on way to do at got world be gt Un But above tap hoya Ia said which Ih Jul We not EEEEE EEEEE Er TE Should 23 go Select Units Plante EDMONTON ICE Canada abonld not select an alletar innit to taco ItiLaaIaI natlnml boehey team In an eightgame oertea next September Ieya loat hii hid en ay we who have Iecod Soviet ey telm Illatar leaenlika we bare the the mill alt etar name II on good Planta Iald an interview they arrest select complete Hoes and at least one set at play them as trnIL For the tint time Canada Iwllill be able lamina 12 are er rise who have dominated wneld In ateur hockey tor the tart dozen yeere Photo more times winner DI the Vertna trarlhy II the leedlng goalkeeper the NHL said an etieiar player might be able to pot the puck In the net but int ha ha to have teane met who can set the puck to Thate why they rniut have villi who have been to unit provides its out line to the Canadian team be II only blem might be the Iran IerlcsIn the only tell Now can you be ready phyel games IAOOUEAPLANTI eaity and mentally at that time o1 year llanle roailender on Stanley die than tearna abeaphlratelr noth Dl IOils and Greases said not lnrt come with the sure to an exhibition hockey raid thethme winall IM Itqu team In 1001 ELIMI MORE scours ore anonis Special Rates loan designed exoluolvaly tor property own are People Iliroyou who own or are buying real estate And what It means Iotliattho money you have Invented In the real estate to your borrowing power As much an $10000 at HFc You see with every payment orintprovemont you make every Increase in property value the money In that property builds up Whether Its house or vacant lot the value keeps Increasing And your equity keeps growtno With an HFC Heal Eatnte Loan you eon make that equity work tor you To not the thlnoo you wantnow nowjoar homo Improvements or vacation property Consolidate your bills or pay Iorooiloge tuition Whatever your money needs talk to HFG about Real Estate Loan All our oitloeo are connected by computers So we can process your loan Immediately and your money can be ready promptlyA cheque made out to you to he need tar nnatoveryou need or want nonsmova HOUSIHOIDIIAHYCOIPOIAIIONWAIHD IAIIII II Dunlap Shae lootTelephone 1206534 IIIIIII teem lvmeliael All about our menu have new gag reserng 3E Battle Back ullALIlAlT GilaMNng him wil area with ltIraaere Ea Ioaitht when they meet iotuth geroa oi the Ameri can Hockey League Calder are DWVIII the Voyageur alter drop my the tiree two declalnne to Clipper In Baltimore Iaat week came hack Saturday night tor It victory to honour the inpen lead to the beat etaeren mice to crowd oi 3590 had plenty to cheer about Saturday aa Chuck Aeneson arored three tirnce to lead the Voyageurs Other Nora Scotie Imrera were Randy Rota Ran annluk and blurray Andmn Daltlrnorae goal came Irvm Ivd McAoeeley at the one mark In the recount period The Voyageura on line dleplayoilorecbee gIor their hometown lane and outplayed the Clippers train the atart 551 fee drive hetero It eThded Haneer goalie Giacomtn he believed the abot hound oil Welt iIkaertiki but it was hard to tell to takers Talia NBII Championship nos ANGELES iAPl Wilt riIIrrI Ieowl could aeara bear but he wore at ratieiacttaa when be think that winning this title rhould make tlie little easier the me lba 1ioot IlncII late Angelou takers captain relaxed today in his its trillion horn and the ruler tile in which he reierred reected acceptance as team clover llI blocked aboII scored It im ii espte pantu Inred right wrlrt II the Lekera ehuetcd all years at tneetrailon Strnday with III100 victory over New York Iinlcke Choose any item tor every 04000 purchase at the toliowinu COOP Motor title or area year drjvlnd HDT motor oils meet all new our warranty requuomonta H07 Motor Oil In elnole grade for seasonal changes and multi grader tor all ODMO Diesel MolorOiiinIinpie grades An API Service on oil unsurposteo tor olltolal tractor operation LUBCO Multl Purpose pronto the grease that will not thin out or break down under highest temperature tepatdlesa ot weather It tortures antioxidant Inhibitor and root and corrosion protoctlo ended Iortern returoe between FOOF COF Heavy Is recommended lor temperatures over AEF Both greater Insure excellent rorialanco