HAIEL nos MYRTLE oeunerre snuvruo sooner rorAMer til lm onuoerrr Til owruo HAY ruro neeoerr rote hm Finds Malnutrition routluto lho lotlorsl overrunenl they have to legis ate tho nutritional ItIoderds oi tood it current twoyeor study into Connies standards ol nus lrltlun indicates that motor pron tents exist Ink possibility qu raised by lit Shbry nnltouei coon tlutulor ot Nutrition Consdu in lllltlll to mettle tonitrurtuo oi rrlrinrl nriters and program drrnelors eponsoroti by the On tnrro mill marketing board and held It the iiyntt House Hotel Nutrition Connie Lt the name ivrn to twoyen notional urn lrlttonsl ourve launthod Ill tho deuertnrrnl vl notlonIl health runl uelinrn itr September tilt and lilo lo toutqu its ilndtnzs by October oi this your ruuuu tAtNli Need tor the survey which will cover 25000 Censdlaus in evey provinee oi Conedo in tin ng tho Yukon Ind the North West Territories vestrigrrered by medical reports lndleotlng that some sermeots oi the Clo edlen population ere suiierlng lrom relative high incidence oi elm tndioet rnIinutrltlou Dr Subry sell three mIln iuclors poverty Ignoreore oi the bodys nutritional needs and onrroi lurk oi Idcquoie run trll In the ioodnvellnblu all contribute to malnutrition To alleviate the iirst ghovern rneot could toko Ittion in stlttitlng high nutrition Ieedlull prumms In needed Ireos For the reeond he surrosted us iionIl progrnrn oi education was eroded to supplement the eiiorts oi nutritionists in the rose oi the third leylslullve notion goverruneut might be requir It the loud industry routin lies to more nulrillonnt vulue In tho dsreopmeol oi new lood oduots Wroblem vtill Dllo lnue Incidence Increasing lie Ippoeled to the mess motile to loin in nationll campaign to educate CanndlIoe on the Inn laooe ul proper Ideouete no rttton iio stressed thIl nutri tionists Iiono cannot solve the problem it the survey lsolnlrs son eiltc nutritional problems we run work on it with teachers Ind purrntsllowovcr it tho problem Is rvrdov nun more re vere then the ledersl govern rrent can bring Ibout swiiter remedy working with manning turers to oiier ioods that have improved nutritional value MAIN DEFICIENEIEh litllh Rodgers spokonnon tor the outIrIo nrtilr marketing bonrd poinltd oullhot US survey on llmllv nation habits conducted recently Imonu 13000 lemilles showed that only no rent oi households wereent og diets that could be describ edasnood Entire Family Pitches In Meeg Workitt Innioiii Form the dry IIIrts esrly in the Ghsludetto term in lnolsilt Town with noerly ltd heed oi Clint olois mile to teed Lucien Goud eito Ind his wile hiyon ere lept busy tending to the Inimeis tuners turn mot mm out Niltlmil till in it our trues our or earn it VIP hill It All sleet tanning Immediately With little experience behind themthey roon turned their term into prolitsbie establish ment The term is used mainly ior breeding oi Chrroiels esttie hir Gaudetle imports Chnroisls hulls Irons Iksnoe After going through lzmonth querIntJne the bulls are bred with domes tie rows to produce olives trhich In turn Ire Ilnuxhlered to eup ply line quality oi beet County With the in corn planting hleny nrnnhouro our pet in lion oi the Chemists settle in tlliebiurrnn ulnd the uhgio Eastern Canada till it =3 ll Theolder deughtrrsere rum xolk 193d WIW nrritt lnenllntho 4H club In lholeren onreimm schooleusm Iu September llulel Term Ind uitll It Will Ni hm hm proved to be uite the rmtv tor lilo next mornings successful team The In quruotdes srnohnvp oili th brought home the trophy tor the nod tiszeL into one horn roth bunt boiler two years in sut Ind give onitle their evenlnu melon alone with ml Miler teed ribbons irum Ioeui tairs hir module is very busy sons Lucien nnd Deon have their men on his term and as vino heart set on winning ribbon president at the Eastern Connie when they are old enough to loin rItTIhoctutiunl tit club more on work nvolves urronizlng entilo solos tor ierrn mhln and semi promotion It took on tile nod loel thsl lIrrn lu him the 13 Ind timduc in gives one the tile all week the city man looks lorwerd to the weekend Ar for hire Geudet te she so thet she would never dream or moving hook to the city not nearly 100 acres the what iIrniiy has good lilo Corn Growers Stet Ald Pholos lly Peter Northeotl LAdviSed On Seed varieties seed Pltltlllll her in producing seed oi hybrid season lust Iround thI eomer come to depend olmosl rernt pote seed rodueedinvived ior iIrrnere In Stmcoe County iyon thoiexes maierilrilityteo ns mils sterility lactating Inrlrnost other parts ui Ontrid mm Mammal at quently most corn trope hId oiilctsls oi the Censde depIrt ment at Innuan urre tth the remote mn oi the hybrid tle to the them only toomrIl emollsml seed be used The use oi lN seed ebout 9i percent oi the corn seed uro dueed to 1m hrs normal cyto pleeanIIae it resistant to southern eorn ieei blight oittrlIls claim the use oi reed should prevent my stgnii leant outbresk in Canada this tour RISK INFECIION Growers who thoose to pilot either or seed uro ink Ind By mo orurtirelly ell hybrid lire wllndlwa mm on log the risk that iniectlon muy mur imm tows overwinton lug Inlho tnun ate sees in two southern torn teal blight got out oI hind in the U3 Starting in the humid southern parts or that entry the tungo spread rapidly north into Irons where conditions were right In eludlng Ontnvio Although it won tonunon in On Inrlo late in the lesson inues were negligible With oouthosn torn lehl blight some core the nIturIl relish ones hosed on the cytoplasm or Irving materIIt Iumrlnding the nucleus in the tells As long or thin nnturIl builttn roslalsnoo provolied lu WlII tines solrtbom corn lea blight was oi Ittio Iltnileunce Following the outbreek re searchers wont book to their th rntoriu to eurolne the situo on MR GAUDETIE WITH CHAMPION HERDASIRE AND SUPIIEME CHAMPI