Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1972, p. 4

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ornmwmreheletu ITlull Uni my on ntuime owne Elle dtyublnemu llowererheorne hie Impede our be need hint thedl beehede oititnelornahe Ideal ldrGIrreltwlllhIreIiurtberoppot tunlty Io lent the mutter The cone name tree recommended thetstoch Bro there oi Orillie be venlhe bur oodreet it angels 3th enront recommendellpnwlll cited the nut meollna oi uly Idr Gerrett could he Iald to be Mei Iloelnyhottleonlhe ueetlonoim venue bile oi the lineslhe nae Mow polity ol oontreeta lo rivate operetore no inin new out oppoeepu noo lhepubikryetemwouldbeooierlhrn motto operation ieIravhoewler hiehptekeeere dew ownen theme The orienee pl other communities mould eeonelderod Wbet Ibout North 33 and Suttbrrry two dlleI width have robienw with mice uwrtllnyioltr etll There apperrr to be no IIternetlve to rtnle operrtor It presentah more uetive report on thepadvenlesee Ind dieedmlerea oiwlilieow Irotrid be obtained Possibly III Gln could AirCcrnaclcr Protects Stdke In Ontario teebevethelrovmryetennmhy Noeghlgntknwudpmmhlhlelnhldelnd tolhetnnllndne mepeeuletlnuuhgtap Milieutulle mmmiithruuutu apeAirCmdecanedaetn mil yl lte or it go egg it on SUPPOSED to until LONG TIME too el lnistihonllere Collen Prlatlldwerdlaleedhed turmoer heya echooll re leidiintleukotllme llodceiredcherlerlmrn urutoo toerzuemlnetpubltr ownereblp bonnure YEARS AGO IN TOWN In unilhrnt pd Coldelreom Guide The Barrie Mummy dyillltlloxd VICNOBII Wit toured Roypl Vietorir deleterioth nonrandom with thIIeupmniivleledn MOMCHBIWI Eltolctrero Dr ww Coun hrioi Vldl id time in path WMI ornament remtn torture production ore The White non oibey returned tntreln not 33 hut Come Boston English 0pm left or onuil hilnele rout Wm co presented It Trmtore It tirInd deuce Ivillon opened tor aeaeon with loIntIliareenterIInOntarle 0p HouuinherrleDrPeroy molehyhttttonsilteltawaitenelom lhlerwIa importanllo he ntotllerrle opened olilce lorrno Hurtablee but provided re lar eerviee Interment luxhhu if dteal practice in Burlord peer Bruno lronr downtown Barrie at IE return mil Wm lord hordll otVirny Governor Speetnl metan It Vaire redeurrnt or uiwiimmw not wIIn donorn or end Lady Ego vut penlzed lecmeee club in Bertie alter mm nthhnuo IediBarrie tor two houre on guy WWW eialnred civic holiday by IIIyor By DON OIIEAIN Qleele heme Dine Emilee same nonnoon ConnP Vim 1min ihlrwee MW Md illhI with at dehllwu Ill rrounnhm out ndre ed llrure would hevrllr lobe mind In Quebec ii the uttert penumbra mm um hum $3 benoendulnlo tedlelel tell could altraot other lp UIIAITA Bel lh ith WI tpu on eanueera Title II lent mrny yeerI Absence lrorn OenIdIe NI mum to be it Canada tlornt Genre Overtden College held rtetenent It IIld it would no mm mourned wlll be no thin ei bazaar ior French ltellet Fund um Inch lecllltiee were Ivella Wm It no to any to In mm mm mm mutter one winner on in centildelfe Into them rrrnrr Jackson opened new photo Iludlo No And lead It mgr looted broom women 33 or I1nrhrrrru 13 no Wme Georgeltllurne chiropractor ViW Bl WU vim mm needalb Olhdelewzlgeeyeil ed oillce lnBarrle Contractor ay if mmnpwn mum Men ti lie Nioerepel mm was met at Allandale DTle oi Town Conndl other dig Iyiee citizene Bend guard oi honor oi war veteran led by Meior Knowlee Emile roceeded to Queene Perk led BC Cedot Bend oedtle Ind mute Barrie Armoury lord hynp ehook horde with you In reviewed nedete Irordend La oowptod Iterr watery die with ayor and little Colonell McPhee oi nun ooeloreotm end hire hlclheeltev George Brown oi st Andrews Ohuyuh and Capt Jolillie Iideddlllp Apparently ii vioolalalrt would rmtlnnennyw ard Garrett will