Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1972, p. 3

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leave thIt can he had best seven Eggs use 55 E5 13 it as 5i ii gr 37537 35 tiiiie 5e St dig 35 or vincn Itlng EE Ii wort some Mom tsrested ill lifters tteo chairman Hersey said the tee would itko cotrncil guidance on the toes tllion beiore plane In complet Irn nsssev ll lidIll lit Crove St Vincent liecomniended Byf Committee The public works committee oi quested by neighboring residents uracil lost night recommended ior some tirns and the Stmcoo installation ottrsiiio lights at the county School Bond rsccrrii corner at Grove and St Vincent Ient letter lnIupport oi the armor tuna the lights which will be both The present ttIshlng light and pedestrian and sehlclesctuatcvi shop signs wliibaromovcd when on treethsre been re tho new lights go into operation delimiting lteirpptllawn VGWM oisl Iiblllty rsr oookiroil barkih allle Itlbe corner oi as to asylield Street tickiml Warrior streets The committee also suggesi be doberman scrotum to tho ed it ehould terrsiodtho owner clty engineer and the public penal Toscona that the city works committee has recour gymdy rovldeo thtee mended against rcmovlns pi ed and ive tree spaces which ing meters on hayitoid street to would tho to be removed to per iname the oilstreet portion mic are oilstreet parking Drrineer Ray Allen said the Mr Tsscons has lied ior yordlsorriyboieetwtsesndhas parking to serve his set oilice meter Itoep incline leaving Ute poo City eri Wall The public works conuuitleo hu not recommended any action on the hiuicssler street CNit crossing which must either he closed or have automatic Ilgnsis imtsilod ii the city sntlwhlstling bylaw is to be approved The wannlttee was told the Canadian itsnsport Commlrslon will study the Illuatlon soon and in the building or Duectron decided to wait until the OTC gives some direction Signals tor the crossing would cost 5000 to mow but would likely have to be moved when Lakesbore Drivo constructed that tor the ct would preier to close the cross with gsta gill iakeshora to is extend Wanls Appearance Improved Dorothy Graham oi oi ilcnry St wrote to council last wee nshlngthst something be done to improvslba appearance at number oi properlla she asked whether anything could be done to improve the appearance oi lot next to the Title Blue Hall which she said would make nice park ior sen ior citizens or parking lot She suggested litter that not cut nus true To Continue Publ Aid Nelson Gorrctl will con tinue his battle ior public own ership oi the city bus has at next itcrsiays Council meeting otter being oulvolcd in public works committee lost nisht its Garrett sold by accept lns miss operator the city is leaving tsctl open to large cost htcreoseo it labor rates the over the term oi the contact the committee was told Stock brothers oi orlilin the low bid der on the contract has requeo tedIclous bopultnlheccn tract milling rsrwgotlalion or it wages rise more than pr oi Insotutt during the iirst two years vrsanlavsslorv must The eonurrltteo responded to this suggesting the city should iii termination in the contrer which would girls the silt rishl in into over the envio Meilt needed to operate the tent with tho price betas not on it Irbllration Stock brothers which is at itiiolod with Trsvelwsys and pro lecls near the West End Plaza belykiod up regularly and com pl ned about the weeds near Kempvlen Bowl The public works eonunlttce replied that the city has hrsch health and tire reputations whl it renuoo to enlnrce clean up oi privoto propert and sold the litter near the ass is at ready picked up regularly by public works crews sanity operaics the city buses said delivery dsis oi irsnsil bus es tor the llleiit has been de layed until ovembcr The com pany hss hoped to get two new buses irt July and two in Nov ember but General Motors in Marion has advised none will be suitable until the toil Tho tlrm said it is trying to buy used equipment ior temporary use and it me hats to buy dew coaches oi titerent design Is temporary carriers The prime Irgument sgIlnst public ownership was that the city could not be ready to into over operation July and the city might be without bus service ior some time sated lot plebiscite on this matter last year said Aid Gar rett lira issue could have been settled then ran one pist lnrm at public ownership oi ihs buses and deieIled tho candi dan who was opposed to this so think have mandate Not noon Incurrntts lio raid lack oi iimalshtruid not be urcd to argue dililisi puhhc My gt protrusions humid The Consdian Progress Chris oi Barrie and the LIdIH Ans hisry to the studios Promos Glob presented cheques Inc the