Cotillion Limited Iteurnrvnmmwtou mammoth Winsomemum ottoman War alas name IProgrdm or onionin gWould Have Vote Appeal No matter when the next federal etec tton ls called the political which can advance the most pra eat polities tor relieving some of the heavy burdens on taxpayers and rurbin the constantly rtatng eon of living no be certain to have tremendous voting appeal Im new tax reform es of the gremmeot may be of girl assistance some but to the majority it would ap to offer only heaved tar bites Even ose who were yven hopes of getting some tax relief apparently wont know the toll picture until they file returns under the new structure next year Too little sltenllon has been given to the considerable part the greatly Increas ed tax spending as played in the lulla llonary spiral program offering tax cutbacks which would relieve the majority oi some ef their inndoos would help to reduce tiling costs and also perhaps encourage more free enterprise ventures to take up at least part of the slack in uncrnploy ant Taxes have been among the Increased operation costs which have been factor In discouraging at least some business pad industrial expansion to the extent Lhat governments have considered for payable grants from tax money to pri we vale time for the purpose The costs have betas oing up lty during the part dee due clatte tton and re futon Some might condder it sl at that dating the same period tax harden have risen steadily for most people Warnings already have been rounded if the same trend ls allowed to continue it will not be too too until It readies the point of discoura rag initiative and enterprise The political party which Eves prime attention to this aspectis stand an excellent chance of making favorable impression at the polls Too often In the past politicians have given their main stead mm stress to diversionary Issues away from the main economic facts of life Deliclt financing mounting public debt and con tlnual Inflation are every taxpayers con eern Young people in particular have reason to feel apprehensive over policies which postpone meeting financial obligations and thereby Increaue the debt and carry lng charges for them to bear In the fol ure People want to hear sound sensible answers to some of the troublesome eco nomic problems rather than largely meaningless political catchphrases DOWN MEMORY LANE YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner May 1927 Frank Hurtburt electedpresident Board of de Plans approved for Simeon County exhibit at Canadian National Bx Ihiblilon The war ls atHl onagatan hoore doelartvlllev Ben Spence of To ronto in fiery address at prohibition rail in First Baptist Church Kiwanis Clu had address by Dr Fred Routley Ontario direetor Red Cross Society at weekly luncheon American Hotel Pictured on front page was St Marys team wnl ners senior church hockey league Ala bert Desuurdie Frank Gill tcoach Jack vulloore Byrne lianleyJoc Hayes Harry Cuffntte Brennan Leo Fleherty Ln tines nc nt on aso eo yrue Town Councll declined to cut poolroom fees and close bowling alley one hour earlier All Highway it running through rBarrIe designated slop street from ilradford St corner stone Elizabeth and Dunlop louiaa street to Blake St at 0v enden College corner Slmcoe For More will recruit regimental band in ttarrla with Boyd Sylvester director tanner iliate Altken of Berton will represent Canada at Womens institute with to be held In October at Cristal Pol ee london England Frank Can rille bought lot on north side Elizabeth St between rroccry stores of illnds nd llarry McCullough will build garage land fnrit storehouse Dr little land lire Bernard Devlin appointed to hoardoi governors Victorian Ordcr of Nuraea Canada Orma Scythea woo material coolest for sills at Barrie Col Isolate Barrie fire brigade staged drill and exhibition at Post Office snuare In charge of Chief James Shruhrole Barrie Soldiers Club celebrated Vimy Night in appropriate fashion at rooms in Kin 3th now Wilson Bldgi Ollirf one er and entertainer was Fred Merci Toronto writer of lladernoi Linusmoms sellme Armenllercs local members contributing to pro ram included Alex Knox Bob Taylor Randall Richard son Helen Pallln Mrs Jones Little Walter crklns lnnll Dramatic Club presented play All Mistake roles played by Mrs Sander son Helen Petting Mrs yooes Freyda Bird Ollv eWellwro hire Dier Mary Paync Edith Creswlclre Town Foreman oiWortrr Edwin Shuter had pay raised to 120 month but Council turned down application by police con stables lfemorlal window for Dr Arm unveiled at Trinity numb by Judge Vance Canon Relner and Rev IL Beverley officiated at special Sunday yearsBar ecommtieehad pl well advanced to celebrate Canadas Dias mend Jubilee on Dominion Day Fine new threemanual pipe organ installed in Collier 5f United Church Builder ls Franklin bongo of Torontos Howard Parlr Church Official sounding was made bv William Freck senior member Board of Elders Opening number played by Horace Wilson church organistchoir master Mrs legge the former Ada lil chardaon of Barrie sang two solos Mayor Waller Dutf announced that CNN would name new Pullman ear in honor of Barrie Jamcr tildd former Barrie businessman and member of nlon eer