homeroomaim momentaovaries ltedviIuII looted mad threwy Muiuid m1 beiitvI the whole thin lbe little Illnn an Egigi Ee ergo ii Eider ii ii out one over worked his dmlell HIw eiuon Deleodin cblroplon in Nteklroe nitrocellulan two Notion linden war it Ibote beck It It AIoid Canticle Expected PM or like on the CI To Hire New Coach mmmm Horneooik who went tutti VANme IL 13 Province Irye VIaoumr Can cannot muvolo has his mil beioII unanbnenre do bonnnod All laet nlnot iolow hIodr mined by hII uhuben rtsiori wIs united to iornter in their 11 round bettle It Int insurer lrviar Drama belwyweitt complain the Vlmutlf AP Photo 9353 tract Belieyotkooehlo lion 011th in witan airship or Formula llttlooldl now deldloehd with Iinlmo It id tI nob ior three rem too mound lntheloth Lip oi the Men derou pore bId 7N mnmim three at in the tho on inn is expected to be Vic StIsliikllrediutweekII Fm Sui SAIDiIlkSIlu been in Vln mover since Iy All Dearsions Chuvalo Si by rev ver club in IL two yen in thI FlttlpIidi oi Drorll drove hb oiisrdnauzninn on tiniplm lII with Drain mhugfgugi lluinie at New Iceland in tho VANCOUVER CPI Mil the titht in tho tilt reIl PI championspr bout to ion Pn hIrnmId All tbuoi GoonII Itite lbieum virtually Intro rlrtnhiueb mt brunet would not no his vet but he couldnt drop the dumb mater Mutiny Peron irreoee Is All planted Imod nelleoder Dd Gleepniin Canadian to the raovII in who Peilm hId runeioteid the Chuth and moped on poten unu oi the National Norm if The morning newipIper um um ma coach at CIlIiornlI Golden lion Niibueoupeoslonteomwlli mm But Fails To Get on no we Itnndln on the world ehImplI GuVIlo with my thou In both in mi ink for The lower weirbt made dil Veleran Howell ettlnuiilledoutelpplltion airy unnnlm mound deel ghters Mime with MM tloliydengeroos riuotlone my mi an in ill1 lineer with sion hloodIy night nine to All ammo mum Wm Slam With Kings No ilnlshni the tooth mill lkitlotbe um All the iormcr world ebIm Live Iris reeeipte were all mg mm mm my 103 mow on over the twhtlnl Ltimhe Didie made the rirbt move plon Inhibited dribeo oi his fluid ammo with frills my yum upan Hm my uno Grunt Ibout ballmile tried to Michael to outline mod he luau iii in We illu ehotitcd Idvlco irom runner who on week no reported to ahead at runneruv 1qu not illBalleyl ick IIiiI Ireland llite bullItll 03th El Plulei lrvlri Unrerrnon who yelled It hm mm in much mm in ct Beluium who hId alnedthe out what surprised lament temper up hMoo 10 eln the omnto ilrhter to notch to now won Hockey AreoeII poIIpoiltiorilnhII Foran III the iett lhIthlley wee dellhulgliimhimhm flab 13 end hook crouch and hook lion dined hir 19717 contract Only burnout oi Swllurlend it an onion onion in hi ignoring on will mm lion ve unevenI may and the oyernold iornier chempl vein was contemptuous ei Ans had my Jaymhmm no Hockey Mom termreportzdr completedlhl rm IhtId him out oi petition hen ml medium Wit PW edIerurieblriu lelthook Borrie InterWord Softball in bell in tho eon or our bout th ttti hmii ltbmitituhe wouidlbeleprid that oi III ma In no in hurt me who on boot leagues Organizational Meeting A7 HOLGATE ST 730 PM MAY 1972 lorvnt liehter No we lnbet he yelled It All in the third An Mid but Idiitd thIt ha bed had him manly Irzompl ter IIIIP than lur our hot round diepfihl hi1 hInIii Io hie in mi Iuletspll setby lIIo Anyone iiiIImtId In coaching numbing or etilelrtlng piqu all it unablI to IttInd nrht video Iod IthinI It the ior in till tillh mind All til lit imam The two met in Toronto In mer ehImplon ii Mill in IN by the uni 7181092 72M