Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1972, p. 16

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POINTS to Ponoto Boundaries Of Human Knowledge itr REV DAVID IL RAVE St Geerren Analcnn on it tltdl to era In mm ham or when the nraiwrkrrowlbetone Irek Into outern in it more how In the boundaries oi human know and expertise have been to MIT on hr are we now the man never ban betareiriritlhrrnowatimeot manr history The rpace Iiittitn hava been poerihle mly bocrruo at our ability to gather rtorc oreaiiira and tire vrrt nnionma oi know ledge when all our resources were pooled and directed toward the Churchmenf Now Facing Alienation Oi Indifference VATICAN CITY tAlt liberal Roman Catholic Orr thodox Ind Prolertoot church mmho once the woman on one an it unity now are lacing another public rrrctioat iodiiterence Nu the cause oi unit gone late Iiurwl Ara the neat dramatic lie behind in eoirncnlam ny rome Iltlnz that only the theologian could ertoailtlrroo anod ltortai In record laaue oi the rnnmloe Idoc international pd rd in Rome by an ecu manlenl Commutation centre llctnitona and talia bo twren Luthernnr and Catho lien and between Anglich trod Crihoiion now uphold thlnrr that would have been Imulderod mttert to yearn taro rayo lire editorlnt rmed by idoe director ltrv taro Attlnt von dcurnu Now there tiiiatr Ire met by tndit Ievcnctt Why has the otlieidi uri rnerilem ot diatom among tchrtrtirn thitrcliee become the tiold at tew eccieaineli eat directors and lew titean piona and tort direct contact with the to at God Ihovo rii youthi prophetic mew Ipaee IHiturc rrran reached out and stepped onto the moon it certainly prortdec an excel lent oblecblenron toe on about the punthtllty at ndilevlng gonir nod Inciting prubtorna who thlru irnprerr about space promrn ert challenge and two It dopedromeoithebert element oi lumen rctrtloot letn look at there brtei Hrva It reenuito when no human are given roomineg Imporrlble ehatleride wa rise to tho occa alon and meet it Secondly ar the three pro gram demonatrricn outstand ing ueornprhmenlr Ire deport dent upon lull coordination and mperrtton ol aii urnhla ro room it there things are ture one wooden why we are Iinane or linn unity Iryn airbtlnna today bterIt down into three rou which cut more do own nntioont liner Pra ocumoninlr Those who rttil aro rcnirdri ired by eontnctr with Orrin tinnr ot other rlturrher and view dirle or dnnterour tor the la it not heretical iIo rryr whoever new to it lhrt no Protestant ohterverr urerlod Wm at Vntilcaalr won auturnnbetonu in mummy LIxumcriirtatthoao who believe to uni diatom amon ottlcla otthevartoun door leading to closer atrrlelirrnt unity iort ceurocnlrlrz Chrirtlnnr who pet torelher tn combat social nredlernr well at racirm war tnvicrdcvciop ment vcrty and who brush aride rinai ditterenccr Father von Geurou contend that church rtnicturcr ruvldo tow otiicinl outtcle Ior one in titre One exception Iuyr In tho Soderex cum mittco made up oI Ilclalr ot the World Council at Giurciicn In Geneva and tho Vaticanr Julian and Peace Commit alon Sodepox reurehcl tor rotutlom to roctal prohiemr AGREE ON EUCIIARIST rate accmn virtually tort TIIREI DIVISIONS EXIST The tribe director noted author and lecturcr on Chrte The Idoc editorial took no notice at one key develop ment Tho announcement by mixed cammlnnton oi itornon Catholic and Anultcan Czech Children gGet Instruction PRAGUE tAPI Dcvnito heavier preriurcr lfliml reit xlan more