iii 258 Ending Iisoccririrrtrrocloalnd own Willie Booaitl Itelit ot Brit tsh olunbia and Cat Irys Gary Beatly were can In what might be contimld Is In embarrasan militant during their Western Canada honing championship scrip In Gal at the weekendhenailio decision it Photo EEEEEEE th ll hood it Allied Emil llll wu compete at Ins Pitcher tenth ith denim it had insured ti uemvnammnmw ummmm or Ioerlliitlila at more to to Barrie and rim of mi stirstwin meswere on heard It till Dim Ipualn harlot unto Mildly if wanmwbmmii typintbetocali wonderment memorandum Ontario Idlriol Soccer Association Bobihr norotihellustlersard rr nnnbsll elitrssa scored Any tee tree the whirled was arranged tar int it retereea er pretldoit added AI tor entetalnln the vtsl tors storalseolor keyriuh toreach planned to entertain eral manaper certificate nanitrs some erase hilllttEAPouS AP Gen htlnneseia North Stars ID notinced Monday be en veteran delenceman to lbroeyenr cootrsct Ilr players teet NHONN CPI Gordie Rare and Jean tieilvean two oi the National Hockey Vanish real stars warned atonday the CI nartlan team His will meet Rinsia In an exhibition series thla tall abould INVIIiltllb pared One thing tor sure the Ca nadisne bettu be to shape said heisreeu tonnes ttoui iest Canadietta captain who retired list ear they in dtllereniiy ever there Here we train or hockey only They tale to SP BRIEFS Am CONTEMCK MELBOURNE Arratralln tAPl Henry NLwen oi Aur trI British Commwealth tiyw phi champion sarna heck irom ioglayotl to room wound on over Cecil Er cnhldo oi the Philippines lion day olsz Nlrsen weldittl llttt to tlitr lor anobldo DUHBCIIER ILL CHICAGO AP Alilnl Leo Dumber threshold manarer oi CIiIcIro Olin entered hospl tal lilonday tor lurther exernlna tion inllnwlnl persistent lailxue and loss nl appetite Asa niurt routers moment It Willie Miller sistoot impound wide receiver Irom Tampa Univer Iliy has been signed by lloot reei Aloueltra the Clttddidlt Football team rlub Announced Monday GIITllltll ruin csiirnnu FldIiVAl Ot PRAISE reminder to all interested that the Presbyterywide event Festival at Praise will be held at Guthrie United Church It pro on himday rit to This Is til particular interest to members It Augiirsn and United Diuretics as her in Ole borne DAL ol Oshawa who war iraeiIry ol the Corninittee on Null to eorriillie the new Hymnth wiltbe present to introduce route oi the newer tum Guest artist will be Gwyn Hheynooonthetnuiipttwhetr supervisor oi music in louder soboola Recent visitors were htr Ind Mrs Sommervilie ot hump ton and lir and hiss Rose with Hr and lira hiel iani trend and tin Lloyd Street at billiard with btr and this At Haitian tainenco Ptaser Ia home from Barrie hospital tRY assumes warrr Ans riiortn mitt has rinsed with National Hockey team had been report It the Grand tallr Cataract aspect to win game It the Barrie ilyera In the Allan Olp Eastern Linadl line they will but to improve on their Wren hlIlr rt perlonnaote In the tint two games Ied llarrla cont Ies here last weekend tax the Newt ed ebsmplons by wide inthl um with Winnipeg Jets white scoring and on wine lnb to meet oi the new World tioetey Am lie Prepored For run ptay soccer do every tblot lneyil be ready tor usf said Ilowe lormer Detroit Red WIan star who Ibo re tired lalt year theyll provide some air prlaen They know theyre ready or they wraiidnt have agreed to thelgarnu Ieanr right they train diilrrrntly hsyerii learned anything new WARNS ABOUT TIMING Deilvcau added warnin about the Irhedulio oi the eighttgnme series Irh will pit Rinsias national team against team oi Cinadiin protuslonalr yet to be picked The dates Ire too early raid Beilurnu Our boys may not be ready think It would be better it the series opened around Start 21 instead ol Sept then we would be bet ter pse ed The Canadian team will have to start trsln tog erorrnd the tint ol August as it is ilowa anti Beliiealt now both vicepresidents oi the clubs tor which they played were here to appear In corn merelai demonstration Involv Iotr milk cartons their scheduled appearance on Inn at Maple test Gardens Kevented them Irom routine their conversation and the plotter oi roman teem pntltlonbypesltlon to repre rent Canada But beinre 0an out to do battle with the milk cartons the two books veterans made alewsuue oriI GOAL NO PROBLEM th will be no robin nit us You con plot in Nut goalies and know well be rirrnl In the nets the series continues next the end In Grand Fail with runes itIIwa heck Russians Yes said Relivesu theres lony Esposlto Ken Dryden bid Giacomin and Jacques Plants has been one oi the greatest in his day Beilveau said the learn should be selected tor ita suresth speed and seed nhootintt lhatr why would add Frank liabouttcb Ind Davey Km Howe and Dcliueau would also hate liked to include their own names on the Canae dlan roster its come two or three years too lIte tor me said heirteaii would have loved to play tor Canada against Russia hie too said lluue It would hare been hire BOWLING HENPVIE IOWL Good lllnda kInI iesns Slaadtnu Stoppers Siioxs ittl Bloody llaryr Gin Glnilete lTJ lllth Dali 169 tied Eyu 156 Mint Julep lhllrs llot Teddies ll Old Fashions In litartl Ill Screw Drivers tilin Dainulrla rise Whiskey Seuss sir Pink ladies roan Gin Firm 100 Iterhattane tori Tom Collins ea lilait Easter the