LASTMINUTE ADVICE down the Ihte with brother lteody wet to present bou quet to meet Ipeeler It the Nation Andre Northern ile lmi chime held It COL rTununy Trouble Stems from Head omreewehruym in II oruwhelmlhy me Ill dot to writete you when Illetter hooteteentrer Who vomited every time the led to at my trombone lie bnebenrt bu bed to may not oottnt them when eteriI he Ilere more item ilee eure thte it it Meal the whole thin tutor mull either rernIrk hie boee hrede or room he worlu outoiltiornrebutlleelllke Iueh phoney Any nuneetlonr AnniMud Filled been their Tell your mother thel ti Ihe tipe you hit IyItn youre total to all the hint Ind IIk bx to churn the duo oi the party beteuee embody biebhcd li your mother in the hottest tell her to theme the den oi the My Inrl lire her lip ripped or you wont rur lihlntulledhhnhtttlmeltVll wee nothiny epeeitie but ieel lnsntiut the poo ieIt the place dl tltkohhn in doesnt went to work there Inyrnore it wouldnt be to bad he quit but he nevrr doee it lie Iete Iiek noun delthl ilL lie otttilt run him ever eod two week he cant let out at bed AitererdI be sea to the co eny doetor Nun odhlhithr hndeir think counsellle Ire Indolent dont need eottorel windyth gto worh it out my tweeeun do tiernu Ilie Deer wtier sue ert rthother ldector won no luck mt ilnd one who will tell him Yotrr ttomeeh troobte orIIt IItee blob upin your herd Hotttteod eorneeiiny to you an ithd old why you not lunrtlou lit ILormel wa your hurhend Ihould be doiny rtlilereot kind at work Iood therIplIt will er elore thte poulbillty rm LUCK Deer Ann LIMIT Here it it iron the boron mouth in cm tltIt Ilrl irom Corniny wont hit your word tor it merrled men with drio problem lhlnhlttl he would to tor the God how he promiredii when think thet broke up hII mm could die envy hirertie ltowlwtehlwereto her Ihoce lite children never too hint lie wont event the rtbdey cerdI on lor to lie lite cool it at work 14 rmm InAtAnon meeltny next week end Iorne we tor myroit Iince won ml hope Cornlhl tenetdyoulwtehlhnhtoo toldrnenottomIrrythiernIn Deireii Free PreeI Deer Dr lrn eiId youre olhl to tire AlAnone ll dIr helped mliliorrt Good rich eIr dlIALle CAll MONCION Nil OP LI Seeouine In original Ceoedlto pity by Anionine llIliiet ru tle oi huetouche tee turee only one chereeler 71 yeeroirt AeldlIn eiethlny womenwbotoiirerorIberiito CANT MK 11 Deer AII Lenderr Next dirty wnter Six monolo or melted butter week my htttband end will trum the Iy will be reeeenled IIlt netebrete bly InnlverIIry tty hllll mm what would ve en no eorp phrtygutlp ttl trinity it one thiI Ind it lre told her eerh time thnt ld rItherooiknow She lotlIle the doeetttormyowneood the em dont event you to uuetlt weerior In old III or mebe your httrwoni other reection in pill at by in our Chlllitl remi roteurio theatre noun lrom tonolou the tneutre Cenede 71 Tertl in tiIekItoon idly llli eeonomtrte Ayrtoulture and E1 or error Size tie or 33 E5 in no is 31 ii 729 Er FE 22 FE 93 3e Ea 52 E2332 55 $5 or au =5 25 55 rgg llrr Street letlowrbl Elli herrte They In oi till end hire Vern rune mother ML dhu Tltlmde it waI or II relay tor moraine on eel It to Mt Nor urdIy undidetu were euro The devotion wee elven by ed oernenrherrhip In Corn llreleerlhtelern0nrioetny mernlon Ierriee wu perturmod hnxh wII urved by the Wield on sunde Puple urne ironr Unit coneeoerl oithe meeting die to oerd modernitluderliieewtnnlhed lodylrtl In Neill EE $8 in WM erm mottt oohnhhr pIrIytu am drew end on It much ee eiIht inches dey Duny the heidrt oi thn Ihort Iueon expert on be cut every dey How to here It in your own ardent Accerdlny to eoiinIry experte the further the upon to the more deileIte to lie var ll litre moot oi ul you molt bud rmuuwwohuuumh on up poea ltplllltll it very pertrhebie lt pIrtrnehthhlldinovaeberI Iin hoe brittle eeell punctured rteiirr Ind tipe otteiily lie are her it thet lil well lormgduInd tiyhliy cloned the mike Ire thirty Iirel iirm iii it lll our In to Indu the mile orne tou Ind throuldl it now tier dtImeter in order to yet Itrtllorm oooklnn AI Ierrenl rule one pound ol upererue will nerve three to tour pereool ArporI hII In extremely rhoruhe lite it Ibould be kept Nlehliiilt neode cloee Icnrtiny Seventy you cert oi Ill houuhoid moree piece between lime to Ind Sept rr with peek paioch nut lhlI may dittereht rom Airo