Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1972, p. 13

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forutisriri reorirriirorssta Imassic iuoouruuahoan WNOW LEASING THE atrium NEW CONCEPT lorl Commercial Retail and Ollice Space aIsls more la Ind resale To ttys osseu new mam masts was 05i87 psvrn stars Gleam ORIESBACH Rnsbodrooastrtes sin minimal phrsbllob gar rsersrt or meta IN DORLIOWN Peed mill and min aisvator dolor trained All mach LaIIl out MW or most rte ACRE Iaowmtsamaodbusb large open hero with meat lilo Oldsr bottle one to pared rosd nearer or masts Rll and Till LAND suit able Call Mrs Orlssbldl My lNOUSTRlAL COMMERCIAL WENT REIDENTIAL diJ OWEN ST 7266713 TT 300 AORE WlTli VIEW l0 minim from Darrin 5000 it daidihmnh solid brick house In ocd re 100 arm work good 109 than sr Barrie 26465i RON am PM in bonus 720020 REDUGD NR QUICK SALE eat Call Steve Davis for sp potalaoaat Am oovnrnv ESTATE so secret from Irarrtr Beau tth tress ssmuad this real MW III storey hours many extras Call Dave Davis iodsy EVERYONE l8 OEiTlNO IN ON THE LAND DOOM BUT YOU DONT EVEN OWN AN ACREI It so here Ia your ehsacs to OealIthsl elevated tread the sen iota temp and up 107 down with private struts located in ON our State Davis eoarres trout stream paved Sieve Davie 40 sues scar tova Scenic treed parcel only lltm all stare Davie Tovrahp tots 01150 and mull Sim Davie or John aownrowrt Otto illilA bungalow Coma eisi DI Inning Deraer saviour 010000 my terms Cali Sim Davie ior ewiag XIMDERCIAL Cl 00mm localloa ood II htOItlstlelia WANTEDI told near town 3300 Dali $100 PER SQUARE FOOT NET PER YEAR lbI Domesdaitantrsolfenhewdaaa oawisatbssiobathansostemttlog mmmmemrhlstdplashdwm Mmevsihbleiutbaayliutls0000011RSproslssvaiiablelromi200rqttioi000rqitand Iota ros ran nil AI 595 train mum to OarquletisntborpodsctUagvdllprovide murm grouodfn amount at business TRAVEL TRAIL i8 FT TRAVELINER NR II IT PRICE arm llED DY SPORNIANI PAY lLiON arm TILE DD HAND NR lI IT mums UNTIL THE PACIORY lN AJAX CLAIMS II PRODWTIDN gIs bottle tel PM its gas and et iat biases 101 $2595 Iotlic ml Only Sportsmans Pavilion RWY Il NORitl or DARRIE 7264002 Itya ANNA trailer IIII Lnlllh rants rvI minim sot hear him Mr Tris lrll IUOIII ml My TIAILII IAlll AID IIniIhOwd Milli IIIW ltdIII In stock hot you retrial we trust ml II Set Infam Altman NW TRIPLAM OYIY lawman WW an Item trsl its II In Isl Inc III In rva MI TIM Tull Highly II Ii III DIM Elm Vt MIMI yil roa IILI can any mu we revulsion Astra use or III tea an woman is root ms MODILI HOMES RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes U0 SALE RENT Parts rad Service Northlanrior Irsveiux General Glendale Cash or lhrrns tip to It Yasrs II liwy Burton Ave 120 LOCATION Bayfield St Hwys 26 27 Barrie Mile North of Hwy 400 Our neighbors on the strip include Mart moderate Amount of business with the public Towers All Seasons Marina Miracle Mart and require an easily Identifiable location Grandview Ford Bayfiaid Furniture Cardinal parking facilities flexibility showroom olf Lumbar Cash Carry Lumbar Col$aund ice and storage space and can profit from are ASW Consumers Distributing tremendous amount of passing traffic all at reasonable rental $200 per sq it not Our idea is to provide modern facility to be per year