new Sheltered Workshop on The Broteton Iield Natural ists Chub will be making the iield trips In Slrncpe marry his spring hicmbcrs will meet It centennial Park at no em on IIIleJIInthmUJnd It 130 am at Centennial Part on thy ll LEASE LAND The city ilrrsm committee or medinsthlghttnleaulsntali Iresoilarmiandstliltlohke Park to Howard gs ior tied his Partring has rented the land in the port CARL MARINA The llnance committee will meet with three dliierent indittd pper or iornter Coriey hisrina this surn mer there were on proposals put tooth when the committee called ior proposals but three have since been received No date tor meeting has been set cm across special meeting oi cetrncli has been called ior Wednesday night at pm to discuss the city budget the iinanco commit tee completed preparation at the document at its session lost sight SOAP I0 DER thisth closed moirireon tot tss oniunezt to allow tho lg brothers lion and the Optimist Club to hold soap box derby TOUR NEW the public works committee will tour cilyslreets where pork lrrg problems hatebeen reported on tho iiith Monday in tiny it has recommendations irom Colon cllcliiing ior prohibition oi park log on one side oi Iorne menu but wants to cover roost oi the trouble areas in one hlew CONSIDER PURCIIASE The public works committee has rccommeded the city cun rider purcharlug llo Bothwcll ttlock the land bounded by landlord street iiilin Street and Essa Road The recommendation came as rrsuit nt suggestions in public meeting last week The tirch ct lhh enlscqutst lion to lmprovo the intorsec ion lIOUEZ Nil RENT ilsppy with the results received about it Three bedroo brick bungalow rec room and tourth bedroom in basement Close to schools and bus on quiet street Posses sion May 1st eras monthly Telephone FOR FAST ACTION CALL ExAhiiNiJt WANT ADS mutt ownership because the city has hId plcnty at time in make de cision Aid Garrett said publicly owned system might rost hit more bettuso the city would pay drivers more than the pri vate operator trrlght but the taxpayers ouid be paying or service no Ior proiit to the pri vate operator subsidised private lnduslt try is not good he said Tao ornblom is that the operator knows what this revenue will be and he will he trimming corn era in order to rrrsxlmlsp proilt Aid Carroll said it wages are itept low and stall nwraio drops service to the public will drop ridership will drop and the root in the lprIyer will rise The prlvo contractor doesnt care Were guaranteeing him certain amount regssdlessgoi what happens LABOR C0 The main concern was with lab or costs with the committee told that the city would pay drivers total oi rloso to Ohio per hour it Wmmngy The iiary shied csoo while the ihs presented cheque let and non ieltr non courtrv school Ila It Barrie and Attestation iartba hiealIliy Retarded Susanne Graham president oi the tad los ausiiiary Bill Plant BOARD OFFICIAL rostrum contra cram Til WORKSHOP trainee It the workshop idrn Grlham resident oi the Pro grmo Chr and hits Eileen itsnkln director oi the work shop llssmlnrr Photo Education Objectives Constantly Reviewed The Sirocco county Board oi Mucollooa is constantly review tag and its oblectivee in education and Angus hie gal leiind dLecter oi educas on Iir its was commenting on In Out lleachers Feder ation IlItesrenl whidr sIld the oducslionsl system hu tailed in set realistic objectives and to rneasurs in eiieciiveneas in reaching them Mr trustees have establish ed obioctlves with the sooner sites at the administration This type oi thing is constantly un der review teachers prin and cvncemcd ilr cttsy sold GROWING iiAII The iedcrItion complained yes terday drrrlng meeting at tho tittcisl govemmeols commit eo on the costs oi education thIt there is growing sp in corn municItlons and love voment bo ltweerthe schools and the pub The omo trim the nrdvhw clot government to term prov ineewide network oi community groups to help shut the course oi education in Ontarios ole memory and secondary schools hit lieita said the commun ity is air involved in plum nlng educstionai objectives in schools lie said bciore the board introduced verbal instead oi grad ed report cards comrrrlltee oi horns and school representatives teachers and trustees and ad ministration met and came up with recommendations Thaiederntlon has suggested htr iicKIy disagreed with tho situations argument that there is not enough Moment oi what is going on in schools ltlst dont behave thst think there is more assessment Ind evaluation oi objectives than ever belore in the province oi Onllrio iiI slid irom iinsnrinl point oiview the boards have been iorch to review their spending Ind bbhvilm in light oi the government ceiling on