Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1972, p. 4

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ebrcition At Of Interest In 5WD threiidtout Simcoe County Interest III that pioneer towns Homecoming Week to commemorate its continual year All ambitious program to to etert on onday June it and continue through SW to Saturday July which should he oi Mm on to erect mammoth parade ol mm um 1m and bendsta planned ior closing IWHM it as village in 1872 1th Ike ecting attention to the progress and changes which have come through the years Stayner is one ol the totinin oldest towns having attained lawn status In role at time when there was to lint about lormlng new county with Sisy ner II administrative oentre The latter never materialized but paper on delIlls presented receme to tho Worn institute was timely and was receive ed with particular interest Ions Interested In Its neighboring mu nicipalities the diy ol Barrie alreed hII lormeily extended its rongmtuietlons lo Steynor through tin or lea Cooke and his coundi Other rest enls no doubt will be among the many who will be twining the Stayncr centennial week celebration which is certain to to an auspicious cm Ilen Eith EZZEE remember ttta steam to Add lens let eronte in Interest nerbecl the It with train Iona Toronto In 1855 it is airtid sled many visitors will he brought to rid return home on Itmitnr run planned lor July in dtdcr to give youngsters who have never seen steam iran In ortuniiy to do on one special trips wit ho orrang between Stayner and Collingwood Theo lormor CPR steam engines Ne lid and 1057 which have not been In mice ler 12 yours will be drawing the excursion special They were last opera ted together on lamnus iripleiieoder Change ChannelsIll uvebeehOneanTp CAPITAL COMMENT Intermediciie Steps Considered Shall Full Wage Price Curbs rusnt nrou riroieuon II the mom Illd Elton ob on would rule nineteenth throu inioaleu independent stance not the iederat golernment nut ably llelno lm Ontarioand the Item It company NW still anolhIr tweintpot oi the manV down by the board when icy complication in Irina with mcnil ante in its with the American has been oilui by Ietbaekeeiaewhere NIarbs Commutatoeuntrtu with which Tapadowttld had WW it one IN MI anthe motions oi llienicer es Iioreorer Athenijppersntly Irlled in what was generally to larpreted II an attempt to ores President Innocent iyorue WN MORY LANE WWW WWW oe Iaprovcea crew is vests soc IN TOWN ured pinyin named Frank MIhMIchr my fwi it mwmlmulg no white inihtlilin on Io umvymgm Berrioiinminer April 25 1951 DI I51 Lou Angiiierry odoowskl and pm my mu mm mm mm mm mm an stuns some min ileum btmai ills chlel ml is that has long iIvorId that It not the act that the abused and is post onto mete was around It helping ellor denunde the met political prLIonar espre also in not and Himmler mm ml natives Fiyere teeter Inducted John to some briemedlate euro in run lung or ihlg norm were or pins tahan about two years too look It In overall neotnea po ted Royal OenIdiIn liu chimele mm liriIn Million iiiIt rtre in listr derby mini it hit rink oi Dr Harold Sin Doweti and ctr Cherry Domid Bulmer won Peneteng Win ehtos Barrie Hydro presen plane Association test utter oi Emery Englo pt action which sav eorlng In recog at generating ed nurse lrnm lJaler Canadian Dra Ontario lion oi prom tlonioot eIr ngi IleIiey iell lion hi0 oi Id Dr Fred ebb lost In ll ayeils at Emerson Its curling pl Ton bite me heightonm hm Ortrsndr or onion It Collier St United church inluoiorA to Ioet in St Dell not Ohico biakl lourttl onto was elec tlu new Club emh on litter Patonintroduced intawEd tiet tom duty with Nicotine ed preoi iiedgle rlean Dr incAule ng lu one resident and general mini anIdI limited present uo irom company to man and Secretary Alien Dnddr Winners oiS orliri tition lor ladies rinkol ilrs Amy has All Truce Commission oil Barrie Ilye lildiurk was In with top secrets and Ethnic Mlkila Huber mitit Barrie Cordon it Bobby iiut dent oi club Iucccedlng II other oiiicerl elected Dr Osmond itowo Fred no to represent Si Brute Johnston ii hilt rive Conservatives campaign lor build ned as Iiugh ti Gibson trIl rDeVllbiII tlon meet Itrbitontisl lnnin