Resists Pressures Io Rarse Taxes Th1s Year loserst rLes Cooke Bar astronomer last year numeral pro riaMdty coundibymmnsd to hold ens line duced espresso in means Also my on landless lists year Revenue will be other rescuers estimates will be higher it uh at Wm murmur Pilrstliblera will hm versus oi S7100 hat year WWI on Idlingtom there will be an Increase iii mum silliness irons these two sources gmiyglh lm $1 will have mods lode with minim or am or to at miiiniiimid adch Missouri nintrnllcssyeamo ever 33 MW menus alone so afx mg tgmyg lirimimmwmied capitalist lnllleventuslly thereinaylsmtobe an essmicaiionoi the whole star or ob won as and provision madetor more work em serous Onslauennsn held in Millies 11mm smitten it 110 mu convinced that the sstepayers do not not goodtcr Barrie lie said com were ill WW gotnsnpandthereanouidbeaomekind Iise againsllnilstionlsstill oi natural increue How he asked could oncihis crucial year in the rdon council conduct loudness It the 1000 oi nsany econoqu losesnmeoia irons level gt the munidpai to iedersi level smut crash Iii DC XlllilIG own will be routines on so Isseasnsent oi to ethane general in situationI llliliNS PARK Oil DEAN TllllYVE GONE lNTO lOONEY ORBIT AGAIN YoungNomeds DOWN inuonvuur IS YIARSAOO IN TWIN singers these guys dont Barrie Mariner May 1951 Res Iin MD Oral won eylbo smmbimember irnprosenrent one season Earl Dah cock at liarrte reelected director Ontario Rotary Club handed over to otrai Collegiate corn plated athletic lleld Coal oi Credit Union mods work done by cultural Bociet land soccer DI unionism hastily assembled were Ales Doiechowsiry When You Wore lhs itlis Past President Ohar Lowe remark in denial chair they ask club rnendsors under More Dr Robert JDaisney llorti with Msdmim ServesCiern ndiiCAFAclh eras rooms and lllluNqheidWDMlowntcm riorwwopened years laier ernbersoiliarrie ed bye verso Nae Fendiey Warren Wilyars Isl Nhiilisdiai ti rut on uc uar lot at dentists Dnis liiikey is MyrsMITlcidn vwhore Smith lierilyn Wingrove Ellen Corbett lsys Jackrnun Anne Dertram Noreen Caldwell lune Ararat captain Coaches were Misses MacDonald and Simpson oi ystDarrie lierricir elected proud newly Centni Ontario Catholic Schools True ieea Assocn lhal barbers increased adult inircut oiiuge tobomnotdoiigr response roanpu cam paign ior building iunds Ross Cow niliiis Frank narned ramps ehainmn stators Ford in Daniele conduct tor iced ass bills Canada For unit revival meetings at Dollies at United innards addressed Riv wards hub IirFord was welcomed to or Willard lllnaie Nancy oi lir and tire William Slow William ll domed Premier Davis Stil Establishing Himself synoxovrssrruf cutu Pmbnsaa The many daylodsy solution slabs between the two some osneluasslsss rnenls have been cordial relations between ths zmoai an Barrie lawyer addressed Ys lions ioderal Instrument and Ontario Club on skin diving Brysons Tea out its ml with Room closed premises to be occupied by lord Roads lions Wear music from Rosy ihesire location Name ryson Ibase aborid develop tor st proiectand ismiliartosresreaidtnia since 1001 ketbutdtudueitbalwo two corners on High St oontesiwlth when John lsmcs Ind Edwsrd on wants towards each camatolowu and started in the Iliad WW business as son Bros Bakeshop ns 11 present location oi some also Sin ers District Collagiaie term which won sen yoa to open your mouthwide but In school stall OTHER EDITORS Virus POTINTIAL sort TRAVEL tittieirentowmrico Record Not all Items In the news have the Iliantilative potential ot one irons Ottawa oi these Mild announced that once tin Cau ildidll Irnbeeasdors will be she in ii Muses when travellinu on their Canadas pr iielel duties Anew Door when landi move in the department or esoteroal iairs resirloied stroll travel ssi year so that topievei CanIdIIn dip onssta were tossed to apply devious airst Ilems to preserve decorum Borne iorlnstanee were known to trav el economy but exit from the