Czechorovak chil dren are reported to bo receiv tnp religion Instruction than be dire the true Soviet crackdown on the countryn liberal govern ment Thin wur revealed in tit pare booklet on nthelttic propuv undo and the Itntur at rrhea published here by tho Czechoslovak Communist party central cummlltce the report published or ipecloi IIitit oi tho poiltlcnt monthly Novk Alyrl provider the most campichenrivo turvoy oi the position at the churcher puhliihbd here tn recent yearr it said thcro had been an in crease In reiinioun Illa In the liberal era with the In tho number at hrpllvmr church wrvltlinpr and tunrralr but gave no Iigurcs Iur that rlod Itowevcr Into vatirllcn were civcn showinr it per cent at the connlryl clildron were rarely tin raliptour tnatructlon in to pain in ma compared with it per cent to not IIALP ATTEND CLASSES in siuvrklr more than hell oi tho children Iro ottendinr reti ttltltip ctoarcy Nova htyrt raid lli noted the tho rtnto more tilicr iii churclt dcnontlnatlunr Ituwavcr rio ntllvloi Itotlrticr on mcrnbcrrhlp tinva been orall abla attirth Ilhetlomrn Cathode Church emaion the Irrrert and moat nltuenttai Nova hint raid the Ii ohurrlir hierrrciiy tolled the tide TCIIIARIIGII tninero tho Au reaturutlon ol reiiplour nrrlerr disbanded in 1030 the abolition at rtuta Iupcrvllitm uI church actlvlller and tor perrnlrrlon to divorce religious education ot children trom SISINUR school Nova ityrt anid Nova ityri void the 15th low dlrbnndinp relivinur ordorr cone ttrrurr to ho valid and there It thcrctoro no lcpa bnsla tor lliciv rco tolillrhmcnt Wltiln utacrtlng that male rail nluur ordcrt hail no place in Crcrhovinvnk torlrty vu htyri conceded tomato roitptour orders were currytnu on uciul work In hoopltoia and nocinl nr rtltutlanr DHIIIANDEU RAW REFORM Protertont churcher itltowlae expanded their actlvttier In tonnes and rtcmnndcd shooter in Czechoslovak church Inwr or their liquidation oi the Protestant churches lho rrcatcst number oI prob IOIII continue to exist in tho Evonrollcri Church oi Crcch Brethren where Frotlp ot min Iaterr oi the rural ed new art entotlon continues to not Mr ward vriqui tinncceplabio church dematvir Nova Iynl natil Tho Evangelical Church at Croch tlrcthrcn to tho Intacet PTOIChiItIli tIItirtII In licihmtn VIlItIli Iiio rmotviIiirpoil tIItIltIl in the country lilo Crechotlovak Church which recently changed Itr name to Czechorlovak ttur ta atlllth had advanced moat tn the proecrr oI contolb tlpunti grooms thatyifi to an rcrorr yea There Yiriciudorlptiemriidr lot ty datlon Nuvn Aiyrtrnhl This meant that the urth hon et prerred lull Iuyailv to the prerent ttoloartorrhly true century unwilling to tactluorna oi the could partitiy hrtp hint and vratprobiemnthrlcontroritnr humAnewtmrtrtientn In roder to the name wry terpretr the ruporre this wry imagine what could hnppeo It we applied ottr Icerued know edre and ruourrer to tackle one Iinrie health problem hie annular dyntrophy toreven one year or two hell peep world tiial mid Irt tor hill can theIpIt Everything In rlblo tor the Irma who tritit ierur row let ot the our to help back to the lather Rotlrnuon tor ladlinl prob lemn ta crucial iraor tor In all it it enay to go to er pertn and ark tor help and or them to rolve our prob erra tor in We did thin toe oilen without newline my liler in the pro cur otirlelvee And there are Ilwoyn tiltIc eirhned erperta around who The anme would be true Ior any Iten oi lite economic poi tieri racial tell