spending NOT IN 501W hir hiciisy said tho brieis Il iegaiion that dissatlriactlon with education operating stemmed item the tendency oi tnrslees and teachers to air their dili ereaces in newspapersnrrd on ANGUS MKMY doing the lab in nwmwmimwwuwmmmohm comprised oi paranu ratepayers who have no childrcn in the school system business and pro fessional people teachers stu dents school board nlilelals and tlttstett The group would channel their recommendations to In ovcrsil supervisory council in their arca which would correlate data and opinions received They would in hard work with government body selected to oversee the pro loci which would anniysc ma trial and make ruports on what the ohiecilvas should be television each vying ior public support ior their catrsc was not the case in Simcoo Corinth Ile also disagreed with the reports alichUon that soothe cause oi taxpayer unrest is the at at for ermine Roda is it as or ii 15 ii 31s 53 is sis Eg SEE RES re sch at 52 ii it in as in 1s 13 is uig air to as ii Cam tinting the problem the cttots remark that the hlew would not Ichieve lbs pur pose council had wanted the Kiwanis Club at Barrie had re planted the road be stored so III that admission to Centennial Park could be collected vSoiicllor itowe said the Ilunlripel Act does not sin rily the power to permit anyone to collect tell ior crossing crsrr Ivth Till IARRll EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY Wants Standards gges it is if Es Not Less The Barrie Builders Associa tion wants the city to set up stan dssds ior townhouses almlar to lhoso ior other typos nl housing rather than to lower the permit ted density ior this type oi home JIek Stollsr speaking lor the builders sold the present sys lem or having Ilto plans se suits in dhcrlmlnstlon and he pointed to balances where one developer was related nosing and six months him another one got city pcrmisslon ior similar dev elopment on the same land it shouldnt be matter at like or dislike We want to hIts standards so we can go to an architect and say iicre are the re design the develop men term as drug abuse and violence these regulsdons Is strict it Most oi the public realises they are problems oi our chang ing society and not the iauil oi he schooit he sad the scboois he said his hiciiay also said the board is making every attempt to in volve external agencies with ed ucation in the iield at special education It is trying to work with ngcncies that can provide services rather than hiring board employees to do the lab you way the board In both saving marry and Involving the public 87 For Oro Station Girl in Piano Solo And Under By MURIEL LISIJEII Large piano classes started the second week oi the Orlllin Kiwi Inls Festlvli including many entries irom iiarrlc and the lm mediate area Boris Berlin sdlurlicator is well known irom cossltocoasi II on original and ouulondlng pisno teacher exasrriner lectur er and iestlval indicator The highest mar given yester day was It awarded to sheila Cragg oi Ore Station in the lane solo class years and er Results ycslerdsy are as tol lows Solo to your and under Susan in wages and irlnge bencilta it was suggested the private open ator would not pay this rate Airl Ross Archer said the operator has irrrrcaacoi hit rate by 19 cents per mile over the present contract and he sees Vondcrin 85 Port Carling Carol Geddes at Tomato Cat oiyn Weeks 33 itacilcr Solo 10 ycnrs and um Paul llalma dd Orlllia iary Anne Slephulltls Barrie it Done na liionro ilawkcsionc It Solo to years and under Ste phen Deltas Drillia at Patricia Richardson Dritila on Kevin Steele Barrie it Solo years and under Shel ia Grass 0m Station 37 Pam ola Wright irovcnhtrrst is tiny Ltnds itiunto Orlills and lilchrle iiaddlsoo lloctier lted KI Solo til years and tilliitiii ic Ownership Bottle this as good cushion agalnri increased labor costs There was also some concern that the could not hire manager cit and drivers and set up administration oi the bus line in the short time available Mr Garrett said he thinks the city would be wise to operate the oystem ilecii soI protection to rcrvicc and browns oi the he crossed control the city wont have over urratity oi service No pointed in the cities at North tiny and Sudbury which have bod pro hisrnr with service Ind sold lisrrio could end up with similar problems th rest ot the committee mem bers said they would support the Stock brothers lender provided clause is inserted giving tho ciiyrlght lo trnniasto the con rac Ins maroon GARRETT leaves eiiy open The committee recommendn lion will go to council lot more vol scat Monday niaht its Stevenson OrilIiI as itsliii steeds Barrie as Jane Archdekin Port Colbomc it Soiotld years andurulc