Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1972, p. 19

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MILon noose on IIIIIISIlI men eat at the main concerns and ad regolI IntmIta Danny rnlltaronrmeoi the sons ilk memennmumom lhailoonandrtalls Ish White In seen pIIcing Imlnrr Ihuioi as Ed the electric Iliich unanimity leedseorn endiege to his dairy hard Rules Changed On Depreciation Merelieatnelaimstenio Astunioaaoilhlmilh EEK i5 horses on the lnniadals Irne Imamnlm alrylnmCleInlioeu L1 Th who Federation Battles ornton cur rm rename Grain producers am Can Ivfghmmi gum ride and elevator companies only 01 am ax cc roere 101911 11 erprrse on he riahhdh he Italian Manley Ilsd rate ears Federal Ani my gym at as Concerted clinics to India In emiraaorlnz in giro too panaian Ilsa was considqu om By IAN am pm tho porn to up my mu he quld nlml rim nu mom rciiei ior Iarmers Irnm the in Itructlra answer to the question in pIsslng over this suggestion tillol com realm up may tinuadmlgnnor Miucqn am taxhurdens were made at who should carry the edueI But the Federations concern lor iiim 75 lily iIrrn bi Iriitttiar in an an mu mm alkyd 1d pg pm mg by the lane Federation at Al tlonal tax burdens iir Ilill our the term economy and the need PUP ml mm mm we mime am din19 gym in ncullora during the past year grated the out now met ram the action to establish no se mit MW and to Robert oi Thorn mm hm de NW dam of ohm mu with support irom Its Illlatrd propertytu ndghtba raised by trim to the iarrner was kept mm mm where 109d vimill It my nu my In dairy magma Sirncoc Coime Icvloradon Income tax goreharge and can constantly to the ioreiIoni Unles tho new rxoznm lt WMLWU Pl haiierl concentrate oiiered by the college can my Hum comm pnrnlotalehilothrre Vlultll hriei introduced irvrn Slmcee Ilal costs at new emilprncnt cIn mm kill the cowl out every day The Fishers are concerned we Ncw lork being presented to mm ho mva mm and sympathy with his contention County Fedcrullun asking spcrth Ibolhilsrttltttlouiiiniivluimf Ei taken or several years lm ML mumunoi hrffd thug unprddthhh aii YceLYYetdrYr an mindlms gm FiriYcihnhelrhuleFdngudbng thauiahddid LWALYJNT dordtemehidrmmdrdoam one In men pr on arrongeampagn age ocn thinrxhglzaylwwaam mm mm my mm mm he mmsnnilslelure no almost ts ommmmdmmnmw glanceErinsolhoercearngrsl mental nmiitrrrurhx limo MK Lu all 0331de mmnmmrgn brie Lg WW 0m WEI mumnmmrmoamn mt so mm to deal overriding art by to 1791953 eyelet dd cows pridilciot to pounds or my Kim to modification ln ml at dmfewm to vireoit WWW diliii Wm 5m to nowcinna IIih= oon aasecihouaaao remain tree irons and or or milk Ti scal year oat twaa mind the Fedora on present rg ally eenceiouttha poa hmn mum Mm hm gm emphasized in livid nuts proces govm mm ummm WM were held It Eirnvala and Bond tween April 1m and August ring us um um mm he tired as well Is cbrwhera It 11m as ncrcarc on persona taxable mum malt apniah eer cl some oi the present Income plus an Iltt per cent hm ldm in thy mundane Ira alshur LI Ynsi tlu ml WNW mm mm concerned the indent In admit m3 rd rim MM WWW idiahommhdinmum trstasuchalsthh 1th inro than hall the antenna hi mi mcotlhtwoa ltalgllnatd in 8n Hepdglhv Mu mum mmm emu Dr viii my IorbaeicrlaanthaonFmNWh or bomb thee than ro mlm no lm act olvuhlch tba window or newcowstsbtlolihe ntat is led at nieht by means at $1 Lilith LP my Mum muznm Wish WEN shilledirvmprvpcrtyi mm mud wig oolno Dunigog WWM Mmllkmmmm mnrm mm tent Ydlylhrlho th lh IiiDILOLIlInlLt tur tax 53 Ma up me mononyusms at good pIs rmore no can no home as are ma no on year lure again mostly for the teeth ugnsizyuhgowf BALANCED Dlll lirtnduercieeWhItererleed Ym Feeding corn coatings in tho featured the cows cat whilaln Si in $2331 fmfk morning and thlIga IL night uterin Always wailled there in with so at using oin periods In roar easily obrcrv the hall meats amuseuuueyaonotmn W10 tha neonates no pl the torn dormant tax contributions and asked lions at time when cndcav naccession and gilt taxes The school boards to hold tax time on were being made to encour protlncial government tools ovor at tramp hm Taxpayers