llolRorponsililo Tor Datenin lionae Education Coats Tho Emma Gnarly Board oi Education will no loam ha ro lo tor tho root at aduea tor Sharon Dwnly ataalcnta in Ontario drlentian and ohur rattan hand no coat will he paid by tho tilnlatry oi Multan router than iliYCEES ELECT Pliiil WINGER liS PRESIDENT Brian Dartlnetan vlreprestd Paul Winter pmldtol and Yetta Ila plot prairian lllumlalf PM ham Tho Barrio layrm held Paul Gill trcaaurrr Lorno their annual cicntlon oi oiliclt Ogden rirtopraaidrn Bah on Thursday ntrht Srimaolul Marian lcoprdldcn Dcn lmhhmm gufl anndidataa wrra rath now nLa Marshall aeration and ninthmad tor LhI coat oi adneatin student tram tho county in ouch home and alaadtnta trout tho home who It Change 0t Watch Ceremony WWWWMW nan naanaa axautuatn ymnaa apart as an For Power squadlon aldcd tho proraanu at thrlr cool Stanley an Kelly Nichola Dnhrryllurddurl Icilnlc pct lnlor vaccinatlona an Ezigtuiiiyigymyg Barrio iuwrr Squadron BohDeIainhIahruaappolnl both hold their poodl Wednoaday atihoo lira hall ruporuo war my road than mm my nail hold its annual rhonxo oi ad the Barrio aouadroaaa nut Cindy and try her at in Barrio Ownrra ot rat and than ihotol Mm ea Unit Nurses ih Saturday null lulu the munr tor the Candon Pm aalaanairra Ball at the itai ring Juan barium 1a rail up aa incomlnr commander in John hr dchmtd quIdronhy aquad ilrnlrrann run hunt the rhom at tho Ply ihcr al llaa rncmhura aro rtlerccantothe Atlantic Decca rho rocrlvu aahloa rhat troru data wrra ulcd to tan their Wm use My mm ullnk illhllllt uillt Barrio will laha part luaaa ll ol rtnoo per pit tor consul lli rqundron iraanlna may will metro tho CPS till tattao help Ichool aupptiro pitta 000 to lurailah and ip rd Urv Allen aucactary my my mm 0mm runtruna trcasurr Er each not ctamoom aitlth Tho Sinrroa County ilenlth On in tho hurnca it nuath viailnl Loot lamiitca Thorn an no detrntlnn or oh darinx ilarch nadadroa at cenmooy at no rrnmcnl dork then lah it to tho district cunirnnca ml FRONT ROW Al Pant liar oxccutito aicoprraldcnl aorvatlan hoaaaulnsimooc than The Ira hralth couturllln am thr tauroc maidut tit MAXIMUMLacuna dtrmor in mayhng tar lN iaitarrtr its health air It hoodlum 171 oi education Intd tho hoard has yrorchoalcra iii rchooi chll rroupran lit Cuualty and Into premium to outlaw IIlI ppruacd int night by tho stancoa County tho narnher oi hues and tauctra card in tho Ina Inhooi corn Board at routaunt in each raao the curl wu lira loaeat at ihraa tanderod laaprornlurha Irat thror Two Years On Probation For Passing Worthless Cheques Judy Ftlralmnloail to at Bnr tapu drck Valuad nun tn an Bill Tops $79000 Per Ye Halal MIKE wevloualylgr dron tthdulir on not people ll math rnurnu conlrrclncr and lltnn en mm count it Eltlilt tau and it new in tlettt mpooiont rcnioaaa otcrr tom Claudia mum ruminant broker rural the policies in hayo horn plactd In dclcntloaa mol at raldual runlairnm with trn halo increuod tam orer tho harderuntil any homes Thcy dcnll with or may oi rhea ramming hralth proh nor tieuro duo to increases in lruuranra cotlrl two broad uonmmunlmblg drums at lama rm hcartaalt arrrrnlna tutor at tuberculosis and can train and art rinion errrcnlnrt driver oduratlon vchlrloa in rrahcnslyo liability and dcpoai Mamnulmuur mu created enrolment and lnrrru un tum llIull on ouiavhu Ollie are SOWlCe tliaaaaoarrdaunlacu Uuohumirrnlaruilurtyltiurin