Itter 530 pm as 53 Eu is lured Chuvnlo ioreril Alter Moe aetmloder on the on It in bringinr lrirhm oi blood hnrd Inn tbuVIlo hacked to Em Eldon irvln tho CanIdiIriI mouth tho mire at tho Ila Ind CllUVALi an or Ania irruigeAiililialmd eoqgedfor All it ill on on mman WW mm oWWH wirrwmemebnnm emreuiIIIdribirmbrgino lt in Mm rim MM m3 blslelteyee ynsblnhlumoulh All started inwiy Illnlur plonlnl Chuvulo in the corner mm hum nod unotoer cut blrh on his moon the thbyioioot rlun Ind bnnxtoyleits and right oll more it Is Ville gym on mm mm WWI my mm mm lorebeod Iii iIre was turn Ind corr hilh7gmdl lurk tho hood lecte Ind bu no problnnmt in um mm end Ivolleu ehlio Ali was weighed Wynn Hits Grandslam HR tuIli unmarked lbIn be his welIhnd tor ray is SEE EDWIN in non oum about am tint wItebed ilpr IlncI bI tort world Clyde Cray TKOs Gonzalez in mule the on in not as nos tht be Mllorsion isuoe gum he chain em toy uooou Jimmy Iorne er gill lee lily has reuli helped it bu mode better bitter out at Wynn The liopinrod vutiletder more titIn polio blI woirbt with live home not this sensor loehidlnI rentrim bleet the Astroo belt Elliot Pinter ot lioadoy iiinmiiinemmu Blue Is To End aosron mum Blue the Oaklend Athletics sensational ouny tonthpow was set to end holdout and sign eon troet mill is probably the highestpaid major leoruo sophe omoreln history lmgtreody to ploy the 22 trorold pitcher sold into bloo dlu olrht nller urivtoy in Don too on tllxht irom San thin lm and then going into rectu on blue was met It the Ilrport iii Joe Relzhior Isthtint to baseball cornmhsloner bowie liuhn lie was polite but not romnruuicutlic with the lone sporty writer to meet liliii lie looted ill but merely shrugged and occasionally smiled when asked questions ouch Is how tony did he think it would take belore hes ready to pitch been working out on my own tbo ml American league moot volunbio player mil Your Award winner laid dont have say plIns Will TAKE 1000 blue who had been holiior out tor tonuoo armed to accept total puthnxo oi $61000 rim with the Athtetiel All thtI needed now in bi Iil lure on contract That buii nous htd to come tlret todey he tore he lett motel and moved with his enemies It will men bostou lied Sor tonight iiuhu Ind Ookhlvl owner Chuiio ibiiey Ilse were due to lrmhlthoo scored Thel minlumt once Ind tworuns scored tom oi war when hI ilI Iled be prpler thIn nhane No1 lIet IeIsou when be hit out seven home runs Iii yIIr Ind toured to eIreerlow not hot moonrer hriwanIIIo bouIe WINGS New bottlo bi bent at the Iy wbohIdoe ers lIIt IcIsoo tor out Woe in billion It one clip wt it till Ind ii ltiil eeblttlnr VIDA llli town tor the oiildui sininl oi one oi buebatlr top utn lie illtliiitll wouldnt mlso it Finley oddtn be peuseii raid in 11ch eitrtnioty was ready to sign needle to my Ville will be welcome Iddttlon Iod will be moot welcome Holey edited Holey IIItI tbs eontrrct term In some worked out tut trick to motion with blue lbo eluh owner added the contruct will reed tsuooo Iiidhiill the side will be 5000 in stros Win Over Bucs hy Ill IAHOCIAIIID PM Wynn Iilet bi Included dot in the only other when bion dIy New Yuk blot turned out sIn nineties alert 14 in Ansel mininbi In I211 ml PhilIde noon Leonie Wynn noted leagues Player eel by eemnhtoo Cbob Feeoey be cause ot his tii bottle Iver uI last week says be once hLi bot stlrt te rlilon PereooIl end hlrn tIeIIon vae been rewind be IIyI hi alibi he drilled end in the Illib to 1le onion lend Wynn lute Iiultd with one at in the ninth Ind Intunity em been on bob Wilsoni lil Ihnmy Helm