Cooltrtown tamllv died In Toronto In 92nd vca Mv Irish Rose was pcrculoda sh tlrll bv young people of St Marys Church beading roles were nlaved Irv Irene Kavanagh Joe Haves William Lang Agnes lioran Lena Gill Kathleen Tlromoson Lawrence Haahetto Gerald Daley iiFiPSt man In County Kil rlarel Florence Overs Joseph Bvrnr and Charles Saso Dublin barrlslcrl John Gray presented betweenact specialties lira William Crosslsnd was pin or in moist and leader of orchcrlra Marlon lictnnls Joe Saso Barney Devlin Frank Mclnnis asshn am cameos esmen for doctors were on Bertie unto ye eee lIiDt dill Cetbeart EL oauatuu iusracrs noon outrun struo ore honor Deleon dial is during his vlut noon in Battalion QtidlltEyMnIGsm of Defence in Lender Near deylCl Photo IolhlhthilL SHOCK TREATMENT LETTERS 1T0 THE EDITO uurvanaarv truncation nations at new attire and in mm Geor Bayareabasooiaai asserted 20 Kt no rows are com clanderatandumpmm Alleluiapm for the eunireratlyloammmodmm mouthing eellover our school neonates In 01 0pm the WWW mmlmmue mmwdmww factory laborer and the naosv gnnludfemm dig deeper tats mm beervrblakey and mung tr my ever this gnremroent te swatch eeetlttlaiedwlttaexla vent II Humility expenses teretiits aboald be in It i0 not to trade as may mu students who sweat and bean the gunning my bum nddnlgbt oil to athleveran so or college of applied arts and fguwl it teehnol ustleutthsee ties that world seem to Next year they wont have to utility now tor suelr satellite mwwoimu tuition fees lie eon White former miev What doesthis mien Ie nae Muioimdklotormhb natand that list ions and meal before the last rovlnelal ugblera oi the factory worker election In Barrie tlndi and tamer and other low in cetedhlaeupport forenalverelly come grwp laborers are being establishment to our area The dentederresa not only to the elections are aov now ilr heritageofourwestem thrtatlxa ovreus eun giante health will be higher Now the new minister Dr ftlcbard Potter hag made key speech to the professionlo the Scarborou lumen of the On terb cal Association Dr Potter talked harmore downlocum tenue than any spokesman for govrmmeot here ever sited use to the profes eion lis talked turkey lie pointed without hesitation to faults In the bile altitude it has had By ION 0llEAIiN Weeaa Peek bureau ill The Examiner When health minister talks to group oi doctors you listen lie Is faring his most difficult audience About year ago then health minute Bert wrenes made he speech to group of medl ce more In Toronto Lawrence stated some hard IIcts such as that the proles glen would lnva to be more re lnd seven warning sponslble But ra hardness was speaking oi the pro rattan be expressed in salt word and the general tone of tire speech was Nilmolly In Impetupua conciliatory WP needs to embrace every Within day or so however sudden or dramatic change that appears on the hodson the eettnesa was forgotten and km cm advances ard dlscovsrtea lo the field of medicine are but well hrg to be put Into use yet the medical prolnsion as grwp has done hltle to promote them We have been mainly eon armed with guarding our own anratl sphere oi Inuence Essentially what the minister offensive against the mlnie wnmm dip locitr Examine ll Beylleld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7W1 beeondClaashlail Registration Number tiltil Ifeurn postage guaranteed Dally Bandsysnnd Statutory ilolldesa arrested subscription rates daily by carrier the weekly title year ly Single topic By melt Btnreoe Cwnty new year Balance of Canada canoe yrutyt All other countries tithe yearly lfotor throw off new year National Adverilsrnh Ofcer as Queen St West Tomato Dy IIOB BOWMAN This Is the anniversary at the founding oi the Hudsons Bay Company on May ltlft it was momentous evmt lo the devel opment of emails WA Judge nfcifay wrote an amusing account of the for mation of the HBO In his book The Canadian her Trade 5er men had been searching for the short route to China tor to years when litag classics It and Prince Iltrt stat Redirects and Grove ers to Hudson ltey Everyone one bed search for the Northwest Passage had lost teeth through stttr nnd curred to It as Nertbwet Pat are lionlreei hlenlber ot the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of ctreota rloos The Canadian Press is eaelus tvel entitled to the use tor re pub cation or III news dispatch ea in this paper credited to II or The Assoc eAed Press or iterates and also the local news publish ed therein the Bards manner elelrne yright to all original edver drag and sdllortat material rre ated by its cmploveee and re produced In tblr newspaper Copyright Registration Nurn lhen theaey was formed its be mild regleter dt tlrIt governor at lludson Bey ves more Barley veroted bother There will be no title Minister Tulks Turkey To Medrcal Doctors CANADAS STORY Hudsons Bay Co Pioneer Developer civilisation but also to the have nllve professions of teaching medicine low and engineering Especially ls tau lined In the Georgian Bay seen You may reply by stating that approximately rsoo students took cesaraes at the Ottllta extension centre In the summer and winter sessions last year and taught by the Waterloo lartberao ltalvcr saluynltrlsdirnlcion However