as turnarou mm in nunra alto dealt with to tau and rrmthwtm rmllrd Sing Wit 00 us Tho proaent covtrua Irplrcd hratrrn Arauranco Comtlw IOVGS Opulal not at acute mmlmlclbie quad umnaiiom it ncrr lltl year ported April the boltdl lulurantc Will llililt ill wild to Mill due my mum at umr naunlrrd tor ntcaaiu arrow or Tito Slinth County Board at tor traauportinx Iiudrhla NIH Ithlhllla liability worh Tho Slautoa County llcalth patlcnta and ad cam dealing lmall pot and ii in Human liturnlannliaincolay nightiun The board decldcd to uro ono ruraa commutation lmlll Unit rarod tor tit homo card with mental hroith my maria ancntlco rd tlultll radarat rum oi throo rpara hum at tho Coll ridrntamnioyrodUhouutHe ontiantn dtuina tho past 11 liOtloltaittprcparatinntwmm inlltondultlniaaiuuiratinnarcu Acuity imiusirits Lid oi llun Ingnwtnhnutinritarwtwr Wit Mimi IM hroaadihh mantlto hurry yummy my in it udulla rcrciatal tcianuryoriiu tlnik tor ilau tramirr at achool tauyhculwiit he asked to cool raaonlto and Mauritian which March was the mm mm mm dinkg mu pm trnanuaalratlona ill rrcrlrcd pcliu hut transportation contran with ttuua tliilTt covor ahorttcmi collocth oi tor homo care with on cases their did want irslnl or tattoo luau taughmt to ihrtr tirna lly urlna hoardowned bi matey tromamuwhudrlv ioilowad oy lehaua with no cualoalo no ihrrc wcro alrcn the Inn in laughcrd and on an mar aminon an or location and night orhool Orlalnal plant andrhudft eat anrntlpoa ruminations day who tau tonxer tat ndaycuuldbo reailtod rnrolrucnt loco rd tor till admlasiona at tho DTOVG Cateiessly Shaw and acid Llnalicd will larth wu Increatlnaiy utod by rtc wna convicted mvinrlal arm on air char c1 arhouuuand uwo at Martha ta noo we on chaouo ladra Janaao tiouulch told in viva oi hrr Ira ho would run pond untrue and aha wu plac ed on probation tor two yeara illulttu war arrett rd on itch to alter tho altompt rd to pay tor Ianalautoruatlc rllio yalurd at man in Wool worth with worthch chrqtta in tho namo oi Yvonne lltcltlnax Sha wna charrod with air or lacidcnta oi puainl worthiara rhoquaa on tha praaloua day in Allied lhwrro alto purchar cd 11 cattoro rie and no munition valued at tit1il in Kmart In elahttraet atom SVvll mm min hold tho pallclrv loa amounted tho doetarorot Stancoa County Tomnlo Man and at man and mm hlorlr mlvlt motor yatutd at in clarta lloma Fur ntahlau tapo clack yatuad at mm and in Barrio Sparta Lino Had at aa rondtauiomalio rtlla valurd at man Gordon ilcliiak rlalanca iawyrr told tha court that Alisa tltaalrnmonr hld hccn on drug at the limo ol the nilt tenors and had ahtnincd tho ntcrcharalioo loa two oldcr anon ilo raid aha did not at any ilma rocelvo any money ior tho goods Cro allornay ll llroanp aon raid that iitralmmom was yety caopcrailro with poltto dur in tho lnvcollralion Wmemmm Mercury Should Hit The 605 Under Sunny Skies Saturday Scaaonahio wcalher will an anti tor tho next couple at an in tho Barrio ronion Sunny altra will prrdorninutr throurh Saturday Tho outlook tnr Surnlny in no yct unrcrtaln tow aaprrtrd tonight to to it draran illin Saturday to to drum laynopalo it will ho litllo warmer today in anathern and caatern tcctona oi Ontario Some cloud now corora royiona ncar tho Quohcc harder in northern Ontario Thtr cloud will more Iouthurutward today adorn the Ottawa Vnttcy hat to niaht and Saturday trail ho clear