Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1972, p. 4

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aponeored tlon Med elapth tor Ire Site neon edicenom otOntarioeo atatoredmora Md 1w on reatlnl writin and artlle E52352 initiate it on writing her taken the tirei mater toadvancmrdinliie erogenin een mm teit that more elnpilaeie to tormei education Only it per cent tell diet the trend to open deaeroome la good thine And 07 per cent aetdtbat Mitre edrool yearebooid not be extended the report underlined the conaervetlve attitude ot parenta toward education ea IUSTINIIIISTr SAID HIS FIRST WORDSWIIERESTIIE ELECTION POP We diiiereorea at More prepared tor between Wand dder yar her not at the rote aome telt that Meier tavor but hit lnouu MEMORY LANE tram eoo to rowu Baarth mariner Hey 1032 ltayor Jotlni Ont riported moat eyed nowbeppii enraged wotkin on various atreote ot Barrie ot Cortn otl Telephone wuiheaded byAIder man Oeo It inner with it John jiElOliOil one adhered Kiwenie ryeeiom to yet tattoo lien edy and Itcltevil Itlx min himeoeetrnt Any not been oi Celedonie ihlnity llurdl8unde1 evening locally outdygiltor magic eerved elm lam BirlAlWf acquaintance Llooe allow ed at Baht Mal amokdimer boot intwhiett Art Borden decidoned nley Duke oi daleeethree Cookatown rugyed tamer oweedliuh Mien de ed be him my rner oi Borden tormer It orem modified orooto tiywetplel iiainilntereet cen terime wnwdl iii pm libtb matting on and lit worthy too too llfirijioelnoo tied it ed day nous Nueioia reeortw canoe eti little gm eponeored 110w ceuatatudbcery MOIillb orpernlne Olltlrott lilteetora electedFrank their Harry Budtenanll htlrice Bert llo elon Judgel were Campbell iteitter ot Stately bay and it lottnvton oi lilti laod Art Pugh wee clerk ot eventa Dr Raymond Ilughee timehecper Oharlle Lowe and lid Siluler were reierece jack Kennedy and Allan Scott renewed with Jack Herald or To ronto Aryonaoie whowar wrestler on Herald wre bell captain at literate Iiili three women ego when Scott were bell at thin eeven doeen lacrosse etlche now epoie It to Be tide In etiort tolrevlve game Walter Pertlna orcheatn town engaged to tor annual metre dance collie iiwbln tront lathe Harry evere we needed bet trout to Mbll Mrinto craft mutton oi Cemp otncnou tirehlt viiiepe ot loml neither bounce rape and centre iore volunteerr rev byrneeneothookeie liena expected the Merriam to dei Miler St WM beeteon It Coclchorn Norman Clarke at ptenoled eingeonpzlllar lane ot Barrie hem duller II pityraeryon eaenerCart Willi between Owen oo us Automakers Worried mission Standards bone and tar above me levele tor raider ot nitroren Lorelhard Itineraia and chemical an Indepeod ent catalytlct teeearcher am It recently ran car tor renoo Illich with Ita roe verler and the car atlil put out no entire than leaal levele TONI MEI ITANDAIID Ford bat rlm atretltled chem mine In lta laborator WWw Ice ahlctt meet the till etenderde mm Alng lint even the more promlac in experimenta have what Ibeauiolnduriryconaiderato be aome Important June In addition to no la Iltnlle ot emiaelone tor ml the ear lliilll elao maintain that level tor room other No in teat ear bee done title yet In an October rurvey the National Academy oi eclencea oi tlve domeatlc and ii iorel care loved that the tire chcherya retina run at fold and live iolci can met the mt etand but all were handmade and decade away from maaa pro duriioh No one in yet twill tort car which Ilteele ell the quail clean power with mmt and initial am concede that errata 1me More wtilt cult ttert the jmllnl tor 191 one tree developed Wm car which til tit have devel MI orrtwa col About trot eduite attended ropralna oithe AI quin retranlnl end corm ee all centre laet year ell with onat or In common They ell wanted to rot baclr to reboot Ibeyre ecared to death yen they come here at all TI somewere and hbetlle Medulta theyve learned re out there di theell bed erperlrncea