and Overt Audrey Eatott le Rosemary Quinn Louise Crane zit L80 Marlena hlortey Norma Cn han 257 Mary Ithtttleld 1s Joyce lore 751 ltlns Triples tint Iad oer Audrey Enroll in Louise Crane the Roma Cohan tat ilariene ltloxey 552 Joyre love his Stella Ward 815 blIrI with air Rosemary ltsrper WAS FEE With lili up at 12 gel and ever Wilhllll up got to II gel only 59 With till up gel to got only 99 can triers on use rrIix see CAR WASH nuuwr inn Artur are slated tor ilrllday Saturday and slnatSunda nlrh Judging trons the way the On ooto where lbeytt catch an tlzst Right to the east coast One playe taste ltoctry Association chaise Deleocenran plant ptattlud last night it will late lot to beat them Ive played no Amrrsn It key league teams that rrere worse than this one taut Dump Sty tormrr pro and phy lle expect an will be mild tcther on their own too thanthey IesI bi Barrie theyre roiog to ready mdny Were not to be read too Appanntly theyre out they will beat its down there Every do shit best In The Firm with nearly lull complement at play rri Thursday morning at 930 lrona the Barrie arena lor Ton Niagara Falls Council lingere By Sale 0i Ir NIAGARA FALLS Ont CPI city council member arr pered over the announcement last week lhc llycrs hockey team will lease the cit has nuestinnrd the risht at in tarlo Hockey Association to move an established lrahclrlse Aid AJ lirltlnley sur gcslrd the city take action through its member oi the On tario Vlrruloiurc Juhn Clement tie did not elaborate on what could be done the comments were made alter city council was read letter ilondoy night Irorn liap Ennis Hyrr owner tormiriat log the contract between him rrll and the city concemin the use at thhe Niagir lIlls llrmo rial Arena Emmi announced last week that the Junior club has been sold to Sudbury Interest and will be moved in Sudbury The DNA has approved rhilt In the lranrhue the WA shouldnt have the authority to lust rant removal oi trancbise once it Is estah lisiied ssld Aid htcliloiey Ittendlng course at th tario Polite Cuticle In Aylnser will not go with the team Tom day However he la expected to to Newt in time to Join the Flyers tor Saturdays game and Simdays lism it It Is necessary Sly re the llyers will rennin In New toundiand until the series is in tshrd it Iddiliooai games be yond the weekend are needed theyll probahl be played blon day Ind Tu The winner oi the eastern tin It will meet the western cham plon on the home ice btlhe west rhsrnplon rtIrtln hin The AilIlt 01v line will be bestoiseven sorta also ilyer Franchise lie said local residents had expressed interest to begin the lIyers iIIyor mnhbn lltiler noted the city has been asso eirted with the DNA tor Ibout so years Pets Post win Over Ottawa 675 PEIERBOROUGN CPI leterborou letes reared twlre In itret and second periods and went on to oat It win over Ottawa els londay In the first time oi the Ontario NONTHEAL CPI blaiirlel Allen diet tie Inlion ui Garr rin in he llandiiciionltesull OIGoodDonnswing Idas tesrn going to the otynr pic Games the ills likely will out the boys again there competitors in hlealoo In now it would so have about no orig ch We should have ball dozen archersthree male and three iernai whereas we had no he said unl peniathlon team this Stress yer corn clone was going on past as ormsnce Allen raid We expect to have good team Onto Into It appears our girls are going to be better thin urn boys Just look at divers loll Car how Boys and Nancy DIE Belgiums bishwa death toll in ml was so an Increase el it per cent over Mb Hockey Association itmlor null the second lame oi the best otseren series is Wednesday nlrbt in Ottawa Toe tir who Ilnlshod fourth to the regular schedule opened loosing early in the tint period when David Lee tipped in Glen bituods shot train the polnt mitteen seconds later Neil Kerrack tied It up and Paul Raymer scored his rst ol two goals eight minutes latert GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES Iluros ttrtmt wny to our your snowy In TitL tritcrust giirirrrrrtuutl ms was llillii iopmm lilrrrr rerrrrs einItltiillti rr rlrrirrrItt suu Call or listen III illltl wit it lrrttt STERLING TRUST Itrrrrrelir slIrtrt purine Xlr Srmrmq tarput yum vr in Munich in Am iiorn riiir Alton were In mdnn the top onequarter oi the bail Nsnd action isnt to theton doIts temethinl tint happens Automatically tired tart hand aetlon la the until at pond downswing ityou can turn to swing your armslorett your handalart and freely while having started your downswing with your tree illustration It you will retain thesaeiatorrncdbyyourkitarnr and sInbthit illustrations and notii very tile in your down swing Therteller youll get your band action It has to happen in tort tin at hterlitnco Clam pen time that with no trials theyre all up to ON HIGHWAY The best Buses Chriose from the largest lleei oi luxury buses to fill your needs Tile Bast Drivers highly trained helpful and congenial The Best Service Gray Clinch can arrange your accommodation sightseeing stopovers and transportation Reasonable Roles Reliable $an and Courteous Servite since I927 Im rineyoatrr heard the tlprissioa hairl Inien es Indisetistion at producing slnhbtod speed Frankly ld rather that tbelerrn were dropped tiral golis vocabularylhol would he iar tswrrrphyn sucking theireluhhaeds to the would er