loosed to firms who in general are doing FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT MONTH id Real or mo 0le Mobil House on Mary 0r Maple Ave in Ross st viacty Cu for the right home Please call Reva Davie lilyI Fisher meats Alliligllxllil000l mountaineer and on sans atrial and IIMM It llltlr ttrspt rntIr lien on leech Par Mlltllui Itlphdml 1120AvrtrtostBARRIE j7280674 within walking erIILI wears lake 000i with large with so bath col on Irtly Anne 830 lot ltui ny available mosh On I000 to Itum good oI liars Alanna Stroud beach Collt Airour Lake Sly r00 uhitl good well nice usist school Id MO tiome lacing panoramio hun home room CIII Ed NH was 011000 03000 dis law this is legal men with an plunbiag and salty gringo ns 1gb Inna 0r call Bob Vsrioy mutt INVESTMENT LAND Mill 00 um Ir on lath siderord sari TIN fills of instillil both psvrd 01000 per acre LAME lDT Early Rey Rosd torrid be used for we or VIA 100 230 tadng the lake minutes out side at BIrrie Ityil NisslRllrs NM NM NEW COUNTRY IIOME to basic models sirrry ranch split level and multiplexes1 or bedrooms minutiae your own home You can build well designed home It the lowest possible cost Lot owners be able to start building wi as little its t200 dawn Color rstsio uo with floor plans and details Furl I100 lhoao George ii Warren at Klngsdowa Dr Scarborough ttltl or visit your llth est Desver Lumber stint TTit5 OI ROLAND lr JEAN REAL ESTATE BROKER RR NO STROUD ONT 700061050 ii WHITE ILLS Realtor 1201071 Appraisals Listings invited JUiLN ii WRIT 1200110 COUTTS AND CO OWEN ST ltdlint MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo ML Realtor litil ERR Wld ll NIlIRnNIDIlTIM PIIVAII IALI TN WMIIOW III blrlr film on kitchen dlneto tIatIissd lserstlea Am III tliil bedroom roamstnoraaomtrs saint br aisles ssst and limit Mil lttlb any gr Irlvs It WA VIIIIRNR mutual PM Ytti bedroom home terry loha Ros Roger strDvett OHM Norman Sbclrwcil New StavIDIIiI maul TITLE TI Eonav Realtor Appraisers It Dualop St TMtll We arrange Ind buy III and hid mortgang itain blIrsltait Norm Staddsrt Ron Trevt Orels Zloter mrm initial Campbell TiNIlt tillt Ivslsv school st alrsr ms bedroom custom bull lvrvo carat DWI to is char rrisrst AITMAUMIMI IILI ll EM btil bed room rldc will oaths shaped llvlng elm room Ilnlrrad sa It Rhtibtt flit iit Telephoto um All IIANIIWL Intuit III NO rooms wIstsaomr new breediesrn lNWIhwl cl parrot Must sell owner liarstems Pslnswlsl sass Tslsrnsra TIMI llil INTI IF TWO 0le bvmlw In NW strait with Iron sewn stss risen tiay Item Morons stirrer initiators Ioor tent aloe III bedroom re asailon seem living dining racist Allthln dinslts DIin lat AIIIMIII use mm Illsr MINI MA Itetitl roa IILI Ittrou gun It cars In Mimlt Palm uric bedrooms winisslstd rawamno in Iran 7M LII III IUILD Mill II still you dull lI Iorll no we lain oil In If available NOW IiIl Ilrltmr rrsatos II TIP WWII TITIIYLIIN 00 mil FUIV no wart Wetsuit tar sen Iiirs with were Narrow new In Maine or wrenches Mr IVA OIL It It bIdtobtlr bitch Wndbtbw lupI living millr listle recreation room tam lot with urea orlvr HM sitar Ira whom any ttrna mkands MyMl II otols aurux lstttat Income use motility Marissa ravine wonthly Ivor let omr teasing town mast rail TI ROI IITIII Elli MIMI Illi more rslvatl late Iirssi