Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1972, p. 11

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to to 33 i2 2E ser omega genie ii iii Ea Er to fig 55 Egg EEEE $395 err bed Expos Still go EE EEEE is II 5U E553 55 IE unning For FirstiPlace Chance II In Aeoocmrnn IItldl The bold and Kid ot the No tleIIIl Tum Elbt lulu dldeon ered room It the And the nIIIt InpltortI II ruled Ior Pbllldolvhll Phil IIIII HmLIEXW all my term the IItIrI Wold urn It yer IurprlIInI PbIIIleI III In rooood Elm Ineriturnlnx beet San nlrlhrldlco OIIIIII Ehldly Itl teIm ellore III the down the line IIId lionlreel Pirate Pitcher MaoedBy Police CINCINNATI iAPI Dock EIIII plleber with the Plrllv buuh PIrIteI Ill lprlyod with tho chomleII ttIeI by Illvortront stadium polleemlrl Ithtbe Illverl uh Irldey nI Iho polimnln Illned lbe rInt ehlr In EIlII ulth dbor derly net EIIII VIII to Ip Ir In Hamilton County blunlr pat Ontt hero todey little when eyeI were pelted by the More wu llulty mitted to enter Ird drelIed toe the PIrIteI Irno union the ClnelnnItl It Ce tnln Norbert EVIIII oi the tcinennoll prlvnlo police lIltl ultetrolmen DIvld IlItter lemma the CIICIIIICIIM onllilil on plyer wou no dueo brow Iderllltieetion world trlod to Iorro hII my Into the llIdIuIn by mellnl ertue loword lIItter with bottotnl title Anderlon doubled IIIIIIIIII Cede Mulch IIle III the riddr Itmoephern ot the lm hour Ibo In In third Ilter beetlny toe Arlerlel The leutlrm IIIoIIII bIII IttIIIIty turned lIII lent me down The PhIItIeI tln IIII Ind the were ttIIh Int eeuon Ind nether wII him chore to more Iny er thI you look Cordials teem tblt II one ot the melted pen nInt emteoden II holdlnlf up the dIvIIlen Iv when the Bore Ilter to Allan rem The de World CbIranon PItthIreiI Itel munhllo hIlI droped to Itth eon or dIynlIhtwbenol thlb hulnu by ClncInnIIIdItedI ARTIIN BEAT CUM tloIIton Altm IItnI teem In the NItIonII uue Welt delrItod mime Cube to end tun Dlero PIdm Iho III lurprtltn no one We you but New Yer tletI on In the other NItIooII Ieuue umeo TIII Phllllrl vkt their Itlhtn II rIrneI wu oIhIond onooitho lIdlIIIdIlIIIll Inleeheell youth mom Don Money tronI tIrlt hue with none out In the bottom oi Ibo nInth to pull out the triumph Ixnlnlt nemlllo Juan liIrlehlI EXPO MOVE UP MontreIi moved up In the But It on who be red lln IITIIIMuPIIIIIII In Iueet vlctory Nothan II Iweete thIn one BASEBALL RECORD NIIIoIIl kIyIl Bell Pet OIL II ll 10 1113 IIOJI Ill Weel IIIJOd 1831 DJ New York Phllulel hie iIIontre Chteero IItlIbursh St Loull Iinurton IAI AnyeIeI Clnrlnnetl AlIIntI II 111 San Diego II It All Son lroneiIee II norm IIeIultI lrldly Iltturtonlchleepoo PhllodelphII don IrInoIIeo San Die Now Int on WI htonlreo or An eIel CIncInnntt PItthurfu Atluntl St IatIII Irnbeble PtteherI IIdey Iloulton tIorIrh 11 It 111 rm tIIonIII San FrIneIIeo McDowell dot It Phllodelphll Ielmn San Dingo ltIrIeI HI It New York Scorer to Loo Annelel Sutton to It hlontrell thterton Illtlbltrlh tIIlIIl Hi It Ctn einnetl IIIIII II or Ilorbon out AtlIntI Stone on It It louil twin PAVING boltlnn the Dodson Into Amerleul term EIIt URL 6th 0571 II 153 351 Ill IIlItIInoro Detroit CIIVEIINI New York Bolton 1mequ Mind Cbirero Tone ItInoIl Clty CIIItorIIII Relultl EridIy hltnnerotI duooton IIItrImorI Rural City urieun Clevellnd Tom Detroit OIEIIIIrl New York CIIItnInII ltIiquteo II Problhlo Itlehere lodIv httnnooote Woodlon Hi It Bolton tslrbert MI ltenlu Clty lDrIno It bettmoro boboon II It melee tIIIhruen II at Cleveland Perry Tllt Illnd out It Detroit Itnullerrmn New York Kline Id It 0E lend