orgy era are expected at title this nmnaer and new that new teachers must have uni veraii degree before baw ed number will ly decline drastically In the future Watt ahead the Animator our brim secondary school grade steal If his parents are rich there is no problem If his par etrts are poor God help him And It he doesnt believe In God be can escapeintolhe an real world of drugs alcohol aod despair Respectfully submitted JOHN SCHIIIM Cook Street Barrie was aaylna was that the medi cal profession must abandon its selfrnterest for more involve ment to and cooperation with the rommrmii and particularly inpublleheal caranrattera Then the warning for one hope and believe that we whl never see the day when government has to as eume responsibility that right fully belongs with tile prefer alon But It could happen By default interestingly Dr Potters brd an lmmdtai corner Was this because he was medical man unlike lll Lew ream speaking to entire west or was It borerrsa spo esrnen for the profusion heve been teaming lesson and have be to mature toward the in ev table and abandonment of the brash selfish interest which has given them such bad pub lic image or In the outburst still to comet fa 55 a7 255 mau In laconic lookedaponasaformotdeng pay THE BEWND ONE The sound mutual occurr ence of that afternoon went largely unnoticed by the While it If as =L53 ii it Its the crux of the amount you are going to beer lot more about once the We start east on the beatings rumination THENEWS Brandi Facmg More Pressure By FOX Canadia Pml Buff Writer christian Democratic chief Rainer Bartel has motioned to press his bid for leadership of West Germany despite Oaaneei Ior Willy Brandls resordhln survival at monitdenee vote in parliament hiipilslreii byI Ernests rollback ripe nienuyvoeon Metasy outlets the opposition leader teem on coating the chancellor ax speedily Ia possible either throng eonlimd pressure In the andeetag or by forcing an early general election The eyes efell Empe and much of the world generally are on Boon as Brandt struggles from one meter test to another with the future of his friendspr policy towards the Communist East at stake General elections usually are her in the iederal republic every fotrr years The constitution is geared to maintaining the countryl puiltla cal stability and thus the railing ot earl elections can be com pllcet process STATE 0N COURSE All through the most recent urccesslou of crises Brandt has laxilcaied determination to persevere with moves towards ratification vote on his iriend ah treaties with Russia and Per In hopes that his coall lion govemmenta tiny parlia mentary maiorlt would hold up against the station Demo cratic gure The Social Democratic cben cellos lies considerable forces working In his favor notably what for postwar West Ger many Is the rmprceedeoted threat at political elrlkee by th workers who sup port his policies Although he hlnuclf Ia only sw II HAPPENED IN moderate Socialist the cherub ior also seem to have stalli cant backing West Gee vomys radical mutate high vrwtmn any Newertie return to title Brandt has the or many reretgav lnlonatakers who see this on winner of the int Nobd peace as the main or ttol easing of lesi eat ten alonelnhbtrope But some observers la the federal reprhltcmaggeat thet Brendt not its most brilliant ol polltlelal tettitierm Rainer Barrel on the other hand bee dettly exploited the present situation In West Ger mill GAINED GROUND For one thing be gained ground In recent tlal tectlon by emphasising bree ahdbula ter economic issues while lowing Brandt to air tie wills tho iota of deteodin policy of friendship with Common Isis matte with far less Im mediate appeal Barrel West German rcsl dent since the wartime Russian greatest of his aautlveleestern ermany apperen eels has regained the decisive titl eel momentum for the Chr ilau Democrats who have been out of power since the last election in the autumn or taco BIBLE THOUGHT is are at God little child ren and have overcome them because greater Is he that Is you than he that is In the world John til When It seems like the things of the world are driving you well denead upon the strength at lllrn who dwelh within Warsaw CANADA iiroowwrw cr mmsucceuvouvos evrnoeur R9 rh rrtrrrwoanrounornw AithiORIIlbWINIMNJNWNERBUMIGHATWNM Mlllillli Idiltttidiiiili KOREANS CililtEiE WW NiESE Olit Eli MAINTAINTNSRHASMB TitACiiCF WWII llAIl OULIHNE from the Time of tendon Bay toy was Quaker whose efforts to convert others hnd landed him in prisons In Dover Brutal Bordeaux and Rome lie had even tried to covert the Pope Under the elreurrotancea ll wu felt that he was urdltely to get homesick at ttudaon Bay The territory granted to The Company of Adventurers oi England Trading into tludsons Bey Itreluded most of resent day oboe all of ntarlo lienl Saskatchewan the on outhein hell of Alberts and die southeast corner at the Northwest Territories Canada bought this land from the Hop to mo for its million and so million acres of inert illicitId brd offsred tilt rrrltllon or bustth it tidniMF NIIMDIIIWA I5WINIIWIJ its teem aeucrwwiwomutosue wwururatororaeuww WrWMOttptktvpoiithA 3mg moutme Innuenth guanocomm gotm 4mm our red it as at Ithyelso us