Bob retirement 0th wero John tiorlleld Case Ted Steele Grantllayom Wtiitn tiledln Barrititlr otdttms ltddior wII lor minty leader oi ivy Brass born cotton About 800 rilegloto auditorium which Julian ii For her lor three terms Inneuneod ItdidIlca nomtnotad llva IIgiIlnllon 0n reprints Browne el coitlngwood ii Palmer import03 wide lime loll mam Trophy coin III Curling CI Veir skip hire Moo hire Emerson Webb hire Barrie ityers completed schedule with it lens to trombone ii Colich historo who teat tired in reszme priceI or rain we es to tile In Fm mil Ill CI reel11 it ii In silblichaeia Anglican Cburoh at Ivy LEASII III 30 PARK ark toe with hole Cant he him In line Witching takaa In grounds worker II It the Daiaitolle and that direction oot when the situation liret stared icy previdiosmail come lnetu danda andInarett are to hit eluded But he in to srtimet ol mgdmkdlh men onnoroos arty like to la in Iirilleh mull mum Indicated It would welcome eral Initiative some term It giudollnae be mentioned abort or option comm tment to mantle trots to items lsIdeo heldwln cell that the aticsIIptI to control prtcmin the United states has haao less than grand WIIVCII Ibo cnniroinlrnpoeed In Canada in wartime were not totally rue ceoalial II people have habit ot liodlng way around restric the mercury needed io line Element and enlorce Inch con nlI II tenlnwt view tends to liver the system to elicit in the the general moot throig tater Blewert hnann nouncod that In egg marketing plan II to be put through notice oi their trim on to do In This notice goes to body which studies the situation and pulse Moment II to whether Increases planned Ire lusti noma sort ill tribunel would ed here which could bring It iaIIi atrong moral pressure on coin IIIy union when piano appearedito be barmlui ie the snout economic wotlhelng oi cone halllwin maku the point that meat oi the power In this lieid eetually line within the to sew litre Tittle term It baylieid street Barrie Ontario Telephone Second Clue Ileti Registration ttuubcr return taIa aranteed limoan Subscription rIleI daily by terrier our will Nit year ly Single roplu toe Iiy melt hints tum yearly slmcoe County tithe yearly oi Conado in other counlrlea dim yearly Iiotor three oll moo yell National AdvertIIrng Cillrelr to Queen st West Toronto tot11in N0 CIIIITIJI ti milerlleer oi the Canadian TreII Ind Audit bureau ol Circule tionl The Canadian PJIIJ to excite lvel entitled to the tree tor re pub cotton oi ell news In loibla Iper credited to The Ass Ited Presa or iteuter and also the local news nubilpr ed therein ml allwllgil ads or all Ind editorial meteriel atod by Its employeu and re Dinny and the sons other rep leM It out oi their re es ore clI UP to this oewtpopani Ibe ll deter ii leaeetoraodth rnmeotatoo II lie all onto that andtba Atlantlo prov hm ederai controls and Columhte loII etresd the government through lwl other review board controlled prices stone the ellecte would oulte remonehe mail on the street cant be as ed to have much intend to egg marketing solder the plan to being Introduced duatry they also would control dispelsb thy it or speak French as quickly will heetatretion Num home die meddlllthawuh Miller to gstoutelband proii my linen he dilllruit am In this iteid QUEENS PARK Marketing Plan aspect as tho tends to remove the the problem is tht serious centlvo front the Prairie run light shop aromas elitclerrcy to control prollia and mane mil inriced he suggests that it many would in realised thet It wee their own within Greece andairewbore Iiiltic were time native harIaInlog item the country merely servos their contract spot in the Issue oor It cohtloii be back oil it they or eateries that were to dust In asking muepecllic pueslon Io locus world attention agiin pitta hie linger on the Greek gets at ieged ettempte to crth III de whila polls show more people in merit opposition traditionally thinks the min issue oi protest or anti Papsdopooloa campaign not with the politicnl vypilII to world he wtlllno to have mmt ghou own incomes loosen under opinion midpoia ruling roup wage and price control policy Means Boost In Egg Prices By now itllEAitN Genes Part ltnreII ill The laeniiner Without too much notice