ielt ealri aotne have tor level oi educationt been tohlrll reboot in their date not or the edition are utually Ill thenwomcn There helltelnet centre prtnei Iroslratedl inaccura pal to return to rchool and the edloalmcot to tchool too ticeliona tor einllaiona and rnlleape INAAPL CLII mm The ma alandarda II met woodcuthytopercentthe amutmt ot potlutlny tunea pgmltted tor thIa yeara mod Iranaporiatlort Secretary John Volpe bee eetlnlated in ternal combtntlon anelnea contribute or per cent ol the pollution in aperrcly Muv ated ereu end ea much at It per cent In bl clttea Qara rive carbon mutton Ide pome era and hy drocarbona end orider ot Ivoren which cook In the run to create antoe Iterardlera oi whet entipole lotlort vyetem automaicra ti nail chooee or whet yeara ale they put the lyrtenla on American driven will tee tor the tlral lime the Impact ln tevma ot coat end conven lencoot cleanlny up the air the itll or me car aey endneerl will alert rder have lelempichltp eahlhlt meter tc my to aIeIl and coat more hill economy will deteriorate by to It per cent The remainder are from va rlety ot rectal and economic levv air tbra weeIl orientation coorve he the who have been away om Ichooliotrome lime to bone up on Enpiiah and mathematics it also helpe them It id meet othera who are atletnptlnt aide tine tint oi the two last year re celled payment item the led out men over department while atie In school iie lait acid relrolnlnr prorrem may prepere an Ind vidual tor naenlIalrllled prniea atoll Some went on to common Ity coliere end low would tend onlterrity II that waa loreram eoai MemorysLamp Gives Courage Golden Year la the eoldcn lamp oi lite orite briaht beerua reected Item the rate and otlanreleea lend oi yeateeday light our rtepa alone the troubled path way oi today and rive ue eourela to date the danperr ot Iarthe walla tomorrow You have neat etora oi recollection youmii It on he look back end remember at 1b everare man new no nae tor Iwobe trouae twecar mareor twoenanieee tile The chlat dItIarence be tween villera end email town wee that the villa bad no one Idiot to um might whoootdd VII it you wantedn roan on hadnt Inhcdted you had work tor it to art It No one site It to tomd it diltl ier Ittce boon oilolhieh had the atrannh eddwlhde unicorn to be themeelvee In ateed oi actina like each It went nnuahel tor baby It to 0N LOAN INOIJGII Anyone who had one Ioat oi bread under and not two telt be bad no luatttt le reaeon to cmldlain about You could look at boy end Irlweliin arm in anqu no or and te them apart ibere war no place in town where bit could buy bottle oi aeprln tablete except the drlIlll re latent thrill to little be Ne waa ettlnl Ice Iheiee with em aieel rather than wooden connect It yeune ylrl could take her namther to movie with ottt worryior ailetiter the more or the Iantoa In It would attend the old rl The old people who bed to end their da In an old lulltt home were oaa who had no children illyt Norrie Examiner It baylieid Street Barrie Onterlo Ieiepbeoe meerl Second clear itall adulation Norther ottuid urn pollen pllarant Daily huedaya and Statutory lloltdata excepted dobereiptiorl rate daily by earrtm we weeilv tilde year ly Steele coplea tic it melt Ilrrle intro yearlyl lrmoe All Wanted Back To Schoolitiintiiidllnlllt oiber rounlrtea toeoo yearly Motor throw ell tilde year National Itdvertietna Oliiceal Ii Queen St Weet Toronto are me to Cethcart to Montreal tietnber oi the Canadian Preaa and Audit Bureau oi ctrctdo one The Canadian Free In ereluo Ively entitled to the ore tor ra ubllcalloo oi all ma dlrpatcb ea In thle paper credited to It or Ilra Itaaoc ated Prue or Iteoler and aim the local newa publleh ed therein the Barrie Examiner elalma yrlphl In all orlelnal adver nd editorial material cro ltl employcea and re ll thlt newlpeper tittratlon None jitter it tau THE FIRST concur litre the wrltne compliment melt Iterator labed rent oi toll common