Ergo er in Eng Fee vs iii rise III lduiui soon on its III the tall Osllhngwood outt ed hithmood lllll and then Driltll lrh in Brrrlo Club will leave or hot Spokane Friday morning he nor NekIIlIan no limo nor Folds guns the hereto 0play really well Short Egg IaattlrI Iho better eornpethloo Ira lot all our made big dllter 5115b raid alter the salon Ws have seven very compel IKVI learnt in metallic anti IL ritual as lthe other to rvo Ix sitpros radCy tirla make ton better key hElia only done will oi the nerlu war ordoetrlon In tin or tut week at Barrie IhI err went on to win tha roe mum on on home in and won In Grand Illiia nt gr eel that II Grand nrilr had piron in our league nu ysar would have had real good es slid Sly Th have In club and cor yerl Imoeouldateo ntorna my turn in Ontario ghurm bio mill oava mn minor protenlonal tha last lzyears reorod lwleo tnturdey to lead tho Flyera ills twn meomlo within mee rpnn In second ported hook tie Illtlllll Nembern oi Barrie Ie Ion Minor liodney clotted lelr new execulluo Iinturda morn Ing during their arroua gener al meeting Jack Kennett wu noellined cbtlrmln Doug straughnecscy immediate part hilt Ilhltt IIYLlli PROFESSIONAL HAIR STYLISTS ouotMMY Iho barrio tllnor Soccer Iue Bllrst Ier Grand Fall Ioclatlon urges all are er Ireu rpoosoro banihe Mandala Paranoia meeting tooitbt at tho hkerlew Adanral II Grard Ialla slkrtlng at oelock Dryer it rynnk Ilowrel mm Mu ltt Penaltleoutiandelo tum m1 Wynnn mm Moore who is Intereated in help Iltd loin lerl log tiiI local assoclrllon In any KIW Mir enpseily Is also Inked to attend 01 Itdlml ii I1ttl Sly tonight meeting SI hound PeriodI Barrio Aeonrb mnnlnnhlni also what Iron BIrrlo Pann whom an ammo gehkotlirodalaPoianlet1Iiny court blanked Ioronlo BarrlI Paunbko llaodalar Ukraine so In National Soccer Itdanral Iseso Peanltlmonno In reuon opener Sunday NM Period1 Billie Po ll on Bhakovlo renred Croa Ianlo Adamst rm Ilarrln tIns tlrrt goal on In an doing balrd Robinson Sly 1JII hrokohll Ieittegohenho tell to PelaItIeInone the hard ml and will be out oI Moonsill action about two months Elmo hlebmed 0e rand hit man IIOAL tuninr seorad lorthoatla president at the upon Ir llarrk Elliott neerelary lteg rluitt Is nhown with members chairman otthaenecutlreJltDltLEFlr and 77 our on pair oI Inhibition Armbto nu lilohinnont second at play can loom You not Sly to win over Barrio In In even eoolestplayot In Ioodoo Saturday The Barrla opportunities during the game it to whithokiwtiold madlth Irltnrotrorrr BardeliughyClub Lose Twoirnnios name Kathy Football It pallly goal In the lad learn minted several noorlon Sunday at North eoliepale York Univernlty scored early then ended oliaresongtng learn to take In win Alter trId lng pmnlty trait with Barrio Irorod two tries orro at them method to into to point But Carl ill cut that to Ii when to don orrr tha lino III In tho second lull nherlplokins upapannirolnsernrnlia kllleh Ilamrrier The thrill club had mph oi other scotiol opooo tunllien in the closing ntlnaten but were Iloooed short by strong York tackling IIonry Ilerman kittied the penalty goal or the ill or ilarrlo RFC switches to out door practicer Thursdly It North th collegiate the workout 69an at ttl pan Linton MINOR nocrrri rxrcurivr rircrrb IIIrold llrell Ilceohalrnun er Pnolot lintout roller Iron aloliltrnwsont tortoise Wmurnue commacoy Colrlnl no are hit houndout mile paee Pat Oooka Cmtlt Woe ChelII otrhl Nana Cornet IhIIrurstl