Aioo ronaidcrnhio high cloudinoaa will Icratat arcr aouthwcrtcrn Ontario today and Sammy liowaarr tho halanto ol Ontario will ho aunuy both today and Saturday Toronto hilarity aunn today and Saturday llrhr any and Saiurd around as Gaolrrnoa tho la cohoro two tonight around or Windaor iondon into St Clair iauito llltron Lilo Erie Conrldarahlo hiyh rloudtncti today and Saturday iitrh today and Saturday ha to ill low to at ht no to at inmlltan Niagara inlta 0n iarlo aouthorn Georgian liar Iiianrnar Sunny today and Sat urday illaha today and Salim day it to oil lawo tnnlaht it to vala thla rnarnlar Sunny Soiiir dry 11ch today and Saturday in tha on law tunlaht or to no tachranc Tcmaaoml aouih rrn Whito lllvora Cloarlna hit rnornlna Many thll altornoun and Saturday lllrho today 55 to at low tonluht 15 to to Rich Saturday to to to Northern thItu ltltcr wort crn Jumra Bay Sunny today and Saturday Itlaha today at to lAwl tonirht to it lilylta Saturday tu as Ottawa Montroal Today clcnr with soano otoanlancu later it tawny Will our 1y cou today near iii tnniahiln tho run than Saturday 55 lllyh low lilah Today Totalrlal Sat lllntioui 11 inndon Kitchcncr tlnyham ttwcn Sound lluaitolla St Catharina Trenton Klnaaton tcicrhurounh Klllaloo North iiay liurilon hudtrury iIaallon Tlmmlru Kapuoltutlnr ilarlo Charlanu thiio lliarr tonaltaut boardownod him hoardowrr cd truclra and driver cdtaaailoia automohtlza liatoa tor Jropcrty lnaurance rcmainuirtu unchanxrd with an nruauallnatn ucntpramlurnot 3170 am throo ycar pm The insurance macro buildian worth maroon vacant hullde inns content worth antenna cairn onprnaco tor cnch location and halidcra rlatr durlnd coo atmcllon LIVESTOCK PRICES TORONTO tCii Prtcca worn ateudy to tho wceha do rlinc on mothrota demand tar llrht receipts ni atnurhtcr catilo at llao Ontario politic atnolryarda today llnu rarlcca wcra higher Salon on Ihrcp and tumho and naive aeto too low in ratuhllah priccr atanahtrr catllu 111m thalto rtoera non with raico to 3130 good 0550 mtdiitaii Tlit common mini choice hatirra Studio with sales to war aood 3Z0 madtttltt 195N140 common 2m road coat no trio with Intel to an rntdiurn mo rannan aaal rullrra 1o llM loud latovy bologna built mo with onto to 1115 ani naon and medium m1 llaplarcrnrni cIitln are Good 11 to alnckcra Ind lcedrra an it road heavy ahartltcep lcrd on out ood rtocir aicrr rullN 4145 good Iloclt lactlrr calm NJ common and ana dtum atocltora and icodcra lilo lion 11111 tiara prico mo lino uurtcntly at Toronto mu rtuaa and hoaro laud road hcavy Iowa that POLLING STATION Tho aoncrnl committco hna ro commanded no action ho talren on council motion to conaldor rolling Italian lor tho Grown Part itoanc lho rummltlca aaid now provincial lecltlollou it he lnyrroparrd and tho matter will its taruatod altar tilt is unvoli ARE you ooino your your an aromacaravan Inland by tho Vlrtorlan 0rdrr ol Nuracta iilllnrn Patron at Toronto was the Rod Om lioanamalrarr tho tonatctcd in provincial court Allloton and District tlornamalr Thunday oi carries tlttlll rrr homo can phyalothoraplau and lined tits and amt ItionIl ihrraylata Plinthdru arm clicnro which murrnl on than and equipment loan on natal way tor on lhn county Ironclu DRAW POSTPONRD lnrnun plcotlrtl guilty in tha 10 at 12 ant Tho chnran laid altar llto ohocrwd rdaltio wrav utt bark and iorih urcr lha con tro lino oi tho