year and Ithutlmiaeedoutoneoorre pitcetlen The other ebrant on Coltlnwwood st wither an alert However ebrated by thin wile to onto and new the movie et then aeroea Avenue For Barrie Kiwanians Iy KIN wells IUI rilllllll ie what todeye need to be column ie all Met Sontrthihl til Sell wee ehurt aeverel hatre alter tntod ta one inhtatelllerteurnmer ed on April eocwmter with Me Didntoolle it That day lltr Irateer Queen meta It up the tree teat mom Elizabeth II lied Inotller birth with eeveral distiller Cor boatbotlle and Lil Victoria mith daucb mrh NmSleew To win Nliiiliin op tarot titat um out or it arm aone want llticel lnb bday cel thanhtbreewboeent The one will and the bullpen oi wooenieli iiooe to tire AM liaioom We do hope At end tiara were roe oi Penatanl 5t Aleo to will Aldermen Delbert David Cole thou Arid there wae another birthday peg on Colllnpweod it In bell Or nlverury the club to care or than the writer ellany ren lull bulletin editor to ILN it mottolimited tel day rain or ehleeior after an berniaalnx cotteeatble all there tlelnr It and been an eye on me people down It the yacht club on role their to the wenla one at little which la in the bridal ct tlelden Year Which melee the cur ooecwned reoriento 1w Road totI dinner It The Steel Pit hilly Named new all to acelebent cel the and milled act mWJrlanlcm wanta bm how litrnpenlall Ia trait meet oI either or both the new ad IIlatr it liar youve ntrit elm mweatlrlehtmwdadbout tlort call the aoiicltor oi haunt nllbllzr lilwetiin Anti abel it on leavina the PARTICULARLY pierced by the at all burial Iii Or the card trotn llulre Cor ot mnndtatnea Rowe errant he Read who altollld orttvvnliaraliry Navy Mmlr type mine in Ward line II we hero eoon bcrt known hotel an alaibe al at ant unit the lloyal afgnavar malledtooorpeodleuamcd Pent bad aD In hie name either who promptly delivered with Tilt the notation that older people Illa to have bit oi tuae made Where how allude Ilempentelt Shanty Ital Du and Iovmer oi them llenttoo wee rnnda ot Coxa andtbell ere littlth our Slameae leillle harried itr lion the Garret and Webetera bemttbort tor hempaonlwho aedappreprtetaly enoutb QUEBEC OPINIONS Iollowtna Ir aeleetlen el editoriala on current ioylre tveealated Item the Frenchlaureate pma at Celina Montreal Le Preaac till hoelneee etaye Indllierellt to the term oi the political re lime Dtatrltethll oi poillb ciene It hae little intereet In their doctrlnta At the oi oilendlrll one or them It can be paid thet the crotch and Capital have cannon characterlatlc Wit retuee to oi involved at Ieaet ottlcla ion the tout it at level alrlctly tiny recent exam ot tbtt the liomen catholic thutch in Canada retualne to pro nounce Iteelt en the delicate onettlon oi reitdetermlnation tor Tube Ye eatore are intranet ent onthe principle that the cm the reabrle doee not nretier that the ruler oi the economic lame mutt not vary trout aeeeon to acute lble rllle ta wailtnown to thoee who menace the con quertcee oi economic national lanr whether it be Quebec or nnedien economic national No one would went to ahcw an trlltrc in bulldltll tecto rlea In territory where he tionalixatlon wet the codeine thin which would bathe equivalent oi retro and almpla write Does thla denyer exlat beret It la certainly not Imminent But it cannot be conaldercd totally unreal to lolly ea rabid radical continue to demand that all Iornre oi private prop erty rnuet rtleappee and the the ayrtem enuat be deatenyod They not an what will re ploee it It ie hl time that every voice with the allehtctt eo ihorlly here tell the rabid red leelr that ccrtttln otter have one on tour cocoa Apropoe recent overlie air bounce enctalrned blotch Ia comm lheaa wordr were not aimed at the wolhere The were aimed at certain we known aeitatola and et ultra lettlrt lntellectala who omlrtl tuta In Quebec and Canadn the moat atuplri lett win in the worldtlly dormier April iii uneboo I4 loleil ll la