tIIunter nowore tlonhorl on LI Cellornte thineertntth 14 ANNOUNCEMENT COM PAC INIRAL connectors IIIIIDIL And It looks Iven hel puma IIInIIIIII runl with double III the tlontreli third SidnernIn pltrhod out oi Iev el thoeIrty rotor didnt hero pod tool on my tIIthIlII IIId Steoelnen Eve time went to lbrorr It lnlldo went elltltdo Ind ev time went to thm It eut IIIIo it went Invite Letters Close ToNBII Title NEW YORK AP II New Yorl hurl won ore body who IIIvo been tIlLIn Angelo Intern inqu to level the moment In ding Wldtd And by beetle the ICnleEI In hintile SouIro GIrden the Intern tony tnntrIted try III on In th NIttonI BIIEIt uAuodItIIIe moved within Itep ol ltnIIly venting the erown that hII IIIppod INIII tbelr up Ilnro ml The In the your they IIII won tho ehIInolonIhIponty book then they were known II htlnneIpoltl men In Iloii they moved to Lot AnIoIeI Seven ttmel Itnee then they hove nude It to the limb And reven time they owe been thwutrd the tent time In me by tho linlrEI this time however they Ip Ir deltlned to win It Ill they end the belteluevrn IrrleI Im not ready to eetebretl yet Inld Ilrn ItehtlIIIIn who retired ll polntl Frldly nIIht lnIludln III on trio ot lump Ibotl Ihltbnd New York pin lny eetrhltp vlrtuIIIy throuyln out tho overtime AndJerry West who hit to to lend III Irorerl Iddrd IIn union to play thot next some MAC Bur8 Ch IIINInqum IInIy 184 Err ter Iherl you but thorn It their own nmodetenee runnlny Ind Bill stonemIn leItterrd leven bill Ind Ron Ilunt produced the lWIIlII erII Inn by ole Ilth eurto bIliI Ind Itderl Ior Inowst ut nhll rent Imo IlII IIrIdtoy med IIId GIII Goodrich ol But they IIIIEII he IIld Itolll In overtime Frtdly nilht McCULLOCH with Automatic mu Mwm IIALI IIIIIIN solider Onto II he putte toe pm on the nineth hole It the Illhtm lloluton open Coll Illum Inent Frldly Irwin the aid III who wunt reed Iroln tee to men potted well IIDUSNN API VII lull tryinl to rot In tho horn Ilthout InIIlny Iplrt IIId llnlo Irwin IdIIIllttdiy Nb prlIed Iner min three Itrobo lwl midton through the tum ltouoton open you tour nIInenr Irwin oulet IerteIlI younl men Iron wider Chile had to do IOIM trIntIe Ieremblinx to pool hII mood romeeuilve 61 Ind III tetIl Friday It didnt tell like lhvt 67 the thyenoeltl llltl It leek more II lhot II lIIr Iounderper totII on the would Weetwood Country Club rouse out IIIIII three Itrolreo Iheld oi Chuck molrpo the tooth nho led the II II mode in Tom In the lIth bole Thorpe had toholo loti or smell gallery Ihowed up In witch the trick winds with pull up to II miIeI per hour lend IeoreI higher In this event thnt tl belnl Ihuruled by InoIl ol the gum xreIt IlIrI Cr LANDSCAPING thrllrllrtlhll Ovmnmd ITO Dl IMALL WE DO TIIEM ALL loretty mod Md worried RAUL KNIIIIIAW It In Ida Illll Ont 1281133 PIIOIil ll llTIIMTI 10 ainOiIing Itll III tItIII Interdependeth level III mlIIton qu1 better Im built Ind Ieldl Rupgedono More wot on IIIIIn Ilnoh III home nwmanu enough to uh IRIMINLI teed It the hit wa muk to win word live under one or to go with his line round oItorIlbundrrpIrIJllor It holes AP Photnl Irwin Takes Lead In Houston Open Amen the nrluinz tvr one reason or another nre Inrh Nietlous Leo Trevino Arnold Inlrner Dilly Carper Irli Elly Guelph Centennial Cup Champs In Four Straight Over lied Deer GUEUII Ont ILII Dc ridxolroredthe other roll with IoIIIe herolrI by In In GthIm lIrIonI tone toot Jured roIltrnder llrd Deer work kept Red Deer tluIllorl were huItItd olllnlhe llllD II be belted out Ihot lnIt roundup Friday Guelph IIter Ihot CthI detelled the Iellem Vlnnlnx moth