then knock In tht mid to be wiunlu run unlich the honor brole 71 tie Than the Plrtlliyel came back with nor in their belt oith ninth on doieble by Roberto ClerneotI Ind single by Al Oliver lbe wtcto moved the Astroe Into Ne Doe Aoyeles tor all Diner in th NItlonel ago at me sad shoved the deieodinr world champion Pinter deeper to th East The Pirateo dropped to to lmll oil the pace oi blootrenl rope out New van Met tlediorltnt bender To in atria out it batten in Ilndvig innit Indlot relied be born ll ieGrtho boatblihlourlb victory with too tbl lbe totei tied hlmwltbllgouhn lee Don Sutton es the much too winneri Cilia um kiwi TORONTO CPI Alli Khrn member at th innrtty thr bsodomioeted world preiuolouet eonish tor ninny yeIre Il ed conlrlrt downtime now being built In downtown in rmto Khan whose home in to Detroit to tho loathrented Emirssioael lnthe NIL tales iliI tether lirrhim go In Detroit Ind ble bretbor butt pro It the Toronto Granite club the lihuor will aelly IrI item Petlstoa periormIooe In re Inna which both VANCOIIVER Ciir Cann dleo wolterwelnit ebninpion Clyde Gray oi 1bronio battered ninthround technical knoctimit ma bloony Ocnzrleu liondoy Hunting in scheduled to round pieli to the main event between Muhammad All and George Chuvelo Gray hId Gonzalez in trouble repeatedly hi1 cwhirrt knock him down ansranii orcono yrllll CANADIAN PRESS NItlooIl heme binhttrll New York Philadeipbln St hauls The end come it reminds late the ninth roinvd when referee Door Powell Itoppod the iixbt Iitrr Centric wiu unable to deleod hlnueli Gambler return wIs ranked second in tho wetter weight division at one Him In his eureer Grey wIs rrnked eirhth in the world prior to bloiiny nightl hunt The victory III the 31rd to Itrrls ior Grey who wnlrhod llllII WWI tonal III tbl Dr brother SlIert died FIlIniary Itter bout to Wine pen to In earlier orellinloery bout ioni lininlh owed riurrer irom Detroit took sirround deeiiion lion DIre AdklnI otCemdeo in heavyweight llIbt Phil Drover oi blooLreIl caught Poul Nliseu oi lhmoto with ielt book in the reeond round Ind stored hooekout Drover WI period decked main mu pounds lor the to count ebout voidwa through the round in the Hunt bout oi the evening mlddleweinbt Jimmy Son Francisco San Diego Genie Wedueodey limtstoo It Pittsburrb Atieoto It Chlan Cinclnoeti It 5L Ilil ii PbllsdelpblI It toe Annalee bloolrer It San Diego New York It San Francisco tiuultI Monday New Yorir San Function Houston Pittahurib PhiiIdelphlI bar Ableles Aniertcu Lune studious UuekIriIed ileum Wedneodey OIliIoii at hoelon chitioruin It New York blinnuota at llllqulee Nauru City It Detroit lbieero it buttmoro Clevelebd It leiu Nobody oi Toronto 1th poundo took unenlmoue elzhtround dccinioo over lee Vowoi Vancouver ill Mimi HUGill ATTACtliANTb iPAVING LANDSCAPING Wovllu Ou teed IIO 0R MA in no no Ll med eon sewled uni KNIIINAW Lbcell II III IL lrvie 7284133 PIIOII II IIVIIMII by Ilingwa Landscaping onion 72b0492 Introducing the tilt oewoet morn hei oi the Huely teun Powered by revpluilenuy It hp overheed velve gtInolneRunI ooolortongeimoie etticlent pevlonnaneo Hydrostatlo transmission lets you keep your hoods on the wheel Ind olvoctloo with your loot beek Sporty new engine runs eooler lasts long packs more power IUIABLI OVlHtIlAD VALVI moms ehrnpeepud til non HYDHOBTAitC DIMNO CLUTCH saving hydiIulie tilt is etIndIrd solid Itate Ionltioniot eepIodIbie yen vouno Itutino Teams up with oyev oo lobminded IttIoh mente Dont let the the sporty loot toolyou undei the hood the 1556 is all business Priced right It only