other than properly ails them to expand to provide the latter ileld when the icderal Inhcgtpgpn aghlhuglp mm batters me hold 15 head oi cows anILS mom that commercial lniiIli ed stahta CLQIIVLWiih toioot nindag boorrt was touchedon the Hebra ilim lhLI boom rolls the stockpiling ol mInure thth the winter ihen re anoval to the fields is made int peesltila by deep snow AdioIaIrIg the main dIiry barn Is new ssoo squareloot pota bsra In It Is installed noth tspch automatic brink iced er tols leader union the cr Lilago trom the entry Moot silo which Is equipped with In un which holds too lens Every rooming the cows In fist out and theyLind their war gives the cows balanced diet tho com being high In energy and the heaters betas birth to protein This contributes to good milk reduction amounting to to per day per editing core the shots iced baled hay twice day And minarlis In eluding plmsphaiocalclum rich preparation eobnitIodlred salt are led in the managers and tree choice they now iced regular dry dairy concentrate as mm at rolsin tor the milling cows 0r Ldnally they had been iceding hood Irca protein They were puzzled by the tact that attend at their very best cows IIll ed to get to cell Alter manr good cows had necessarily been shipped to market ior this reI soil their veterinarian diagno DAIRYMAN ASK YOURSELF some oursoous Running low on slings hay or paint Do you need an incrcoeo in milk productioni Do you need to decrease your teed cost and bliance your ration It the same tinsel Would you like to increase your herd without having to rent or buy mote land Ii you Inawrr yrs to any at these questions you should call IL DIN NORTHERN 7P MARSHALL ST DARRIE FEEDS LTD 7138700 nations or was unaware cream Is very little production Iluclu Itlon In winter or summer iheir herd Le alllioisidn with all but inur oi the animals be ing registered 1th believe that It you went to sell surplus stock you must have stock with good iImin haokg and lfrom production records shout hack Record at periorrnoov testing they test lets them know itut mctLr when nah cow Itands In regard to production and In the herd lho Fishers operate with the lid oi one man ill ocrra they mate Is as latherartisan company under the name at FISh errala Acres Ltd Robert is married and plans to stay with the dairy business eioorno chahga tom the gen eral trend oi young people leav Ing Canadas moat Important in doslry Queens Plate Once Held Al Highlight of the wee thorough bred racing season le he the 113th nrnolag oi the Queens Plate with horse narnad Gen tinned Conn the early Iavorlte the race which was once held at Barrie In Its early years has been arranged or Saturday June 11 It is the eldest unin terrupled annual statics race in North America and was original Iv rleamed in honor at Queen Vic tor While It was eluted in lor onto lhe Plate races were held at diilnrenl pieces In the pion eer era In iiii It was held in Barrie when Iiamliton entry ownd by Roddy Prlngle horse nIIncd lilzrwnetle was the win her In more recent years the me has been held unveil It Wood bine park on Torontos outskirts MMIIDN IAtlOit The capital value at so me are CanadiIa iann has Increas ed more than 1000 per cent since till arcordia to New Holland the term parent division oi Sperry ltan eds OMotore new and rebuilt all in stock Iarm or industry alley and Sheaves irnorr Recordilxpecled Ior Grain Crops Canada should be able in move record BOD million bushels oi Prairie grain to overseas mar ketI In the current crop year stated Vogel chlci com mitsloaer ol the Canadian wheat hoard logel said he has every ex pectation the target will have been met by the time the crop year ends July it ytogel and Otto Loon lederal minister In charge or the wheat board talked to reporters at ter meeting with representatives oi railways elevator and Into shlpphig companies and labor unions in the groin trade In 113th Year Barrie Track crowd at tori saw Kennedy Road ridden by leading Jockey Sandy Illwiey win last years big event Alter long 47day meeting It Woodbine the horses return to Fort Erie for 35 days begin ning July 19 then return to oodb again the the Sept