woo Tim IIIM Dolly dolklI poll 5217 oonrletnt Qidrmreu Flshert only In tho game the Yeoman gmt mg Itsalinui Anitas Boy hittinloshl aim rrrrn unittun mile nee tlroI INII Ollltlll Ht poll SN NW mile trot yai JroIt Ioimeat IIrorlio Doll Lawson LLzn JH 11m III Ikader looteot worth Irwinl Masterpiece Troy Time 11101 110 Cg Carlo Lindon Tim to Bar nmrooaro grim limo tilt Jimmi urprri 1m 7ll Ilrno LI Scratched irrir Worth it Hi km seventh3mm pm nonunion Clay Pigeons art oroer nun Ogden Valley tllaynol Illicit tilt rr um rimm nth our unittownie secr Nolanrtlirl Ikorl II0 160 mm 1m PM Mm lis lton Parker IIoonrpsonltto mo mo nu ntseo Ciern Siltiml snotso Gordona norm Grown in onnncnvrrrr Iitrsurrs iiuinr rurot tron Attendkm Halli Mi Wit BOWLING ratiotr rum rnart nrnrtunvonr Pats Pets VI on Jo too Yes Goes to Lilo Strrtoar 110 HI Week Ill Iri in tires 36 mono Ntzr hm 3in Nonand Sit travo IIIrten tea DIII Brett Std mm to torn Daren must so too 11 Amt loll intro IInIard to Dave Nnrten to roster to Cyril lines Ill 0in Dane Brett ltd lion llrlbnd IllJim5wotoey 107 IIornen Illdi Singles Juaran hillten 123 Pat tiedulro 16 Seasons lildrs Average DrrI kIInten ill Jeanna Marten In Seasoaa Iiigli Triple Cyril Nets tit Pat Jleuiro nor Seraonn Ill Sloglu Gordon Nees lmm EIaetIr tut paid til Foster at thought would wrie you Ishort note to let you that bought LawnBoy mower from Macleodr in Lloydnrlnnter lll yearn Igoand tried it every year since that it time It was still run rrlng well when traded it in on this oneIspentvery little onreparrr Your price on this one in quite lot hi on than the other motes psi 2495 Ind would have bought mother nrrke had not had such good service rommylronHonehwnhoy Yoan trrri Frank Ilewitt Lloydrnlnater but Mr Einolltl tetra tailor ons of worry molested rronr in which Our new I972 Lawnlloy models Ire built lust like our old onerlolosr oryeut And now you have achoieo of new Super CD Series solid Itnte ignition Jo No coil or condenser problems No breaker points to curse trouble With bigger mulers more nor See them and our new eiuae MAG Serleowith their famous LawnBoy engine only movingpamIewerpartstowear their cloglree grasscateireas and whupeoquiet operationrt your denier Which ever model ou buy yem from now youll now it wasworibitr mm It 0mm rum corootr rdmrmoro CI lvllllttdo In our mm woman and torm srrmrcamsrI mm lmlor esnrnrrrr Io com IIlIty tltnottds SPOR HAVEN MARINEl EVINRUDE OUTBOARD SALES SERVICE Blartron FIhrogIIa Boats Springbok Aluminum Boalr Mlle EIII oI Barrla on Shanty Bay Road 7261001 outlininiono HAIRSTYIES IoI Grille with It yerrnvoornhlned hair Ityling experience to Toto norm audiorein and in highly qualied oil inrilII to obit till shop their highly skilled sililais will atyln cut or trim your hairto sullon bent Come In and met the proledenalat barrios lltlltsIlIISIs lrmr INDIANRII sworrmo rim iiingrtnttw rzooorr Escape to tho wooderlul world oi lolsurs LIMITEDTIME living lnvIat In your mm Hallidry alivusson lillilliilttlllt illilliitltl in lieu are burr Av loot page tiallldry cotiapos Irl 15 llltlllllollld not sn nested urlnp onlr top my patience ghllmllowtm onloyaar not on wlntsvlrlnn orekapor Iron loan with meat tort Blvd 15 Wet duets monk WW HOMEE LTD Burlington Onttvld ORDER NOWI GAVE NOW Tm dslivsrylnytlmo in7ir irnurNrrr Hours ID BOX 9i hthtilN PHONE 703 mess mum unwrlcm 32w Ilth Ettaoi iors mirror noun sttvrcr YOUR Lawnrovf oisr IN srnouo hit Sltoud um HM1 eslvoFAtr wwirtr