Lau rie ilubhcri Orliiie Ab llilch elle liar hiidhur Jo Ann Wee btaciier Ki Soto lopen amateur or proics aionalt Beethoven Sonata Anne Kimberley hiighlon Barr dieton Midland at George Veary Englishbarn musician is the Idtudlcalor tor the vocal classes lie is mem ber oi the Board oi Examiners oi the Royal Conservatory and well known Is iesiivnl adjudi cator Results oi the Vocal solo class ns held ycslerdsy until noon are as follows Girl solo iii years and ursiert Annemarie Arnold Parry Sound as Kimberly Eaton Ordiis it into Norworthy Oriills Ill Girls solo to years and under Heather Kerr Pa Sound Kathy Tspeoott is It Son dra Lynn Langiorvi it arrls and Susan Daley Parry Sound tied bi Girls sale it years and undcrt Tracey hicongue Aiiisiorl ti Krista Atiwcli Orliiia to Linda hiacphcrson NobcL Ii Girls solo iii years and under Kathv Tapaoott Oriliio at lteiiy liobosue Million or iinurem bioloney Barrie hi 8i LstIrI liobln tild ALARhl FOUNTAIN supplementary budget ior Parks and ttecrentton ornth rion was approved last night Ivlnlthe commission moo tor insta tlon oi burglar alarm It Sunnidaio community returo Irsi ior recondrtlo oi wiring in the itnrnlain st enterutiei Park Vernacular runners Fire Dept mill Qty Touts reasons AmhIIanre ilereice Hit oil my 13th wants and include any regular tions it wents as long as We know damn well where we stand ite sold walku opartmeats could be built on same land as that soncu or tounshouses and there Is no worry about lien ally ior apartments The only time you talk density is when you get to that bad word Towna orrscs lie said it there are regula tions and guidelines on Irrhh lrct could tell the builder exact ly what hn could erect without having to waste the citys time and the architects time going back and lorlb ior approvals it Works Budget the public works budget has been out by stream at the re quest oi thc ilnnncc committee works chairman Dci Cole said last night The cuts lncludc coals oi re construction oi Lukashore Drive reconstruction oi hisry street irom Rm Street to Simone Street reconstnrction oi st illn Density the city makes its regulations be strict the dewrlopcr would slInp ly decide to put setnidetsched houses on the luld instead oi townhouses ii could build nine Intrude tached theres no way id build it units to RhLI standards ttowb huueesi it you doesnt pay Aid Jsch hiorrtson said he still thinks there is plot ior site plan hyiaws 50 RELIEF Both he and Aid JIck ills Loren argued that some odd shopcd lots that couldnt be de veloped economically without homo reilei irom toning regulIA liliS rt his Slolinr said it the semi tions were in the toning bylaw Iny builder who designed sub dcoerved no mpolhy irom city He said no arm to site plans tor existing lands sored ior till ass but not ior new den tclopmentx ltts eonunlttee is considering lowering ot the pcnnltted dew sity oi townhouses irom units per me without garages and to units with gun in ii and 12 units respccuve The builders would pretento have side yards distance be tween living rooms and other criterisua tether titan the pro aont system at setting dtnslty and then using Illa bylde tor most developments The committee took no action on the matter last night Cut 5120000 cent Street irom Blake to Duck stesmer ior trot sidewotk snow plow in vacuum and rt oi the cost oi lroilic si ladder The from committee had asked that the budget be cut storm menu umwumw Cooler Weather Wednesday Accompanied By Some Rain Todays cloudy shits will con linuc tonight and tomorrow in the Barrie area with low per iods oi ruin Wednesday Temperatures tomorrow are expected to drop shout to de grees irom todays highs Tho overnight law will be it to so with high tomorrow oi to to t5 Synopsla Clearing will spread eastward to cover most locali ties oi the tower takes region by tth alternoon tcohscsttay will be mostly cloud with periods oi rats In the south and love shouors Irctutd Georgian iio In the tar north It will be most sunny Altemoon temperatures today are expected to use between odsndiulnthosouthobdlatho Iowtonrhi60snthonorihllmrnins Daytime tom 1th Wednes day will be tllva in to do greeo lower in most regions North Bay Slrdbury Georgian 144 Bay Algoma Clotsiy with periods or rain todoy Wednesday Winds esstozw it in as both days idqu today no to as lows tonight it tom Ilighs Wednesday is torn lltsh Lou ma Nay TonighA Id fit so Windsor SarniI St Thomas awful Owen Sourtd ilttshoka St Catharine Kingston Peterbcrough liltiaioe chhiss =15 nszasssaggaaaaaaaas aasazeszsssssssas Whether Iorocnrt brought to you Investment ornatnatrao asntat TIME FOR CHANGE Chonpd up to PARKIAND IRE SMuieoIterSl trams so it

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