to 21 autumn meet the lore season concludes at Green wood where the race Ir at to Dec omfm seen CORN provide the provincial govern lobeta the extent tha getem gnvernrncnt vacated them in ia my meat with the lands to make mcnt has been providing mew or at capital gains tax tit xroots Ibl to eampInles toe as anplicntion oi capital gains carried on an active program In Maggots To Vegetables Itoot maggots can be very destructive group ni Inser for some oi Ontarios crops warned Irolcssor Ii Goble Depart ment oi Envsroumcntal lilo Unlvcrsrly oi Guelph in out surnc oi the tools about thi coop which Includes the cab bage maggot the onion nugget smdcorn maggot and others The appearance and habits oi or In tact says Professor Gable they are diiilcutt to tell chart Iiowovcr each sptcios is particular about it host plant the onion maggot riotaloha only on onions The cabbage maguot attacks cabbage cauliil or tor and radish cs as well as weak or the mus tard lamiiy Seed maggot ni tnck Largo sends such as corn beans peas mwrblts potato ses and newlyset tobacco Ioe lite cycles at the insects are similar All spend the winter as norm In the soil close to the roots or seeds where they devel oped the your beiore the adult litesgray ies little smaller than the house flystart to merge the first week In May Then thcy lay their eggs beside uhllsrnost oi the members yall increased Iis educational that per cent in on corpora and the provincial gavemmcnls For Depend Depend On amnion duties mild be we improve economic conditions and lens obstacle to malnlainin iarrr 119 WWM iir terms and businesses the Parnell ol mtularla pro ioluro due to staggering my sldcat oi the enunworganrxadon menu which our be made the that woman to head the Urionlhc dcnlh oi thesmvnor ex 1MP With Dalian Alidditiimk oi trauma and Don Cnm coptwhcre It is tell to husband mm mm mm sterile Ihahosl plant The tiny maggots uaoua rrnrtnsrrrr my miner mini cldmanoilhnthiun lsrcpresented as leatheelx remain by the plant tor tensor llomene institute alstrlcts no pcriod during cold periods in mcctrng aliiliaitd commodity groupa ital ureanrralions position ltrcrn Ilorris Darby oi Ilny tpun Lialtiliilg the maggots oe County Fnieratinn ls tanner secretary ol the North immcdiaicir will into the vitally concerned with the wcl Simraa Crop and Sells sirprove soil and min iii ii iii the Iil tirm people in this meal Association or years is mtorerrmioiilnssoedlhecl rouan hcaoid tlnlrsssomc the Simcoe County rcptesenta isxis vary1ho onion maggvrtuili changcs are maria In tho tax the it at 0T 3W3 iiiiiliiit uiDoUi omtincial and President during the Is nienta moderate to heavy in More levels undue hardship lvo icrm was Gordon rtitiosonoi leoostlon oi the cabbage maggot could road will hill mobile Ind eardlllow er Scod maggot will cause bald head to emerging bean And emanating corn may he dairoyrd by combination oi Injury plus rots in tile damaged MW MAGGOTS Cheerdcai control at lira mag gots was hampcred by develop ed resistance to the nonIllegal aldrln and similar insecticides Organophosphorus and cartram alo Insecticides are now mod to rontrol them llowsvrr says Professor Goble since each crop is grown diitercntiy the moth ads and rates oi Ipplicalion nod lorrnulstlen ei material vary Irorn crop to crop Threat or wile hatch in WIT11 or they may articularly in the GRAIN FARMERS THE QUAKER OATS COMPANY OF CANADA LTD OltElls GUARANTEED ltthliiEI IOll MliilNlOATShWHEAT Premium Prices For Quality Grain At Time of Delivery II Due to the Increased demand tor TIMI Groin Watts Oat roommate to Partners to income your essence oi Ontario milling oats and pulling reheat Quaker Oats 0mm re commends eowiru oi registch or omitted Rodney and Stornmrit Iced nah roe rumor INFORMATION contact your local seed dealer early For guaranteed supply of Quality Seed er phone 7436330 Groin Dept no DDAIIER oirs COMPANIOICANADAIID PETERDOROUOH ONTARIOA Compton line of belts Wo stock the sine youwant so humid ethos 726I859 CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD Phone or Write Stroud Ont 4361811 wa num

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