by bite the govern Arlculture Illn blic Internet is The lack at in that the In thie eese however there are two to oi some Import ance to Mill the planwitl meet in price oi eggs The second iJ that the my line the most extreme step Itrnt ye has been latter in merietlng The price will go up becsusa CANADAS STORY hy IO MEDIAN BIghrhIpeakhig Conndlons seldom learn to lg French convincingly This as been one oi the hnntilcnps in achieving nailonII unity no problem hes it been compvuredtd by the abitlly nl settlers irom ioreign coun tries token to week English well The lcciendera were notable examples They began aeltllng in Itaniloha April II toil and moat oi them learned to Ik msllrh In six months wit out trace oi acccnt Ilowover Is in or this writer him it has never been mode clear whether could have ieorncd to The iccllndora have been some el Canedas moot success settlers The Arctic explorer lihiemur StalIIlason who won wetland in tut Selurdaya story one son oi one oi the lirrt iceiamlle ianiilles who rein tied to llanlioba Tory come to Canada because their homes were destroyed in Int bytes eruption or hiqu tha marketing plan will control the number market Producers will all beta one going to nude end there will be out till IIlas control system And with letter am there will be higher prices in lha long run however there Ihould be laying tor the pub The governments action wu hucd on the recommendations lieu who conducted In iiiry Into the ego IliuItlon rid Judge Itoae lend the it marketing were lett unrepo lated eventually the Indtm try would be controll by the lure teed suppliera And once they were In control oi the In the price and naturally would raise it iceianders Quick To Learn English The plan II In aatrema oil In that it It biirll introd without vote oi the producers It to the llrti lllna thet thie has been done cloncio in Dec In hardly dangerous political pcrsonollty this is perileuieriy eni in the mailer ol the More oi tho monarchy oneinnllne exiled rlnea tins his attempted coup againat in her Yet there are some within the ooloncls group who insist that the monarchy Ihouldhe aboii lshrd end replnced with re prone Others however poIa Ills such more even thong it won probably mean assumption ot new residentlel oltlca by Pink do cut his III lol hIIrketing involch etrong re gunk strictluria on individuel larmcra etc iotind It nounanl II prln pie re mains deliclI prominent ennui and there are people who here iiut lillllll there has Item beend vote among those at New to introduce lflair with out even this voteel prohobty be viewed by many II radical Ind ohIcettenIhIa it probebly in And It the very least there bu to be drirerlg regret thet II II betel one not In recommending that Within not necessary Judie ltoII Iald thet at this III on lario agg producers no longer had any meaningful choice plan was essential and they needed it mildly And so there white pith nirrruro ill Ileeia 0ovtien lord Duliortn knew that icelandeve court he ldeel settlers In Canada and urged the govarnment to Invite them The ltrIt petty landed at Ouehnc In July 1m Ind were given land in the liuilola area oi Ontario it is ldeIIcoitage territory new but the Icelanders tiers not happy there Otter ssthle nillelncnls were invealt lgoted and hate Winnipeg iNVQiI to he the meet at se re The that party numbered III and traveled In italbottomed heels down the had itlver and errors Lake Winnipeg to Willow Point it was on Iron oi white were not heypy there other tor building end lust and good llshlrlg tor iood and commercial development Their lives were net easy but they had ught tools and worked hIrd create their euc rcsslul settlement Apart teem Icolr iha Icelanders tied law putscssiorti crcept books my enluyed genuine tie woluoimlflns tom cursors overrule wintototvtliov utmost Creator and mornlag It soon will pray and alarm end he shall bear voice Psalms Hill We need system III this red rtvlls that baton avenme lounibleet ol Miler era call unto Ina Ind answer the promise to men who turns itla problems to the Lord in prayer CANADA tlttttllm WWW EA VENTRILDQUHT Ir tutorsun tlliZt rillME WWW UWRPIWM libhiiinhtiddili lhlmhlll

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