to rust SIMCOE Plectanl Place To Deal 259 lrtnltlll SI DISTRICT 00P 71665 uw ea rades HE MONTHIO TRADEUP TO BE ER CAR USE OUR LOW COST GMAC TIME PAYMENT PLAN eu Our Volume Selling Enables its to alter low low prices on brand new 72 models But It also means we have large number at tradcuis on our lot most at the time In order to reduce this Inventory and inake morn tor additional expected trade ins we leave reduced our prices eveniurlh er giving you the buyer turtth opportunity tor additional savings SAVE ON ONE OF THESE LOWMILEAGE DEMONSTRATORS in ROYAL BLUE PONTIAC CATALINA USED CAR VALU ma PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Royal blue with blue intcrinr cylinder no engine door hard door hardtop with white vinyl root top demo aiaarmtic power aircr automatic puer clearlnt power lng power brakes radio rear brakes radio white wall tircr windowdelaggtc white wall tires wheel cover licorice Na Tim In momm oeelTitomroy maintained that me PONTIAC LEHANS lrice Llrht green with green interior cylinder 50 engine door hard top Dem autormtie power steer Ing power brakes radio rear window dclaucr white wall tires Dena Clearance Price in BUICK ELECTRA Ell CUSTil Cdrttnwali bronze with saddle Iri tutor cylinder Lid tV cnginr door hardtop Demo automa power steering power brakra pov er windows power aeata rodio rear seat Inhaler rear window delouer white wall tirea wheel covers Demo clearance Price 1m PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Antique gold with beige Interior cylinder 330 engine door hard top De automtictranemiw radio re window deterger white wall as wheel covers Demo Gearance irico im PONTIAC LAURENTIAN blue with blue Interior cylinder 150 engine door harrkop Demo Iutorratlie trnruminalon ateerlng power hralra radio rear window dcloggcr wheel covers Demo Gcaruncc Price 1012 PONTIAC LAURENIIAN Light green with green Interior cylinder 50 engine door hard top Dem automatic trarumlsaion power stcerlnr power braltca radio rear window doiogger white wall tires wheel revere Demo Clearance Price rm VENTURA ll Britain blue with blue Interior cylinder 250 engine door coupe Demo automatic lransrrdsaion radio white wall tires wheel revere Demo Geomnce Price lm IENTURA II Jump green with green Interior door coupe Dem automatic lrorumhcion radio white wall tirea wheel covers Demo Licoroncc iricc TO PONTIAC LSUIIENTLAN illittc with blue lnteriar door hardtop autonmtir power ntccrinc power braked to white wall Iirra Mel rs Owing to Mela mileage we alto selling this licorice No Price s3lilii INTI OPEL LIT iIamr orange with black interior door coupe standard tranamis eion speed rudla rear window riclogcrr white wall ttrce whorl covers iiliicuge 161 Due to domestic tiititlmlttttnes we ac quirrd this car Save vino Price ISTO CHEVROLET BEL AIR tulurrur gold with gold Interior cylinder 130 engine door sedan automatic tmruniisslnn power steering power brakes radio white wall tircs wiml cover Dulnp to high nnlcage we are not ing this car all at wholesale lil highoay mllos Ildtage 70611 tac cnce No 1th Price mI FIIIIINZA Sliver gray with black interior cylinder door rrtlan automatic intermission white wall tires whccl corcrs special present tor ltummy on Mothers Dayl liilrapn tiriliocrvcolotn21l Price 1970 DODGE DART Horizon blue hlnc Interior door Imrdtop automatic power altering radio white wall tircs wheel owner liilengc 3710 Licence No WI Real Swinger Iricc 6873 our not our 52944 son 1967 MERCURY STEAL Clearwatcr Anna with black inter ior cylinch an engine door hardtop automatic trarumisrion power rtecriM power brakes indin Mr window deloggcr white wall tires wheel covers Licence No 9550 llilcagu 50690 Pricc It OLUS DELTA lit Gold with black Interior cylinder en tine door hardtop IUIolatntle tinne lioige with cylinder engine Ucencoc mission power steering power brak redlo rear window dotoggcc white Iihttle AS IS Price not EPIC White with cylinder cnrinc door coupe AS IS Price vcee AS 15 welt tiree wheel on Prle in DODGE POLARA Dower Ileeriru wer brakes ra dioautomatle censeiadLAatr ma acrva IIIINI gt Green with cyltrulcr entice Licence No other AS is Price ATK lt PONTIAC BUICK To DeolWith melons HS BRADFORD STRE BARRIE LOOK OVER THESE QUALITY ES Meno5 not out UN 52199 Si or no