II == Brena 161iiam nnzun urE4enl hydrntollliruDOrJhaehip whiehvhaa ruehed teard hreakiagreeedeoi teiu Wlirwlllbe on llnltiaxdaeriorilre yem whenaiwlhadedlioaeill hanudeuhaiutmlci Photo lly run MWYEB mammal Gillan Hell no dowretod tor the aorta uaeon with etrearn ere mi tor tlto Unlied Gotrah Womenllanrheon Thore day April in ID Mil utdowato letaeerr el by Iha ladlee uaetn were iromtheeurroundirrrcemmrmlty and our tram Mia Pairlnwn Unlted Church which to the elk ter church el Gliiord uow AI tarthe lrmdree rudiment rm own Ina the lalen etylea hin Prank Kell wae commentator DEDIONEIMIION ihe Ayrll ll meetio ol We menr lnatltue was lie at the home oI Mnr William Kell with good aliendaore Title war the annual meeting re re rte were ten It All olilerrl rel1 Bel conducted the elec llon oi oiiloere led lllu lorna Atkins re the refort train the amnion oomrnlieo Inim lleht oi the routine wu the darn onelralion oi malirrl doughnule by Helen Netily aaatrted by lleh in Davie who cooked them Ev eryone aoloyed chocolate eoaia ad and plain doutlinute tor lunch The Dialrict annual will he held to unknown Me so and title will alro he tirelr oil ear Del ate to attend are it Iiel hire ll Keii hlrl liner draw and hire ule Ball There wereodtrhlu ol eechra playerl at tililord on Friday on anion Aprll It loeii reaidenle Attending the Barrie Square Dance Promenade Aprtl were llr and lira Roll Mr and lire Keith ltell and hiraod lite Paul Roaaell The lllc met at the home at lueaa April or leelye people were preleol turner By hills CAMPBth We welcome llr and hire llarryllumer thy and Kenny to our ternrnunlly ilarry Ia plile elpal oi Guthrie public echoei erty Ininl llialllnryi rnonl on Joe where mingle to build now home thll elim rner iteeonl viriiarl were Mr and hlre loo Koennn ol wa warmm llir end lire ll slefheneon and litter Milton Creohion oi Pratcolt Celloylaia alert end innle llowell ot Con trai Technical aiali Toronto in weekend with the Stephen rerrr Andrew hurrrrnlnl oi nah rIa and Victor Orrmrrrlny ei Pen tioion ILC with Mr and Cumming and iarnlly Mr and litrl Newton iieue vhltrd iriende In Hamilton Sun duly April 11 try iiewaa who teacher et Georgian Coiiele liarrle la ataylne at The Sin oi the Elk llIra Clliiard lieue mompan led Mr and lllrr Jael Brera and ehlldren ol Crown llill to the race at handmute herle at Clariuhnrl on April to lluey were hired by Mr and lire lIllieh Cameron end little Ion later the dog hir an hire Vern liawtrirra Danny and Judy epeot lert week em with Mr and Mn lieu Sherryarid ienrlly in Montreal lhey alto vlaited Quebec Olly ethy in extended to Mr and fl Newton lieu death oi the Iattera Mra llmrd Cemohell he Ml Dim CIMIW PM neural the hind Ionivoraary nl llIIiedaIa hraoeir WI and alao the nth aaolverearr ol the on tIrIn W1 eoeclal cake war not by Area Trerldrnt lira liaw ard Camphel oi Guthrie and hinhlarna eanllol larratt and the Irnuebou tlhe my uh om Comfy cooly carefree easy wearingdezzlerejto see you merrilyithrough the euntmer whatever the occasion Ileeveleee White Stu The time and hiiInI eat ihate caught the Iaehlon world hyrtorrnr cure le laehlenad wlth Ir neck and contrart braid trio no luck Slremo loinwuh able Fortrel we only an ill Cardigan Carousel Lightweight Bariue etitch In mulli colour combl 4377 nrtlone sML eaeh elm Arman may at Iiyet no oil nI lovely $677 on oure aIah Ii Scootera or CycIeD withhithe Short lltlIa zipIront lump PrintadArnalJamyInblacit suit with attached open and whlia otredlndwhihe irontsklrtshoneleeverend Zln irenr In the to in dog erred collar Choose Jurtone eitha many rtylu youre Inyaque lilac allow in the selection or rink Washable ottrel eooninalm7te16 5pm Km iopa In Fashionable Volga Lacatrlnuned oG Dnnlm Joan whltahiouaae Hillier eurr 939 toiothr T6171 eFrlntpanttope Elm 437w pelr 26 Ilaira In navy Sireaatoimther 9mm rocouard ehirts oan riyiee at this 11 each ow price 141m Ge Dea fothe oemaier an amper White Sheets and Cases FamouaMaryeiPrattaliootion uet machine waeh and dry and theyre randy tor bad Fitted and WW llat In twin and double Illll MetM Braided Nylon Rugs Bio elza big value Colourlul Special all nylon oval braided run In brown gold red or green Ideal Iorcarunlllylnuurneclallyattho cortanu one more 10 MT minute Plll PARKING oneuell Famous Woods Tents at Low Sale Prices IxtzhoomaetrNeeneo auirlda metal trams ausembly Haavy duty water repellent duck llama wlnoewr wlth rtormilans Sewnvlniloor Grey walie and yailow rent TourietSieenei Outride metal frame artentbly yduty water repellent drill wlndoweroar haa norm tire Zippered Dutch door SewnIn Iloer ditconopy greywalirandyeliowrool Polar page and nuyropae Burner drove 91699 our e1899 each each Compact depend ablellohtelnrlantly Tonkhoideuptolplnrr oI Iual sleeping Bane CherokeeW11 799 eeeh Fuiirin er2ibr Aoryiilollll Inimontlla t999 eeeh rutrrlppunrbrf Polyerierilll low Boy Cooler 40 Iron qt capacity Sildlnntraynralnr out Urethane neulare lexrvrnyr around Sheen All priaaa In eiieot until cloning tlme thie deturdey Weraearve the rluhtto Iiinltnuantltiear BAVFIILD NIL HWYB No 20 and No 27 Fitted Jump shirt