edema compplhte the ephooe nunr th the center Ind deettnetlzn Ireeererelzdttmt the you an the mum weye oi rnoetnI huh thene throne money order or trleet the them younoll ten died It your deettnetlon mine rented truck You to the cutter Some oi the provide the dIlllIlM he re conduit Ire Idwlittl time urddnynurm rennentolenhrnehoatobe with oi mutiny to on you Ire nexpe you lead chem oi dwoexiny nldiimi mo Wit WMlm bend with ilrebognehe wilthen the llldltil Ill VGr ii loediny Ind thdleele where Irti hwumm clue and coauthor III to be mmwm mm MI yleeed The eerrier to only re these More eonkior the rteih mm will neon be weehod metlo to thlAb AlOliTthl order eportlieetione out ulll ion to reach the derilrlhlion Ind mm MW AI erperIyur tree eucit Ihori WM wit mm Ieuon ou ehouid tr lo uroe WM llmu which an re with tlrnee thte one it gumre to the tooieote Mttl vey totem amount no limit my be out at voyeteblee lI tn told nill 4th or Ioup Accordlny lo the ho 33m ailmg otthI there In no better my Ellclflm lagm mnguffm rbtrxed by the hour or iony 5m dirtence where rIleI Ire th edononehundred undeweieht cruunh mentions soup perdletenee treveled tpound upIrI it our In te lonedte it chicken bou lion IA chopped onion elre oi Itnlkrl Put tn blender Ind blend unttl Irnooih Settle on ion In butter until trrosoerent Mr milr Add eeneonlnnr end mlllt Add no end wuh Iron pus eepIrInte puree end chill Cook in bouillon until tender to serve very eold ddth Ibout to it netnoter dependtny upon iteupe it po Announcing the Surprise at tho run Mull mrnynn meander our ren Summer Months Are Busiest For Families On The Move Itovlnlle hi oditure tlnn onotneertl te the deetin Ind te couumer Ierllce tht Itiorr erent II wl II the item mtllmdooahrmyflhhmht considerinl tor your decirlon no me be rter hlrnbe nheirtmnolibeltoerdoi ldent chromit Null lt my be In eu tn work lIler Perkin meter met removed by the are wornmotorth Youwillbevetoetenthein rent Iheeteettbeendelthe untoI omit the inventory write on it Iu led to hidden dlrnl tiller lurid tirel noted on hie demo or true on the that in wrltloy Your no tequ do not conrtituie ciIirn hilt Ire merely rewrd ol tect th mover eIn oi time or toes in not noted It donyIciItnr the time at delivery AI noon II you been Irreurd lots or dero Iye in detIli noiliy the terrier tn writtny en ml the iormr ten ho torwerded till end returned promptly li there to more in our More My Ire iniererled in receiving CI complete it lol Guide Dont title tend 13 eentr lo the Conrurn Aeeocietlon ol CInedI loo Glou ceeter street Ottewe OntIrlo K1 0M Sowing Sorront yeIr CHAIRMAN courtrth ElliF1 orn he been eleeted oiliert alanine Am roe loin gasoline Strum1b lvvernro prodded nonoithetlnlve It at ooo Gum and to tone tollie tee Con to help preltmtntry trenetorrniny momma or no or en uI imperial Oil Ltd Toronto not1 You Ire ooedlelly invited to mod the opening oi lirginia too BLAKE sr SIMCOI owe on northernernorm Montiey throuph SeturdIy Looking iorerd to reelng you then Sineerelyytrure Whine ooorythings coming up opoo at atsrnurnt ErirI In Iltreettee rlerh tort tic liloh to Mutiiot thian tor every ileum end every oeee Hepolneee le leolrinn your beet Coiiee Ind undwlehee will he tented Vour werm weniiter wardrobe rim with Slnoor NEWEST FASHIONMATE Sewing Machinel And lust took whet thIt LOW PRICE tncludeel SlnpetExclueivo FrontDrooin Bobbin Sinner Exclueive OnoWe Needle in IlaZoo end Strnlyht Sillhlt Servino on ihree Needle Poe iIonI Soit Pntot Greon Complain with GoAnywhoro ctrrylnp itltwe Strettionrt Spaniel in United turntillor cinptoiowiih trrrlrrno Shortroote tettnoii Youtlwonderhow oirever oleion witho there tIhuloue Woltctt SE teeluree liltiliiilliliihwill ve In II Iw St Sam stitches the Zip Zen and Straight Eltl Diet Controle Twin Noedte Sewing liontwelphtAtumlnum Commotion tiurry downtoyotirtocei alnoercenttrtodeyt reeveuooerrrnweeverteote SINGER Noelle new Ior tomorrow to ItSiNGEli todeyl unrenutuomroenmocmtetie rterlto tool rieitt it would he ouch ion to wellr into room lust once end here people yell Surprise Ind to it rerliy he Iur lee We mo in iele it three rneI Ind new lrn pinyin the to leke it inIln it not only lekee the ion Model 257530 Decommg THE ULTIMATE IN lerlnertteothe COMFORT AND THE NEXT THING TO GOING BAREFOOT STYLES for men women and children thwart Outed roorr