ride with htltl wilh Woolf sin beacon to rssliclt room are atncs omits lust Mlasps rrr carries tsr tIr rnwrn rrtnrtss Interest end axes stA Tlllphottl suitor Im OPEN HOUSE III Am II Nam IMMI II your IIIsuis air say may end Ivm NWI Milled Iosoraom NM law rmttpa Iles Msivls tree close to smog and schools Vs II NOR RWANDA Aii Ctlrrtmn Alal IMMI Ltd Aurore llliIll MyI Isrl BARRIE uranium WANT ADS 120M ARIHit 72845 st male clhiskt our IIIhIl it Myrstatr WORK WONDERS Input crew arl amltaatgsnsilten PumIM REAL ESTATE RENTALS RENTALS at In Hirer In late Insudltl Iri Murrow ssssensolr slits ills sas ssrl used me count aw terns it ilvsrbil MRITL was unaware Illa Ilium Cooutlsvrl COULI IAIN tip my with In reaI AMI in or rare Iarsls niittng to rsnmta morale Il Reasonable rsnt lelsorona new COUNT NOMI ItIItM rooms with Iavarsl owsr oi land Imstt turn with house sans win eoiton is my lute victory Wrtn I0 PO box TIL NAOMI MII OFFICB SPACE TO RENT EM II lml Odwtovrn Wis sure with Au Ina Whit lsattws MW Jud APIOIIIMTILV II If It MIplI Ava For IWmIfoo IIIIII Volha Al Mil AIL arrlai Otll irrrsta gIFIGIhIVIllnshll IW Is sac iainOoM HM IF FNyeiiilNiRi Rliiii ah sirllm lntorrnsllen mm is Mylt OFFICES AND STORES STORES and OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT at Sandy Cove Acres Ltd Teasnts rwruired for atrr new shople malL Tea stores avail Iblo ideal for Doctor Dentist Dry Cleaners Orocery Store Beauty Parlor Real Estate litre allure and Appliances insurance Ollich Sim stats approstm ster 10 00 Rest and Ilea trlc included IIII real people plIcI Dont risk your future Income on hidden costr Int interest rate PROTEOT YOUR ROME AND FUTURE lIY UDRv ROWINO FROM YOUR RARRIE COMMUNITY OREDTT UNION Personal torn up to 00000 and mortgage up to 07000 Isl mortgsge up to than BARRLE COMMUNITY CREDIT UNiON til TuTtNtsnan 0M M10070 living room Ilchtt Itara bIWIam loosen srotlancu NIIII of downtown Flocking IIII lIAf ldttlll IIIIDMM rams PM llyI Tl AVAILAILI Immldlliill MM salt aouislnal Irevtmnir some as Ihmphbvt Item Ind stomoakoatcn alt OM All or 71 0le Iosftroshft lot nttf atei hyrp Ibis Iv sorting WIN Illosrwuwtv Is II II will lr ROOMS TO LET IUIIIITNIDI WINNIE room III Ilrrll close to dottth then WMMJIRIIIMII aimed PHI llllphhnl TIMI Mi IF lF YOU NEED FIRST MORTGAGE Try rsrl1vrsnis VACANOIII III Ill lrlI IllldIm ttIIchivhsinaI humanism with television lllpl llb arcs Ilnsn tlsd rsvting Ilse Ill Willa H015 My AIIMIIYI Wllilnd rwrlr Ivlil Ibis all gklr rgrioanca lore Ia Assails common tic In living room Ilrlri WWII Ilepmtll 7M MYiI isnzwoesno MORTGAGES ARRANGED Second Mortgages on Prime Properties totIl AND OPEN We have numerous eiitats who REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE MORTON MORTON HOUSES T0 RENT as you owsc thaws sum risk sure so we cash ll tarnan cu you nor MONEY MORTGAGES ARRANGED oil12 mmtaprmmm Reasonable lilies ppopgrm COURT WW Services MANAGEMENT rsrrssn oikbunts ill N0 It rm rm slro rev mom nd IanII swarm your Puss sud Wm mm kblisbtl Immediately IIIINKDIMI ML trauma aunts Miami mulchudllsl 10 lilting rsvr Myst nous WANT FARMS FOR SALE Wm to news 1130 or MORTGAGES on my aranrmsrtrs to RENT BLAKEST HWY mm mmmm also test on is at it too rer am In prairies on Member Onsrio Mortgage Beside Dominion Store trier