qcoolw oeculnnelrninendlnt St miner overnight lludendnyorhildy ninth unn to co eoer Itllinhylod neerw Lowltongbt tlount loretl near to lph luerdly our wrnmm Windsor tendon ltnrnllton Owen Sound Loire Sit CIIir Lete Erie liter hluetote In nouthern Loire lluron wert llentllton ern LeteOntIrlo loony cloudy St Cnthnrinen lend cool with ooeulonel rein lbronto reading overnight ltteedly Trenton Icioudy with nunnyperlode corn Itinutun thnutue cool Hit todny neIr Peterhorouh telnet toolcht It to to Him ltlliIloe My nenr to North Hey Eutern late outerio th Bradbury lent me liuron northern non den 33 lion cloudy Ind 31 INT oecd noel rein 11 urn nyrunnyvv clor pnrlodn continulnl cool duplenu Nl indey is to to town to White itlver III lnenr is ilirbn luesdry to Gernldton lnu Mooeonee noun seme FDR Less TH IMcoecouurrs MOST COMPLETE AND LUXURIOUS HEALTH snn FACILITIES OFFERING YOU runuc Noncr ltreBnrrle Plnnnlur Board will hold Public Meeting in the Council Chemhetn oi City Hell It 100 pm on ltresdny lley tilt to theme no lnntorthedevelo mentolltetideutlnl Bullshit $G=SSSSSSSSG=SSSSSS Residential Dulllot in rompoeed ol that nren oi the City hounded by anler Street on the south Sin Vincent Street on the went In tndustrtnl ereI end Georplrn College on the north end Nelson Street on the east azcaazaaaaszszzzassssazsc ==zzrzsssuu==a= thin to the Pnredlne tulivhroedloonred ultrImodern Gyro end tonicurlnp Seton This plnnrdenln with both developed Ind undo veloped lend end property nwnern nnd residents Weather foreeort brought to you Why oi thin District Ire urged to nttend to review there MICHILINX proponnls Ind otter their recommendrtlonn Ind STEEL IILTlD RADIAL euueetlone Iothlnp Suit Weather in Fort Approaching Cdllnow tor Information 7262112 on conne 1s Inert Public brery new In Mutant St norm Milliht SecretoryT Ilurer Aco otthe in and in It the henpe up to NWI Berri Ierrte Plennlnp leer inmww