lintclass at their distrusted oreixo capital err not content with class diploma in making ambassadors would no longer be obliged to suites this wa tor their count un dcrsocreisry tor trla basketball championsz oi Con irsl Ontario secondary schools assorte tion were pldesred lune 0sbieioan Barihelotie Mary Jackson er Ruth nsorileid ml theissilcyoiaidriwhidlporrniticd such move irons economy class it conjures up issoInItln picture personapes rising to their uirncs to nutirata the eiiscta oi pannyqlrsdvianf at home sad so maintain ya in the realms oi iirwi iNe announcement that the lliichie noted at raving at between tli0000 Ind $200000 pewpiei icnrrrru COMMENT Objections Offered To Vote In Summer Dy answers rrsssriosort orrnwri sirald leanl 1m up much sympathy lor toss advocates hi iederai election in lira summer months that that Finaocs Minister John Runes has thrown his budrel monkey wrench into June lots may come as surprise is some in yousrnmenl but not all Will iaita their holidays in Florida the Carlbbesrs or Sprain denies the winter months no spite our aiilueni society there are still more who depend on Joly ard Aururl in yet away lions it all than there are these who aunt their tans in rshru sly or March Lsts lace ii the can lass sli islets Its pretty Imssiabls al laid id will Illesi Nil will our weeks one It thavionrsrt uly and that can be couniod on in re vlde ood hot weather is that incl there its only nronihs when schoo are closed and Iamilis can travel or so is the callers loreiher The unpopulsrliy at summer elections seems obvious because we have had only two in our history in not and rats cant remember much about lha not volt recall tell sense oi re simsnt when Prime lillrr later St Laurent culled the last election ior Auyust l0 would its wiliin to bet lot 0i Canadi llil will eel the same way It vote is cIilod lee our ood wsaiher months But liters more prayinch obieciioos to summer vols Ii Nlmsl the chlei cleciorsi oiilcernieiia me one of the males problems isenunierailns voisrs thl socess has in la Juy or Aurusl we to essurnersts sites had been chalked up through the reside tlons lsat year this was the earring what was the bill and lust how necessary won all this his diorourhsoiny subtariuge would travelling In the service oi the Canadian lotuslly arrange to travel iirst class on possible task but it would oer talniy make the lets lot more dliilcuil he explains Many urban enumersiors would find trouser empty because iarnillcl were away an trip or al the notions They mlsh call back two or three times with the some result tht rompiicsles summer enumeration is the rule vlilrh does not show voters to be and meraied at their summer rssl dences they must be claimed sled at their pricelle lace oi residence Ths could end to many bslnp enumerated lilo ally and result In some hitter aruurnenis amonl party repro sentailvrs Granted anyone who ilrsls ha ha not been included on the list at electors no appeal to court oi revision and have his name added ti hs liflililil these courts sit tor ony three days it little wet thousands oi ap sale the coral aus vii same Whmmluy can as still rt Connors STORY linecans Captured mouth but except in extreme circumstances there customar ily ara An sscaptloo when the Bracken overnrncsrt wu in power Ontario ministers used to corn lain illsy wsra hiahhah lharbsttsror worsasod blithslstlar Hm Inca Promisr Dull took Oi IAI IN arms ACTION list on the mayor issues where srnoiions real show assuse threads there has belts ilttla $10m on at us use action They have been neither psr lbiaeould be pIrtiy becamel lnaviiab one or other oi ticuisrly anls onislieoor part liters hasnt been much occa tress aion iorii lbsrshasbaeo role um British Regiments ly IO lORldAN Ailhousb Sir Ouy Carlaltl ssvad Quelm horn bainpaap lured hytha Americans in me rm he was severely criticised ior allowln than to and their retreat at Chain lain Car lelots swslrnad and tormsr