It woven or racists II Brokers Association MM Maid WWW Tl llama rim nosrrrlt an bedroom at mmmmtt mummy Dachrior said Bedroom APO 0W1 Rubi BUY NEW CAR id llpbby no free reirlgerstor taboo to moon or at an Anywhere tteltroation Ind Party Room Ostorsga lockers ta svcrysusts Mortgages FARNS jibenous st may parking with electric Just Oar Call Doss it All PROPERTIES are 90 VALUATION IndndRclrlltrIlvtt sin 0ch RI Georgian Financial eta mullta will or llllllllltI walk to public May all existing niortgrges 44m my pm 0M lmwmmmh lilttltt00ti Ind Tilt FM FOR FURTHER lNFORMATiDN Any worthwhile cause mm 7255273 Mort no main MWN Saturday and Sunday so MIL In valor 5t from Queens Park My Margit Onlkrto lioitgsgo only 014300 norrrnw Model Sallie 0pm Sunday am to pm RESIDENML Cb Weekdays pm to pm RURAL Weir crrournn LTD Ftrsl COTTAGES 10 90 LOANS 2nd Mortgages 11 BUSOPPORTUNITIIO 11er MomGAGE mwwm grggroug seam Av bio Ir Oihs only Corporation under CANADA meowInnis rum tloos Act bsvla Its HEAD 7202311 IIUI Wit rWsvnlao first mortgages WRINRLTR dogwuo manna gm gas Rt ranir itsal Inc Mr melted Mhlll my in mg Till HUNlClPAL SAVINGS mm 11 mm lmum Im In AND wan ooaronsrron Iran more 01 contaminant MORTOAOES APARTMENTS TO RENT lNSTANT Sm torrent seaward mo rm arse Muteea to mom used tor models In it ANYWHERE ommo Emu gm gpurmm om swo uolooia house sasr cm wawsso Mmlntwrtlvr aroosvlr FM MM What You Are Now Pa la in 00an an sutrasos RENTALS IIVIII too Mum wt of 72 JOHNSON 5T ll rm tut midtown 90 RM 9t tsrncoa PLAZA MORTON ALUMINUM SIDle Sauna Bath OColorrd Ipplilbm with frost ltertgsgo loans mm mm mg mm isunrisy Facilities gripped exercise room AND OOMMEROIAL Me mm En Stats Storage adoor parking or if You Nrcd tiensy 4mm bcsch sad scbl tub OOr mortgage coming duo ltoat and Rydao Paid Write or Phone mutt OPEN weekdays It wont pan Ciose To Downtown llarrie Ont STARTING AT Saturday Iprn pm 90 LOANS The Municipal itratal mil rotten ooullut bI rrestst VACANT LAND 117 to Ooilltr barrio TTb5 OPrlntI rate rtil Agaroved Correspondent for mall modular Igartsruhf Nin lit the loan and Trust corpora It stools Ismail bed MNM OWI also purchase existing MM laterallyn on am no no no for mull ItsII all Im It Dump StEIrtPOllox1tl lell roots gm fhor alasutuytst Tt Ivriteote my loom rims WIII all Mr norm AM DUI Dle Wlmul with Pr rrlparmr and stove III as thlldutt 011 NW toil WI tItIAil Highway Imvste Myl ACCOMMODATION It til it If it With it wswrso living room was tllcrari TWO IIOIOOAA le IIWM required by MI its stoma am In MAP OHM MIIII WY Mn Wm mme reasonable litTall Invttras It willcwlt III Dunlap IL mung go may My FOR LEASE FINA SERVICE STATION Highway 21 Cookatown lllnilnum prliIl raotsirtd ISM an our telephone insuraut OR WRITE TO DR INLAND PETROFINA CANADA LTD Ob YORK Idlldd RD DON MILLS ONTARIO as Prlvsla Irtlrma asrltng YT 7n Ifmmlbnlllrlrw SANDY COVE Riltiit mitt rimmwmvw ACRESLTDC roomrrslnslotailslh ties LII lists will mart not are notes NW Miriam Hit it II Conceal antsitt own Ni Ill it Hm owl ssasoou easement ant mmalwlwam ill mileslvdlslot Stron PIIONE iZIltlt nattron I00oiller siren gagm gmtmmg any axssnaan RANT ADS CROLNAN ARDCO LTD Irhed Ilav Ira retrl airs on PHONE 4301011 YT soc itin PiltJRE mutt TILT

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