evi dent that unlooienl Irl twptb tlo aarvloe la nine throu crucial time and that It in outline in erlaenca in tova the rovernrllent whether one nippm It or rptnna It it however the eupreme author lIy Whether one unit It or not It la the government that will have the tword unleae we end up with revolution and the rovornrncot la driven another Iiot whel otlteel That It may have committed errore in ne otletlone doee not de alloy uleeltlmwchhe union common troot could also have lta there ol respon aibtlity tor the altuatlon And deca not the attitude at lie iendera Indicate that it inlt elnple labor oonlllct bola Iiiicel lame to which the pr la the maintenance election at the mount re And ll arbolra it to he made about our present politi cal and aoclocconornlo ayao tent it were not be dictated by minority nt mitt he cludiny more or tear Impor tant proportion who do not eupport their leadera obteco tlvee The urn to worlr on maria one clue to to prevent conflict the emer law doea not end the neeelatlone They will con llnoe on another old That it helm the uhllc rcrvlcc oomi rnlltea ot national Hittite ityy the terror ol Ihereaa new to reddence were nanied Iiiwanlo club loot to Aired with the liempchielt Elliott The bulletin editor it also rlllln Inerbortnlloltoe5otnare cent Iaeue he Ineerted tbla tllad to aea euaet loot Del they The Iineameater ithala pa tint on enigma unilm harder 0m rdlMm daemon en Riewmthymmmo mqu Act cum roote comphtdy teeny ad llllited to not havinr read the bulletin ltorledrntted to not barley been to movie Inhall Intertwine uih the bulletin editor claim Ietn Iona Irorrl power and replecod with re 55 33 gr 52 352 dntlral Iienlpentelt Willi WA ll Oh tha it rem one Ituaa ltritton ol beaver rooear eayt be will Illaaovtn red Pontmve memoor on ma Iorce local lloepltet Montreal wee opened lament odehadpadenuv viii Oalbarlnaa lee ilhedeneliacamena We ante accord Came retrenchment ti In tnnede to eat electric Noteventhebinthencit0orl with belt WW who Itweuideeemtbatthemanuw Whitmanme IMOSir Charlee Ihlpper illtiio$dt to adopted alpbIbotlr dag Ilaanode Library opened at Ottawa Iitairohlhliloe came htohm rib all were produeevdn iortlnt liedQuebec liquor tovernment eon oi ltitConatntctlon beten Hpellne trool Edmonton under Buy Out titsQuebec rovernlnent took over it prlvele pnwev panlea now who Ir Iltornae Delaneyt loote llle Mdtud Burton Wilt do tillIll Ml CANT Elli to it oil the Womb lhbil aru om terad thia bit tor lb column No the la entirety uleleta even the wont can eerva aa horrible et alrl la No wonder the lilwania loci the Knight oi eoltilllr Trophy to the liotary Club tha ear Now item that one clot oeL rnree ll ON render ol ll cglnmlanyway1 ltlwenldan ornl yuno are err cetlooaliet wattle to clear up the nemlnl oi Bell Mart which war not mentioned teat week in The tted pioileth the lneiatil hleiory well the corn the heat and tuteer awn munlty wee nemed by Jetnee with ltla teeth The are hart In tees itr Berri wee ml at him Ier be eeeth tonnerbanllcrtrom Dundar0ntv All day ta courier arlo Illa wliee christian nonte Illlt ll wee hell In early da Chart on people who oi apellcd with teen to time out why the utlutltlteteeralano In brother nation the me xempenyelt they on on on will In Illa own tIlleatttie the end at Bell Some ltlpel Now it the time to get on alauth uncovered title errata title Ozone ye or day eeveral yeare no ye will aerte IT HAPPENED IN CANADA BRA CANNON WWO SON lrneoeleeellorm lillWAheFlbtt ole momentum vleloev lllooerutwutro wounreontotuoe lurereotttotduoouo ooueorrolveeuczt OFIAKEWIAAIOAINE metronomewe moronwomen monochromqu Allatiilimtillilliillttv MIMIM51149 moomy MM WMlMIMIW atomizermoor dorm rowmoo om mm go it tom the tile yty luwtlm ah lTAlIAOIIEi lit GIMMAAWNNMWW Obit Flilt COMMERCJALNALUIMWK HAMLINmil MIMIWO ROM fillIll WWMVWW arvooutc me met one lfltltlelMW WM MPIWWMNN WINK

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