mud The Canadian Atthrltia and Britain lawycr John Lining Rheumatism Society draw tor atcnauld laraon haulth an tor color telalelon ha hccn pool poncd to llay iroan this Sat urday roclrty oiiiclal In nouncrd today Said He Was It haunt that day btwauaa ill iIlhrr ital Jutt dltd lie was given two wrclra to pay the it Not Impaired Barrie Man Convicted Fined llohert Thornaa Parry to or Barrio waa contlrtod la pwtlil rial court Thurtdny oi lmpalrrd driving and tth tilt Parry plcudod not willy to tha charro which lattowcyt on Incl dant on tilrhwaytua pan on Jan 20 Conatahio Charla helm at tho Barrio dotaclunrnt at tho tin tarlo Provincial lotico lnatiliod that ha ohrorard which wcuv lay down Highway to an that data No auid ha attempted to atop tho car at lcaat lnur tlnoca by pulling up hcaido It with NI crittaera llth tiaahlny and tho rlrrn taint ilao car didnt atop Nolan told the court ho rudloui ahead lur aaalrluuco irorn Con Ilnhira William ieruuald and liuhcrt iatalry Curutuhlu McDonald lllltl icr rya ichlclo alroio alrnlxht purl him as ho otood at tho nidu at tho aond waviny iiathiiaht Coralahla tnrlry toailtlrd ho atoppcd tho llll lt lorriny it unto the rhouldrr tho road It ouhacarurnt hrrnihalyrcr that trail 17 par cunt blood alcohol lrrry insulin that hc tilll not too tho llrst two ahiitt til lay lny la atop him had htcn drinking hut waanl lnanalrrd ho raid on your Dohantuao lnvotlanonl Cartiliraatoa You oarn hirhert lntrrcai on all oi Tho ltualclpnta Daocnrura Intraunont artitlcalra lntarort payahla acmlannuaity or tell to nocuniulata Nobody tells us how to build an outboard motor Except you Were haon making outboard tor pain lawn to kcop yourouthoard in moaorhanGOyoaratalotionaorittan poaktu wa dovalopod Firopowcr anybodyalcohAndwavonlwayshoon CDi waiting to liston to good idoos tront innit ihopucptowho buyourntotots Whanyoutold uowhatn that practically allrninaioa tunuups Whrn you told us that you didnt soo any ronron why an outboard had to ho huno to ho powoalul our cnulnoorinp poaplo camoupwitlr ioopclaarainnandpacssuropuiso tuning to coax lot now pawor lromihosamacnainoairo Wovo dovalonod whale lino oi panic pattotmanco outboarda includinn ournowoompactssmd 60 hp modota Jutt borausa wo listuntoyou Son the complain Eyinaudo lino 16 medals trout to 125 hp at yourdaatorcnow NewEvtnrude loopcharged 65 Flrotln outboarda EVINRUDE St NarihBay Sudtaary itollhu tun northern iiwrgtan tta Today runny with cloudy late Waalhor loroeaat brought to you daily by Tarmaa Ono to Flvo Yaara CLEAN WATEHtourlutuNluidlrramlt Amountor SIN to 930000 MthoalddtllnlohlhlhlwlilntiidllAlliuillltltyrladlntopowaa Antonina Ouihoardllldu CHMRMIICMMI tromiartoanuah rum Manotrcuaanoot llama anownohdac and own contact townon poorr mm and rtoaaarahaia am KEEP BARRIE BEAUTIFUL 1912 srnruo CLEANll WEEKS Apr 24 to May ttpoaoorrd by tho llorrto llartlruitural Itorloty 233833883g525u23838882 GZEElt33838Z22338$898888u irraliion iii For turthrr lnlorrnatlon Tho Municipal Saalntr and loan Corporation P0 Boa ill to Dunto Stroct East Barrio ntarlo 700 MW in municipal savangs loan corporation tlElllltLil CANADA DEPOSIT lNSUlLANCE CORPORATION sauna tiara Shanty Bay Road taron 173 126100l STEEL BELTED RADIAL TIME FOR CHANGE chanao up to Nawi PARKLAND llRE Mulaarlar St norm Lawnmwacrah atanttirr4 mlloanwhyilwhuyraaoquBN ATy1ltllt 111 am 111 41 Halla Harry arm sotuni