build our new eloree lm Enrich Ninuilrihw lulledelm It Cenede wu only provide me the Ma nttnltter on Elizabeth St Dunlop We Seth Mrdlnee Inherenti by aould fletgtlplrliev iruMII admin Maw If titottttrzniuttinhto or tour up we to to my wummrnmmw pm lion lllniater Gordon Carton lble would hiphlen Alr Cln hly would he continued any anh mummy way ae oaelhle further MPaarImlldlyooncerned ttoihodlet Uhttrth he Sunday Ummmmjm Iriot becauee ol ila aervlee in rhenreelmlnd protection 11 mm In veret being Rev MM midi horn itr5lanlleldl lpelrrpeo rrrrrururrro THE unws there la no Ir putt oi Cmeda uy enty worried about Ino Iriherrlt eitttetlnn DUMB BITUATION They dont tempere the lip Individueie In any wayinrt the Ilmller IituItlon WIpner will be quoted Iv ltA Illl oi Port Irooee with title then ehee Hope who Iddresred admohurlng even lleulertent llerotl ult lnp on topic How to loop young hilt dhim lhmeglli weetern lire In theirrenu nature it in recently conceded SOCIAL wonrtep ow owontt so Oelherlnee standard orlrvllle eonlal worker raid her aren lobe Iveliable for young people But lhe added there in lob tin her or the ex decoreeoirumrner ie way you can intereIt them will lhoIeI Ill Ihle giveaway it lhlr eoelIl worker la eeeernent oi the ellurtlon who here been telling govern low woodman dell Magnum ortriartjrnrrons vrrws menle out oi millions oi dollar tor grant variety oi youth proieela and pro gram were grievously wronyn The question now it will overnmenta continue to accept the Id no pl their malted experts or will they take the blindere oil and do bit oi incl Ind tout eeerchlngl The latter oi centre would he hi the rltlr oi discovering lhIl the trxpayer hrd been lead US May GelActionv At Paris Peace Talks ly ROD CUM WASHINGTON iu 1n the lexicon el the Violnem waro Pruldent Nlron now bar none iull circle rolunocllnr ver elon oi the domhro theory ol Pretidehi Eleerthowtre day ltr In ideI tort for year hId llluetrioue eupport amour lead oi both the Republioen Ind Demoerelle pertleI help it broadly rejected in the late reeoe nrrrtn MAKES rtsr lLlGllT theilrellimelnaleellii It Better Held in saute Ue Illeilend end hoelnl here our Photo Md amt Ibl market if Wt ill on rm on Iron Bottom ll he held Street it Ontrte Telephone meter Second Cluehteil Rulttratlnn Number but lteturn poeteterrurenleed milyreundeyrand Sletutory llolldaye excepted Suhecelptloo reten drlly by utter tile weekly moo year nlnrle copier roe lly mall Berrle tenet yearly Simone County MN yearly llelanre ol Canrde moo early All other eountnee woo yeIrIy htolor throw oil moo yearly Nelloonl Adrerllarnp Oliioee Ii Queen st Wort Toronto uh ITIO BIO Cdlhtllt htn Itorrtreel Member ol the Cenrdian Preea and Audit Bureau oi thrculw in entitled to the uee tor re pub oaIIon oI Ill newa dlepeloh II lnthle Iper credited to it or The Areorleted Free or Neuter and elect the iooel anr publish ed therein The Berrle lumber elahne The theory II that it the Uh iele VletnIrn III to the Corn rrrunlrla III neilhbore lhreu out the whole Irea will epic eucetunb You knock over the ilrat one eald Heenhower Ind whet will hep to the lul one in tint it wil In over very PreI ent Kennedy in the tip trllrutanoee lhIt prevellod ln tenlone beleee the US oven lure to mineIain he believed to the dorrtlno theory In Prett dent on inhnenne era the eIlchp III oi the tiny wee rorrtelnment which rneent pretty much the who lhinr ll Conununlei Irmtrlon wae not contained lrr Southeaet Ante lhe IllemIIive would be to drew hark lo Pprlrees America the hIltle It Inolher time another piece in pineal In echoIndeed arr experuloool thel then ry Nixon told nationwide televio Ilon audience lut week lhIl the repereutrlons oi military de leet would