secoodiocornmand lIclr bur po was rant to canIdI to is his place as military come murder in liid Britain sent iorce oi 30000 men to deisal the Ameri cana Seven rglments Insiud ins ious hatle es oi Irtiiiery want to Quebec II did savers mimean of German merre narlea it was necessary to hire the Germans because many Britons did not want to light their relatives in the UN Bussoyna arrived at Quebec on May rm and trained his army or North American eon dilicps Ills plan was to set to the Iludson him by Lake Champlain and rendssvoua with WWWYWWWWWEWJMWW litre Instr Elohim is Btyiieid Street Blitid Ontario Telephone Second class Mail Bitenstrstiau Number plied urn pos ss ruarsn Dollyl butdsysand Statutory Iisldsys SWIM Subscriptloo rates daily by arrier soc weekly tires seas lysehrps copies soc By Insu Barrio term yesriy Iimcos County 1400 yearly balance or Calais 02000 yearly All other countries were yeasirr Motor throw all 700 year National Advertisiny Oillces ii Queen St West Toronto Bil 10 iii Calhcarl Si Montreal hlembrr oi the Canadian Press and Audit lluresu cl Circus lions The Canadian Press ll esclue ively entitled to the use ior re ppbiicatiun oi all news dispatch in this apes credited to it or the Anne sled Press or Neuter and also the best news publicly ed therein ics barrio Examiner claims or sad editorial material ere Itedby its employees and re produced in this newspaper Consular Rssialrailon Nurri her itiill seaister II snolhsr British army from New goth Elli would cut oil New route from Quebec in tin Hudson River meant ctaliiny roads and paths throuh the woods and crest deal roush lravslins Even so Burgoyne brcusbt also his mistress said latte whiny oi wins in carslsss tree and mistresses oi oihsr oiilcers alas rods in various types oi vehicles The Germans loved snlmals asrd had sc rod bear cubs raccoons asses and other Is durins their iralnlnl perod They brought thorn alon as they marched It was an ncrs dlba army but ilnIiiy arrived at Saratou alter canturlnr il condcrcra on the way Unlortunaleiy ior Bursoyns the British army irom New York that was supposed to meet him there on been diverted to it ck Philadelphia Anolhe British force hId been hailed at Port Stanwis and tailed to as rive Bearisan was surrounded by the Americans and had to surrender it was one at iha worst eaisstro hlea oi the was from tlisiirltl poisrlniviww Ullilll MAY EVENTS ltdOLmiia arrived at Fort Frontenac llllnntnn Ont limitlsliop lavsi died at liloFirst meeiln oi Council bi Nova Scolia vimSir Guy Carleton inrced Americans to must irom iii Iw enly res members oi Welsh Fusiliers were rcwnod when steamer Oom illtrcs rank in Lake Erie itiiLyrut Field icundsd New York Newioundiand Ind lhudon Iclcyraph Co listVancouver was incofl rated llleiiimnuskl Quebec ll axed by 510 million tire BIBLE THOUGHT And he commanded the pro pie to sit down on the pounds and be look the seven leaves and me thanks and hrIks laws In his disciples to Isl be isre thcmr and they did sel Good table manners start with belnl ihsnklui is led Lets lol law the example at Jesus ile iurn thanks iva litlhlrs bless the ioodand live our ialih Ne will soaks both an isrlhas Ibout the euro Idrnlnlairs titers beiors the people him Coryrlshl in all orillnal advee Iis lively little loplsvel ne oilaiioo As wailI Mr Davis seis tlvaly new is still aslah hlmseii ard hasnt snosId late ilrsss poslikaas Grantee can be expected however air DIvia cant stay alcoi ion IV share are natural ccniilcts be tween Ills province and Ottawa locd number at them In Iddi tlon to the basic strain that both cla will reach cri Ils point and then ths province Indlsprsrnlsr wiilbarste isrsa iorcelul alsbd also more pertinent parhaps hitter Eating Habits the lovarumenl lisaii UIIAWA ICPI As thou cusaioulllsallupuihe sands at kids shrouds Imp pmlactoroiprisatascterpsise sects and laks oil this Iossunsr and rust tropic latest to sea Canada coutioooast and worklny their