Ilitl TIonr ehnrnpl Io Ind won the cm Persons VIIyIhIIIII In trnnInt Otp In tour ItrnIIht lnturrd eye II no games Douy Itllebrouph yrorod thrI the Ir Aer ltd cueM Inml PQWBI Play For Victory it 2i rertrr Ind dont hm ISL mmnxterl uullothe Egg IIIEE EE Ere 53 EggEgg E3 Egggg deli =75 EE53 NE In not bit worked It etylo ol plIy In the Iron Io 25 III Orr nu he no III Mliumtobulooy Inn to ehIan my gang Eire == it re murdnt Pd EIrIIIr In Boemetito tIrmIIIe ue IIIo III duty on the RInrerI Int Immllun Bolton Golden lourth IIM but the New York Ind the ployero IImtIIInty toned III lorrod lo IhInoon Irttbthoho lurtIee this out out Idlerno when velrrIn lton the Roner power ploy wort SIeIIrl IIII knocked out It the hearts odded by at ex plIyotII with hroteo III in billlinltteethmur roIIIln thoopenloonme IhllrIdIyI AIM en the Return looted with men III were IdIIntIre del IIIIurI Jrln ItIteIIe IhurIdIyInIne Underdogs Are Big Part Of Kentucky Derby Lore IDULSIILUI Ky AP burnout AInerIrII rental thorou tho won the Itrorue Derby theh hed In It winr today but Iorne oI EDT ltI moot nmnoreblo moment belong to the underdol Citation the int ol nelnel elyht Irlplo Clown vILnnorl to very men port ot Derby Ion but In In Doneatl Ind Ceno llrro Ehllrml ln loIinI 15000 Iddod Illlnllo Dolby It thurdtiII Down here IIeIuI nl II tycoon um Included the Ihort at new ltonnt In the rune Ind II Guelobmutsbnl Rod Rive Rider the IIII 5qu ehznplon Ind not ooIIIder nImed Dr Nelle Port Itmo III pIn Derby bthnry he Inltllo nu Derlt celled Roeroo GoooII MIND nerIII to eneheltlenxth vie ntnr mutuel well II Item ThII LI Ilu the blunt pIyott in NOW OPEN CIIly II heel III LII everything rude to II our brIetihll lEIoIr II eonnr MEIIIIIILSIIIPI AVAILABLE IAVMVOlIPLAV NURNAMENTS ARRANGED SPECIAL Reduced RIIII Ior Menthol MIyl RICHBROOK GOLF CLUB Tun Tell It Cemented III GARDEN CENTRE corn sunnnvs 9AM T0 PM BER OUR lINIC returned or ulnvnl noon Ann unnrunrm II Lh AERO GREEN 171 TIII 139 FERTILIZER heIInrrd tunnel to produce thirk healthy yeen press to Ib be room eooo lqturo Irel In 299 Cu Ft 399 Lb III 279 hit MAJESTIC PEAT MOSS Inmrom Iny loll An organic nutter lighten up and Irrmlce elny loll Irovtdee In excellent ntIterlII tor tee dressing Inwnl GROW GREEN CANADA NUMBER LAWN MIXTURE Comprised oi Kentucky lltuo GIN Creoplnr ltrd Ieeeue Anntul Tye time well blended Idupted nurture mole tor open lun end will III onowunuent FOIL sunun Spootll mixture ol the Growgrern brood deolznod tar Ion tile in thudo rd Irenl oItI AERO GREEN FERTILIZER lltuhoe nttroyen tentent laurel my 49 greener longer Govern up to loop lo Eb Lb lll It TI Exempt SHEEP MANURE 299 bowled Int odorleol In organic Iddittvo to mete plInII grow better IIIt your BIrbiwn Streak ICnI htr CotrllllltererI Alan ouru Sol II rlor enemberI oI tbommutue IIeId IlnIIhed In the Tent Ily tho 1oltitermtlelotthorn tory over Ten Point tor who won but mod In IIIIIIIIu El town by Ike wtnnln sumI IoII rIerrI one MI ot Rum to com were Iohnodtn it mm The bell oerannIIlon oI IIIMM mlIIJOIfIIIMO prlee on modulemean WI MILD 299 II proud to announce III nlnr In Dorrie The proprIoIorI Ken Doe Don Itoulrtnnf Ire residents oI Barrie Ind otter It your expo eneo In uphllt remote nodding Inowplovriny Ind Inow removnl CATTLE MANURE Computed Ind oddrtell rnILrI III mm Mm All workmnnlhlp and motorllll euornnteed For tnlormItIorI Ind tree estimator telephone 7288386 BEE YOUR LOCAL MeCUtLOCH CHAIN SAW DEALER lieuulrrnmrnrveuowrnoee AlwaI lnltll on IIeCoIIoeII ehItn here Ind Ioloetote

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