on critical Iona where prob rnr exirt There rooms to be no shot rge oi challenger hetore til problema tor or to work It What door seem to be lacking In any real wllitnrrierr to invite them And that in relialotr problem man once Inked learn it be til Perha that we all need to acre or otirreiru in larg er re in the problem aolving SPECIAL $290 Article like Terarrree Emir Inrd Blackwaod Erna Pal Irene Stuart Rambler and othrrl CROSSROADS CHRISTIAN CENTRE Open Mon Wed Thorn Sal lheoioatana In December at an coin or ladoc dill it SSH or holy communion That accord Yul said qua fit yon wIIt attempt to do the lob tor however now moat he rItlthd Anglican and Roman Cnlh la authoritler Ilia proecrr could be IIW Clored Tpcrdry and Sunday miter north hitdhrrrt tlwy rt norm FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clnpprrtpn rtWerrlny Sir it to noon at col Garner tor ntl Igrr Ili YonthAann it Iro errhin Mr Bmlr Imlth tea or rt brotherhood Ilnr Your Faith Ilern Tentedl Special httialo by iiaplr Grove School Choir EVERYONE WEIATUAIE TIRN SCIENCE cm SOCIETY til Collier Street Church Servch Sunday School it AM Terttrnoiir Martial ind Wed each month PM or ltoem Open Taer Lt Three in ITIIIMANUEI BAPTIST CHURCHI 118 St Vincent 5h Barrio IiiIO AM IMPACT CKBB dial 950 945 AM FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 00 AM FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR GUEST SPEARERI till II WATT General Secretary at the Yellower Special Marie red the Choir 700 PM EVENING SERVICE GUEST SPEAREIII OH II WATT Special hturle IVHIINESIIAY EVENING Still prlt IIOUIt OF POWER ALL WELCOME PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA SI ANDREWS ESSA ROAD IIIESRYTERIAN CIIIIRCII PRESEUREIIIAN Oppnnlla Ilnrton Avenuo Mintrtert Corotvro it vnltiroo ItSe Orrnntatt lira it At tom Anon Director at Prntre Cnra Van Iiemrrl hog My tlibh nmhlnrniap tvonhlp Alerntnl Worahlp null 00 HEM Tltil tliiT or IllI LDVP Ml The service will Ill hrondrnrt ovrr rrrilo ltitll Church School Senior Church School mo IJII lrlmrry Church School tori aim Coror Worrblp ttb tin Student Group lrun hereolirii Uoivrrrlty CTirtrttaa Science Rndla Serial CROO till enr Saturday dill prn Sunday Church School ltt Intrrnrrdtalr Senior ltepnrtmerilr tit yearn and tip rote Primary and Junior ton to it ynnrnt Nurnrrr rltnrilltlrr provided YIrItorr Welcome ilrltth Because tnith comer trorn hearing Oodr word the room mart be it who aide Rom anl iliibll OOLDEI TEXT Rotunda IS process at illr Meeting the metal elem at Illiit Initit in God and trill In our God elven lite tithe niotivatttli it right we rhrtt bedo to tackle men pro fhir prohierrir and not tort fly the Mu Ail church copy than go must be at The Ex omlner cities by Thurs day at 4pm == ll RAIYS CHURCH Roman Catholic DUNOONALD ASSETMm menu SUNDAY MASSES bat the Polk rim Stir the am Conventional Sinair Sun Silt atn Coiidrena Choir Sria llm urn Illab Mann Sun plII Congregational Bilit WEDNESDAY EVENINOS rm hirer preceded by PM Devotion HRST FRIDAle ilruenr me am it pro ST JOHN VIANNEY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH CORNER INNLSFIL BALDWIN LANE Conlerrlomi Sr Til to St pm Holy Matter Stindryt liSO nm IO livid nm Phone litSill BAPTIST CHURCH CMPIERTON ll WORSE id in il RliiLE SCHOOL ctrrrer tor all am It LII BROADCAST CIUIB The Rev Albert it Cor oi Toronto Guert reialrlt htInr Alarlory Rnnpp Nnrrcvy lactiltler during Bible School and Church In Siretatr Renae Everyone Welcome