mothers will probably amayswbao iblsaveras worry Are they cellos list does not permit man The same direction is concerts litbwl railins into debt balm Sabry nalionsico eiiect trainius system nllor oi Nutrillcn Canada some prlsats businesses which is starts its and ol woih ahlmdreddiseourssaou twoyear sun oi the saline social iurtlce bsblia at can no it the debate bsheen io had not survey aiiicials Miller and his Psphs have mas ins In additional darinad lbinrs distension 000 from the treasury between the oosnsnou in up areas and the rovernmealmuslccn when the cm is to yours llnua Immediately in order psoplad ruwhsthss become mulals the public an annual summer miyrsllori conict across the nation Dr hairs Toiletries the initiatiioos said in In interview Wednesday and Bill backiowork Themoneywiii bslp revidaa lslaiion some ministers ceunasilln seniosior strad cludinyaths premier blrnseli sleniy on how to eat pro want open up dialarua party on the read he said with the union leaders ln asahana is the much ibscorniusdayswiillsllus liars Dr and his learns it they are succesatui or minimum memes ractly item the your pee continua the battle is that these is to be ladersl election Wllsi PLAY ROLE Mr Davis intends to lake Icilva art in this election llwili Ilrnostim alhie tor the premiarvio do lbs with cat tbsowlnr curves at the ledr atal overnmenl which will hurt it has liberals are reelected will be remembered most likais conict in coma in head we deem to be the diilerences oi opinion over lad rai control oi brosdcsstlns Ousbse has made it clear it lnlsods toil tihla ilrml and we have sled we it so stony the crisis could come over eossirnuniy cable sysitrru iheao now are completely controlled by the ledrrsl Cane dlsn Radioleisvlslon Osmrnla alon Osrdon Carton provincial irInsportailon Int eormnunlcs llons ndnlsisr ls Ilread on the record as behavior at as these systems are entirely within the province they no within provincial lulledch on its would seem to havssyood point And as It least some snu niclpsiilles havent been bunny on oi calls it child ha popular one dream yours now snd downpaymont loan about it The home youve been dreaming about but tell you could never aiiord can be Norlhguard Acceptance has $10000ioryou Gite us call today and get started Into your new home There are no hidden costs or legal lees Just call us Collect 3636423and one oi our prolesslonally trained per Barrie Library Notes On Books lNhLARRC isla hi raw ironlllxmoclsly so can as minis ulmmuld ihl mulla dill lulu msldllu sa rs federations are inausper by wlsry Ind dislufhlsd ovss sod hslrsda Idy oi you man lhrsul thirmmmnummhdii itll iivi span AWARI IY LIX ANY 0IRIR ruomvsn thirtytits spinoiinsiiny sins By Joseph liayss Iss oi terror and suspense No youosatars boy antssd to make the mall Itrl list the law and slronbersr lilaollullaei mania or decency and IIIE INRONE 0P SATURN Ass Italy Niles Wm Allen Dru CARAVAN TO AECARIS ollllcal int rue murder and ii Alistair biseisan disuier in the space pronam lolenoa Ind doner ars the main Ingredients in this in eolorrui sslberin blockbuster at reset ribs in this nsw news lNllDE Til IlllRD REICN author at Puppet OI By Albert Speer mill AND lelilAIlON ihssa memoirs provide that Lisa Nobha band close tips at liiller Gerr trust with the inyy Goebbels and others who buiwilh Idliisrcncs Ihs shaped the holocaust that earns explains in clear rsIInned nut cl Nssi Oerrnsng terms why liberation trorn ANOLIS or Illlit oiypcd rnes is needed By wIliacs Sterner men and worsen so wellwritten swseplny novel may work toseihcr to at couples New York women iviurs Dont lust sonnet will cbniidenlv tally discuss your iinancial needein the privacy oi home No matter what ilnanoial requirements are us heipaii It taken In of up to call Illllllllli Willi Olmniltliilililiiitl NIAD OFFICEWINNING well heipl lIBADELAIDEW es roeonro ontlrnb reternoue steam BRANCNEMI soeowrosnANocNvtucouvsn ii mnem