epreed to the Middle mt Ind even no It the Oemmunlel wln rrtlli Ierliy in Vietnam the rtIh ul er in other parte ol the world would be enormously in creeeed he IIld li Dnmmun lIt Irzrerrion tulle it will die tourete otherr to do the tune lhlny ITUD RELEASED in the view ol romo obeerv ere leonI empheeie on thin ldee wee all the more lurplllilll In llihl oi the dleeieeurl Int weelr pt oncoeecret etudy put loyotherhy with oi governr merit Iyenclee tor Nixon in the llrrt month ol er term The tone Natlonel Seourllt Ontrnoll rludynalthouyh reect iny rililerlny opinions reported thIt both the metorlty Ind die leated on lhe battle he one teeternot neoemrlly the meet important oneIlleellng moment in Southeut AelI still Nixon IIld ilrrnly In hie Ipeerh Wednesday that we will not be deieated and we will never mender our lrlenda to communlrt Irreeulen Ila thue roilereted hle lIIlh In Vlelrrxnlntlorr the Ioherne to let the Fourth Vietnernm take over the we while eontlnrrlnx the withdrde oi American term which II bein Iorely lode ndlheilelhe eoIne lplia In Parie ere II nothlnr to their nqu to can optimum now but one new enlhueleem tor the Perle trite have led eotne obeorvere to In net that rneybe Nixon end ltlVlltT llpnry Klerlnre hnow that hee not been epmelhl EN immune led no ar er leonlrl Brezhnev dEr leIrlno herd roconl reoret ion to oeeow ur ed the Amorlcrne renown ll ome lion met the list ruleht mt eomhmovemeot then 0t diplomatic eouroce irr Ilet lite Soviet Union Iilll not enelotu whip the Amerlrene Irtutt thermolvee horn Viet nrnr But Moecow river elrne oi that it didnt help 1dr Sleniield either The won only inur Quebec Idr Bahaull waa deieated liberelArthur Pertelrnre in MootrIIl riot in oi Guntin by nterun at 051 to It Until law monthe exp there wee no talk pt Quebec lieutenant tor Idr Staneld SOME DISADVANTAGEB There were nutty within the petty who all that nature there ehould he no ob virolIl Notionalthat the OTC III at inleunderetandlnyr Ihered leedethip wt welpbed the Idvanteru llul perty Ioureu rev ll be rente nhrioue that In Ittrrctlve more widely than IIrlheuit IIld one Ontario Conurvallve and every time there Ie thaw ellphtoet variation with when Staneld her eeld there will wild report oi internal tilt wtee Another MP expreeud tour rern Ibout hedge Werner rtrnny lIwandnrder my Even lhounh nlr Staneld hee raid the were wouldnt eerily be iuellee minleter In Commute government th MP IIld thII hire Wagner would undoubtedly he In tnilurnlieir mlnletrr In dentin with any oderI ln ebec tooth mother NP tint on belenoe think we III like to yet hlmt IT HAPPENED IN mturoenpuoose critter ANIWEBTD IN UBEINT WNEWMNWMM AMBeDEIARMENTNIiBtS AMIIVIWTBMLIDN WWWWI MWWIWNNW mothme being eI er tor the turmoil con lereneet re on theocoulon ol leone Visit lhlr month to dis euer dirermerrrcnl trIdI end other tuner BIBLE ruonorrr Ier lied out let hie In II II the world to eaedenra the warldr but that the world thrown mm In Ill orlrtnel Idreh aenterI re led the view that him rnlrht he met JIII til lendedltorlrlrnelerlel ore arr unilvhrstle uttlernent in hit Iterl by lte em tee and rev produced In thirplhyewepeper 00p rr MINI Wvoeynphm Vietnam will lnevlle he lob lowed by Communlrl Ileoverr Nedetellien Nunr outalde lndorhlne drienee the Saviour in delenee ol the depertnrenl peper wanted the einn deem there would he only to June didnt come II indie to condemn Ind renlenou hut II lll Irrr roma to not end lhet which wee tort Billillilmillell TIE WORN WWW DIBNEPIA gt UlDIIIiC MMWW MWIELUIIOIB WING MINIITEM AIITIIBIIN IND MINIMUM WMIoW tinemelon meet DNAUEAIUIOIN 14 mm on to trwotrouuooo oer euroreuen net metre r133

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