FREE METHODIST CHURCH Senteer to Ittllorert School Auditorium Rev BuU DA DD Patter MAY lib Sit am Sunday School it and Steering Service am Lvenrong Service rowing church revving growing community Aro van In Inlrery crurhed encircled withth town oi rIrIIg by yoavrrttt Iiirronnded and knotted with obriacler and dlith outlier JESUS Ialii Come unto inn all you who labor and are heavy latter and will lie you ml Vsurrov AVE United Church into Ahl viii ASCENSION rrtsrlcvnerAN REFORMS CHURCH It noel It Still Il Starring terrier the Mr Altmeer Iuvtee Ireryaar Noteno SalllvllruluRrAta DnciloGedBear Cltlhllkllllltm learn uricnears urn vatrnsiat BIBiE HAPEI Illa din SUNDAY SERVICES one ant Remembrwncn Sertlra Hill Inn my Bible liner IRIS School 74 Mr Evening Service wintry rite pin Preys lad Bible Study OodCIitaAhtrn PM ll All Welcome IIIWA ST GEORGES Barton St tirravtiir Streetn Sm Irn iioiy Communion Church School Nnrxery Hvrrynnn ir Sincerer Wcleama IDEVELOPMENT is teoplo reeklnl turtles rreatlnl change dlreovertnr education wttaenrlng Ia trodr love it Im Central Church Roar Toronto Straatr oarau4ymragut my Sun liOO pm TV Mr Chnrler Templeton Carpet Preacher uyr PURE GARBAGE Mr DOUO CLARK evangelist world traveller PURE WORD OF GOD Ita here today Whrt Drnlrl told on TSOO yrr apo more Ilr In the propheelu verbal portrait et Mr Tampiaton HeIVInI Count Down The Big Star OII Tire Ultim NA Exeltlnp Bibia View ol the Future Bring Your Bible arnU Friend PLUS GREAT CONCREOATION SINGIN SERVICE Sunday School Ind Adult Bible Clrrm 00 am Family Worrhip Communion Servlen Rev David liayo Rector Ill Irn Holy Communion ml MISSIONARY CHURCH mmwlrrdltmt on Indium Morning Servier Glut beaker Review aura Toronto Evrnlnp PSTrvten tinert WI Rev Iran Smith Irltutttm ml Little uoanoio wartime SUPIBPICIAI REMEDIES OI Till LITE Church Saul III rumour ALL wrtcoma TRINITY itoutiti crotch Tiil REV Jouumhd IA LTD 100 aml HOLY COMUNION too am wotv common one Churelt Schoota nu pronoun 00 Int MORNING SERVICE Sea Cadetn vrtll prradn The Rector Wilt erectr Rmptloototlowing Service 700 pm EVINSONO Contlrmrtion Candidaler will attend The Rector on revokeem LTCI an orurri ruesonv MAY isn carom at CENTRAL UNivro CHURCH treiiowsiur HALL HEAR BISHOP JOHN STANLEY DD DCL and SOLOIST MR BRUCE BENSON 1out no nova AND rum or our EARLY motion nonvioon LAYMENS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP iSARRII For Tleltrtarnd lntormrtlon erll 72SPPSI or HIST throttle Garbage PROPHECY OR IIGODII tomorrow Chi rare to yearn Friday SOt pm Youth Rally Revelation Quartet Rev Tuniu Pertor CHURCH IEttIEthSlAt ANNE ST 00 HWY The Anglican Church at Canada TRINITY CHURCH it Collier Street Nari To Port Ollie vvr IIV ttn ltrlr Cltlllllwlpw IAMILV IIIVICI LAILL IUHDAY ST GILES CHURCH It Cool Street am Holy Communion Italy Communion Church School and Nurtrry nvnaveltl trauma COilIER ST turner Collier rad loyntr IIIlnllt REV Ill ON DA Arroctato itlattteri HEY lit PINTAY DD Doneenrrn hiira Sharon Onvtr Mr Lloyd luitord Orrnalrt and Chairmarler illW Inn hIOItNlNII IIOILIIIII llltNNY IRNNIS venture Clililtli School it your and up SITE rtrn ll yrr and under II amt Warm Welcome To All iron to no hioratnl Srrvteont IltOO Inn tintkt irrrehrp liov Normrn Thohtot Sunday Idhoot tirade and undrr It ani Orrr trade lild am Itinlrtert tier Art Rtirry on The Friendly Icllowrhlp prewar rl Mlltlltl IIAVICI lIIIOIIO neguiar itornlag torrhip

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